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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Uranus 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Uranus 2024. Show all posts

Oct 8, 2023

Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

When we discussed the transit of heavyweight if subversive planet Pluto to 00AQ00 in 2023 and into 2024, midpoint picture potentials were included due to the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of 2020 @00AQ29 and its transformative meeting with transit Pluto. These energies will intensify all through 2024 leading up to Inauguration 2025 as transit Pluto reaches 00AQ29 and a midpoint picture perfects between the karmic trio of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto.

The Plutonian midpoint picture becomes exact on:

1. February 4, 2024; 2. August 8, 2024; and 3. December 11, 2024, with the November 5, 2024 Election sandwiched between numbers 2 and 3. Of course, we can expect that it will be at least December 2024 before elections results are known and there are no certainties about the outcome of the 2024 Electoral College Vote, a tradition that Trump and comrades diluted along with the entire election process itself, as ordered from abroad.

Then as we know, every Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction marks a new social order beginning of approximately 20-years' duration. Actually, the entire election year in the US will be cosmically imprinted by these energies, along with the April 2024 Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, and the third of three Great American Eclipses, also in April (see links, below). (Please note that not all lunations and other cosmic events of 2024 can be listed in one post.)

Meanwhile, here you see a bi-wheel of the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction (inner) and, because it occurs prior to Election 2024 in November, the chart of the second direct transit of Pluto (August 8, 2024) surrounds the 2020 Conjunction. Plus, here are previously published details if you're curious.

Of note is that the deadline for resolving election disputes is set for December 10, 2024 (one day prior to December 11th!), and the meeting of the electors is scheduled for December 16, 2024; as in 2021, congressional certification of Electors' votes is intended to be held on January 6, 2025:

Potentials of Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes (M. Munkasey); violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (R. Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation (N. Tyl).

Additionally, the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction landed upon US Inaugural Sun (Trump in Dec 2020) with potentials for: 'boasting a lot; increased self-pride; inconstancy; moodiness (disturbed liver function); change of residence; taking destiny in one's own (tiny) hands; major changes according to plan, or if nothing is prepared, having to make the best of things' (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl).

Jupiter Expansion-Saturn Restriction in Politics

Now as you know, Jupiter and Saturn are often used to signify America's two political parties although the symbolism tends to alternate, depending on which party is actng the Santa Claus role of generosity (Jupiter), and which tries to limit, restrict, and hold them back (Saturn) - or simply ends or seeks to end, benefits for regular folk. Generally, it seems to me that these are permanent assignations since the Democratic Party is more motherly and protective (as is democracy!) with a big tent for all, while the economic royalists of the Republican Party are more "fatherly" and conservative - with conditions (as in, conditional love).

The party's 'conditions' these days include a huge taboo for GOP politicians who dare "reach across the aisle." Why, that coud lead to improvements in society - the opposite of what Republicans want for the American people, so cooperation is a no-no. Right now, even the NYSE has its panties in a bunch because employment in the US is way up, thanks to President Biden, and finagling a financial crash is what the GOP needs in time to skew Election 2024 toward the fasc*st GOP.

Because it isn't as if Republicans can win elections by promoting aloud their Saturnian policies of austerity and loss. Yet some folks are catching on and my hope is that all voters will realize that voting for more of the extremist GOP's "trickle down" economics is self-destructive and harmful for our families and our nation.

Of course, by tradition the checks'n'balances of the Jupiter-Saturn duo kept the US government simmering along on a more or less even keel but the GOP is working harder than ever to keep the imbalance going, and worsening. They can't even run the House of Representatives without shutting down the government, leaving the House leaderless, and causing the US a credit downgrade (they hope). Maga-types are not politicians, they're chaos agents parroting their Uranian idol Trump.

Astrologically, this points toward rebellious anarchist Uranus lurching this way and that, ruling on a whim and a notion, with major disruption, even revolution, the goal. To Uranus add the Neptune-Pluto duo of underworld crime and we have precisely the crooks and circumstances we see before our very eyes and in our court rooms.

As for the (purposefully) leaderless House of Representatives, if Trump steps in "temporarily" as Speaker, his 10th house Uranus in chatty Gemini, duplicitous and transactional as it may be, will only cause more chaos which, after all, is Trump's way of doing business. But it's probably all talk though since Trump has endorsed loose cannon Jim Jordan for the Speaker position. Or perhaps Steve Scalise will grab the gavel! We'll have to see how things go next week as the maga/freedom caucus performers continue their clown show. And we'll see if secret-seller Trump, agent orange as I've called him for years, is brave enough to set a toe back in Washington DC without fear of being detained as the traitor he is. So if he shows up, will the District be big enough for agent orange and Jack Smith?

Other Prominent Cosmic Events of 2024 Include:

The Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 (DC Horoscope shown).

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction Horoscope of April 20, 2024.

The New Millennium Horoscope and Its Progressed New Moon May 4, 2024 (both DC Horoscopes shown).

The 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2024 influences Election 2024.

Then on November 1, 2024 comes the predictive New Moon Prior to the 2024 Election @9Sco35 with a belligerent Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees across the security-minded Cancer-Capricorn axis.

Related is America's Mars-Pluto Cycle which began in December 1775.

Election Year 2024: Will Pluto Step From The Shadows?

Underworld planet Pluto prefers to manipulate from the shadows, aka, from behind the curtain, from abroad, and/or from his hidden lair where his hoard of gold is secreted. Even a dark alley can suffice! Meanwhile, between 2022's US Pluto Return and transit Pluto leaving Capricorn and creeping into Aquarius, a variety of conditions are shifting across the globe and everyone is feeling it, Earth changes included.

So if the venerable lens of Astrology can add a measure of understanding to the proceedings, then the purpose of writing pro-democracy posts on Stars Over Washington is satisfied. To me it seems to be the very least I can do to honor the sacrifices of my Revolutionary War ancestors - and yours, too, if you have them!

Then if you, dear reader, should find SO'W content useful or informative, please spread the word if not a post or two. Thanks a Bunch! jc

Previously on SO'W: Remember when Jupiter and Uranus were in opposition at Winter Solstice 2016 and formed a major T-Square with Pluto? That's Pluto @16Capricorn, the position of the Sun during Trump's Maga Coup Attempt, with Sun-Pluto relating to a craving for power and the need to take control.

Sep 8, 2023

Jupiter's Zodiacal Path 2023 Into 2024

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

As you know, the GOP and their comrades, both foreign and domestic, are working hard to crash the US economy and may shut down the government once again because they hope that President Biden will be blamed in time for Election 2024, and that Republican candidates, such as they are, will be victorious in November 2024 - despite all common sense to the contrary.

Well, since the GOP's authoritarian agenda is harmful and brutal, how else can they 'stand for election'? It isn't as if Republicans can be open and honest with voters about their anti-societal, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, misogynistic "policies," now can they? Plus, most folks realize that Nazism was tried and found wanting decades ago, so which society in its right mind would want to make such a hideous mistake again?

Since our good news planet Jupiter is known as The Great Benefic perhaps his example, influence, and protective function can help steer us toward Election year 2024!

Therefore, let's consider The Path of Jupiter from 2023 into Election Year 2024, with the planet's Zodiacal journey having begun on January 1, 2023 with Jupiter @1Aries (just beyond the Aries Point), and ending December 31, 2023 with Jupiter @5Taurus. His stay in comfort-loving Taurus extends until he reaches Gemini in late May 2024, a sign through which Jupiter tends to relate to others with his more carefree and loquacious qualities, but the Mercurial placement can also be on the superficial side at times. And obviously, travel-loving Jupiter in chatty Gemini suggests a larger volume of communications including the technological kind, plus, an emphasis may become more obvious regarding Jupiter's hierophant leanings. Here's the Big Fella now (NASA):

Then look below for a view of the DC Horoscope of the very moment that transit Jupiter reaches his shadow degree where he turned Rx on September 4, 2023 (@15Tau34), for then he'll begin to lumber forward into new territory. Because after all, Jupiterian realms tend to run more smoothly when Mr. Moneybags moves in direct motion so the chart (March 23, 2024) is added below the dual charts, with study notes penned on. In fact, all my study notes are penned on for your consideration: the Rx and Direct charts (dual images, below), and the 'Jupiter leaves its shadow 2024' Horoscope, as promised.

But first, some basics concerning Jupiter and Venus, with finances and funding as key elements, of course, but also Jupiter is active in such fields of endeavor as politics, legal affairs, religion, broadcasting, propaganda, ideology, philosophy, higher education, corporate enterprises, travel, and discovery. Then with Venus on a positive level: relationships, diplomacy, beauty, and luxury are involved. The negatives such as jealousy, envy, and revenge you already know. With negative Jupiter, it's often a question of overdoing issues, recklessly speculating, and/or overpromising with overblown, grandstanding, or boasting rhetoric. So basically, Jupiter can represent the windbag personality who loves the sound of his own voice. You know the type.

Potentials of Jupiter in Venus-ruled Taurus include:

Generosity; liberality; trusteeship; love of comfort; the capacity for enjoyment; financial interests; wastefulness; illness through excessive pleasures; the urge to gain financial security (R. Ebertin). I would add humor and comedy to his list!

Then there's Venus, symbolizing smaller amounts of money - and showing her more avaricious side when in Taurus - but in Leo, Venus indicates a love of luxury, romance, pleasure, games, and entertainment.

September 4, 2023: Jupiter turns Retrograde ('Rx') @15Tau34 between Moon and Uranus (grand ambitions: to shut down the US government? or to improve the economy?); on December 30, 2023, Jupiter turns Direct @5Tau34 with the 12th house Moon @25Leo25 as the focus of activity (as handle planet of a Bucket pattern; 12th house = behind the scenes; are ladies and/or their issues secretly directing the action?).

And of course, manipulative Pluto, still within orb of our transformative US Pluto Return/s, has the most filthy lucre of all: there 'he' is, sneaking around the IC, the Foundation of the Matter, as Jupiter turned Rx September 4th. Then by the end of 2023, there's Venus in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius conjunct the IC instead which suggests that things may pan out optimistically, after all, if the stability of US currency isn't under more threat than usual of being discarded.

Annoyingly, those familiar with the natal positions of Trump's planets will recognize that the Leo Moon reflects the abrasive rising Mars in his natal chart. Try as I might, the blighter's natal and progressed planets continue to assert themselves in every horoscope I study. Have you found this to be the case, too? And this includes the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

Then noting that financier Jupiter can also wear political, religious, and military hats, here's a dual image of Jupiter Rx and Direct circa 2023, both charts set for Washington DC and with plenty of study notes penned on; obviously the current GOP threat to shut down the government is involved with the path of transiting Jupiter since the US government 'runs out of money' on September 30, 2023 (Jupiter Rx), a stupid political construct by which power games are tiresomely played by Republicans attempting to blame Democrats:

We should add a final note: that banking planet Jupiter turns Direct in late December 2023 while sextile US 1776 Jupiter (5Can56), and when in Taurus, Mr. Moneybags, scion of corporations everywhere, tends to treat the US Treasury and the economy fairly well - except for foreigners and their domestic shills who have a habit of raiding our coffers. Plus, our Tuberville-inspired military troubles are in desperate need of resolution since National Security is negatively affected, and Jupiter the General prefers his major role as our nation's protector rather than as a political tool for Mr. Tuberville and his comrades to utilize on behalf of America's enemies.

The 'Jupiter leaves its shadow 2024' Horoscope:

And here's a previous post concerning Jupiter in Taurus which may be of interest: A Horoscope for the Pilgrim Fathers which, via Pluto, brings in to America a fanatic streak of Plutocracy - very much like We the People now face with Christian Nationalists trying to turn America into a fascist police state. Like that.

A Recommended Post: Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter.