Photograph of The White House: aka, The Prize Trump Can't Give Up!
As you know, on Inauguration Day 2021 the Moon will go void-of-course but even before that, we have another significant day with a VOC Moon: December 14, 2020, the day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse and, unless their schedule changes, the day the Electoral College members will cast their votes for president. Now admittedly, I'm one of the ones who suspect that Trump has a trick up his sleeve as a last-ditch effort to shift the November 2020 Election outcome to his favor. Because if he possibly can, he'll drag things out even longer than he already has - on into January 2021 like the craven, compromised saboteur he is, with no care for our nation and no concern for the American people.
And of course the possibility of yet another Trump Government Shut Down looms before us as well for funds to run the government will 'run out' on December 11th - with a Sun-Mars trine at 1:01 am, and a Moon-Uranus opposition at 8:43 am est.
Meanwhile, if you view the bi-wheel of horoscopes linked above, you'll see December 14's 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 'eclipsing' Trump's Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, planet of authority. A significant cosmic event? I truly hope so.
As for the December 14th VOC Moon (if needed, follow the first link above for a few notes concerning potentials of a VOC Moon), the moment the eclipse ends (11:17 am est), the Moon goes VOC until Luna enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn at 10:35 pm est. (This lunar condition could mean that no one can interfere with the electoral proceedings, much as Trump and his operatives want to - or that results could turn out in a way no one expects.)
So! Moon or no Moon, I intend to send out encouraging vibes to the electors to get their voting business over with before 11:17 am - and to not turn faithless on the American people who are clearly wa-a-a-y over con man Donald Trump: wastrel extraordinaire, serial bankrupt, fraudster with mob ties, and fulltime liar and cheat.