June 2, 2012: A Meddly of Articles w a Few Astro-Notes Between
by Jude Cowell
From Information Clearing House comes a gob-smack of a Newsletter full of insightful op eds which 'run the gamut' from the Stuxnet worm to the private prison industry. You may wish to read a few especially if you prefer that your government act on behalf of the people rather than against them, an idea that once seemed novel, then didn't, and now seems novel again!
Not all the following opinions are endorsed by this blog or by this writer; authors' remarks are their own--but consider if you will:
Op-Ed Articles
Report: Obama Ordered Secret Attacks On Iran's Nuclear Program
by Haaretz
Stuxnet worm was part of joint U.S.-Israel effort to sabotage computers that control Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities.
(Secret: Neptune, attacks: Mars; US natal Mars and Neptune are forever locked in a square aspect denoting misguided, misdirected, and/or deceptive actions based on unclear or hidden goals. -jc)
Iran Nuclear Irony Lost On The West
By Jamal Kanj
The five-plus-one should be guided by reason, not by Israel's irrational paranoia.
Astro-Note: as you know, paranoia is a common contagion during times such as these when Neptune, planet of the unconscious, navigates its own watery realm of oceanic Pisces. My advice? Act steadily and maturely and don't let this be you! And remember that the Obama presidency was irrevocably imprinted during its premiere year (2009) by the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction/s which started the planetary clock over again for a new cycle of grand schemes, get-rich-quick offers, speculation, fraud, and glowing over-promises based on unreliable foundations like shifting sand.
Unending Wars against Mankind: Afghanistan and Iraq
By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD
Wars are planned and orchestrated by the few, the privileged ruling elite; humanity becomes the targeted victims of the few for global hegemonic governance.
When You Hear About Massacres, Reach For Your Truth Detector
By Danny Schechter
When is a massacre a massacre, and how can we find truth in the fog of intense war propaganda?
(Reminds me of the Biblical prophecy, "There will be wars and rumors of war." Plus, truth: Saturn, fog: Neptune, intense: Uranus and Pluto, war: Mars, propaganda: Mercury-Jupiter-Neptune-Pluto. -jc)
"Might Makes Right" Says Conspirator of Syrian-Iranian Conquest
By Tony Cartalucci
2005 interview profiles psychology of those behind the Houla Massacre.
Zionism A Rebellion Against Judaism
By Uri Avnery
When Theodor Herzl raised his flag, almost all East European Jews were still living in a ghetto-like Orthodox atmosphere, ruled by the rabbis.
Will Americans Speak Out Against Obama's Drone Warfare?
By Medea Benjamin
While purporting to represent the world's greatest democracy, US leaders are putting people on a hit list who are as young as 17, people who are given no chance to be tried in a court of law.
Well, Will They? Or will karma (reaping what was sown) take control? Drone kills are radicalizing large numbers of survivors--brothers, cousins, fathers, and other family members--so the devilish tactic is extreme and extremely counterproductive to what is allegedly America's 'righteous cause'--unless perpetual war is actually what you intend to accomplish while hiding behind a 'righteous' mask of national 'pride' and touting our (tattered) flag. The US Constitution these days? Not so much. -jc
Hope Burning
By Robert Scheer
A steely warrior who, according to a lengthy leaked insider account in The New York Times, hurls death-dealing drones at anyone who threatens the good old USA. Including children.
(Hope: Jupiter and Moon-Jupiter, and possibly: Neptune, burning: Mars. -jc)
Obama At Large: Where Are The Lawyers?
By Ralph Nader
The rule of law is rapidly breaking down at the top levels of our government.
Rule of law: Saturn, breaking down: slow Neptune and sudden Uranus; Saturn-Neptune = secret government; weakened government; contracted ideals. -jc)
WikiLeaks, War Crimes and the Pinochet Principle
By Amy Goodman
"This week's developments bear crucially on the public's right to know, and why whistle-blowers must be protected."
Coming: Even more FBI Warrantless Searches?
By Nat Hentoff
Wow! Have presidential rivals Obama and Mitt Romney said a word about this? Don't they care when the Constitution is being ravaged? Will this come up in any of their debates or in press interviews during the campaign?
"Democracy" For Sale
Conservative Groups Plan to Spend $1 Billion to Retake the White House
By Suzanne Merkelson
The $1 billion total surpasses the $750 million that Barack Obama, one of the most prolific fundraisers ever, collected for his 2008 campaign.
(Now why did I think it was Gov. Romney collecting the biggest war chest?)
America's Corporate Immigrant Detention Racket
By Sadhbh Walshe
Who benefits from immigrants awaiting hearings being locked up in worse conditions than criminal convicts? Only private prisons.
~:~Enjoy this handy recap of The Colbert Report for the week of May 29, 2012: my personal favorite--the "with Mitt" iPhone app that spells 'America' as 'Amercia'--is Mitt Romney or someone close to him dyslexic? Chant with me now, SUA, SUA, SUA...
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