With the US-occupied tinderbox of Iraq erupting of late, the composite chart of the Iraq War (set for the White House, March 19, 2003 8:00 pm) and the War's 'natal' chart (Mar 20, 2003 6:35 am BAT) when averaged together using the Davison method (which averages time AND place and thus gives a mid-date, in this case: Sept 24, 2005) is showing three YOD patterns.
A YOD, as you know, is aka a
Finger of God and indicates a special task or purpose, a
crisis situation. YODS express most purely when all the points are actual planets although ASC and MC, points of manifestation, may also be pertinent.
The base of a YOD is a sextile and it points to an apex planet or point. In Iraq's case, the three YODS have apex planets under stress: Mercury, Mars, and Uranus. I have highlighted the YODs in the image so hopefully you can see them more easily.
It would take all day to type out all the factors in this Composite-Davison chart (C/D) and I'm sure you notice that the 10th house Chiron is conj US n Pluto 27Cap. And that's Cheney's natal Venus (money; values; relationships) at Midheaven.
Transit Pluto/Chiron midpoint has been at the general degree area this year (19--24 Cap) so we have the plutocratic, oppressive, racist duo on display.
So let's see what the midpoint pictures for the YODs show, beginning with another plutocrat indicator, Jupiter/Pluto.
*Jupiter/Pluto = Mars: applying controls to suit one's particular purposes; leaderhsip; the desire to achieve great things; organizing talent; publicity.
Mercury/Saturn = Uranus: great inner tension; incompatibility; quick decisions or sudden departure; anxiety about a change of status quo; great tension between the old way of thinking vs the new; the inclination to go one's own way; excitability; haste.
Uranus/ASC = Mercury: the tendency to interfere in everything; nervous planning; fault-finding; caustic; oraganising power; the ability to sum up situations quickly; the stage of making arrangements; sudden news; technological progress.
You may also see that Cheney's natal Jupiter is rising, with his n Saturn following. We may then say that:
Jupiter/Saturn = ASC: the tactitcian; keeping properly in one's place (secret state-of-the-art bunker?)
*Replace Mars with Cheney's natal Uranus and we have...
Jupiter/Pluto = n Uranus: intense application of resources to establish a new perspective; overturning the tables; getting back on track or finding a better one; quick exploitation of every situation; a sudden reform or a quick development; sudden adjustment to new circumstances (how about some hot tar, a bunch of feathers, and a rail out of Washington?)
In Bush's nativity, Neptune (5Lib+) is conj the C/D Mercury, so we may replace Mercury in the YOD with his idealistic, deceptive, over-the-top Neptune...
Uranus/ASC = Neptune: sudden undermining of associations; disappointments; a feeling of martyrdom can be exploited.
Replace the C/D ASC with Cheney's n Jupiter and we see...
n Jupiter/Uranus = Mercury: ready wittedness; an abundance of thoughts; a fortunate turn in one's
occupation (!!); planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks.
Hmmm...sounds like Cheney is happy with the way things are going in Iraq this week...still. Quite the "success" for his portfolio.
Now here are the midpoint pictures within the C/D chart which link the war's start in March 2003 with today, March 28, 2008...
Mars/Pluto = Uranus: fight first, talk later; dangerous sense of attack; chip on one's shoulder; cruelty; violence; sudden calamities of great importance.
Mercury/Uranus = Pluto: indefatigability in one's work; over-strained nerves; a hasty realization of plans; getting the biggest job done in a commanding way; leadership; tremendous power for action.
Mars/Jupiter = Saturn (Saturn is conj 2003's Jupiter Rx:
the general): difficulties in making decisions; letting good opportunities slip away; having to toe the line; pulling in one's sails.
Saturn/Uranus = Mars: tremendous upheaval possible through calamity or anxiety; challenges leading to a decisive fight; violence; undergoing great efforts and toil.
More YOD details:Bil Tierney, in his book,
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis says that in composite charts, YODs with Mercury as the apex planet indicate one who is combining too many concepts to establish coherency, and that concepts must be streamlined in order to work. Given the current chaos and confusion, the chances don't sound so great, do they?
An apex Mercury in a YOD pattern works in similar fashion to Rx Mercury, and the US natal Mercury is Rx. If you've read my article on the first US presidency (George Wasington, of course) you'll know that the White house tends to 'psych out' the public in order to tell us what to think. We're seeing/reading/hearing war propaganda on the current chaos-in-the-tinderbox, but getting the real picture is another matter, isn't it?
Yet this apex Mercury seeks compulsively to find new communication avenues to make a greater educational impact on the environment--and the C/D chart is in the Disseminating phase which is the
spreading info stage.
And remember that this Mercury = George Bush's n Neptune which as an apex in a YOD prefers to stay in his ivory tower, thanks.
Ivory Tower = White House? Well, hopefully Bush won't be able to pull the snuggly blanket of power around his shrugging shoulders past Jan 2009--at least not from the Oval Office.
Mars as apex planet in a YOD, if poorly used, shows non-productive energy expenditures which need adjustments within the aggressive instincts. Hostility is aimed at inappropriate targets (and this C/D chart describes all parties of all sides as well, not only the US.)
An acute crisis situation may trigger mobilization of vital forces full of daring and courage, and wavering or vacillation won't do. Ties from the past may be broken by this apex Mars and quick adaptation leads to a new path.
Uranus apex here views everthing from a unique angle and is contrary and perverse (as Uranus may tend to be in any situation.)
New directions are best handled only after this apex Uranus alters his willful mental temperament, and disruption of all carefully formulated plans is jolting. Apex Uranus in a YOD pattern is a catalyst and trailblazer. Lawlessness is part of the turning point and causes irrevocable shifts in the environment.
Playing with fire hardly describes what the actors are up to in Iraq, some from within their Ivory Towers, and some from an independent spiritedness determined toward a new path fraught with fresh perspectives.
George Bush is calling the US offensive in Basra a
"defining moment" in Iraq, and after looking at the above composite chart, I must agree--but would have to add that it's also a
defying moment.Now why don't we-the-people leave Iraq as best we can with as many apologies as Washington can muster, and take the consequences from the over-extended, misdirected efforts of the Bush-Cheney regime?
It was, after all, their bad--and they had many foreign actors egging them on in what was known to be their Saddam-removal intentions from the start.
Defeat for America, you say? As Astrology shows, how a thing begins is how it will end so we were defeated by fraud and deception from its beginning by Chalabi, the White House, the Pentagon--and others pulling secret strings.
The US should face the music while the band can still play because the White House isn't protecting its infallibility...it's got none to hide.
midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.~~note: please pardon typos--my isp is on the verge of crashing (again) so I must publish now and correct later. ;o(