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Showing posts with label Matthew Whitaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthew Whitaker. Show all posts

Dec 21, 2018

Gemini Sun William Barr: Trump's Attorney General?

Americans Have Drunk at This Barr Before

by Jude Cowell

Time, as they say, is precious and yours truly never relishes spending hours on a Political Astrology topic or event which may or may not come to pass, or may turn out to be moot. However, since Trump will be Trump, here goes: William Barr held the position of US Attorney General under GHWB (1991-1993--Bush Sr lost re-election) and various other governmental posts in the past as well as overseeing the investigation of the December 21, 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Today is the disaster's 30th anniversary and my heart goes out to the family and friends of its victims and to the good people of Scotland, one of my ancestral homes.

Said to be the front-runner for Trump's new AG post who will 'oversee' (aka, sabotage) the Mueller investigation into Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign, Mr. Barr wrote a memo on June 8, 2018 which was copied to acting AG Rod Rosenstein in which Barr dissed the Mueller investigation, supported Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, and, like Matt Whitaker's antics to impress Trump, reads like a job application full of Barr's personal views. Yet the Republican Mr. Rosenstein seems to have confidence that the Republican Mr. Barr's June 8th dissing against Mr. Mueller's work won't present a problem to Barr's senate confirmation or to his holding of the AG post. That's if Barr is confirmed as US AG, hence my fuss about spending time on Bill Barr's astrological credentials.

Cosmic Weather of June 8, 2018: (Air-Fire) Sun Gemini-Moon Aries: shared by Robert Morley whose famous quote may just apply to both Barr and Trump, "Show me a man who enjoyed his schooldays and I will show you a bully and a bore." This blend of energies reveals potentials for egotism, riding roughshod over others, a sense of partiality, the tendency to monopolize conversations, and people who are insensitive to the feelings of others. Its Image for Integration may describe both men as well: "A nimble-footed street fighter dodges his way to victory over all comers" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys). Additionally, on that day the Sun-Uranus midpoint electrified Mr. Trump's natal Midheaven (MC = the Goal or Aspiration) which formed a midpoint picture of 'reformers with far-reaching plans' and 'hopeful triumph for the ego' (Ebertin; Tyl)

So here are a few astro-notes concerning William Barr, born on May 23, 1950 in New York City, NY, hour unknown. A 'noon' horoscope shows his Sun in early Gemini and Moon in mid-Leo, an Air-Fire 'live wire' personality blend of energies showing him to be an 'ideas man' and a natural communicator. Since Mr. Barr shares this natal blend with poet Walt Whitman, perhaps a quote from the bard also applies to Bill Barr as we know it does to Big T, "I celebrate myself; I sing myself." Although not by degree, Barr and Trump do share the 'live wire' Air-Fire combo although, as you know, Sun-Gemini Trump's natal Moon is in Sagittarius rather than Leo. A possibility is that they and their inborn egotism will be too much alike to get along for the duration since both love to take center stage. Quarrels are a certainty if not at first, then later on as Barr works with chaos-lover Trump.

Bill Barr's Planetary Aspects

Mr. Barr has revealed that he would accept the Trump AG job (if confirmed) out of a 'sense of duty' and this is supported by his conservative-leaning Jupiter-Saturn opposition across the victim-savior Virgo-Pisces axis. Of course, Jupiter's expansion principle vs Saturn's restriction principle keeps our Solar System's planets in their courses, and in Political Astrology, we expect in America that Jupiter-Saturn 'checks and balances' will be the objective of every government official, with the sorry exception of Donald Trump and his cult followers and enablers.

Now on a personal level, a Jupiter-Saturn opposition suggests inner moral conflicts, plus, relationship problems, yet maturity (he's a senior) usually improves such difficulties. However, Barr's Venus-Neptune opposition implies clandestine romances and secret loves which further complicate his personal relationships. Technology is vastly intrusive since he played the AG role, so we'll see if anything scandalous turns up, perhaps during or around the time of his confirmation hearing, assuming it's held.

As for a legal career, his Jupiter-Uranus trine is fortunate for it gives Barr a keen sense of judgment and an ability to apply his intuition in practical matters while possibly being a genius in some sphere of life. (imho, let his genius be The Law and not 'Trump's law' invented so that autocrat Donald can perpetrate whatever he likes and get away with it.) Of course, such alleged 'genius' may play a crucial role in the matter of Mr. Mueller continuing his investigation into Trump's activities, unimpeded by an AG of any stripe or bias. Once Mr. Barr knows all details of the matter, we'll see what 'his genius' asserts then.

Now there are other beneficial trines within Barr's natal horoscope but one aspect that stands out to me in relation to his proposed AG position is a Mercury-Pluto square, an aspect that tends toward negative traits such as sarcasm and criticism of others, and aids him to understand the weak points of vulnerability in other people. It also suggests deep-rooted neuroses (an overpowering father? see his PE, below) yet a Mercury-Saturn trine hopefully mitigates these negative traits somewhat (in public at least!) and provides Mr. Barr with a measure of common sense and a good head for business (he left his positions at Verizon Communications in 2008).

So Sun Gemini-Moon Leo describes 'the eternal child' (like man-baby Trump) with fantasies of royal blood and a flair for self-dramatization. Barr, like Trump, is a natural salesperson (ex: his June 8th memo?) who won't compromise on important issues (ruh-roh for Trump patronage!) and has a strong need for flattery (just like you-know-who). Bill Barr is a haughty, stubborn individualist so clashes with a similar Donald Trump may be expected. Both pursue plans fanatically (Barr's Mercury-Pluto = Uranus in self-protective Cancer, sign of tribalism, nationalism, and patriotism) and both men seem to be on the same page as far as the legality of Trump's executive power overreach and an alleged ability to float 'above the law.' This combo's 'Image for Integration': "A king holds court and surprises his audience by joining the mandolin player in a duet of song and story" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign.) You note the "king" and the word "court" which loudly echo Trump's natal chart with royal Regulus, the king or kingmaker, rising with his me-first Mars in royal Leo. Yet we must remember the caution attached to Regulus: that if revenge is not avoided, all that has been gained will be taken away (Brady).

The Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") of William Barr

Mr. Barr's PE occurred on March 18, 1950 @27Pis27 in the 6 North Saros Series. 6N Themes: relationships to authority figures, a need to take responsibility and control and to accept commitments due to another person's unreliability (or via the inability to be confirmed by the US Senate: Matt Whitaker). A 6 North Solar Eclipse last manifested on April 19, 2004 @30Aries, a degree area now activated off and on by transit Uranus; a 6N eclipse next occurs on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus.

Well, there's my brief consideration of the natal planets and personality of William Barr. Highly recommended for more details is expert astrologer Marjorie Orr's assessment of Bill Barr's noon horoscope (shown) along with composite charts of Barr/Trump and Barr/Mueller: visit Marjorie's William Barr - AG nominee - edgy fit with Trump.

And for brief bio details check out the AJC article Who is William Pelham Barr: 5 things to know.

Plus, for fun you may wish to check out Mr. Barr's father Donald Barr (1921--2004) and the Barr family ancestry!

Above photo: William Barr as Atty General DOJ [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Nov 9, 2018

Astro-Notes on acting AG Matthew Whitaker circa 2006

The Wikipedia page of Trump's newly named acting AG Matthew Whitaker (politician) gives his birth date as October 29, 1969, Ankeny, Iowa so let's take a peek at the planets on that day to suss him out a bit for it seems we'll be stuck with him. His Sun is in Scorpio but naturally only a range of degrees for his natal Moon can be ascertained without an accurate birth hour. His Luna position during the 24 hours of his birth day varies from 21Gem16 to 3Can24 thus creating two potential Sun-Moon personality blends. Brief details of both are listed, below, and are taken from the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

Plus, details concerning Mr. Whitaker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') follow along with a few of the transiting planets for November 7, 2018 which link to Whitaker's natal planets on that day (with the DOJ's chain of command ignored by Trump = unconstitutional).

An ethereal, misty Water-Air Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini denotes a passionate yet detached fellow gifted with the psychological understanding of a counselor and therapist. Endlessly curious and insightful about human emotions, Whitaker can be volatile, restless, satirizing, voyeuristic and tends to engage in off-again on-again involvements. One Image for Integration stands out: "Trivial Pursuits goes macabre."

A Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini blend also pertains to Fyodor Dostoyevsky who informed us that, "If the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own likeness."

A sentimental, emotional double Water blend of Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer suggests the 'mailed fist in a velvet glove' sort of person who is very perceptive, clannish, shrewd, and charismatic with a strong sense of duty. This is a tough-and-tender combo of energies which can suddenly morph into exterminator mode and can "feel where things are at," then take actions to restore harmony. He allows subjective hunches to replace objective reasoning and can sink into self pity via an egocentric sensitivity (which sounds like Donald Trump).

Even this blend's Image for Integration sounds Trumpian whose natal Mercury (thought processes; communications) in Cancer tends to be clannish and shrewd as well: "A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage." How amusing in view of the fact that Mr. Trump feels a need to declare that he's "not a baby"! So as you can tell, I'm leaning toward a secretive Cancer Moon for Mr. Whitaker to 'go with' Trump's clannish, shrewd natal Mercury in Cancer although a Gemini Moon would resonate well with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio.

Now two quotes from a couple of famous Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer natives:

"There is a homely adage which runs, 'speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far'." - Theodore Roosevelt; and amusingly, "So live that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." - Will Rogers.

So as you know, Matt Whitaker was named acting AG on November 7, 2018 beneath the darkened rays of a New Moon @15Sco11 (when shady activities can flourish). In no particular order, transits to his natal planets (sans natal Moon) include:

Mars trine natal Mercury (25Libra): thoughts can be turned into action, mentality is energized, good news and/or good fortune arrive/s, lots of meetings are held, and business ventures are favored.

Venus Rx conjunct natal Mercury (26Libra): agreeable meetings and communications with allies involved in joint endeavors.

Authoritative planet of karma Saturn sextile natal Sun (6Scorpio): an opportunity is provided via a more mature or senior authority figure to demonstrate leadership ability--a chance to 'get ahead' is offered.

Saturn trine natal Saturn (5Taurus Rx): making plans, lifestyle changes are stabilized.

Saturn square natal Uranus (6Libra): great tension, challenges, and upsets.

Pluto sextile natal North Node (20Pisces) - both planet and point are karmic: destiny beckons, reaping the benefits of past actions (he's written and given his opinion on legal matters in Trump's favor multiple times), and...powerful events change the future.

A 7 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse

As for Matthew Whitaker's PE, it manifested prior to his birth on September 11, 1969 @18Vir53 in the 7 South Saros Series with themes of: 'force, anger, and power' via the 'Mars-Pluto energies contained in 7 South's initial eclipse' of June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump's natal Mercury @8:51!); 'huge obstacles will suddenly, easily clear, or, negatively, a pending potential crisis will manifest with a sense that everything is moving at great speed' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). A 7 South eclipse last manifested on October 3, 2005 @10Libra (between Whitaker's natal Venus @15Libra and Uranus @6Libra) and will next perfect on October 14, 2023 @21Libra 'eclipsing' his natal Jupiter (20Lib41) and occurring near the natal Jupiter (17Libra) of Donald Trump.

So as it turns out, both men are charter members of the "it's not fair!" club of Jupiter in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice. A cozy connection, perhaps, but there are a few other planetary links not so cozy between their natal planets which I may discuss in a future post if Mr. Whitaker manages to hang on to his new exalted position in the Department of Justice.