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Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts

Feb 28, 2007

Dick Bomb-Magnet Cheney?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
28 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here: Breaking News.

'The basic rule is this: when Bush and Cheney move around in space, especially Middle Eastern space, other people die. A bomb magnet is going to attract bombs.' Cheney, The Bomb Magnet --The Rec Report -- By Michael Rectenwald Wednesday, 28 Feb 2007

Military chiefs give US six months to win Iraq war --Violence expected to rise after UK withdrawal --'Coalition' is 'disintegrating' 28 Feb 2007 An elite team of officers advising US commander General David Petraeus in Baghdad has concluded the US has six months to win the war in Iraq - or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support that could force the military into a hasty retreat.

Democrats Back Away From War Fund Plan 28 Feb 2007 House DemocRATic leaders are backing away from a plan to scale back US involvement in the Iraq war by using Congress' most powerful tool - withholding money in the budget. #

This makes a lot more sense when you consider the neocon-Israeli bigger picture described in Craig Unger's insightful Vanity Fair article From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq...another thanks to Alex for the link!

Netanyahu's hoofprints are showing up behind every sand dune and I remember his address to the joint session of Congress, July 10, 1996. That speech is when he called for the democratization of terroist states in the Middle East and stated that, "War might be unavoidable." Uh huh.

Perhaps someone should've smelled sulphur after that one because it sounds to me like one of those seeing-the-mote-in-your-neighbor's-eye-but-you-can't-see-the-beam-in-your-own moments...actually the whole "war on terror" comes across as part of this very basic problem...a human tendency we've all been warned against yet our learless feaders continue to demonize everybody but themselves.

(A "beam" for the whippersnapper reading this is like a two-by-four...a large plank, you might say.)

It's where we criticize in others what we refuse to acknowledge in ourselves--for if we didn't have the same trait, we wouldn't know how to recognize it, now would we?

So we think the bad stuff is "out there"...not within us. The devil made me do it--IF I did it at all. Or did I?

Ah-h-h...1996...Bill Clinton was playing prez then...I remember it well. They kept us mollified with good returns on stocks'n'bonds, and created a bottomless pit for the millions spent on supposedly "going after" Clinton.

I still say Kenneth Starr and those behind him then owe the US taxpayers a huge pile of dough...and that's not counting their Middle Eastern misadventures now--an agenda which they have No Intention of ever giving up, sad to say.

This is part of why I had reservations about the Nov 2006 elections--Dems are on the payroll as well. Do you doubt it given the "stalemates" prevalent upon The Hill now?

Jack Murtha's part in it all I have yet to understand. Is it possible there's one honest man in Washington? Pshaw. Well, Bernie Sanders perhaps.

So as evil-doers of all stripes force their holier-than-thou attitudes upon anyone handy, the Saturn-Neptune opposition continues bedeviling the entire world and the burning question remains unanswered after all these years: is it real (Saturn)--or is it PhotoShopped (Neptune)?!!

And Netanyahu, Bush, Cheney, Perle, and the rest think they can Secure the Realm--the Realm! no matter the cost to the unwashed masses who could use merely a bath, clean drinking water, and good meal or two.

Oh. And World Peace.