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Showing posts with label Mueller investigation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mueller investigation. Show all posts

Jun 25, 2020

Horoscopes: DOJ 1934 with AG Bill Barr Confirmation

June 25, 2020: Below is a bi-wheel of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Dedication Horoscope of 1934 (inner; Masonic ceremony led by FDR; '3:00 pm' - D. Ovason) with Bill Barr's Senate confirmation horoscope of February 14, 2018 (at approximately 1:05 pm est Washington DC - my thanks to mundane astrologer Gary Lorentzen for the timing). The partisan Senate confirmation vote was 54 to 45 for "the cover-up general" so that scofflaw Trump would be shielded from answering for his crimes and could more easily continue his nasty habit of overstepping the traditional limits of Executive power. Basically, Barr was installed in order to save Trump's shall we say bacon.

How many threats of retaliation were delivered against any senators considering a vote against Barr I cannot tell you but in multiple spots in the horoscopes you'll find mention of career-ending associations with certain dark elements of society, including the criminal syndicate/procurement variety. See particularly the dark green highlighted notes in 10th house and on the right (via rounded-up Sabian Symbols for the 2019 ASC-DESC axis degrees; also see the MC's symbol, the WHY? Point, top right, "18Sag").

And note that Opus Dei agent Barr's confirmation occurred a mere 4 days prior to the DOJ Uranus Return, number three of three (dates penned on chart, in blue), during what continues in 2020 and beyond to be 'a titanic power struggle' between global forces -> Pluto in Capricorn opposing Pluto in Cancer with the 2019 North Node ('NN") pointing toward 1934 Pluto, and the 2019 SN (aka, 'tail of the dragon') swiping 2019 Pluto. So considering our titanic topic is it curious that the pairing of Pluto-NN is sometimes known as the "tiger by the tail" aspect?

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes - not much text today for this week I'm mired within a household repair nightmare ever since the June 5, 2020 Lunar Eclipse 'hit' an angle in my natal horoscope!

Now here's an article about the alleged genesis of Barr's 'job application' memo but to cynical me (as a former resident of Washington DC!) this all seems a big old set up especially since Republicans knew very well what Bill Barr was and is capable of perpetrating to keep a president in office: William Barr's Unsolicited Memo to Trump about Obstruction of Justice in which Barr criticized the Mueller investigation of Russian interference in the Trump campaign and "questioned the scope" of the investigation. But perhaps we can agree that the "obstruction of justice" has been on the Barr-Trump-Republican side.

Nov 29, 2019

The RICO Act, Little Caesar, and Donald Trump

November 29, 2019: A 10-minute explanatory video R.I.C.O. and the Decline of the Mafia provides several points of interest concerning the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act that Richard Nixon signed into law on October 15, 1970.

Its nickname inspired by the main character 'Rico' in the 1931 film Little Caesar (4m clip), played by Edward G. Robinson, the RICO Act made it possible to indict not just mobsters but mob bosses as well, to seize assets, use 'guilt by association', and later to go after street gangs. RICO was first used on September 18, 1979 (US vs Scotto), and in the 'Decline of the Mafia' video you'll find references to its use by the SDNY office and Rudy Giuiliani who played for the lawful side as a prosecutor (one assumed at the time!) but is now aligned with the very mob-like Trump, a "Little Caesar" of our day, artistically pictured here.

As landmark legislation, prosecutions via the RICO Act made "rat or rot" a popular slogan of the day as 'snitches' turned on their mob bosses to avoid or lessen their own prison sentences, something Trump probably loses sleep over every night. Being snitched on has to be one of the primary reasons Big T obstructs his minions' testimonies, first in the Mueller investigation, now in the Impeachment Inquiry.

How could scofflaw Trump not suffer from consciousness of guilt with so much to hide?

See New Trump Probe Looks a Lot Like a RICO Investigation (The Daily Beast February 8, 2019) and Trump Investigations and the RICO Conspiracy Puzzle. Apparently, conspiracy is easier to prove. But would a racketeering indictment of a corrupt, impeached, faithless, mobbed-up politician be more satisfying for the American people?

So being curious, I checked for any planetary contacts of note between Trump's natal planets (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) and those of October 15, 1970 and September 18, 1979 ('noon'). Of course, in 1970 he was 24, in 1979 the New York 'playboy' as he styled himself, was 33. What I found was inconclusive in both cases since there are a number of contacts both positive and negative, but the September 18, 1979 planets made the most contacts (including squares from Sun and Moon to natal Sun-Moon and a Neptune-conjunct-natal-Mercury contact which echoes his natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy, deceit, and indiscretion). An exact aspect on October 15, 1970 is Saturn quincunx natal Moon (0S00) suggesting emotional turmoil (caused by legal eagle Saturn?) and an undercurrent of guilt.

However, these results indicate to me that the RICO Act probably will not be used against Donald Trump with his decades-long links to global and domestic organized crime but if it ever is, odds are he has a chance of 'beating the rap' in spite of any rats ratting him out.

UPDATE Dec 23, 2021: Things aren't looking as rosy these days for mobster Tr*mp so maybe RICO will be used after all! jc

Mar 24, 2019

TRUMP WATCH : Will BARR raise the bar? - Robert Cosmar reports

Sunday March 24, 2019: here's the latest reading from expert astrologer
Robert Cosmar
on the topic of the day (week, and month, and year):

Now in case you missed it, you may wish to check out another of Robert's excellent TRUMP WATCH videos concerning the Mueller Report (posted to YouTube March 23rd).


Power Run Amuck, Peculiarities, and Potential Scandals

Note: while looking at March 22, 2019 DC Horoscopes for the 4 to 5:15 pm edt time frame of Mueller Report submission, AG Barr's letter sent to Congress, the completion of the report announced, etc, I noticed that Trump's problematic, fantasy-prone pair of Mercury and Neptune (conjunct in Pisces by transit these days with Mercury Rx until March 28th so the conjunction's nebulous, unclear effects are at their strongest off and on through March 2019, and perhaps a bit into April) are square one another in Trump The Indiscreet's natal chart) acted as two apex planets of a significant midpoint - exact between 3:47 and 4:10 pm edt between legal-eagle planet of karma, Saturn, and Midheaven (The Goal; Public Visibility) which Michael Munkasey gives as:

Saturn-MC = Mercury: 'an articulate, intelligent person who relies on logic and persistence to analyze situations'. Yes, I would say so.

The Saturn-MC pair itself is interesting because it can turn up in charts of important people but can also indicate 'formal rules or roles imposed on the executive branch; restrictions on development within an enterprise'; and/or 'establishes goals that are hard to meet'. With veiling Neptune: 'added delusions that you can not easily cope with problems; increased needs to escape (through drugs); inspiration via maturity and discipline.' Perhaps you agree that many of these potentials sound like the work of the very serious, dedicated-to-the-law Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

For more details see (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets).

So here I shall quote from master astrologer Noel Tyl's Solar Arcs midpoint directory on Saturn-MC ("major changes in family or in the profession; professional change; a major move; a father figure; focus upon ambition") with Mercury: "melancholy; separation thoughts; bad news; professional decisions that are hard to make." With Neptune: "one's position is vague; a lack of clarity; feeling fears."

And in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences Reinhold Ebertin adds potentials for, 'hindered growth; brooding; separation; depressing circumstances'. Any, all or none of the midpoint pictures's potentials may apply to Washington's political and legal players (including US Congress members) and to the American people at large along with other planetary factors, positive and negative.

Jan 10, 2019

DC Horoscopes: the March 2019 Lunations of Crisis

January 10, 2019: Today as the Trump Wall stalemate as 'justification' for the bogus, harmful Trump Shutdown continues, news that the Mueller investigation nears its end comes as potential if partial relief to the current level of tension and frustration in America. It is reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will begin downsizing his staff soon and that acting AG Rod Rosenstein is preparing to step down from the DOJ, timed by William Barr's assumption of the AG post once his confirmation hearing, apparently scheduled for next week (possibly Tuesday January 15th), wraps up successfully. Then it will probably take several weeks more for Mueller's staff to prepare then present the report which may or not be 'hidden' by Trump supporters in the Department of Justice.

Not all my notes are mentioned in this text so please enlarge the image for more details:

Politically, it seems that the returning Mr. Barr is a shoo-in for the AG post circa 2019 but meanwhile, the fate of the Mueller report is uncertain due to 'Bill' Barr's pre-judgment of the Trump investigation's legality and the iffiness of the timing of Mr. Rosenstein's departure while still managing to protect the investigation against assaults by the guilty-acting Mr. Trump. This week we find that Robert Mueller's report may possibly 'drop' in March 2019 if not in February, so above are the DC Horoscopes of the March 6th New Moon @15Pis47 (conjunct difficult Achernar star of 'crisis' and/or'rapid endings') and deceptive, delusional Neptune (16Pis08), planet of mass media, the masses, lies, fraud, propaganda, bubbles, contagion, fear, paranoia---all in the 10th house of Career and Public Standing when the chart is set for the White House (same for Washington DC). As you see, Mercury is at Station and has turned retrograde which suggests review, reconsideration, or perhaps someone changing their mind about their plans (edit: or a 're-port'?). Sorry to say but Mercury conjoins another difficult star, too--Scheat, a star of misfortune.

Now as you know, a New Moon phase represents a 'seeding' of a new cycle of activity yet this one is clouded by veiling, disguising Neptune, just recently moved beyond its 5th conjunction of 5 (Dec 29, 2018) in the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return (14Pis01) Horoscope. Visions of Republicans obscuring Trump's antics and illegalities come to mind although a few GOPers have ventured from behind the curtain and jumped the sinking ship. Perhaps more will stand up and follow suit by March, no matter what secrets Trump, Putin, and/or others hold over them. Yes, I want to believe that not all Republicans are compromised, don't you?!

Then upper right, you see the culminating Full Moon of March 20, 2019 @00Lib09 which perfects a day prior to Spring Equinox 2019 and shows testy Mars @23Taurus conjunct Trump's natal MC and simultaneously nearing the natal Mars of Speaker Nancy Pelosi where raging star Algol blinks. This Full Moon @00Libra, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, conjoins the natal Midheaven ('MC' = The Goal; Aspirations) of the United States of America (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT, Philly) so that a cosmic picture of timing and fulfillment is shown by the bright rays of the March 2019 Full Moon yet as I type at you in January, your guess is as good as mine, if not better, as to what Trump and Washington politicians have in mind--assuming that they have a definite plan for our nation at all--other than chaos as they shove our nation toward a constitutional crisis via authoritarian dictator-wanna-be Trump's extreme efforts to unduly expand executive power by ignoring the principles and requirements of the US Constitution.

Nov 21, 2018

Late 2018 Lunations plus 2018 Solstices and Equinoxes

November 21, 2018: Coming soon is a significant lunation on December 7, 2018, a New Moon in mid-Sagittarius, plus, you may wish to consider a previous post containing links to the 2018 Spring and Autumn Equinox Horoscopes, the chart of the 2018 Summer Solstice, and a view of the Winter Solstice 2018 Horoscope. All charts are set for Washington DC as is typical here on Stars Over Washington (with DC representing America as well) and all have my study notes scribbled upon them for those who can appreciate if not benefit from my well-intended messiness. (Some artists write quite messily or at least this one does though yours truly can do better if she's not in a hurry.)

Of course, as I type it's still November so prior to the December 7th New Moon we must navigate this Friday's Full Moon @00Gem52 on November 23, 2018--nearly a Thanksgiving Full Moon yet the activation of weeping star Alcyone (00Gemini) might complicate certain conditions or events especially in relation to water, accidents, or blindness (inner or outer).

How 2018 Began Affects the Entire Year and How It Ends

Perhaps we should again note the lunation which opened 2018, the New Year's Day Full Moon in Cancer with its Sabian Symbol (12Cancer) pointing toward China and messages. Next a fresh cycle of activity began with the January 16, 2018 New Moon @27Capricorn which significantly conjoined America's natal Pluto with all the implications that transforming, deconstructing, sabotaging, spying, assassinating, wealth-hoarding underworld 'god' Pluto brings along whenever he's hiding behind the curtain and invisibly manipulating people and events from afar. This 'plutonian' lunation conjured visions of the 2016 RNC's Full Moon @27Capricorn in July which spotlighted our national Pluto in bold relief along with major power plays which transformed the Republican Party platform in Russia's favor and heralded the ongoing sabotage of the US government in the form of Donald Trump, as we now see so obviously. For as you know, Plutocracy and its just-as-evil twin Autocracy are on the rise here and across the globe and Big T is all for it as a lucrative endeavor benefiting his personal coffers and his power-wielding social status.

At least, his continued prominence is what Mr. Trump desperately assumes will be the case.

A related post: Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 with the RNC 2016 Full Moon Horoscope shown as it activated America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of surveillance, mind control, censorship, and propaganda across the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn.

Also of note between RNC 2016 and the first half of 2019 (a 'time link' of sorts) is the 2 South Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 @15Cap25 which 'eclipses' the rising Pluto in the RNC 2016 Full Moon chart and, as 'wild card/cosmic blink' eclipses tend to do, will probably uncover or spotlight more information, scandals, or secrets concerning the Trump-GOP-Russia situation with the 2 South eclipse's 'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal' implications (Brady) with possibly a Mueller report revealed in late 2018 or early 2019. Or perhaps the Mueller report will be uncovered for public viewing, at least in part, by a significant Lunar Eclipse on January 21, 2019 @00Leo52 which will 'eclipse' or blot out the light of the US POTUS Sun as 2019 proceeds and influences the Collective Unconscious.

Above image: Moon Shining Across a Lake, the Sabian Symbol for 8 Scorpio; an illustration in pencil by Jude Cowell.

Nov 9, 2018

Astro-Notes on acting AG Matthew Whitaker circa 2006

The Wikipedia page of Trump's newly named acting AG Matthew Whitaker (politician) gives his birth date as October 29, 1969, Ankeny, Iowa so let's take a peek at the planets on that day to suss him out a bit for it seems we'll be stuck with him. His Sun is in Scorpio but naturally only a range of degrees for his natal Moon can be ascertained without an accurate birth hour. His Luna position during the 24 hours of his birth day varies from 21Gem16 to 3Can24 thus creating two potential Sun-Moon personality blends. Brief details of both are listed, below, and are taken from the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign:

Plus, details concerning Mr. Whitaker's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') follow along with a few of the transiting planets for November 7, 2018 which link to Whitaker's natal planets on that day (with the DOJ's chain of command ignored by Trump = unconstitutional).

An ethereal, misty Water-Air Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini denotes a passionate yet detached fellow gifted with the psychological understanding of a counselor and therapist. Endlessly curious and insightful about human emotions, Whitaker can be volatile, restless, satirizing, voyeuristic and tends to engage in off-again on-again involvements. One Image for Integration stands out: "Trivial Pursuits goes macabre."

A Sun Scorpio-Moon Gemini blend also pertains to Fyodor Dostoyevsky who informed us that, "If the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own likeness."

A sentimental, emotional double Water blend of Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer suggests the 'mailed fist in a velvet glove' sort of person who is very perceptive, clannish, shrewd, and charismatic with a strong sense of duty. This is a tough-and-tender combo of energies which can suddenly morph into exterminator mode and can "feel where things are at," then take actions to restore harmony. He allows subjective hunches to replace objective reasoning and can sink into self pity via an egocentric sensitivity (which sounds like Donald Trump).

Even this blend's Image for Integration sounds Trumpian whose natal Mercury (thought processes; communications) in Cancer tends to be clannish and shrewd as well: "A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage." How amusing in view of the fact that Mr. Trump feels a need to declare that he's "not a baby"! So as you can tell, I'm leaning toward a secretive Cancer Moon for Mr. Whitaker to 'go with' Trump's clannish, shrewd natal Mercury in Cancer although a Gemini Moon would resonate well with Trump's natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio.

Now two quotes from a couple of famous Sun Scorpio-Moon Cancer natives:

"There is a homely adage which runs, 'speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far'." - Theodore Roosevelt; and amusingly, "So live that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." - Will Rogers.

So as you know, Matt Whitaker was named acting AG on November 7, 2018 beneath the darkened rays of a New Moon @15Sco11 (when shady activities can flourish). In no particular order, transits to his natal planets (sans natal Moon) include:

Mars trine natal Mercury (25Libra): thoughts can be turned into action, mentality is energized, good news and/or good fortune arrive/s, lots of meetings are held, and business ventures are favored.

Venus Rx conjunct natal Mercury (26Libra): agreeable meetings and communications with allies involved in joint endeavors.

Authoritative planet of karma Saturn sextile natal Sun (6Scorpio): an opportunity is provided via a more mature or senior authority figure to demonstrate leadership ability--a chance to 'get ahead' is offered.

Saturn trine natal Saturn (5Taurus Rx): making plans, lifestyle changes are stabilized.

Saturn square natal Uranus (6Libra): great tension, challenges, and upsets.

Pluto sextile natal North Node (20Pisces) - both planet and point are karmic: destiny beckons, reaping the benefits of past actions (he's written and given his opinion on legal matters in Trump's favor multiple times), and...powerful events change the future.

A 7 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse

As for Matthew Whitaker's PE, it manifested prior to his birth on September 11, 1969 @18Vir53 in the 7 South Saros Series with themes of: 'force, anger, and power' via the 'Mars-Pluto energies contained in 7 South's initial eclipse' of June 22, 1248 OS @8Can03--conjunct Trump's natal Mercury @8:51!); 'huge obstacles will suddenly, easily clear, or, negatively, a pending potential crisis will manifest with a sense that everything is moving at great speed' (Brady's Predictive Astrology). A 7 South eclipse last manifested on October 3, 2005 @10Libra (between Whitaker's natal Venus @15Libra and Uranus @6Libra) and will next perfect on October 14, 2023 @21Libra 'eclipsing' his natal Jupiter (20Lib41) and occurring near the natal Jupiter (17Libra) of Donald Trump.

So as it turns out, both men are charter members of the "it's not fair!" club of Jupiter in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice. A cozy connection, perhaps, but there are a few other planetary links not so cozy between their natal planets which I may discuss in a future post if Mr. Whitaker manages to hang on to his new exalted position in the Department of Justice.