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Showing posts with label Health Care Reform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Care Reform. Show all posts

Aug 17, 2009

Howard Dean and 'public option' health insurance

'DR. NANCY SNYDERMAN: If we took a public option and retooled it somewhat, why not make the case to the American public that we will allow people below the age of 65 to buy into Medicare even if there's some trimming that has to be done out of that budget too?

DR. HOWARD DEAN: That's all I want. If you allowed people to buy into Medicare who are below 65 years old, that's a public option, and that's what we need.'

You've probably read or heard about Howard Dean's solution for the 'public option' maze of cross purposes we're being treated to while support for any reform melts away like a polar ice cap, exposing Atlantis' library of scrolls underneath...

So I'm passing on this snippet of his interview here as my way of saying, Listen to the doctor on this one. It's worth a try.

Now. Wonder what exactly he means by, "buy into"?

Aug 6, 2009

Grassley uses Kennedy's cancer to create more fear over Health Care Reform

The GOP is fighting tooth'n'nail now as Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) uses Ted Kennedy's advanced age and his brain tumor to fearmonger against Health Care Reform legislation.

Now it's true that "rationing" may turn out to be a problem if reform is passed, especially with the need for more doctors and nurses in this country. But the GOP has no concern that for millions of non-wealthy Americans, the US health care system works like a rationing system now when you are shut out from getting care at all, or get attention only when medical conditions are beyond improvement or care arrives too late.

Can anything be more vampirish and selfish than insurance companies keeping a person who's in need of life-saving care on tenterhooks and filing more forms until time - and their lives - run out? The suffering they cause should be shameful to them.

If corporations are people, too and people have consciences, should corporations get in line for conscience transplants? That's a fund I'd donate to, if necessary, and no rationing allowed.

As it stands, insurance companies 'ration' treatment in preference for the health of their bottom lines, not for those who've paid them premiums for years. In this case, 'rationing' is another word for weeding out the sick, poor, and aged...aka, population control. And they're determined to hold on to their ability to do it - as if it's their 'right' because they worship the god of profits.

Enter Chuck Grassley, stage right.

But that's my populist mindset. Obviously Grassley and the GOP - and some Democrats - see things quite differently through the lens of gold standard care, don't they?

Meanwhile, it's the American people paying the lion's share of congressional insurance premiums! As I've complained here previously: congressmembers should pay 100% of their health care premiums and costs...then we'll talk.


And check this out this video:

Sick For Profit by Brave New Films

From Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films:

United Healthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley owns $744,232,068 in unexercised stock options. CIGNA’s Edward Hanway spends his holidays in a $13 million beach house in New Jersey. Meanwhile, regular Americans are routinely denied coverage for the care they need when they need it most.


Thanks for the links, Alex!

Jul 27, 2009

Health care reform getting wimpier by minute 7.27.09

If you were planning to visit or send flowers, you'd better get a move on, Honey, because what's being left out of President Obama's health care reform bill is leaving the dregs too skeletal for signing, too wimpy to boast about, and too cheap to buy a soda on a Saturday night.

As I've typed here previously, the proof of R's and D's good faith on this (and any other) matter is what the American people end up with in the Real World that exists outside the artificial reality that Capitol Hillers help promote to keep the natives quiet - if you accept its fairytale sparklies.

Yes, Jupiter/Neptune's misty bubble still signs of popping if Washington and Wall Street spinners can prevent it...cotton candy spun just for you, properly impressed circus audience.

On TV in the background now is Fed head Ben Bernanke on C-SPAN answering questions (taped) on the financial collapse in his newly assumed PR role of Warm and Fuzzy Banker Man who Understands Our Pain. He doesn't feel it - he just understands it on an intellectual level.

"We tried to save Lehman Brothers," he says. It was a 'big hole' the Fed couldn't fill, in case you were wondering what happened.

May I suggest that the most glaring 'big hole' is in the head of the American people for allowing crooks to rule our roost.

Jul 21, 2009

Astrology of Health Care Reform: 1994 vs 2009

Following my own thread of interest from my previous post on surveillance of the eye of Horus and Health Care Reform, I was lead to a page in Alan Meece's book, Horoscope For the New Millennium, which states that, "On Jan 11, 1994, virtually all of the planets aligned with a New Moon in conservative Capricorn. It fell in the 6th house (Health; Work; Service) in Washington, representing Clinton's massive effort to reform health care that year."(paperback, p. 245.)

Meece continues, "It failed due to pressure by the health care insurance industry, and served only to rally the 'opposition to big government' led by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, whose birthday is January 11. In November 1994 (right after a Solar Eclipse), Republicans took control of Congress in a surprise victory, and genuine reform was over--at least for the moment.

The New Moon of January 11, 1994 seemed to shake up the world in other ways: six days later a huge earthquake struck Los Angeles, leading to the largest relief effort in US history (6h house.)" Largest up to that time, of course.

The 1994 stellium in Capricorn included: Mars, Venus, Neptune, Moon, Sun, Uranus, and Mercury...woo! Missing are the societal planets, Jupiter (Sco) and Saturn (AQ), and transpersonal Pluto (Scorpio.) If you'd like to set up this chart, the New Moon 21Cap30:51 was exact over the Capitol Building at 6:10:20 pm est with asteroid, Hygeia (health), conjunct the transiting midpoint of the plutocratic pair of oppression and corporatism, Pluto/Chiron.

Apparently, Hygeia was hidden away in Pluto/Chiron's back pocket!

Pluto relates to surgery, of course, and Chiron, associated with health through its 'wounded healer' fame, is in 2nd house of Values, Self-Worth, Money and Earning Ability, and is Rx at 8Vir56. The Sabian Symbol for '9Vir' is: "A Man Making a Futuristic Drawing" and one supposes that he did, for it's 2009 and America still have no health plan that makes treatment affordable and available to all her citizens.

Then when I Googled 'January 11, 1994' this turned up on the Superhighway Summit of Jan 11, 1994, held at UCLA, presided over by then-VP Al Gore, and shown live on C-SPAN.

Lily Tomlin's Ernestine character made a surprise cameo at the summit and was assured by Mr. Gore of the coming ease and availability of the 'information superhighway' for all Americans. That America's web and internet development falls far behind many countries of the world in these matters is now well-known, but in 1994, all seemed possible and was easily promised.

Except, as it turned out, health care reform for Americans, who are forced by an imperialist government to spend all our tax monies, not for our own needs or care, but on policing the world through perpetual wars that have bankrupted our nation.

Now lest you think I'm deluded by the 'R vs D' nonsense on the health care reform issue (or on any other), I assure you I am sufficiently suspicious of DC politicians to envision Clinton and the Dems of 1994 as only pretending to work for massive improvements while protecting the insurance and med industries, and using the GOP take-over of Congress as a shield to hide its own lack of support for health care reform.

Then, as now, Democrats take money from health industries, too, and who knows which stocks are held in whose portfolios?

But that's Pluto/Chiron for you: class warfare of the power elite vs the common man and woman.

As for the elite, we'll see if 2009 and President Obama's current health care initiatives turn out to be more of same as in 1994 - and the proof will be in the ultimate results for the health care of the American people.

The real reason behind the Digital TV switch

Was there an ulterior motive for the big push to Digital TV from the old analog frequencies?

Why, shore there was! And here's an article with a few things to think about as you use your credit and debit cards, your medical or grocery store-scanned discount cards, passports, and many other personal belongings where 'ere you roam.

Ex-IBM Employee Reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID Chips the better to scan and track you with, m'dear, even down to the Gillette Fusion blades scraping against your 5 o'clock shadow.

'RFID' is shorthand for Radio Frequency Identification Devices, but whether you call them 'Spychips' or 'transponder chips', tracking you with them is the reason the analog frequencies were made available for government spying and for, one assumes, control of goods, services, and people.

Most consumers have no idea why it was done other than to sell new TVs. But do you know anyone who's gone ga-ga over the so much better quality picture and sound that were promoted as the 'big benefit' of the much-touted Digital switch?

As long as I'm wearing my government-conspiracy foil hat, I may as well say that perhaps the big push toward Health Care Reform has something to do with collecting everyone's DNA! Do you trust them not to use our personal medical info in some manipulative way - no matter who's in office? Really? Never known the gov to lie and cover up? Oh dear. Is there room under that rock? I may want to join you.

Well, it all puts me in mind of the all-seeing eye of Horus pictured above, a symbol of the Illuminati (known for its many spies) which America adopted as an emblem for the Great Seal of the US (reverse side) and later used to decorate our paper money - which indicates that if the RFID-Digital TV switch tale is true, it isn't just about finding lost Fido and Fluffy anymore.