December 31, 2020
Unless something interferes overnight, on Friday January 1, 2021 at Noon ET, Senate debate over raising the relief amount from $600 to $2,000 continues with an Ascendant of 15Ari52 (ASC = the debate and other business during the session, if any). Obviously, contentious Mars @27Ari39 rises in first house followed by unpredictable Uranus Rx @6Tau47, the rebel planet's degree on Inauguration Day 2021 for the combustible Mars-Uranus conjunction (6:44).
So since my suspicion about the debate outcome is that we'll reap unhappy results via the Sabian Symbol for tomorrow's Mars degree at noon, here's my relic of an illustration for "28 Aries": "A Large Disappointed Audience":
And here's a generic bottle of champagne to wish you and yours a Happy New Year!
Related Posts include: The Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 with its difficult theme of 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships'! Yep. Playing out again tomorrow in the Senate chamber located in the Masonic Temple upon Capitol Hill; and the First Lunation of 2021: a Capricorn New Moon conjunct Pluto.