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Showing posts with label Solar Eclipses in Virgo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solar Eclipses in Virgo. Show all posts

May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024 NYC: Hope Hicks Testifies

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today at around 11:30 am edt in the Manhattan courtroom of Judge Marchan, a former close associate of Donald Trump was called to the stand in Trump's Election Interference/Hush Money Trial. On the stand, Hope Hicks pointed toward Trump's assistant Rhona Graff as a source of information, and testified that Trump was a great multi-tasker.

My understanding has been that not one penny ever left the Trump Organization without Donald okaying it, but maybe that's just me. Is it you?

Solar Eclipses Cycle 'Round Again

Notably, the upcoming 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra - the Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') that will influence Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025 with themes of loss and separation - happens to be the PE Series into which Hope Hicks was born on October 21, 1988 under 8 South influences, plus, issues of dedication, perception, logic, and/or health issues when in Mercury-ruled Virgo (R. Lineman).

Significantly, the lady's natal Mercury @11Libra will be directly hit by the 8 South Eclipse this October (or influential as early as mid-September) and this will activate her natal Neptune @7Cap42 as well - because Ms. Hicks was born with a Mercury-Neptune square as was Big Liar Trump. Therefore, the square suggests a tendencies to adjust data, and to deceive and fantasize as she served in the White House and has testified today about her boss. And like agent orange, she may tend to hear only what she wants to hear with this square. Later I'll want to catch up with the evening news concerning how her testimony turned out today.

Hope Hicks: Saturn-Uranus Conjunction 1988 = Powder Keg!

Now there are differences between her and Herr T's natal planets, of course, but we're talking about Mercury the messenger and her testimony today so her Mercury-Neptune square is, shall we say, under scrutiny, as is the square of fact-challenged Trump, fantasist extraordinaire.

So meanwhile, here's the 8 South Horoscope of Hope Hicks which perfected on September 11, 1988 @18Vir40. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart but I know there are more cosmic factors worth discovering for the curious:

Now I don't know what the rest of 2024 holds for Miss Hicks, but when an individual's PE repeats (about every 19 years), the themes and aspects of its subsequent manifestations may or may not repeat through life events. Because, as with all eclipses, cyclical repetitions of eclipses are replete with unpredictable Uranian 'wild card' possibilities which may include a change of direction.

Dec 28, 2020

Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell

December 28, 2020: With their political match-up soon to express in 2021, my study notes are penned upon the dual image of the Natal Horoscopes of President-Elect Joe Biden and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ('noon' used due to no accurate birth hour for Mitch). Of course, Mitch's position in the Senate could be altered depending on the outcomes of the Georgia run-offs on January 5, 2021. Or not.

Hopefully, enlarging or magnifying the image will result in readability for the curious:

Natal Horoscopes

Lower left: Joseph R. Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania (RR: A); Upper right: Mitch (Mitchell?) McConnell February 20, 1942 "12:00 pm" CWT Sheffield, Alabama.

The Prenatal Solar Eclipses ('PE') of both men fell into Mercury-ruled Virgo although in different Saros Series. That's because Baby McConnell was born early in 1942 and his PE actually manifested on September 21, 1941 while Baby Biden's PE manifested on September 10, 1942, almost one year apart, both in September's Virgo.

Themes of McConnell's 16 North Series are listed to the left of his chart while themes of Biden's 17 New North Series are listed, lower right.

Brief notes concerning Solar Eclipses in Virgo are there, center right, with both men having similar approaches to problems, a strong work ethic and sense of duty, attention to details, and a caution that Virgoan perfectionism tends to hinder karmic progress.

Speaker McConnell's PE @27Vir48 falls smack dab between his North Node and Neptune Rx, the pair that tends toward anti-social and anti-communal behavior and attitudes. And we don't need an accurate birth time to see this.

President-Elect Biden's PE @17Vir17 falls near his Midheaven (19Vir54) so that its themes such as 'sense of duty' are objectives within his career and describe how he is seen on the world stage (MC).

Meanwhile, both politicians are powerfully 'determined on success' due to a Locomotive shape of their planets -- Joe Biden's executive 'choo choo' is led by his creative 5th house Moon @00Tau59, and Mitch McConnell's executive 'choo choo' follows his Venus Rx @5AQ39 (house unknown) which conjuncts US natal South Node (July 4, 1776) relating to the public, a rather difficult Saturnian connection suggesting isolation, possible anti-social/anti-communal behavior (ditto!), a potential for unpopularity, feelings of inferiority hidden by a facade of superiority, plus, a negative karmic condition in which the deprivation of aid and/or affection for others can play a part.

And since Venus Rx leads his 'choo choo' we should also consider Mitch's Venus-Pluto opposition across the self-will axis of Leo-Aquarius with his Pluto Rx conjunct US natal North Node (the 'tiger by the tail' combo) and there's Mitch's Nemesis Rx (the unbeatable foe; divine retribution) conjunct his Pluto.

And where is Joe Biden's Nemesis? Conjunct US natal Saturn @15Lib43.

Related charts include: Mitch McConnell: Sun in Pisces which displays the same 'noon' horoscope you see, above, and also shows a Synasry Grid between McConnell and then-President Barack Obama (note that the post link contains an incorrect year of birth for Mitch!); and here's the horoscope for Joseph R. Biden (RR: A, as noted).

As usual, dear reader, your on-topic comments and observations are welcomed and Shares are much appreciated. jc