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Showing posts with label retaliation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retaliation. Show all posts

Mar 27, 2024

Horoscope: Hush Money Trial Apr 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Update: Going after Judge Marchan's daughter again may be what stalls the trial date as per Mercury Rx while an appeal is heard. Original post begins here:

Below you see two images of what is scheduled to be the Trump Hush Money Trial, aka, Election Interference Trial, Manhattan, NY, set by Judge Juan Marchan for Monday April 15, 2024. I'm using a start time for jury selection of 9:30 am edt which may or may not need adjusting. The first chart has my scribbled study notes messily penned on, the second horoscope is sans scribbles.

A few factors worth mentioning include:

In 11th house, chart-ruler Mercury is retrograde ('Rx') which suggests delays (yet Judge Marchan is against delays hence the April 15th trial date), and conjuncts the trial's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, the April 8th 8 North @19Ari24 of dreams and visions which falls within Trump's natal 8th house opposite his natal Jupiter stationary. This opposition identifies ethical lapses and immorality. Additionally, legal eagle planet Saturn @15Pis10 in 10th house conjuncts crisis star Achernar (risk of rapid endings) along with testy Mars and confused Neptune in late Pisces. Check Saturn as apex planet of a midpoint picture, highlighted in blue.

Then Mercury's Rx condition suggests review, revision, and testimonies perhaps previously heard; plus, in Aries Mercury may bring exaggeration and criticism into the courtroom.

How Things Will Proceed via Chart-ruler Mercury

Chart-and-Trial-Ruler Mercury applies to conjunction with Venus at a critical degree of Aries (will Stormy Daniels testify?); Mercury also conjoins Chiron, a good placement for business negotiations, and for disseminating information in general; obviously, news and reporting are suggested although Chiron may include a blindspot condition.

Then on or about April 25th, Mercury will station conjunct the Hush Money Trial's North Node of public contact so perhaps a decision and/or an announcement will occur soon after. If the April 15th date holds steady, that is. Given Trump's serial habit of delaying justice, we'll see if changes are made.

Meanwhile, the 25 Gemini Ascendant ruled by Mercury brings up Trump's "Prez Bid New Moon" of June 16, 2015 which is penned on the chart, while Pluto @2AQ02 in 7th house leads a BOWL shape of planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a mission. Then as you see, Astraea, asteroid of Justice, @15Can23 conjuncts the 2nd cusp of Money, Possessions, and Values, while Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, rises at 9:30 am edt:

T-Square: Moon-Pluto = Sun: "far-reaching plans" (N. Tyl)

Significantly, powerful Pluto afflicts the Sun-Moon square, opposing Moon and squaring Sun. Potentials are for pursuit of unreasonable desires, retribution is sought, the domestic scene and family members are under threat or feeling threatened, strong emotions are expressed, someone is dealing with a loss of power and influence through an unstable power structure, and/or there are setbacks in ambitions through overblown ego problems (R. Ebertin). Now I wonder whose ego is the most overblown of all?

Chart #2: April 15, 2024 Horoscope unmarked:

In closing, here are a few details on the April 15th Hush Money Trial's steamy fire-water Sun Aries-Moon Cancer blend of conscious and unconscious energies: a volatile, self-centered, impulsive, clannish combination. Quickly sizing up situations is a talent as is smooth-talking, but handling personal criticism is very difficult. In fact, one of the blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys may manage to take the hush money trial by storm:

"A child in a fit of petulent fury runs away from home."

Now Trump does tend to storm out of courtrooms, this we know, but hopefully, this isn't a cosmic picture of a flight risk from justice!

Oct 14, 2019

Will Trump Retaliation Against Diplomats Ruffle Regulus?

Well, here's a stinky kettle of fish: White House will retaliate against diplomats who don't cover for Trump during testimony. Naturally, reading this reminded me of Trump's Mars rising in dramatic Leo with royal Regulus and the star's well known Caution: 'success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'.

And so, one more time (yes, I'm fatigued by the whole thing, too) I ask Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?. His longed-for fall from grace is not being appreciated by his nibs at all and we've seen how retaliation is an obsession of Trump's with his natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, @22Sag24 Rx conjunct his South-Node-Moon conjunction (20--22Sag; 4th house) with both Luna and the Saturnian Node relating to unconscious drives and inherited tendencies. Apparently, his deep need for revenge and retaliation is a natural 'talent' so hopefully said diplomats will be able to withstand the onslaught of hatred from this vicious, cornered man who has everything to lose.

Apr 25, 2019

Trump's Retaliation Against Don McGahn

A former lawyer for Richard Nixon says that Trump's Retaliation Could Land Him in Jail for Ten Years so on Astrology's behalf I'd like to point out the message of a previous post which follows along similar lines:

Trump with Regulus Rising: Revenge Time!

And of course this could still happen - should happen - in spite of Donald Trump: Don McGahn to Testify May 21, 2019 (+ his natal planets).

Mar 26, 2019

Trump with Regulus Rising: Revenge Time!

Now that AG Bill Barr has covered for him so that Mr. Trump's 'exoneration spin' can swing into full force and he's threatening revenge against all his critics, it occurs to me that this particular phase of retaliation by Donald Trump may be a telling part of the Regulus caution he lives under.

For as you know, royal Regulus rises in Trump's natal chart (assuming its 10:54 am timing is accurate with ASC 29Leo55) so the 'kingmaker' star's caution is especially critical for Mr. Trump: 'success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away'.

So if you wish, see a previous post Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? for more details and a link to Trump's natal horoscope. Plus, for an extra 'punch' of revenge and grudge-holding in his character, it's interesting that Trump's natal Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, is positioned @22Sag24 which opposes his natal Sun (22Gem55) and thus conjoins his natal Moon (21Sag12) - on his (fated, karmic) Nodal Axis! Now with Regulus at Ascendant, Tisiphone on Nodal Axis with Sun and Moon - the man embodies retaliation and revenge. And that is one of, if not his primary, Achilles Heels (which is not so say that he hasn't others).

Therefore, it seems possible to me that the Great Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 (January 12, 2020) conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters will bring him his just desserts after all due to the many ongoing investigations now being pursued around the country, NY in particular (thanks to Mr. Mueller's 'farming them out').

Guess we'll have to see how Trump and America fares as 2019 closes, won't we? And as always, America is my only nag in the race!