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Showing posts with label Carelli's 360 Degrees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carelli's 360 Degrees. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2018

DC Horoscope: Scorpio Full Moon Apr 29, 2018

Image: Horoscope of the April 29, 2018 Full Moon @9Sco38 which perfects at 8:58:06 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars @22Cap59 which pre-figures the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2019 (22Cap46). Expansive Jupiter @19Sco29 Rx, which turns Direct @13Sco20 on July 10, 2018, rises with two malevolent stars: Serpentis, aka, Unukalhai (tragedy; misfortune) and North Scale (hasty words cause problems--Mr. Trump!--; tragedy; violence (A. Louis). If you believe the Oval Office tenure of Donald Trump is bringing America tragedy and misfortune, then we're on the same page. If not, we'll see, as Mr. Trump likes to say, for there is more 'swamp-drainage' he and his minions intend to do as the hollowing out of the federal government continues. It's pretty much skeletal now.

Be that as it may or may not be, the April 2018 Full Moon in Scorpio is a snake-y sort of affair embedded with Scorpio issues of surveillance, betrayal, seeking control, lack of self-control, brooding, and with potentials for death and/or regeneration. Scorpio's Mars as chart-ruler makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets (emphasing his degree, sign, and house position) and neither does Pluto which conjoins Mars in the 2nd house of the National Treasury; the pair denotes potentials for brutal force; weaponry; violence; and people disabled in war (Ebertin)--the Veterans administration and its funding perhaps? However, Mars does apply to a sextile aspect with the Ascendant (22Sco18) (the fighting spirit) and thus, if we allow an angle, forms the base of a YOD-like pattern of crisis and/or a crossroad pointing toward to the Full Moon's corporate 8th cusp (in DC) where sits America's natal Mars and Trump's natal Sun, all @22Gemini. Mars-ASC = n Sun: a love of fighting and quarreling; focused will power. As you know, the willful Mr. 'Mars Rising' Trump often shows a natural tendency toward aggression, conflict, and stubborn will.

Now as you see, this Full Moon is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of ruthless determination toward success and forms a T-Square with the 9th house North Node denoting where new alliances and partnerships may be sought (foreign lands such as North Korea?). However, adaptation is necessary for best results and this picture is supported by the fact that the transit North Node in Leo will soon meet with America's natal North Node (a Nodal Return, every 18.6 years) which also indicates the forming of new alliances, bonds, and a potential for the breaking of weakened relationships (SN).

Basically, in Politics and US society, we should expect further secrets, scandals, and facts to be revealed by the bright spotlight of the April 29, 2018 Full Moon with Scorpionic overtones--with similar uncovering, change of direction, and fulfillment energies as a disruptive 'wild card' Lunar Eclipse would have. This Full Moon degree of Scorpio perfects near Mr. Putin's natal Venus (11Scorpio) and in Mr. Trump's natal chart, the 9Sco38/9Tau38 axis falls within his 3/9 polarity of communications, foreign lands, and significant legal matters. Apparently the Cohen and Mueller problems for Mr. Trump and his alleged relationships to Putin, Russia, money laundering, and sexual affairs (Scorpio) alunder the Collective microscope seemingly figure into the timing and planetary indicators of the April 2018 Full Moon.

And curiously, the Full Moon's Midheaven (MC) @3Vir30 futuristically points toward the degree of the symbolic Progressed (SP) New Moon of Donald Trump (horoscope shown) which perfects on September 16, 2019..."A White Child Playing with Black Children" which in his case, may be only a shout-out to White Supremacists and Klan sentiments he favors and the SP New Moon's new cycle of activity for Trump who now operates in the dark of a Balsamic Moon phase and was nominated and inaugurated under its secretive influence of endings and partings.

Now let's close with two Carelli Degrees for '9Scorpio' (he doesn't round up as with Sabian Symbols) and also for '10Scorpio' along with the Sabian Symbols for both degrees (note that Carelli's Degrees do not always provide a word picture, only an explanation):

Paraphrasing Carelli: '9Scorpio': "A Child in a Tub"...a degree of childishness. An irregular development of mind and character in childhood, an inordinately developed ego, exaggerated reactions (form) a superiority complex; restless, hypercritical, irreverent and ingenuous. Does Carelli mean 'disingenuous' or perhaps 'ingenious'?

Carelli: '10Scorpio': malice ranging from witty joke to coarse treacherousness; a lightening-like presence of mind and intuition; in stupid natives, cunning. In lower beings, a scheming brain, a soul that can exploit to the utmost the sympathy it awakens in others. The greatest faculty of dissembling and surprise, a marked political talent. In contemptible beings, double-dealing. In all cases the character will be close, silent, sphinx-like, and fond of secrecy.

Additional info on Mr. Trump may be found in a previous post Carelli's Degrees: the Natal Mercury of Donald Trump. Warning: it's very descriptive!

Quoting Dane Rudhyar: "'9Scorpio': "A Dentist at Work" (or an investigator? jc); Keynote: Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings...INVENTIVENESS." (Noted is age 7 when everyone's permanent teeth appear, including Trump's.) He adds that, "...society and civilization, which may indirectly cause tooth decay, then have to invent means to skillfully repair the damage."

'10Scorpio': "A Fellowship Supper Reunites Old Comrades" (Russian comrades? jc); "Keynote: The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences. COMRADESHIP. is emphasized." (He adds that this is a picture of, "a bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity." Well, allegedly so for Putin and Trump, plus, Cohen, Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump Trump. For as my favorite skunk Pepe Le Pew would say, it's so-o-o romantic!

Mar 8, 2018

Carelli's Degrees: the natal Mercury of Donald Trump

If you're familiar with Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (AFA, 3rd printing 1982) you know that the rounding-up method used for Sabian Symbols is not used for Carelli's Degrees. Therefore, the natal 11th house Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51) is read in Carelli's explanation of '8Cancer' for which he gives no word picture (symbol). Not all his degrees have such symbols but each degree has an explanation, empirically collected, and often with historical references.

Now as you know, Mr. Trump's natal Mercury, planet of thinking processes, communications, commerce, deals, trades, and trickery has only a square to his natal Neptune (5Libra, 2nd house of Money and Values) to depend on for moderation. As you also know, this square spotlights his pathological lying, incorrect assumptions, lack of discretion, and outright schemes to win the imaginary war he's internally fighting with the entire world. In my experience, Neptune doesn't tend to 'moderate' anything but does tend to dissolve and suggest overblown ideas and plans while undermining thinking processes and judgment, veils motives and actions, confuses issues, and attempts to deflect from the less savory characteristics a person holds. Of course, Neptunian inspiration isn't always negative but it isn't always positive either--motive always counts, such as getting oneself out of a jam via deceit and equivocation.

So let's turn to Adriano Carelli for insights into '8Cancer', the degree of Trump's natal Mercury and if any of the following sounds familiar then we're on the same page! I shall hereby quote in its entirety this Mercurial picture of the very Mercurial wheeler-dealer, Donald Trump, Uranian extraordinaire who brings chaos to whatever he touches while his Libran Jupiter shouts, it's not fair!:

"A lazy and sensuous being, much too prone to self-indulgence and wantonness. But he has horse sense and a mind cut out for life's rough-and-tumble existence and is not totally destitute of that cunning that often replaces intelligence in fools. A general tendency toward aberration and to illicit ties (in a woman this will mean easy seduction) will expose the native to the danger of adulteries or otherwise guilty intercourse threatening his married happiness and renown. As he knows no measure, not even in speaking or writing, he will be led to more or less serious indiscretions which, according to other pointers in the horoscope, may range from petty, mischievous gossip to veritable libel, from the dutiful might be sued for slander, not for abuse (unless other components give him courage enough to voice his opinions openly) as he is too cowardly to face people directly, and delights in publishing spicy gossip about them. He usually likes to entrench himself behind the responsibility of others and to hide the hand that flings the stone. A gazetteer more than a journalist, he might have success with the chronique scandaleux and, if the horoscope helps, he may lead a paper with success; otherwise he will stoop to publishing infamous defamation and anonymous letters.

EXAMPLES: James I, king of England (Sun's degree); Benito Mussolini (degree of the point of *equidistance)." * 'point of equidistance' is the Sun-Moon midpoint. jc

Now I have typed here and there since the 'election' of Donald Trump that I wish him to do well in the role because as POTUS goes, so goes our America. However, the above Mercurial explanation of Mr. Trump more than suggests that he is not in possession of the temperament or the higher ethics that the role of US president requires for best success. And since there are those who 'select' world leaders, as a Child of the Revolution I can only surmise that the undermining--no, the collapse--of America and the 'old order' of 1776 is their ultimate objective in selecting the lewd and wanton Donald J. Trump to be the man now stooping in the White House and befouling our nation by word and deed.

So am I partisan? Yes. Partisan for the common good!

Above NASA photo: planet Mercury