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Showing posts with label Mercury in Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury in Cancer. Show all posts

Jun 26, 2023

Trump Mercury Return 2023: Continual Indiscretion

Shown: Trump Mercury Return (8Can51) Horoscope of June 30, 2023 set for Bedminster, New Jersey; a new annual cycle of Mercurial matters and interests begins and includes Mercury ruling his natal 2nd and 11th houses:

As you see, for this post I've had to resort to a hand-drawn horoscope but after this evening, fresh ink cartridges are scheduled to arrive at my door and we can proceed as usual. Please enlarge or print the image to read my astro-notes penned on if need be. Notes include the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the fellow's natal Mercury "9 Cancer": "A Tiny Nude Miss Reaching in the Water for a Fish" (Jones). Now yes, there is a low-charactered interpretation of this word picture for this particular Mars in Leo bounder, but I'll leave it for you, dear reader, to consider its implications, if you care to. But let's add Jones' negative expression for "9 Cancer": "continual indiscretion."

An additional note: Herr Trump's next Mars Return occurs on July 4, 2023, which times a new cycle of activity for the orange blighter. More on this is planned for a later post. And view his natal horoscope if you must.

Now it's also significant is that every year or so when transit Mercury returns to its natal degree in Trump's chart, it repeats the Mercury-square-Neptune that he was born under with its lack of discrimination, misperceptions, lack of objectivity, and the lies and fantasies he can't stop spouting and hiding behind. The man cannot or will not follow instructions (even those laid down by judges--at his peril!), misunderstandings and disbelief occur, wrong conclusions are drawn, he questions facts with instincts that differ from reality, selective hearing or tone-deafness, and leaks and scandals occur. For him such confusing, deceptive conditions are operative all the time, of course, but his yearly Mercury Return spotlights them in some way or another - and he's off to the races, spinning tales for the gullible, passing around gossip, promoting $chemes, and mouthing insults.

Of course, mundane Mercury (the trickster and communicator) can also act as a trader, or perhaps more of a traitor in this case - certainly a documents thief. So for a few interesting details concerning propagandist Trump's Mercury in Cancer check out a previous post which provides enlightenment via Carelli's Degrees.

And so with agent orange's 2023 Return Mercury in Return 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds -- and Return Sun (vitality) posited in 6th h, too -- these are the areas of interest and engagement for him over the next year along with his natal 2nd and 11th house concerns which include finances and group endeavors. Plus, we can expect that a medical check-up is on his calendar, as it should be at his advanced age.

Then when we look to the Return Ascendant with 12th house Pluto rising at a critical 29th degree along with the Hera archetype (the legal wife; keeping accounts), we find legal eagle Saturn rising and Rx in 1st house, an inauspicious determinant for his Mercurial year since Saturn rules the return chart and its retrograde condition hints at Trump's usual delay tactic in legal matters. However, there are potentials for a variety of negative outcomes due to karmic Saturn hitting his natal Moon-MC and Neptune-Pluto midpoints such as: 'pessimism; collapse' or breakdown, 'separation; bereavement', and "untenable objectives" (R. Ebertin). Now I'm not wishing, just reading a horoscope here. Disagree and read the chart as you wish!

Then naturally with speedy little Mercury, travel is usually prominent as well via short trips, but for Trump, a journey across the ocean (Mercury in watery Cancer) is possible. After all, he retains possession of his passport, if memory serves.

2023: Two Return Aspects to Trump's Mercury

Then with Return Jupiter (@9Tau17 in Return 3rd house) sextile his Mercury, business opportunities may appear here or abroad, and his (tiresome) publishing efforts could expand. Meanwhile Saturn (@7Pis03 Rx and rising, as noted) suggests legal or other stabilizing help from an established network or system, and commerce is favored. Plus, as previously discussed, Saturn in Pisces suggests "struggling with opponents" (R. Ebertin) so Campaign 2024 is involved with orator Mercury's conditions and indications from now until his next Mercury Return on June 21, 2024 with Return Mars @9Taurus in place of this chart's Jupiter. Obviously, his 2024 Mercury Return will directly affect Election 2024 next November, assuming that Trump is active in election matters next year.

Meanwhile, you'll notice in the chart, above, that at Midheaven ('MC'), the WHY?-Career-Public-Status Point is Cupido Rx which indicates the continued involvement of organizations such as, The Network, The Family (his family, and/or the power-mad 'religious' group), The Mafia, The Criminal Syndicate/s, and/or simply anti-democratic Corporatism.

And speaking of planetary returns, a prominent return for us all has to be the 28-to-30-year Saturn Return for even a controlling person like ole man Trump cannot continue to ignore dealing with the demands of authoritative Saturn forever, with issues and lessons such as the accountability which he now faces because legal eagle planet Saturn has finally caught up with him.

References: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; and, The 360 Degrees of The Zodiac, Adriano Carelli. #ad

May 12, 2021

Liz Cheney Ousted as Trump's Mercury Rises

Rep. Liz Cheney 116th Congress Official Portrait {public domain}

May 12, 2021 Wednesday: At 9:00 am edt this morning on Capitol Hill in a meeting lasting "about 20 minutes," congressional Republicans voice-voted to oust Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming from her leadership position in the Republican Party. A voice vote means that no member had to be publicly embarrassed by their weasel vote.

Curiously, the natal Mercury of Donald Tr*mp (8Can51) was rising at exactly 9:00 am (ASC 8Can01) - or perhaps not so curiously since the 'ouster of revenge' was done at his command. Voting Mercury exalted in Gemini, and contentious Mars in Cancer and rising in 1st house, were both out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane suggesting the former guy taking his revenge on Liz Cheney from his desk way down in Mar(s)-a-Lago.

The fluctuating Moon @00Gemini, ruler of the Ascendant and thus of the proceedings, conjuncts fixed star Alcyone, keyphrase: something to cry about, but I'm guessing that ultimately the tears won't belong to Liz Cheney if the proposed formation of a new political party is successful, a third party ('29AQ': "A Third Wing on the Right Side of a Butterfly" - Jones; with the vote's 9th house Jupiter @29AQ, a critical-crisis degree).

For if a third political party with conservative, anti-Tr*mp leanings is successfully formed, it's possible that Cheney's bid for the presidency, perhaps in 2024, will make the right kind of waves that her father will be proud of. If you will, as VP Dick always said.

Closing Note: Checking out Carelli's astro-portrait of the Natal Mercury of Donald Tr*mp can provide a Mercurial image of the orange gossip-monger.

Dec 25, 2020

December 2020 Government Shutdown Timed by a Full Moon?

December 29, 2020 Full Moon in Cancer: Trump Fears Losing the Dream

by Jude Cowell

As you've undoubtedly heard, the quixotic Mr. Trump may cantankerously decide to gift the American people with a partial Christmas Government Shutdown 2020 laced with his unique brand of sour-puss politics over the omnibus Covid-relief-and-government-funding bill he'd hinted all along that he would sign.

Instead, he has balked. And has basically ruined Christmas in America by abusing his power.

Meanwhile, the House, to be called briefly back into session by Speaker Pelosi on Monday (12/28/20), will vote in an override attempt to bypass Trump's massive objection and if that effort is successful, the Senate could vote to override Mr. Whimsical's bulky recalcitrance on Tuesday (12/29/20), the day of a Full Moon @8Can53 (10:28 pm est; see horoscope in linked post, above). Now as you know, Full Moons signify a culmination stage of activities, perhaps a fulfillment of plans seeded at the previous New Moon (or before) and in this case, that would be the New Moon @23Sag08 - in other words, the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 (which hit Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, karmic planet of authority and accountability). So we find that 4 South themes ('strong emotions over money and/or relationships; an urge to suddenly end relationships' - Brady) are intimately involved in Trump's balking posture which may be appreciated via the 4 South Eclipse conjuncting his natal Sun-NN opposing Moon-SN across the mutable, changeable Gemini-Sagittarius polarity where truth and ethics matter.

Add to this the fact that December 14, 2020 was the day of the Electoral College Vote which didn't go his way and so We The People are being made to suffer under a cluster of cosmic and earthly factors now burrowing under the vengeful skin of his royal Balkiness, with his natal Leo Mars always opposing US natal Moon in Aquarius.

Significantly, all the year-end financial fuss is rather closely timed by the December 29th Full Moon which, as the Cosmos would have it, shines its bright rays revealingly upon the natal Mercury of Donald Trump (@8Can51 - only a two-minute orb!). And where his natal Mercury goes, along must trail his fantasy-spinning, error-prone Mercury-Neptune square.

Now as you know, astrological Mercury's many roles in the realms of Commerce include trading, negotiating, and making deals, and who can forget that Mr. Trump is well known for considering himself an expert in the making of them. However, in our time of crisis, we find that Despite His Boasts, Trump Again Is No Deal-Maker as Congress Seeks Pandemic Relief Bill yet the "brooding lame duck" seems to pride himself on his late-comer status in the year-end legislative process as he throws his typical monkey wrench into the works from the sandtraps of his luxurious Florida golf course.

While US taxpayers once again foot the bill for Herr Spanky's Christmas vacation, no matter how bad-tempered it turns out to be.

For a peek into January 2021, you may wish to see 117th Congress Opens.

NASA image above: Mercury

Oct 28, 2020

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2021

America 2021: Treading a Fork'd Path under Four Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

October 28, 2020: We're mere days away from the November 3rd Presidential Election with everything hanging in the balance and the American people poised at a crossroads as we face a New Year, 2021. And since eclipses 'run in the background' of society (and affect history as it turns out!), a list of 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses with a few details might come in handy at some point.

Actually, Year 2021 begins with a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 which perfects on May 26th and significantly, is the cosmic 'bookend' of the previous Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 in the rather difficult 4 South Saros Series (potentials for: frustration, strong emotions over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships). With an eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius we can expect our ongoing searches for truth and our ethical and morals concerns to continue well into 2021. Perhaps you agree that gone-astray America has much repair work to do and a large amount of reality to face especially considering the misplaced idealism that has been ineffectively guiding of our nation off a cliff. That is, repair work if we wish to follow a better path toward karmic progress. Of course, deceptive Neptune floating through its own shady sign of Pisces hasn't aided many of us on the side of clarity, has it? Instead, contagion, disease, fear, paranoia, loss, confusion, disappointment, fraud, theft, and corruption have ruled a majority of our days.

Well, I say more of Neptune's talent for creative inspiration is due!

So the next eclipse of 2021 will be an annual Solar Eclipse (not as strong as a Total of course--unless it contacts something in your chart!) on June 10th @19Gem47 in the 5 North Saros Series (visions; prophetic dreams; good insights, inspiration, and ideas). The duration of this eclipse is 3:51 so its effects may endure for nearly 4 months or years, if you can believe it. Well, it isn't as if we don't need good ideas. And inspired solutions. But hopefully, 2021's prophetic dreams and visions are not a reference to this gnarly issue, something few people are ready for, if so.

As for the June 2021 Solar Eclipse, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius, between them a common-sense Mercury-Jupiter signature. And with quick-thinking Gemini, reasoning ability and logic will be most important if we are to have any chance of making karmic progress in 2021. To me this suggests a Biden administration of professionals who know how to govern although you are welcome to disagree. And yes, we should acknowledge that 19-20 Gemini conjuncts Trump's Gemini trio (Uranus-NN-Sun) so if he's still on the scene (and he will be, a hulk lurking somewhere) he will use his inherent capriciousness, duplicity, and superficiality to interfere with America's karmic progress (whether he's in the White House or not) bwo regressive, reactionary policies and conspiratorial propaganda.

However, for Trump this eclipse may imply a Geminian news network or a show of some kind for the old geezer in lieu of fours more years in the White House. (His natal Sun-Moon opposition will be eclipsed, after all.) Plus, I'm fairly certain that his loquacious Mercury in emotional Cancer would adore such an opportunity to whine in a new format where he can continue to 'show off' his own version of truth via the natal Mercury-Neptune square that misinforms his sneaky mind and inspires him to invent malicious schemes. A network or show if lock-up is avoided, that is.

Next up is a partial Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 on November 19th. This falls within the Pleiades Constellation, not my favorite area of the heavens for it contains nasty, violent Algol, in the Head of the Medusa, a star known for 'piled up corpses' in China. Trump's natal Midheaven (his life's goal: piled up corpses) is nearby the Taurus Eclipse which occurs in opposition to Biden's natal Sun and Venus in late Scorpio, plus, Biden's natal Mercury-ASC midpoint which suggests lots of meetings, discussions, and perhaps a search for a person who compliments his abilities in some way (eclipse in Biden's natal 7th house). For Trump the Taurus Eclipse manifests in his 10th house of Career so for best results he should concern himself with matters that involve his integrity (?) and how he serves the public. Not that service to others is one of his personal qualities, I'm just reading the eclipse placement here so obviously, to me if not to you, this relates to certain lacks in his character and his focus on materialism (Taurus, the builder). This could conceivably be a reference to financial legal matters for Trump particularly if he's out of office in January 2021 - and especially if Democrats keep the House and flip the Senate (admittedly a dream of mine--you caught me). For as you know, both Solar and Lunar Eclipses are similar to quirky planet Uranus and are 'wild cards of the Universe' that tend to uncover secrets and inconvenient facts.

Now, dear reader, my new printer-scanner should be arriving in Raleigh no later than November 3rd and if set-up proceeds as planned, a DC Horoscope of the significant, Total December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 South Saros Series will soon be published here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. As you may imagine, there's much to say about its portents, but for now, I'll add that 5 South themes involve potentials for good news, peak experiences of joy (!), and long-lasting benefits! (Sagittarian eclipse implications are mentioned, above with 2020's 4 South.)

For Joe Biden the December 2021 12Sag Eclipse falls within his natal 1st house which personalizes it for him, and for Trump it occurs in his natal 4th house of Domestic Scene, one of the psychological houses where his natal Sag Moon-South Node conjunction resides, a cosmic marker for emotional estrangement, bottomless emotional needs, and difficult relationships.

Well, it's to be Sag-to-Sag eclipses, so perhaps during 2021, karmic progress will be made after all! So make of this as you will, dear reader, and dare to leave an on-topic comment as you wish. Or, wait to comment on the 12Sag horoscope!

Note: no comments from You 'Anonymous' and 'Unknown', don't bother because No useless trolling will be published from you ever again. jc

A Related Post: January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America.

Eclipse notes: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Which may be considered an #ad by Google, I really don't know. jc

Image: A Fork'd Path; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell

Jun 20, 2019

August 11, 2019: both Jupiter and Uranus stand still!

June 20, 2019: Here is the August 11, 2019 Horoscope set for Washington DC at the moment (9:37:13 am edt) when Jupiter Stations @14Sag30 (3rd house of Communications) then begins forward movement (as it seems from Earth). Transit Jupiter reaches 15 Sagittarius on or about August 30 and will pass its April 10 Direct Station degree of 24Sag21 (when the planet's retrograde period began) on November 5, 2019 at 9:36:31 pm est after which Jupiterian issues, concerns, projects, and people will make better progress and horizons will broaden. Plus, in the realms of Politics and Finance, a Jupiterian figure's delaying tactics may cease to be effective in November although some improvement in such matters may be noticed around August 11 or afterward.

As you see, Jupiter's August 11, 2019 change of direction chart shows 27Vir34 rising and 27Gem14 at Midheaven so that Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer (just barely into 10th house) rules both the Ascendant and the Goal Point (MC) yet the Messenger planet makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects in this chart which emphasizes its sign and house positions. Naturally, the Sabian Symbols are enlightening for the degrees of each planet, eclipse, station, angle, etc but only the symbol for Mercury's degree (rounded-up to '30 CANCER') is penned upon the chart, upper center..."A Daughter of the American Revolution". Make what you will of this!

Now Jupiter is highlighted in green (if you can see it!) and rebellious Uranus is highlighted in pink because Uranus also changes direction on August 11, 2019 @6Tau36:54, turning retrograde 12 hours and 49 minutes after Jupiter's about-face. As a pair, the combined energies of the Jupiter-Uranus duo indicates potentials for reforms and breakthroughs but also for 'civil unrest (strikes, protests) due to legal or religious systems that stifle justice for the common people' and/or for 'applying legal methods against breakdowns in order' (Munkasey). Often the duo relates to scientific breakthroughs and discoveries (at conjunction--their next on April 21, 2024 @21Tau50) along with a tendency toward a certain form of deafness when the opinions of others are not wanted to be heard!

Now let's note that the 2019 Mars Return of Donald Trump occurs the next day--August 12, 2019 (marked upon the chart, lower right). Also, this chart shows the Sun's return to its and the Moon's degree of the August 11, 2018 eclipse--The Tower Solar Eclipse @18Leo41. Significant in 2019? Probably since Establishment agencies, politicians, and their enablers continue their attempts the break down or destroy the various towers that Trump built! Or at least, they pretend that his destruction is their goal. But are We The People being fooled by a political charade with tyranny the goal? I ask because history tends to rhyme so I must wonder if America's Trumpian lesson echoes the fate of the Roman Empire which eventually gave up its republican form of government and turned toward autocracy and the one-man-rule of Augustus Caesar. Now we watch as "stable genius" Trump and his minions work hard toward converting our nation into this very thing. Any thoughts? No?

Well, here are a few words from a book I'm currently reading and recommending (stop me if you've heard this one):

"No republic is eternal. It lives only as long as its citizens want it. {And} when a republic fails to work as intended, its citizens are capable of choosing the stability of autocratic rule over the chaos of a broken republic...Rome offers a lesson about how citizens and leaders of a republic might avoid forcing their fellow citizens to make such a tortured choice." (Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell Into Tyranny, by Edward Jay Watts).

And as most if not all Americans know, Benjamin Franklin is famous for his answer to a question which echoes from America's founding days...what form of government was created in 1776? "A Republic, if you can keep it."

Sadly I must doubt that the Trump voters of 2016 fully realized the risk they took by replacing our republic, broken as it was, with an autocracy--not of order and stability but one made unstable by more chaos than we had before under the 'guidance' of Uranian Trump who doesn't seem to have ever met an authoritarian dictator he doesn't intend to emulate.

Two Related Posts: 2019 'Wild Card' Uranus Activates The Tower Eclipse and Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

May 15, 2019

US Mercury-Pluto Opposition w more Pluto (by transit)

May 15, 2019: As anyone who uses one of the various July 4, 1776 horoscopes to represent America knows, our national Mercury Rx in Cancer is opposed by Pluto Rx in Capricorn. In the 5:09 pm LMT chart, below, this opposition falls across the 2/8 axis with all the Taurus-Scorpio issues it brings. And of course, the Cancer-Capricorn axis relates to security, the domestic scene, nurturance, national issues including patriotism, public status concerns, and the Capricornian realms of business, law, and government. Besides obvious surveillance and spying issues, a Mercury-Pluto opposition tends toward potentials such as an obsession with social concerns and the responsibility for solving them, fear and anxiety, competence, impatience, and a habit of becoming arrogant when challenged lest America's credibility is being questioned.

Now this post is not about the May 18 2019 Full Moon @27Sco38, the 'flower moon', but its DC Horoscope is used, below, as a transit chart set around America's natal chart, the 5:09 pm version that I most frequently use. Outside the Full Moon chart are penned Trump's natal planets highlighted in a lovely shade of lavender. And as you see in US natal 6th house, transit ('tr') Mercury @24Tau24 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal Point, so with the 6th house relating to military service (among other things), we could mention Trump's apparent tendency toward war with Iran (or Venezuela, or___). But we won't.

Other than to say that he seems to be following the Bush-Cheney playbook of re-election via the waging of war (under tutelage of warhawk John Bolton--him again), and of course, a war would serve Big T as yet another distraction from his political problems at home.

Here are the DC Horoscope/s in bi-wheel form with the main point of this post to follow:

Highlighted in green: transit Pluto @23Cap00 Rx within orb of America's natal Pluto position (27Cap32) in natal 2nd house of the National Treasury opposite US Mercury @24Can11, with all three planets in retrograde motion. In 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, Debt, and Transformation you see Trump's natal Saturn conjunct US natal Mercury, a cosmic picture of our depression, suppression, and the isolation of America he has caused. Schemes, criticism, and aggravating circumstances come along with this planetary connection as well and brings to mind Trump's 'trade war' with China and the harsh conditions it's causing or will cause our farmers and others.

Plus, Trump's natal Saturn conjunct US natal Mercury accounts in part for his limited popularity with the public while his Venus opposing US natal Pluto keys the constant emotional upsets (his and ours!) and his desire to force his and his donors' demands upon us. Trump's lack of trust in US systems and institutions is also suggested by the Venus-Pluto pairing as are organized crime, hidden wealth, and immorality.

Now it's true that multiple transits are in play right now yet the reason Mercury-Pluto with more Pluto (by transit) is highlighted here is the main point of this post. For that, I refer you to Michael Munkasey's Midoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for its Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis information concerning the Mercury-Pluto pair of energies within the realms of Politics and Business:

"Thesis: High security communications and intelligence activities; political talk which offers abrupt changes to some functions; communications satellites; news of space exploration, orbital weapons, or toxic gases.

Anti-Thesis: Secrets concerning the business community or transportation systems; communications within the intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; breakdowns in the road networks."

Add more Pluto to Mercury-Pluto and we have: "A ruthlessness when seeking whatever information you desire; increased needs to hide your actions and activities from others; increased likelihood of hearing depressing information; the end of discouraging information."

And that's the end of this post. Except to say that,

Stars Over Washington never asks for donations so Please Share this or another post if you appreciate!

Nov 9, 2018

Astro-Notes on acting AG Matthew Whitaker circa 2006

The Wikipedia page of Trump's newly named acting AG Matthew Whitaker (politician) gives his birth date as October 29, 1969, Ankeny, Iowa so let's take a peek at the planets on that day to suss him out a bit for it seems we'll be stuck with him. His Sun is in Scorpio but naturally only a range of degrees for his natal Moon can be ascertained without an accurate birth hour. His Luna position during the 24 hours of his birth day varies from 21Gem16 to 3Can24 thus creating two potential Sun-Moon personality blends. Brief details of both are listed, below, and are taken from the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

Plus, details concerning Mr. Whitaker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') follow along with a few of the transiting planets for November 7, 2018 which link to Whitaker's natal planets on that day (with the DOJ's chain of command ignored by Trump = unconstitutional).

An ethereal, misty Water-Air Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini denotes a passionate yet detached fellow gifted with the psychological understanding of a counselor and therapist. Endlessly curious and insightful about human emotions, Whitaker can be volatile, restless, satirizing, voyeuristic and tends to engage in off-again on-again involvements. One Image for Integration stands out: "Trivial Pursuits goes macabre."

A Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini blend also pertains to Fyodor Dostoyevsky who informed us that, "If the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own likeness."

A sentimental, emotional double Water blend of Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer suggests the 'mailed fist in a velvet glove' sort of person who is very perceptive, clannish, shrewd, and charismatic with a strong sense of duty. This is a tough-and-tender combo of energies which can suddenly morph into exterminator mode and can "feel where things are at," then take actions to restore harmony. He allows subjective hunches to replace objective reasoning and can sink into self pity via an egocentric sensitivity (which sounds like Donald Trump).

Even this blend's Image for Integration sounds Trumpian whose natal Mercury (thought processes; communications) in Cancer tends to be clannish and shrewd as well: "A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage." How amusing in view of the fact that Mr. Trump feels a need to declare that he's "not a baby"! So as you can tell, I'm leaning toward a secretive Cancer Moon for Mr. Whitaker to 'go with' Trump's clannish, shrewd natal Mercury in Cancer although a Gemini Moon would resonate well with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio.

Now two quotes from a couple of famous Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer natives:

"There is a homely adage which runs, 'speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far'." - Theodore Roosevelt; and amusingly, "So live that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." - Will Rogers.

So as you know, Matt Whitaker was named acting AG on November 7, 2018 beneath the darkened rays of a New Moon @15Sco11 (when shady activities can flourish). In no particular order, transits to his natal planets (sans natal Moon) include:

Mars trine natal Mercury (25Libra): thoughts can be turned into action, mentality is energized, good news and/or good fortune arrive/s, lots of meetings are held, and business ventures are favored.

Venus Rx conjunct natal Mercury (26Libra): agreeable meetings and communications with allies involved in joint endeavors.

Authoritative planet of karma Saturn sextile natal Sun (6Scorpio): an opportunity is provided via a more mature or senior authority figure to demonstrate leadership ability--a chance to 'get ahead' is offered.

Saturn trine natal Saturn (5Taurus Rx): making plans, lifestyle changes are stabilized.

Saturn square natal Uranus (6Libra): great tension, challenges, and upsets.

Pluto sextile natal North Node (20Pisces) - both planet and point are karmic: destiny beckons, reaping the benefits of past actions (he's written and given his opinion on legal matters in Trump's favor multiple times), and...powerful events change the future.

A 7 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse

As for Matthew Whitaker's PE, it manifested prior to his birth on September 11, 1969 @18Vir53 in the 7 South Saros Series with themes of: 'force, anger, and power' via the 'Mars-Pluto energies contained in 7 South's initial eclipse' of June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump's natal Mercury @8:51!); 'huge obstacles will suddenly, easily clear, or, negatively, a pending potential crisis will manifest with a sense that everything is moving at great speed' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). A 7 South eclipse last manifested on October 3, 2005 @10Libra (between Whitaker's natal Venus @15Libra and Uranus @6Libra) and will next perfect on October 14, 2023 @21Libra 'eclipsing' his natal Jupiter (20Lib41) and occurring near the natal Jupiter (17Libra) of Donald Trump.

So as it turns out, both men are charter members of the "it's not fair!" club of Jupiter in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice. A cozy connection, perhaps, but there are a few other planetary links not so cozy between their natal planets which I may discuss in a future post if Mr. Whitaker manages to hang on to his new exalted position in the Department of Justice.

Aug 21, 2018

Astro-Notes on the Natal Mercury of Donald Trump

The Objective Truth and Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

To my March 2018 post concerning the natal Mercury of Donald Trump and its position of '8 Cancer' in Carelli's Degrees (which is spot-on if you haven't read it), here are some basic facts about Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer which seem to me to particularly apply to Donald Trump who continues to tease about sitting down for an 'interview' with Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing RussiaGate inquiry. For as you know, astrological Mercury, our mutable and changeable 'tofu planet', rules many things...among them: the mind, thinking processes, teaching and learning, speech, hearing and all the senses, interviews, testimonies, perjury, negotiations, oaths, decisions, news, gossip, tweets and communications of all sorts along with commerce, trade, travel, and theft:

Mercury in Cancer indicates a mind that is influenced by deep-seated emotional patterns and desires which cause one to look at some facts while ignoring others. This allows bias, prejudice, a lack of objectivity, and incorrect judgments to result. A good memory may be denoted due to the emotional intensity associated with various thoughts and learning often occurs through osmosis rather than by traditional teaching methods. The osmosis accounts in part for his tendency to 'listen to the last thing he heard someone say' and then to spout it as his own thought which can change in a flash due to high susceptibility to the thoughts, opinions, and attitudes of those in his environment (ex: FOX News). Emotional appeals hold particular sway over Mercury in Cancer's thinking with patriotism on the top of the list (Cancer = home, homeland, family, mother, women, real estate, nurturing such as food, comfort, familiar surroundings). As you must have noticed, Mr. Trump exhibits 24/7 the Mercury in Cancer trait of believing that whatever is done or spoken within his environment is directed expressly or exclusively toward him.

Supremely subjective (and with me-first Mars rising), Trump also suffers from being stuck in the past with slights and injuries forever remembered (or imagined) although they may have blossomed beyond recognition into worse than was ever intended; meanwhile, present reality becomes distorted to the point of neurosis and a morbid imagination may be one of the outcomes.

If Mercury in Cancer is negatively afflicted as is his by a square from natal Neptune in Libra, untruthfulness, deceit, and a self-created fantasy world are prevalent such as we see through Trump's Mercury afflicted (squared) by nebulous Neptune, planet of lies, falsehoods, deceit, fraud, loss, misconception, fantasy, tall tales, self-deception, gas lighting, and confusion. These Neptunian effects are made stronger due to the fact that the square from Neptune is his Mercury's only planetary aspect so no other planet adds what could have been a speck of objectivity to his thinking via 'tofu planet' Mercury which soaks up whatever it touches. For Mr. Trump, it only soaks up watery urge-to-merge Neptune!

And as astrologer Alan Oken aptly terms it, a Mercury-Neptune square is an aspect of "The Sneaky Mind" and whether the secretive Mr. Trump tells lies unconsciously or not, Hillary Clinton's natal Mercury-Saturn square in the White House would have been more serious, studious, and fact-based than the morass of deceit, betrayal, and disappointment America stews in now as stirred by Donald Trump--these days always operating in pearl-clutching mode because he can't keep up with all the lies he's told and is afraid to be challenged over his many tall tales.

Recommended Reading: The Astrologer's Handbook by Sakoian and Acker.

Above photo: speedy little Mercury (NASA)

Jul 10, 2018

Astro-Notes and an Eclipse for Judge Brett Kavanaugh; June 1, 2006 Judge Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Kennedy in the Rose Garden

All over the news cycle today is Trump's SCOTUS nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Someone at The Hill opines that Kavanaugh Will Not Uphold Roe. On The Federalist Society's short list, Trump could hardly go 'wrong' choosing any of the names to nominate since they were all pre-vetted for the purpose of overturning Roe v Wade and for other decisions intended to shove US society further toward the right, our civil and other rights notwithstanding. Plus, for Trump, Judge Kavanaugh has that extra quality--that apparently his vote will be Trump's trump card to get out of jail free if a case against Mr. Trump should ever come before the Supreme Court. Yet because Judge Kavanaugh may not be the one to take a seat on the SCOTUS bench, let's not spend much energy on him at this point. But we should note that, as reported by The Boston Globe, Born inside the Beltway, Brett Kavanaugh is part of the GOP legal elite so what could possibly go wrong for the rest of us non-elites with Brett on the exalted bench?

Brief Astro-Notes: Brett Kavanaugh

Born in Washington DC on February 12, 1965, the 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh sports an Air-Water personality blend of Sun Aquarius-Moon Cancer with both luminaries remaining in their respective signs for the 24-hour period. Therefore, the humanitarianism of Aquarius and the subjective, clannish tribalism of Moon-ruled Cancer mix to form an idealistic man with a social conscience, a progressive thinker but one who is also emotionally old-fashioned. This makes sense if his aim is to regress American society back to the 1950s by playing the role of an 'activist judge' for he prefers the values and morals of the past. And his Cancer Moon may reveal emotional immaturity at times and is sympatico with Trump's natal Mercury in Cancer.

Actually, this Sun-Moon combination of energies suggests that underneath a friendly veneer Judge Kavanaugh can be naive and detached when scrutinizing others and tends to rationalize the irrational. The unconscious prejudices of this 'kind-hearted rebel' may be somewhat hidden by a warm demeanor while his eccentric ideas may or may not motivate the masses. Motivate them toward protest and rebellion, as his nomination has already done, most likely!

Now Charles and Suzi Harvey provide two Images for Integration for the Sun AQ-Moon Cancer blend: "A social worker bypasses bureaucracy to save a mother and child...A childhood memory becomes the basis of a new world order." Within my common-good way of thinking, the first image is difficult to fathom for an anti-government Trump Man but the second is easily believed. After all, this natal personality blend is shared by FDR (and by misogynist Norman Mailer and former Russian president Boris Yeltsin).

Consider the following excerpt from a previous post:

In Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s The Coming of the New Deal (1958) he quotes Machiavelli at the front of the book saying, "There is nothing...more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things."

At the end of the book, he quotes Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells describing FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

2 South: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Judge Kavanaugh soon repeats

What an apt solar theme for being named to the SCOTUS bench! A solar eclipse in Kavanaugh's 2 South Saros Series perfects on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn with a theme of: joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from them (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Prior to the birth of Baby Brett, the eclipse manifested on December 4, 1964 @12Sagittarius, the position of the US natal Ascendant in our late afternoon charts. And if born near midnight of his birth date, Brett Kavanaugh's natal Moon is @15Cancer and thus will be eclipsed on January 6, 2019.

A Few 2018 Transits to Kavanaugh's Natal Planets (Noon positions)

Not knowing his birth time clouds the astro-picture of Brett Kavanaugh yet we can make a few general observations using a noon natal horoscope set for February 12, 1965 Washington DC. Born during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo, Kavanaugh shares the generational influences of this conjunction which suggests possibilities for higher consciousness, inventiveness, and/or perhaps tendencies toward violence, revolution, and anarchy.

His natal Jupiter-Neptune opposition is about to be visited by Station Direct Jupiter, today @13Sco20, its Station degree and minute. As the expansive planet moves forward for Kavanaugh, transit Jupiter in Scorpio will again oppose his natal Jupiter (17Taurus) with the third and final opposition occurring on or about September 6, 2018. During this period opportunity knocks but 'no one is impressed' with his efforts which may be seen as overblown yet he's feeling an 'urge for greener pastures'. (Obviously, the 'no one' is not a member of the GOP, his sponsors.)

Also, transit Jupiter is in process of conjoining natal Neptune (19Sco59) with the third and final 'dreamy' conjunction on or about September 19, 2018--and the rose-colored glasses are in constant use. However, going on a spiritual retreat would be more beneficial for him than falling for any pie-in-the-sky schemes which may be presented, successful SCOTUS bid or not.

Now as you know, transit Mars turned retrograde on June 27, 2018 @9AQ13, a shift of direction which occurred upon Brett Kavanaugh's natal Venus. This suggests the forming of new alliances, renewed physical efforts, and enthusiastic social events. Legal matters are a major focus under this transit which will re-occur due to Rx Mars. Groups are somehow involved due to Mars and Venus being in Aquarius so this transit seems to look ahead toward the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019, as noted.

Not nearly as rosy is the fact that Kavanaugh's natal Moon in Cancer has or will be opposed by transit Saturn in Capricorn though it's difficult to time this important transit without an accurate birth hour. Using the Moon's noon position of 7Can47, transit Saturn has begun its three oppositions, the third and final of which will perfect on November 30, 2018. A depressive influence, this Saturnian year for him may merely involve the professional realms such as the law, the court, judgeship, and taking on major responsibilities, or it can suggests family, health, or other personal problems--or a blend of both (Career vs Home Life) and with timing issues involved. And of course if his Moon is in a late degree of Cancer, this restrictive, delaying Saturnian influence could continue into 2019. Yet this transit to Moon by solid, sober Saturn is one of only two transits listed here without an element of dreaminess so perhaps it will provide the Judge with real possibilities he can count on. For when working together Moon-Saturn can indicate ambition, strategy, and direction (Tyl).

As for opponents of the SCOTUS nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, today's position of opinionated Mercury in mid-Leo opposes the Judge's natal Mercury in mid-Aquarius which provides a rather clear image of what's in store as his pre-vetted nomination hearings get underway (assuming he makes it to Capitol Hill to play his role in the Capitol Hill Theater production, Let's Rubber Stamp Kavanaugh! If the GOP can get away with it!)

So any time transit Mercury opposes natal Mercury we expect such potentials as verbal disputes, differing opinions, and questions left unanswered. Sounds like a typical day on Capitol Hill, yes, but the result of this particular charade is pre-determined, no matter what Mercury thinks or says. For after all, Kavanaugh's natal North Node @21Gemini (NN = future direction; destiny) conjoins the 10th house Gemini trio of Donald Trump--his Uranus-NN-Sun--and all conjoin US natal Mars in Gemini--so therefore, all square US natal Neptune in Virgo which can only add to the confusion, deception, and fantasy elements of the Kavanaugh-Trump relationship.

And one more transit--Neptune today @16Pis22 Rx conjoins Kavanaugh's natal Chiron (16Pis49) which suggests to me that something involving his mentor (Chiron in Pisces) is not fully revealed or is being purposefully evaded. Judge Kavanaugh's mentor is said to be Justice Anthony Kennedy whose recent retirement has made Kavanaugh's seating on the SCOTUS bench possible at this time. Is masking Neptune, planet of scandals, fraud, falsehoods, and propaganda, attempting to veil secrets concerning the Kavanaugh-Kennedy-Trump trio and their past financial dealings?

A Saturnian Transit Note re: Donald Trump

As we've previously discussed, all through 2018 'legal eagle' Saturn in transit has been performing a series of squares and oppositions to the natal Mercury-Neptune square of Donald Trump, a fantasist who seldom if ever discriminates between fact and fiction. The next exact such transit by realistic Saturn is another square to his natal Neptune on November 11, 2018, then a final opposition to Trump's natal Mercury befalls on December 10, 2018. As goes POTUS, so goes America.

May 20, 2018

DC Horoscopes: All Four 2018 Cardinal Ingresses

As you may remember, year 2018 opened its cosmic curtains with a New Moon @26Capricorn54 which perfected very near US natal Pluto (27:33) and echoed RNC 2016 when disruptive Uranian Donald Trump was nominated for the US presidency. For an overview of 2018, here are previous posts showing DC horoscopes of the 2018 Cardinal Ingresses which mark the beginning of each season of the year: Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox 2018 (with chart details) followed by a view of the Winter Solstice 2018 horoscope which is also set for our nation's capital:

Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and shown below...

Winter Solstice December 21, 2018 5:22:46 pm est Washington DC; Hour Mars; chart-ruler Moon in Gemini in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Large Institutions; Mars-Neptune at Midheaven denotes weakness and failure and echoes America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected action and confused motivation; the 'fog of war' may be suggested; evaluating Venus in Scorpio in the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking leads a Locomotive shape of ruthless ambition and her trine to cloudy Neptune suggests what you see penned in the center of the horoscope including monetary fraud and an inflated Treasury, or, inflation used to control a nation's finances. the 2nd house of the National Treasury holds the Solstice's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series, aka, The Tower Eclipse which manifests on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 (DC horoscope shown). The 2NN began in 1928 if that tells us anything:

That Tweeter-in-Chief--You Know the One

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbled notes if you wish; highlighted in pink (for bullies like you-know-who) are most of Donald Trump's natal placements, and as you see, his natal Mercury precisely rises in the chart along with transit *Hades and asteroid Hebe (the server; also a Hebrew indicator), both retrograde. Fixed star Alhena ('the wound in Achilles' heel'--bone spurs?; and, to have a mission--to tweet, perchance to tweet alone) also rises, plus, North Node in 1st house is fortuitous and points toward starry Procyon (short-lived opportunities)--perhaps they are our own chances to improve our lot and make karmic progress within this kitten-in-string condition of ours.

A cadent Winter Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 is in 6th house of Military-Police-Civil-Service (and Health) as are Mercury and Jupiter--conjunct upon malevolent, headstrong, royal star and Watcher of the West, Antares, a red star of war and/or violence. Meanwhile, the Tail of the Dragon (South Node) @26Cap55 is in process of swiping US natal Pluto Rx as it nears Donald Trump's natal Vertex (VX, a point of fated encounter; his @22Cap51) and if you look, bottom right, I've penned a note--that the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunction will 'hit' the natal VX of Mr. Trump. Basically, the Winter Solstice 2018 Nodal axis spotlights America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of propaganda, intelligence gathering, political talk of reforms, secrets, orbital weaponry, space exploration, toxins, and self-destructive impulses in business (Munkasey).

As for current nuclear issues, destructive, transforming Pluto (planet of plutonium), is at a critical degree (20Capricorn), power asteroid Toro, often active in nuclear or atomic charts, conjoins South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, and creator-destroyer Siva sits upon the 8th cusp conjunct US natal Pluto. And of course, as noted, there's Trump's natal Vertex in the midst of them all.

Of course, many other chart factors are worth noting for those who dare but I must leave them to you now as the Gemini Moon in 12th house hides away while activating Trump's natal Uranus (his 'guiding planet' in his 10th house of Career and Public Status) and note that the Moon-Uranus combination of energies in Political Astrology indicates excited people, and--an emotionally immature leader who rules by whim.

Uranian planet *Hades: a Scorpio-Virgo quality which adds fragmentation; associated with the Greek god Hades or Pluto; the Underworld (mythological or criminal-jc); the hidden; debris, recycling; unpleasant things; analysis; breaking down into parts; antiquity; ancient cultures; Astrology; Jazz; a study from the distant past (genealogy? jc); artifacts of past cultures; used items; discarded marriage partners; adopted children or stepchildren; karmic references ( New Insights into Astrology, Nona Gwynn Press).

Also of note in 2018 comes our annual 242nd Independence Day, aka, America's Solar Return 2018 with karmic Saturn, planet of accountability, authority, authenticity, limitation, delay, status quo, work, The Establishment, law, government, and business uppermost in the horoscope set for Washington DC.

Mar 8, 2018

Carelli's Degrees: the natal Mercury of Donald Trump

If you're familiar with Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (AFA, 3rd printing 1982) you know that the rounding-up method used for Sabian Symbols is not used for Carelli's Degrees. Therefore, the natal 11th house Mercury of Donald Trump (8Can51) is read in Carelli's explanation of '8Cancer' for which he gives no word picture (symbol). Not all his degrees have such symbols but each degree has an explanation, empirically collected, and often with historical references.

Now as you know, Mr. Trump's natal Mercury, planet of thinking processes, communications, commerce, deals, trades, and trickery has only a square to his natal Neptune (5Libra, 2nd house of Money and Values) to depend on for moderation. As you also know, this square spotlights his pathological lying, incorrect assumptions, lack of discretion, and outright schemes to win the imaginary war he's internally fighting with the entire world. In my experience, Neptune doesn't tend to 'moderate' anything but does tend to dissolve and suggest overblown ideas and plans while undermining thinking processes and judgment, veils motives and actions, confuses issues, and attempts to deflect from the less savory characteristics a person holds. Of course, Neptunian inspiration isn't always negative but it isn't always positive either--motive always counts, such as getting oneself out of a jam via deceit and equivocation.

So let's turn to Adriano Carelli for insights into '8Cancer', the degree of Trump's natal Mercury and if any of the following sounds familiar then we're on the same page! I shall hereby quote in its entirety this Mercurial picture of the very Mercurial wheeler-dealer, Donald Trump, Uranian extraordinaire who brings chaos to whatever he touches while his Libran Jupiter shouts, it's not fair!:

"A lazy and sensuous being, much too prone to self-indulgence and wantonness. But he has horse sense and a mind cut out for life's rough-and-tumble existence and is not totally destitute of that cunning that often replaces intelligence in fools. A general tendency toward aberration and to illicit ties (in a woman this will mean easy seduction) will expose the native to the danger of adulteries or otherwise guilty intercourse threatening his married happiness and renown. As he knows no measure, not even in speaking or writing, he will be led to more or less serious indiscretions which, according to other pointers in the horoscope, may range from petty, mischievous gossip to veritable libel, from the dutiful might be sued for slander, not for abuse (unless other components give him courage enough to voice his opinions openly) as he is too cowardly to face people directly, and delights in publishing spicy gossip about them. He usually likes to entrench himself behind the responsibility of others and to hide the hand that flings the stone. A gazetteer more than a journalist, he might have success with the chronique scandaleux and, if the horoscope helps, he may lead a paper with success; otherwise he will stoop to publishing infamous defamation and anonymous letters.

EXAMPLES: James I, king of England (Sun's degree); Benito Mussolini (degree of the point of *equidistance)." * 'point of equidistance' is the Sun-Moon midpoint. jc

Now I have typed here and there since the 'election' of Donald Trump that I wish him to do well in the role because as POTUS goes, so goes our America. However, the above Mercurial explanation of Mr. Trump more than suggests that he is not in possession of the temperament or the higher ethics that the role of US president requires for best success. And since there are those who 'select' world leaders, as a Child of the Revolution I can only surmise that the undermining--no, the collapse--of America and the 'old order' of 1776 is their ultimate objective in selecting the lewd and wanton Donald J. Trump to be the man now stooping in the White House and befouling our nation by word and deed.

So am I partisan? Yes. Partisan for the common good!

Above NASA photo: planet Mercury