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Showing posts with label Venus-Mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus-Mars. Show all posts

Mar 1, 2022

Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939

February 2022 Invasion Echoes Poland 1939

by Jude Cowell

Recently, comparisons have been made by talking heads between Herr Hitler's brutal invasion, bombing, and take-over of Poland from September 1, 1939 to October 6, 1939, his 'September Campaign', and the February 24, 2022 invasion and bombing of Ukraine by Russian 'president' Vladimir Putin, a man with dreams of global dictatorship - just as Hitler had.

So naturally, worries about a world war starting are now on steroids thanks to Putin's power-grab of Ukraine and his nuclear threats, for as you know, Hitler's action against Poland sparked World War II. And synchronistically, the take-over of Poland and WWII (September 1, 1939 Danzig, Poland) both fall under the influences of the same Solar Eclipse, the 13 South Eclipse of April 19, 1939 @28Ari43 which is displayed, below, with astro-notes penned on including the fact that the Eclipse hit very near Herr Hitler's natal Sun (00Taurus), his 'trigger point of violence', and death-dealer Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Capricorn (conjunct America's current progressed position of Pluto) squares the Solar Eclipse indicating ruthless behavior, torture, and other criminal offences.

Meanwhile, karmic Saturn @22Aries separates from the Eclipse (6S42) and denotes those with the responsibility to carry out 13 South's themes which are penned at the top of the horoscope, and include sinister energy and an urge to expand as they 'strive toward group endeavors' (B. Brady). Of course, these two planets aspecting the 1939 Eclipse make up the evil pair of Saturn-Pluto which had last met in Conjunction three times from October 1914 to May 19, 1915 (@00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: World War - not so now). Yet there are Saturn and Pluto again at the Foundation of this Eclipse chart conjunct the IC (22Cap30) which weirdly enough, conjuncts the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which happened to hit the natal Vertex ('VX') of Herr Trump with its 'fated encounters' implications. Now these, plus, other cosmic synchronicities are listed, below, and are not comforting, I know, but there it is.

So see what you can make of the eclipse chart and leave an on-topic comment with this post, if you wish:

Image: World War II 13 South Solar Eclipse @28Ari43; April 19, 1939 5:35:02 pm CET Danzig, Poland

One recent event notated on the horoscope is the 1939 Eclipse's 7th house Vertex of fated encounters @6Tau44 pointing directly at the US Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction - also @6Tau44 (!). Either Universal synchronicity is full of irony, or someone devious plans ahead using astrological principles and placements as timing devices for their activities in the here and now, inspired by, or in tribute to, similar brutalities perpetrated by a long-gone dictator following the voices in his head (as do Putin and Trump). Now I know that many folks realize the similarities without the aid of Astrology, even without seeing white "supremacists" marching on TV and in streets with tiki torches burning as they yell hateful slogans - a global movement toward strong-armed authoritarianism. The recent banning and burning of books is a major clue as well - oh, and add the Moon's position (29Aries) during the Mars-Uranus Conjunction of 2021 for Luna conjoined the 13 South Solar Eclipse degree of 1939, a cosmic picture of completion and/or fulfillment of some sort. Apparently, current-day neo-nazis are simply preening with pride at how hateful, racist, and brutal they are.

Of course, basic factors that all solar eclipses in Mars-ruled Aries indicate are potentials for militancy, belligerence, boldness, and leadership, but when the energies are negatively expressed, these turn to arrogance, aggression, self-willedness, and a headstrong attitude that bodes ill for other people. In fact, the foolhardiness implied tends to cause more problems than it solves. Add to this Eclipse-ruler Mars in Capricorn ('the warrior') leading the planets in a Locomotive shape and we see an indication of a 'ruthlessness executive determined to achieve success at any cost' (whether in Poland or in Ukraine). The Eclipse falling in the 7th house in Danzig denotes pacts and karmic alliances or partnerships.

So do you think that history is rhyming from 1939 to 2022? Or is someone devious purposefully causing current events to 'rhyme' with past events in order to 'complete' a certain psychopath's malevolent agenda? See November 2022 Eclipse hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart which shows yet another example from the 1939 Eclipse horoscope - radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus @16Tau42 will conjunct the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus on the very day of America's 2022 Midterms - with reactionary Uranus conjunct Herr Hitler's natal Venus-Mars Conjunction, a passionate pair that recently met on February 16, 2022 @16Capricorn - the conjunction a repetition or an echoing of Adolf's unhinged energies from the past - when we take current events into consideration. As you know, the Venus-Mars pairing is super-passionate and can at times make quite a spectacle of themselves.

Cosmic Time Links: 1939 to 2022

And of course, comrade Putin's current actions are intended on a sinister level to undermine and collapse America, as you know, in revenge for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

So! If you can manage it, do check out Astrology King's insightful analysis of Herr Hitler with his Sun conjunct fixed star Mirach in Andromeda and the star's 'chained woman' implications which, to me, relate to the 'strong-armed paternalism' that again threatens the world, no less so than in American politics via Republicans determined to control women's health choices.

And note that this area of the Zodiac will be lit up once again by a Solar Eclipse in April 2023 (30Aries) so as I've asked before in a previous post, Are we once again being haunted by Mirach's Ghost?

Dec 14, 2021

The 7 North Eclipse of 2023 and the Chained Woman

April 2023 Solar Eclipse "30 Aries" = "A Duck Pond and Its Brood"

by Jude Cowell

December 14, 2021

When a fixed star is conjoined by a Solar Eclipse, the star's expression is strengthened and brought into our Collective Consciousness so perhaps we should note that the repetition of a 7 North Solar Eclipse (the series that brought society the rise of Fascism in 1933 and the Civil War in the US, 1861) spotlights fixed star Mirach in the girdle of the Andromedae Contellation. The star's keyphrase, the Chained Woman, has certainly become an issue in our day via abortion rights, women's access to healthcare and birth control, religious teachings concerning what some call a "woman's place" in the home (ex: "barefoot and pregnant": a brood? a chastity belt?), physical abuse, sex trafficking, lack of access to education, even voting rights suppression, and other important social concerns between genders that are already in the news and being legislated by paternalistic authoritarians. Obviously, misogyny runs rampant and affects many of these issues so the self-pitying 'incel movement' is also involved.

Reciprocally, a fixed star-eclipse conjunction emphasizes the themes and effects of the eclipse as well for both are stronger when expressing together. This strenthened expression resonates with the ability of all eclipses to act as 'wild cards of the Universe' that can suddenly change directions of earthly events much as planet Uranus can do. Plus, you know that natural disasters may occur around the time of an eclipse with its Uranian vibrations yet thankfully, the 7N eclipse of 2023 is not a Total eclipse. Yay.

For more info concerning the star, see Earth and Sky's Mirach: Guide Star to Three Galaxies which includes the intriguingly named galaxy Mirach's Ghost.

However at the moment, my main concern is Herr H's ghost that now haunts about 1/3 of America's population with hate-filled dreams of what some call, 'glory'. Thing is, rational people know that those are a dictator's dreams of power and control propelled once again by the destructive spirit that roams the Earth in search of willing, mindless robots and bullies (often young people who don't remember the severe, cruel harm inflicted during the Fascist and Nazi eras) who intend to carry forth his hatred, brutality, and abuse toward humanity. In other words, the gullible, those with low self-esteem, are infected with Herr H's vile, devilish psychosis.

Brutal 'Inspiration' from the 1930s Creeps into the 2020s

Now in those days, Pluto was trudging through Cancer, cosmic signature of the magician, while now Pluto opposes Cancer as he creeps through Capricorn, a cosmic signature of 'the dictator' (says R. Ebertin). Yet it's possible that bad faith actors in our day may very well be aware of this cosmic timing so that Pluto in Capricorn implications partially inform whatever certainty of success many of them feel, or profess to feel. But their feelings won't make it so! Besides, as most folks know, A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before! and will be made to fail again.

So as you see, below is the DC Horoscope of the 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50 which conjuncts the position of the Moon on Inauguration Day 2021 plus, the eclipse conjuncts fixed star Mirach (with its 'chained woman' associations), as mentioned, above.

7 North themes = 'deep passion that takes people by surprise; lust' (B. Brady) to which I'll regretfully add, 'blood lust' because of past, current, and future circumstances aggravated by the global criminal network of mobsters now larger than in 1933 and trying to take control again - domestically in the US where they perceive that wrestling democracy to the mat will negatively affect all democracies worldwide.

Now as you see, by April 2023, transit Pluto @00AQ19 conjuncts US Inaugural Sun (@00AQ51 in Jan 2021 = Joe Biden - or on another level, the fantasy president?). This transit suggests potentials for power and abuse issues, an identity change or crisis, brutal suppression, and/or confinement of some kind (R. Ebertin). So if Pluto-to-Inaugural-Sun implies another attempt at a Tr*mp coup of power-grasping between now and April 2023, may the confinement be his.

We should also note in the DC Horoscope that the initial 7 North Eclipse of October 2, 1103 @15Lib29 sits atop the 2023 Eclipse's Goal Point (= Midheaven which makes the 2023 eclipse doubly karmic) so that Venus-ruled Libra (sign of ladies, goddesses, diplomacy, relationships) is the cosmic lens through which all subsequent 7 North eclipses must be viewed so that what we have before us in 2023 is a harmony vs disharmony Venus-Mars affair and what perhaps may be unfortunately described as a chained woman:

As usual, my study notes are penned upon the chart and color-coded for you.

Jun 3, 2018

Trump Solar Return 2018 w his June 26th Moon Return

Jupiterian Donald Trump Gets a New Moon for His 72nd Birthday

by Jude Cowell

June 3, 2018: As you've heard, and unless something changes, defense lawyers reviewing Michael Cohen's seized papers, documents, emails, and other information for attorney-client privilege issues have been given a deadline of June 15, 2018, a date near the birthday (June 14) and the Solar Return 2018 of Mr. Trump (Sun to natal degree perfects June 13, as you can see). The following post concerns the early part of Mr. Trump's upcoming solar year coupled with his next Lunar Return of June 26, 2018 (21Sag12), plus, a few notes on the activities of transit Jupiter in Scorpio.

Previously posted is his May 30, 2018 Lunar Return, ongoing as I type and revealing a very busy month which includes mid-June events such as the deadline noted, above, and the much-hyped 'Singapore Summit' said to be back on the schedule for June 12--unless one or both of the two prima donnas take a quixotic notion to cancel again.

Image: Solar Return 2018 (June 13 8:24:47 pm edt, White House) of Donald Trump along with his June 26, 2018 Lunar Return, outer, to show that his natal/Return Moon conjoins the 2018 Solar Return Ascendant (both charts set for the White House for obvious reasons. This cosmic condition spotlights a significant year and prominent month for him. Lunar changes and fluctuations are indicated and possibly a change of job, residence, and/or public status). Also you see that a New Moon conjoins the Descendant in Trump's Solar Return 2018 horoscope which is a generally favorable indicator (unless negatives interfere) and acts as a timer for something new forming--here, in the relationship arena, although legalities may also be involved. Yet a New Moon conjunct DESC suggests potentials for a new cycle for foreign alliances or perhaps a new lady friend for the lonely, needy Mr. Trump. And yes, maybe he'll get out of his self-created legal messes after all--at least partially. But we should also note that the New Moon @22Gem44 of June 13, 2018 conjoins US natal Mars in Gemini and will activate our nation's tiresomely problematic Mars-Neptune square. Leaders who deliberately mislead lurk in the shadows of this New Moon and confrontations with reality prevail.

Cosmic Synchronicity At Work

Note that the New Moon is the Syzygy Moon of his 2018 Solar Return and in Gemini the lunation recalls candidate Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 @25Gem07--his paid-audience 'escalator' speech at Trump Tower. (Of course, a new cycle for US politics began then too and We the People continue to pay for it.) That Mr. Trump's natal Sun sets in his 2018 Solar Return chart may be descriptive of his current condition, plus, we should note that the Moon rules the 8th house of Transition, Corporatism, Shared Resources, Insurance, Credit/Debit, the Occult, and Death so changes are due in those realms as well.

As you see, both Return charts are ruled by Jupiter via the Sag Ascendants yet Jupiter applies to no planet in either Return chart which places the emphasis on Jupiter's sign and house positions. Here it's Jupiter in 11th house of Groups and in the big-business/scandal/surveillance-betrayal sign of Scorpio with transit Jupiter turning Direct @13Sco20 on July 10, 2018. Eventually, tr Jupiter will conjoin Trump's natal IC and enter his 4th house from where the planet of expansion will oppose Trump's natal trio of Uranus-NN-Sun. Of course, tr Jupiter to his natal South Node is part of the transit picture too and tacks on potentials for additional blockages, obstacles, ethical problems, and conflicts of interest coming to the surface--as could Mr. Mueller's report if it hasn't already been revealed by February 2019 when tr Jupiter hits Mr. Trump's natal South Node.

Jupiter in Scorpio Will Leave His Shadow

Prior to entering Trump's 4th house, transit Jupiter must reach and move beyond his shadow degree of 23Sco13 where he (seemed to) turn retrograde on March 8, 2018--stopping short just before conjoining Trump's natal IC (24Sco18) and entering his 4th house. Yet this Jupiterian shift is coming for the broadcaster-in-chief (Jupiter in 4th = expansion, redecoration, or change of residence?) for the first time in approximately 12 years. You may remember that it was in 2006 that real estate (4th house) mogul Donald Trump remarked that he hoped the real estate market tanked and that was about two years before it actually did. Was Trump prescient? Or merely tipped off? Was he in with the Wall Street in-crowd?

Now it's true that some improvements may be noticed around or just after July 10 when Jupiter turns Direct which involve growth, development, finances, or the promise of them by Jupiterian politicians. Yet before things can really move forward within the realms of Jupiter, the expansive planet of generosity must pass his shadow degree of 23Sco13 where he paused and turned retrograde on March 8, 2018 and this won't occur until October 6, 2018. Then the Great Benefic will be free to conjoin Trump's natal IC--once on October 12, 2018 from whence bossy 'Zeus' will do as he pleases. Does this describe Trump's happy release from White House occupancy and a return to his previous lifestyle? Or will freedom be denied? Perhaps a touch of house arrest?!? Well, another possible indicator should be factored in--the three conjunctions all through 2019 of tr Jupiter to Donald Trump's natal Moon, a 'feel good' transit if there ever was one! But will its soothing vibes be enough to mitigate or moderate the negative implications of other transits to his planets? Factual Saturn and corrupt Neptune may testify otherwise.

Jupiter @23Scor13 Midpoint Pictures: Any, All, or None May Apply

Now for the sake of comparison, here are potentials embedded within the midpoint pictures in the horoscopes of Jupiter Rx March 8 and Jupiter to shadow degree October 6 which may be of interest since the Jupiterian Mr. Trump was born within hours of a prominent Jupiter Station @17Lib27, with Mr. Moneybags then moving forward within his 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values--and in 2006, US Mars turned retrograde by progression conjunct that very same degree and we see how successful and fortunate (Jupiter) Trump's broadcasts and glowing promises (Jupiter) have used the inwardly turned, weakened males (US Mars Rx) of our nation while promoting (Jupiter) negatives in society such as violence, war, nuclear stand-offs, bigotry, playboy behavior toward women, misogyny, anger against males who impede him, denigration of traditions and institutions (Mars Rx) and divides Americans one against the another:

March 8, 2018 11:45:18 pm EST White House: Jupiter-Saturn = Moon: changing moods; annoyance via females; a changing relationship to a woman; becoming easily upset. Mars-Pluto = Saturn: desire to overcome difficulties and obstacles at all costs; leaving no stone unturned in pursuit of a particular task. Sun-Jupiter = Pluto: expectation of good luck; pursuit of fortune or wealth. Neptune-ASC = Pluto: suffering harm or damage through deceit, libel, or malice coming from others; depression caused by the environment. Uranus-Neptune = Mercury: plans without the possibility of realization; a peculiar imagination (Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square supplies it); occupation with metaphysical studies or practices; exploration of the unconscious; journeys.

October 6, 2018 8:49:44 pm edt White House: Sun-Saturn = Jupiter: a fortunate separation; corpulence and/or a phlegmatic temperament; good fortune of a sick, old, or serious person; happy in solitude. Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto: unreasonable plans; a far-reaching speculation; a great loss. Saturn-Neptune = Mars: listlessness; lack of creative energy; inactivity through emotional depression or illness. Saturn-Neptune = MC: a peculiar character; frequent mood changes; a tendency to quickly lose courage; wavering between materialism and idealism; emotional suffering; the state of illness. Pluto-NN = Mercury: desire to dominate others mentally or intellectually; exercising a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the public. Moon-Venus = Sun: actors or stage performers; protective care of the family; marital love.

Paraphrasing The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Related Reading: In the Realms of Jupiter: Donald Trump.

Now naturally there are multiple chart factors still worth considering but there's yet another storm system approaching the Atlanta Ga area so I'll close for now by mentioning that this upcoming week contains a medical procedure for yours truly so this may or may not be my final post for the week. For as they always like to say, we'll have to see how it goes! jc