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Nov 25, 2008

ISS toolbag spotted in orbit: video link

Space Weather News for Nov 25:

ISS TOOLBAG: A backpack-sized tool bag inadvertently dropped from the International Space Station last week is orbiting Earth and has been sighted from the ground. The tool bag is surprisingly bright, about 6th or 7th magnitude, which makes it an easy target for binoculars or a small telescope.

Today's edition of SpaceWeather News offers observing tips, sighting reports and a movie of the bag in orbit.

AURORA WATCH: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras tonight and tomorrow. Earth is entering a solar wind stream and this could trigger geomagnetic storms around the Arctic Circle.

Nov 24, 2008

US Fed influence shrinking

US Federal Reserve influence shrinking says an article in Der Spiegel from June, 2008.

If you missed this heads-up on an IMF investigation into US balance sheets and Ben Bernanke's tenure as Fedhead, it's a must-read.

Will the investigation amount to anything worthwhile? Ah, that's the question especially since the results are to be made known...after Mr. Bush leaves office for parts unknown.

Yes, I have mentioned this IMF report before but wasn't sure where I'd placed the article's link. Well, I found it just now at Lim's Limericks amongst the fur and the fluff.

So, let's see if I have this right: it's wolves investigating foxes guarding henhouses...with US taxpayers playing the chickens!

That just about sums it up, ya think?

Bill Clinton's third term proceeding

Here's a SO'W-recommended link to audio of Matthew Rothschild's commentary, Welcome to Bill Clinton's Third Term concerning Barack Obama's new econo-team, if you'd like to have a listen.

(How many branches does the Rothschild tree have?)

My guess is that certain political strategists are depending on the American people to think: Clinton-90s-prosperity.

But didn't that horse leave the barn round the time Robert Rubin 'banished' the term corporate welfare from the dictionary?

The crazy thing is, if Barack Obama serves a full term and prospects look up or begin decidedly to look up (which speaking astrologically is dubious for some time to come), then he'll be hailed a mastermind for channeling Bill & friends.

Otherwise? Not so much.


You may wish to scroll down for more of today's economic grumpiness from this, your reluctant astrologer.

Plus, Jude Cowell Art has been updated today with a drawing entitled, Scorpio Girl, along with econo-grumps and ideas for your consideration.

Moody Monday with Moon in Scorpio 11.24.08

If you're wondering how things are going with the planets and asteroids today, check out Julie Demboski and her excellent Monday Poll Round-Up!

Monday may be used as a symbolic representation for the week especially for things that begin on Mondays such as business, Wall Street, etc, so see what the astrological atmosphere is for today with Julie's wide and informed perspective.

Well, the Moon has entered intense Scorpio, sign of Big Business (and Sex), but there's a lot of Sagittarian energy in the air so it seems the Seeker rules the day, but the mood (Moon) is more hubba hubba and ooh la la!

And if that's your mood, why not visit my Chiffonery Art images at Cosmic Persona Designs and take an Art Break away from all this economic madness and the heistiness of George W. Bush'n'friends?

(Please note that Cosmic Persona Designs is meant for ages 17+. Thanks, jc)

Obama's Rubinomics folly

After reading Citigroup is dead and its round-up of authors on the subject, I know more about Robert E. Rubin (Clinton administration economic guru) than I wish I had to know.

And it seems Barack Obama, who named his economic team today and said that he had sought leaders with 'fresh thinking,' may be on the same old Rubinomics track, a financial formula that fueled the prosperity of the 1990s, but is not sufficient now with its misdirected focus on financial deregulation which has, turns out, helped fuel bankruptcies and bailouts in 2008 and beyond.

All of Obama's economic gurus are Rubin associates and acolytes. And all are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, some are members of the Trilateral Commission, and a few are in the Bilderberg Group.

I bring this up once more because if they didn't know how derivatives and other squirrelly financial practices were going to play out for the US economy and the American people, then I must be a monkey's aunt.

Now you know that Robert Rubin, former secretary of the Treasury, is an influential executive and director of...wait for it...Citigroup. Rubin's m.o. is to be around when he wants to be, then conveniently disappear when feathers hit the fan.

And watching this morning's TV performance by Bush and Paulson on the steps of the Treasury building you could, with a mere smidge of imagination, see the feathers floating down around their tone deaf ears as the lame duck quacked about 'safeguarding' Citigroup - with taxpayer money. More corporate welfare!

Which reminds me of a quote from Justice Earl Warren:

Many people consider the things which government does for them to be social progress, but they consider the things government does for others as socialism.

Now you may tar and feather me with the that's you brush for mumbling 'corporate welfare', yet I think the truth within the quote refers more closely to Paulson's massive aid to Wall Street over Main Street. Helping we-the-people is 'socialism' say the Republicans...if it is in 2008, it's because it's social, not because the commies are coming.

(Considering the room at Skull & Bones headquarters with all its Nazi memorabilia, I'd say the commies are already among us and in control.)

So President-elect Obama announced his plan for a huge stimulus package to shock the country's financial system into life, but one must wonder if he's about to lay one huge egg.

Hope not. It's difficult to see how Obama's ideas and plans could be worse than Dubya's, but we'll see. The markets are up now, last I checked, since BHO's economic announcements at noon.

And now one more quote from Barry Goldwater...a cautionary comment for us all:

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.

Don't look now, little pigeons, but that's just what they're up to.

Nov 23, 2008

Candace Gingrich's letter to Newt

Now this letter from Candace to her political dinosaur of a brother Newt is priceless. Ordinarily I don't read other people's mail but she did publish it so I suspect it's okay to peruse.

(Who would name a tiny, defenseless infant 'Newt' anyway? Zeeks!)

Through the years, every time I heard Newt Gingrich spout that he was "from Georgia" I cringed. Some of my ancestors arrived in early Georgia from Virginia prior to the Revolution, others just after, and a few of them were already here, thank you.

"From Georgia"? Puh-leease! This native Georgian doesn't claim him.

And ethically challenged Gingrich has never apologized for his 'Contract With America' which has turned out to be more of a Contract On America, as many people have remarked.

If you think the last 20+ years have been about the Gingrich promise of 'transparency' in government you undoubtedly need a stronger pair of spectacles, Sparkie!

One of Candace's points is that the world has passed her brother by and that even geezers are on to his brand of political tactics. Well, if America has a dreg of good fortune left to her at all, it shall be so.

Therefore, I heartily thank Candace Gingrich for sharing her sentiments for all to read! Wonder if Newt has read it yet?

Security high for Inauguration 2009

Not sure if this qualifies as a code magenta or puce, but Inauguration Security Enlists Snipers as four million people are expected in D.C. for the Jan 20, 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama.

Even this blogging gnat in faraway Georgia knows an entire family driving up to Washington for the event and fortunately for them, a family member lives nearby so accomodations are no problem (good thing!)

And what a crush it would be if a sharpshooter had to pop someone, wouldn't it?

Think I'll soon be taking another gander at the Inauguration 2009 chart with closer attention to safety concerns now that the Oath's festivities are drawing near and snipers are mapping out their best locations.

Here's the 2009 Inauguration chart with midpoint pictures in English (and a few are troubling but midpoint pics are all-none-or-some possibilities, not certainties), and other comments - but remember I wrote it months ago when it was difficult to believe that Bush and Cheney would ever be pried from the White House!


Blogger Concerns:

Here's a heads-up to the 3 or 4 readers of this blog who kindly leave me comments: I love comments! But Blogger's comments moderation set-up doesn't tell me which posts comments are left for as I okay them, so if I don't reply to you it's probably because I'm having to search for your remarks after I publish them.

Comments on recent posts are easy to discover. But if you comment on an older post, I may never figure it out.

So if you think of it when commenting, it would expedite matters if you mention the post's title or subject in your remarks to ID its location! It's just crazy, I know, but there it is. My duh, no doubt.

Thanks a bunch, Jude

Nov 22, 2008

Craig Ferguson interviews Dick Cheney: video

Is it possible you missed last night's interview between TV's Craig Ferguson and Dick Cheney? ;p

Then here it is in its haggis-faced, raunchy splendor. Enjoy!