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Showing posts with label NRA Nov 17 1871. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA Nov 17 1871. Show all posts

Nov 4, 2018

Horoscope of the NRA Nov 17, 1871

Astrology of the National Rifle Association

by Jude Cowell

In December 2012, yours truly published a post concerning the Astrology of the NRA, no horoscope shown. Then in August 2018, I did it again, this time a post titled NRA Founded under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes, again with no horoscope shown.

Sometimes I neglect posting a horoscope here when no birth or founding hour is known which is the case with this November 17, 1871 hot mess of an organization but tonight I've posted below the 'noon' horoscope for the one or two readers who may be curious to see the chart and because the group is in the news currently in part due to the 2018 Midterms this week. Enlarge the image if you wish, for I've added its Prenatal Eclipse ('PE'; in 5th house at noon) @16Can57 in the obsessive 18 North Saros Series of high stress, accidents, and physical concern.

And of course we can't miss the harsh Mars-Saturn conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn conjoining one of the 'victim' stars, Facies with Mars-Saturn the pair that make up the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin. And you may wish to marvel at the Sun @24Scorpio which shines upon the natal IC of Donald Trump, and NRA's North Node pointing toward America's natal Mars with its tragic 'fog of war' square to our national Neptune in Virgo. Also check out the upper right scribbles of "NRA + GOP Potentials" between two brutal NRA midpoints and the GOP's natal Neptune @14Pis01 (now having its Neptune Return) - in fact, reports say that NRA funds are less than usual, spending on the 2018 Midterms is down, and its control on US Politics may be weakening just as the midpoint pictures say and this has given gun control groups more leeway:

Not listed on the chart are the three dates of the 2018 Saturn Return/s of the NRA which are:

1. February 25; June 10 Rx; and next--November 23, 2018. Now as you know, Saturn is a karmic planet (reaping what's been sown) so during a Saturn Return, it's Accountability Time when taking responsibility for past actions is demanded by the Cosmos. Can this be part of the Saturnian restriction and the limitations the NRA is experiencing in their coffers and political influence?

Aug 10, 2018

NRA Founded under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes

Way back in 2012 when I published a few astro-notes concerning the NRA and the horoscope of its chartering (November 17, 1871 "noon," probably at Albany, NY), I mentioned the fact that Pluto (the assassin, saboteur, 'god' of Hades, manipulator, wealth-hoarder, spy, foreign agent, The Pope, the loner in the "ivory tower") was activating by transit a certain Mars-Saturn midpoint. Today I remind myself that Donald Trump was born with that exact midpoint picture in his natal chart and psyche: Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage or fury of destruction; intervening of a higher power; bodily injury or harm (murder, death of many people) (Ebertin). Of course, in 2012, the safety of President Obama was on many minds for obvious reasons which don't need to be detailed here since racism in America continues to be used in Politics as a go-to wedge issue.

Of course, other astrologers have analyzed the NRA astrology chart as a quick duck duck go search will show such as an interesting discussion in a Skyscript forum which emphasizes the organization's compulsive, forceful, taking-power Mars-Pluto signature.

Another enlightening perspective was posted by astrologer Paul Saunders in 2014, an insightful analysis of the NRA's natal or founding chart focusing first on the organization's fanatic Mars-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And the thing is, a footnoted quote by Reinhold Ebertin in his The Combination of Stellar Influences may be instructive concerning the Mars-Saturn blend of energies which colors the NRA with its cosmic brush:

"One is inclined at times to consider Mars-Saturn as the 'death axis.' This combination is found in many cases at the time of death, but one should not make the mistake of taking it for granted that death will result. During the course of life this 'death axis' is very often stimulated by transits and directions, but life continues."

And so the 'life' of the death-cultish National Rifle Association continues as it turns 147 years old on November 17, 2018 with its Mars-Saturn fervor unabated although it remains to be seen whether Russian mob ties and funding scandals will take a significant toll on its reputation or its coffers. This particular Southerner (yes, with CSA ancestors) would think and hope that the Civil War could be laid to rest by now as the horrific ritual sacrifice and divide-and-conquer tragedy (manipulated by foreign bankers) it actually was.

Four Related Posts: Horoscope of The Confederacy; Civil War: April 12, 1861 Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands; The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War III, Trump, and the US Congress; April 28, 2017 Trump to NRA Convention Atlanta, Georgia with Trump's natal Pluto (unaspected) and gun-polishing Mars in Leo rising...