by Jude Cowell, partisan for American Democracy
As you've heard, Speaker of the House (Maga) Mike Johnson has now revealed that he's the "new Moses" according to the voice of God, he says. This is much too arrogant for this Protestant, especially if one supposes that Johnson believes his 'mission' is to bring down a new law from Mount Sinai - or from Capitol Hill, more like.
Then of course, mundane Jupiter represents religious and morality issues along with the financial and corporate realms. Broadcasting, propagandizing, teaching, politics - the possibilities are close to endless with expansive Jupiter, the guru or priest.
So let's take a look at the natal Jupiter of Mike Johnson, noting that his Great Benefic's position is prominent in Jupiter's own sign of Sagittarius. However, afflictions to Jupiter such as squares and inconjuncts can result in narrow-mindedness and a self-righteous attitude. But for the purpose of this post, aspects to natal Jupiter will inform us and we'll use Johnson's natal chart set for "12:00 pm CST" since an accurate birth time is hidden, last I checked.
A variety of study notes are penned on the natal chart, below, including Johnson's 10 North Eclipse which manifested on January 16, 1972 @25Cap24, with Baby Mike coming along on January 30, 1972, Shreveport, Louisiana. Other folks born into a 10 North Saros Series include: Justice Antonin Scalia, Confederate General and Freemasonic grand pooh-bah Albert Pike, former White House denizen Reince Priebus (see link, below), and the Capital City of Washington DC (May 3, 1802 with Jupiter in Leo).
As you see, 10 North themes are listed, and Capricorn eclipses relate to issues with authority figures, and with a potential for governmental work and leadership. The next 10 North eclipse occurs in February 2026 @29AQ, identifying 2026 as a busy year for "Moses Mike."
Then considering the current authoritarian atmosphere in US politics with threats of force flying through the airwaves, a disturbing sidenote is that Mike Johnson's natal Sun @9-11AQ conjuncts asteroids Nemesis (divine retribution) and Tisiphone, archetype of retaliation. As you see, Johnson's Uranus in Libra conjuncts Trump's stationary Jupiter so there's rapport between them although one-sided views may cause trouble. Additionally, Mr. Johnson's Saturn @29Taurus, a critical degree, is prominent at Station Rx and forms a dissociate opposition with Neptune in Sagittarius, an aspect which suggests potentials for criminal tendencies and/or subterfuge (A. Oken):
Mike Johnson: In the Realms of Jupiter
Jupiter square Pluto: evangelical work; religious and philosophical dogmatism; needs to remake institutions and force reforms upon others; intellectual pride and willfulness; ambitious to achieve big things; extremism leads to unpopularity.
Jupiter trine Mars: evangelical interests; puts religion into practice; expanded ambition; abundant energy and enthusiasm.
Jupiter inconjunct Saturn: a conservative attitude; a serious demeanor and discriminating nature; pomposity; legalistic; skewed perspectives; may be pennywise and pound foolish.
Well, that's all I have concerning Jupiterian "Moses Mike" with only a noon birth time for him. This is the first "In the Realms of Jupiter" post published here in quite some time so here's a list of a few of Mike Johnson's fellow Jupiterians:
Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus.
Dear Reader: please share this post if you dare! Google has stopped indexing SO'W posts so if no one finds and reads them, then I should be spending my time elsewhere. Know what I mean? Jude