Aug 27, 2023: Bright Saturn Shines Opposite the Sun
by Jude Cowell
Tropically speaking, in Mundane Astrology, because karmic Saturn, lord of many realms such as: Time, reality, authority, responsibility, accountability, maturity, wisdom, restriction, control, limits, borders, form, structure, consolidation, old age, conservatism, blockages or obstacles, loss, the status quo, The Establishment, the system, and laws, opposes the Virgo Sun on August 27, 2023, we can be certain that the word perigee will pop up all over the internet any minute now. Already has done, in fact!
For on that day, the Earth passes between Saturn and the Sun, a cosmic event that contains all manner of advantages for astronomers, but for Stars Over Washington's purposes, let's settle for a DC Horoscope set for August 27, 2023 4:28 am edt which is when my astrology program calculates an exact opposition between Sun and Saturn. Chart factors and astro-notes are thus generated, some of which are typed below the following Horoscope with astro-notes scribbled upon the image for your consideration.
The notes include the 'PE' in the 7 North Saros Series during which the Saturn perigee 2023 occurs, highlighted in orange, in 10th house @29Ari50 - conjunct the January 6, 2021 insurrection's Mars position and, as I've noted in previous posts, this lunation also times a "birthday eclipse" for Herr Adolf. Then will bunker boy sit up or merely roll over?
Meanwhile, the 7 North eclipse's throwback to J6 Mars increases potentials in August 2023 for zealotry, violence, and/or criminal actions - hopefully blocked by Saturnian forces! - such as those perpetrated on that day when the US Congress was assaulted and its work of certifying the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden was disrupted for a few hours.
So to me it seems significant that the Vertex ('VX') in the August Horoscope @23Sag37 (5th house) points toward a fated encounter of some kind, perhaps legal, which concerns the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 as what I've termed the Electoral College Vote 2020 Eclipse which 'justified' in the delusional Geminian mind of the orange albatross the 'Big Lie' he has used to aggravate his followers and certain politicians into storming the Capitol Building and the US government - strong feelings which Herr Trump continues to use for what he considers to be his financial, legal, and political advantage (see lower right corner). For as everyone knows, he is a desperate man determined to 'get away with it'.
Yet we should take heart for there is a bright note (perigee Saturn will be bright and large so close to Earth!) because Astraea, asteroid of Justice, directly opposes the Vertex and the 4 South Eclipse, as you see. Come on Justice Department, put on your Saturn cap and do the right thing! And if a Trump indictment is to be, then let it be:
Note: Sabian Symbols for the Sun-Saturn opposition (4Virgo/4Pisces) are messily penned on the chart. And if you wish, feel free to enlarge and/or print the image for better viewing.
Also of interest, is that the Sun @3Vir50 conjuncts the Progressed New Moon ('SP') of Herr Trump, a symbolic life passage timed by his SP New Moon which perfected on September 16, 2019 @3Virgo with its "white power" implications (see above chart, upper right).
Then remembering that America was founded under Sun-Saturn square energies which in part describe the need to develope maturity as the US ages rather than relying on the superficiality and unreliability that our institutions have often been accused of - plus, our 'worship' of youth and disrespect for wisdom - general potentials within the Hegelian form of the Sun-Saturn duo include:
Thesis: Form and definition in an enterprise; the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations.
Antithesis: Pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement; older and more distanced leaders.
(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad); my italics.
Among other topics, perhaps the ongoing campaign by Republicans to tinker under the hood of the US Constitution will be part of the scrutiny as the Sun and Saturn oppose one another in August 2023.
Previously on SO'W: Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice showing its Dedication Horoscope of 1934 (by FDR) where we find DOJ Uranus Rx @29Ari21 conjunct its Syzygy Moon (28:31), and DOJ Mars @4Virgo. Now as you know, these create cosmic time links to the above positions particularly to the karmic 7 North Eclipse for when Uranus is involved, the karma attached to eclipse themes is intensified, positively or negatively, while adding a touch of 'brotherhood' to the cosmic mix. Major karmic progress can be made!
A final thought: Therefore, it seems the time has come for the DOJ to spear the snake as depicted on the building's outside panel which is why my reference to an "esoteric" Department of Justice. And we both know exactly who the snake really is. jc