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Showing posts with label Moon in Scorpio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon in Scorpio. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2018

Astro-Notes on Kim Jong Un: meeting Pluto

When Two Dictators Get Together What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

by Jude Cowell

The birth year of North Korea's ruler Kim Jong Un is suspect with a Rodden Rating of XX (undetermined). The years 1982, 1983, and 1984 have been suggested for Kim's birth while January 8 does seem to be the case (and even his pal Dennis Rodman has mentioned it as his birth day the year that Kim turned 30 years old, Rodman said--so, 1983). Of course, this uncertainty makes it iffy to bother comparing the natal planets of Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump (whose birth data is apparently certain but the hour? Does royal Regulus really rise with Trump's Mars in Leo? well, he is a 'king' in his own mind as once again evidenced currently by Trump's assertion that he can autocratically pardon himself).

So we can be nearly certain that Kim was born with Sun in Capricorn, the Saturn-ruled sign of government, law, and business. If born January 8, 1983 he may have a Scorpio Moon, if in 1984, a Pisces Moon. Both are Water signs, both secretive but Scorpio is a Fixed (rigid) sign while Pisces is Mutable and changeable. One suggests reigning needs of Scorpionic proportions which include issues of control, finances, surveillance, sabotage, and betrayal while creative Pisces' needs include compassion and sacrifice. Therefore, to me the birth data argument for Kim seems weighted toward the January 8, 1983 side with a Scorpio Moon and Sun in Capricorn and the combination's Saturn-Mars-Pluto influences. Curiously, a transiting trio of energies have recently been constellated between this same trio by the recent formation of a certain midpoint picture -- Mars-Saturn = Pluto, and this is a 'natal echo' for Donald Trump who was born under the brutal, violent influences of this very same midpoint picture on June 14, 1946.

See The Atlantic's Kim Jong Un's Age No Longer a Mystery which cites January 8, 1983.

Now a brooding Scorpio Moon isn't necessarily the case for Kim, but that's how I'm leaning at present. And note that his natal Sun at around 17/18Cap is now being 'visited' by creepy, powerful wealth-hoarder of the Underworld, planet Pluto suggesting a period when recognition as 'a force to be reckoned with' is on his agenda. Power struggles, will power, dominance, ego needs, pride, and aggression are also revealed by a Pluto-to-Sun transit along with a potential for a new start of some kind once plutonian issues and ego-based demands are successfully dealt with.

Of course, astrological Pluto also represents the nuclear realms, plus, the Creepy One may on a deep level signify Mr. Trump himself (Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator, Ebertin) coming to meet Kim's natal Sun at their June 12, 2018 Singapore Summit of low expectations as only a getting to know you chat. The recently announced hour of 9:00 am Singapore time (June 11 9:00 pm in the US, EDT) was unknown to me when I previously posted on their June 12 meeting but here's that post if you're curious. Two of Singapore's founding horoscopes are included. On June 12, 2018 in Singapore at 9:00 am local time, Trump's natal Saturn in Cancer rises with his Venus in Cancer in tow (Ascendant 19 Cancer). For Kim (if born in 1983), his natal Pluto @29Libra is first to rise followed by his natal Saturn in early Scorpio and the Scorpio Moon.

Kim Jong Un's 2 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse (1983)

Just a quick note concerning his 2 South Solar Eclipse with its theme of: noticing and joining an unusual group from which great gains are expected (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). As the Cosmos would have it, a solar eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series repeats on January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn--not conjunct Kim's natal Sun but possibly near enough to be of some influence. As you know, eclipses influence history by working through individuals so if such a group/great gains theme plays out for Kim Jong Un, this will support the theory of a 1983 birth year for the leader of North Korea.

In closing, here are a few astro-notes concerning the Earth-Water Sun Cap-Moon Scorpio personality blend of energies:

Sun Cap-Moon Scorpio is a self-possessed, resilient,, tenacious combination of a tireless worker who has no time for fools (Trump is in trouble on that score since Kim knows that it only takes flattery ladled plentifully onto Trump's shaky ego to completely psyche him out!) Goals and values are personal obsessions for this personality which is constantly vigilant for attacks that come from all directions. Shrewd and self-controlled, Kim Jong Un is not the out-of-control character Western media has often painted him to be and this June 12 summit may reveal which of the two participants are better described by such criticism. However, Kim can temporarily 'go off the deep end' when motivated by disturbing emotions. Blind to his own prejudices (as are most people!), Kim is undeterred by obstacles and defensive againt all threats which helps account in part for his nuclear stance in the world. And if this is his personality blend, the idea that Kim will never give up his nuclear program seems justified on a very deep and personal level.

Besides, after years of bragging about its nukes (and even writing them into the NK Constitution!) de-nuclearization would be a huge cultural shift. Would Kim actually give up his nuclear weapons? Or won't but say he did?

Jan 4, 2015

Former NY Governor Mario Cuomo: paradox, paragon, or both?

On the Life and Personality of Mario Cuomo

by Jude Cowell

The American people lost one of their liberal champions this week with the passing of former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, born at 9:30 am EDT on June 15, 1932 in Jamaica, New York, age 82. Astrologers recognize the timing of his life span as having a close connection to the 84-year cycle of planet Uranus, planet of genius, originality, and the radical politician (natal Uranus 22Ari37--transit Uranus not there yet but soon will be).

One source gives his time of death on January 1, 2015 (while his son was being sworn in to a second term) as 5:15 pm EST in Manhattan for those who wish to set up a horoscope.

Besides his inspiring oratorical talent, those close to Mario Cuomo describe him as having a writer's temperament which makes sense with both natal Sun and Mercury in Gemini, sign of writers and orators (Sun 24Gem12, Mercury 27:00). To check Cuomo's Astrodatabank wiki pages for a direct view of his natal horoscope tap or click here or, for more details visit his bio page as you wish.

Of interest may be a few highlights in the career of Mario Cuomo including his speech on July 16, 1984 at the DNC which catapulted him into the national spotlight (video below). His shout-out to President Reagan's touted 'Shining City on a Hill' (that Utopian ideal of Uranus) as actually 'A Tale of Two Cities' (the reality of Saturn--his in Aquarius) resonates even more strongly now as the 2015 political year begins with a newly rigged Republican majority in Congress threatening working and poor Americans with increased plutocratic oppression. Even the GOP's purported focus on the middle class bodes ill for the underdogs of American society, those weaklings Ayn Rand viciously despised.

Now on a personality level we may wish to consider Mario Cuomo's natal Sun Gemini-Moon Scorpio blend of conscious-unconscious energies, an ethereal Air-Water combination. His Gemini-Scorpio energies gave Gov. Cuomo a mixture of extrovert and introvert tendencies (an eloquent orator yet he loved to be at home which may be part of why he didn't run for president which then opened the door for Bill Clinton to run).

The former governor's Sun-Moon blend denotes a provocative head vs passion character who fought an inner battle between light-dark superficiality vs intensity, and a quick-witted operator who could sell anything (Gemini = commerce and trading), a very useful trait for a politician, lawyer, and educator. Dedicated to his convictions, Mario Cuomo could be humorous and infuriating at the same time with a scathing tongue and many inconsistencies to his character.

Respected by many Republicans, this Democrat may never quite be replaced in US Politics unless another Geminian orator takes the national political stage who holds genuine convictions rather than Gemini's usual changeable instabilities. A devoted Scorpio Moon and Mars in stubborn Taurus gave Mario Cuomo's nature more Fixed energy and thus provided him with an unbending rigidity and fixity of purpose.

R.I.P. Mario Cuomo June 15, 1932 - January 1, 2015.

For more Sun-Moon blend info I recommend Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey. And here's an apt quote from one who shares Mario Cuomo's natal Sun Gemini-Moon Scorpio combination--author, poet, and critic G. K. Chesterton:

"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people."

And now...Governor Mario Cuomo speaking on July 16, 1984:

Apr 30, 2012

May 5, 2012: Scorpio Full Moon w 00Cap Rising

Astro-Notes on the May 5, 2012 Full Moon @ 16Sco01

by Jude Cowell

Do you know that the May 5, 2012 Full Moon is called "Wesak" and as such celebrates Buddha's birth and enlightenment? For more info, please allow expert astrologer Dipali Desai to fill you in on that and more concerning the May 5 Full Moon which happens to manifest on Cinco de Mayo.

Plus, the May Full Moon falling in early Spring makes it the Flower Moon of 2012 so this lunation is simply full of meaning on many levels, isn't it?

One level is within the realm of Political Astrology and when the lunation horoscope is set for Washington DC, we find controlling Saturn 24Lib40 Rx (the Old Man, Task Bringer, Lesson Teacher, and the planet I often use to signify the Democratic Party which is older than the Republican Party though both their natal horoscopes contain Saturnian themes and traits, of course--and sometimes they switch roles between Jupiter's expansion and Saturn's restriction. In a phrase (politically speaking), checks and balances, the way the US government was meant to work.)

Now with Midheaven indicating the WHY? Point of any chart (or, 'The Goal'), we may expect issues of control, restriction, and delay to predominate, and for the Democratic Party to continue to be under attack by the GOP during this Campaign 2012 year. And of course, the May 5 Full Moon is the culmination-fulfillment stage of something begun at the last New Moon two weeks ago (April 21, 2012 @ 1Tau35, 3:18 am edt in DC, with NN '5Sag' at MC, and mid-Aquarius rising.)

Additionally, 10th H Saturn, its own house, is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice (another 'balance' reference)--and with US natal Saturn in mid-Libra--we think of ongoing SCOTUS cases and the Justices veering to The Right (5 of them at the least) which is proving disastrous for our tattered democracy, what there is left of it.

Angular and Able to Act: 4/10 axis = Mercury/Saturn

Opposite Saturn is Mercury 24Ari51 conjunct IC (End of the Matter; The Drain; Real Estate: Homeland; Security v Public Status) showing Mercury/Saturn themes (serious business; dishonest people; philosophers-thinkers-planners) to those concerns and bringing in the influences of Mars 6Vir23 in 8th house and Pluto 9Cap24 Rx in 1st house; Pluto rising = major events out-of-personal-control?; Cap is ruled by Saturn, as you know, and Virgo is ruled by Mercury--Mars conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo, as we've discussed previously (a karmic task to fulfill? issues of revenge, jealousy, big projects? weapons of war? nuclear issues? zealotry? any or all?)

What's Rising? Pluto Rx--and US natal Pluto

ASC 00Cap35, a World Point of Manifestation, and one corner of the very active Cardinal Cross so 00Cap35 'fingers' the May 5, 2012 Full Moon as being more significant for America than Spring flowers blooming. This degree recalls Pluto's entry into Capricorn in early 2008 when tr Jupiter was in process of opposing our nation's natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun)--just as Pluto was readying to do so, but more slowly. Financial and political concerns in the US were being opposed by tremendous powers in high (low, hidden, foreign) places--and still are, with US n Sun yet to be fully opposed (13Can/Cap = critical-crisis degrees); then later US n Mercury Rx @ '25Can' ("A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power") will be up against wealthy, powerful Pluto of the Underworld but not until about 2017 (using a 5-degree orb.) As I'm sure you've noticed or read elsewhere, year 2020 looks to be a doozy in the making, for this and other astrological, political, and societal reasons.)

Jupiter and Pluto Met Secretly and Schmoozed Over Big Fat Plans

Pluto entered Capricorn only weeks after the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24 as the plutocrat-banker-wheeler-dealer duo met for a champaign toast on the very afternoon of a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank of America--and within mintues of Fedhead Ben Bernanke walking to the microphone and delivering their royalist message to an in-process-of-being-heisted-from American people. Recession in the US began in December 2007 and times when the systemic cracks and fraudster robberies could no longer be kept hidden from the public with the full force of Jupiter-Pluto exploding in December 2008 near the very end of the Bush presidency.

Do you know I remain in a major snit of miffdom over their Big Heist? Because I do. Their historial bubble-bust pattern is clear. Yet if President Obama had done a lot more for Main Street and for struggling homeowners, I'd feel quite differently even though Politics is only Theater, dahlink, meant for public consumption, with the real deals happening behind the shadowy curtain. Actually, the June 5-6, 2012 Venus Transit may time a similar scenario when unusual or unsuspected alliances are formed or re-committed to--or are broken off. Watch for 'musical chairs' among national leaders as the Summer season nears--and odd or strange happenings with little if any explanation given for them.

So! Saturn as the May 5 Full Moon's chart-ruler does make one major applying aspect in the horoscope, a trine with evaluating Venus 22Gem21, in 6th house (DC) and conjoining US natal Mars, a time when desires are enhanced.

Now if only the desires of the American people carried an appropriate amount of weight with Washington politicians, the servants (6th H) we've sent there to do The People's business and bidding! Yet the 6th H also relates to military service and with the Mercury/IC degrees as they are (22--25 Aries), I always think of the natal MC of George W. Bush. And you know what quagmires he and his globalist pals got us into from January 2001 to January 2009.

Okay, that's almost enough Political Astrology chatting for today. Here's an illustration for what I hope is a very lovely and healing Full Moon for you and yours in Mars-ruled/Pluto-sub-ruled Scorpio, sign of secrets, but also of regeneration:

Flower Moon 2012; to view more pencil art mosey to my Jude Cowell Art Shop at Zazzle for merchandise like pillows and wall posters, Secret Moon Art for gallery views, or even Cosmic Persona Designs...if you're daring enough and over age 17.

Now here are the "Images for Integration" for the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend of the May 5, 2012 Full Moon--intense, successful, and celebrated:

"Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

Any of these sound like public figures past or present?

Well, Sun Tau-Moon Sco is shared natally by Prince Charles, Michael Dukakis, Erwin Rommel, Michael Crichton, Clifford Irving, and two former US presidents: plutonic Harry Truman, and Warren G. Harding who informed us in previously difficult times that,

"Our country needs not heroics but healing; not nostrums but normalcy; not revolution but restoration."

No matter how Mr. Harding may have meant his prescription then (and politicians always seem to have a default script running in their backgrounds!), to me his sentiments certainly apply to the current kittens-in-string condition of the United States of America--compliments of our elitist political class, SCOTUS, and the banking behemoths who direct, and own, them all.

Feb 13, 2012

President's Budget released into wilds of Washington w Moon in Scorpio

Monday February 13, 2012: Dreams and the Sun AQ/Moon Scorpio Blend

by Jude Cowell

In Virginia, around 11:00 am this morning under a Scorpio Moon, President Obama releases his 'budget', that dreamy list of numbers that no one in Washington takes seriously. The US does not have an official budget and no laws are ever signed to make it so--by design, no doubt. This budget will hint at what the president 'would do' if he's re-elected. An app is available for the public consideration so check the White House website if you wish.

As you know, in Mundane Astrology the travels of Earth's Moon through the Zodiacal signs tell us something about our public mood and daily lives with the fluctuating Moon changing signs about every 2 1/2 days.

Blending traits of the Moon's sign with the day's Sun sign, we may glean flavors of daily events and the people involved in them--Sun = the leader, Moon = the people. So let's see if there are hints, budgetary or otherwise, within today's Sun AQ/Moon Scorpio combination of Air-Water signs, a misty and ethereal blend to be sure, perfect for the visionary dreams of a president operating under monetary restraints especially since rigid yet watery Scorpio, with its deep passions and emotions, is the sign of Big Business.

A Sun AQ/Moon Scorpio blend describes keen insight, pride, fierce principles, and self-reliance which exerts a powerful and hypnotic magnetism within the environment. This is a combo of an ambitious reformer (though as you know, the US tax code remains un-reformed and clunky.)

Emotionally, it's a blow hot'n'cold blend which tends to get mired within its own dogmatic opinions and prejudices so we may expect lots of push back from Obama opponents concerning what is really just a wisp of a budget proposal, not real at all. Perhaps the ongoing midpoint picture involving the speculation-wastrel-grand schemes pair, Jupiter and Neptune which last hooked up by conjunction all through 2009, Mr. Obama's first year in office, directly upon US natal Moon in Aquarius which more deeply involved the American people in the government's dreamy grand schemes and some legislative deals of dubious merit.

You've seen it before since 2011: Jupiter/Neptune = Uranus: imaginary v real; sudden recognition of a difficult situation; coming down to earth with bump.

Curiously, the Sun AQ/Moon Sco blend is shared natally by a (John) Adams descendant and I shall close this post with his most famous quote which, along with the Sun AQ/Moon Sco combo, begins This Week in Washington with this flavor:

"Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organisation of hatreds." --Henry B. Adams

Well said, Henry B.


US Inaugural Moon 2009 returns to 29Sco45 this evening at 7:30 pm est in 3rd house in DC. The Sabian Symbol of this critical-crisis degreed Moon remains in effect for the duration of President Obama's first term in office: "A Halloween Jester" which Dane Rudhyar describes as 'RELIEF FROM TENSION'--and I'd be quite prepared for that eventuality!

May 21, 2011

Ridding Toxicity by the Scorpio Full Moon: Crystal Pomeroy

Having just been privileged to publish with the author's permission May 17, 2011's Scorpio Full Moon Meditation by Daykeeper Journal's lunar expert, Crystal Pomeroy, I thought SO'W readers would appreciate a heads-up on Crystal's insightful column.

As a sign, Scorpio enjoys a mixed reputation and it's often considered negative. But the 8th sign, ruled by Mars and co-ruled (as I say!) by transformative Pluto, has the ability to positively affect toxins so that we may refresh ourselves - especially when Politics (that 'organized system of hatreds') poisons our thought processes and separates us from our Higher Minds and from feeling empathy for our fellow human beings!

Nov 24, 2008

Moody Monday with Moon in Scorpio 11.24.08

If you're wondering how things are going with the planets and asteroids today, check out Julie Demboski and her excellent Monday Poll Round-Up!

Monday may be used as a symbolic representation for the week especially for things that begin on Mondays such as business, Wall Street, etc, so see what the astrological atmosphere is for today with Julie's wide and informed perspective.

Well, the Moon has entered intense Scorpio, sign of Big Business (and Sex), but there's a lot of Sagittarian energy in the air so it seems the Seeker rules the day, but the mood (Moon) is more hubba hubba and ooh la la!

And if that's your mood, why not visit my Chiffonery Art images at Cosmic Persona Designs and take an Art Break away from all this economic madness and the heistiness of George W. Bush'n'friends?

(Please note that Cosmic Persona Designs is meant for ages 17+. Thanks, jc)