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Dec 31, 2008

MarketPlace features Astrology 12.31.08

Today MarketPlace turned to Astrology for answers about what's going on with the economy.

Pluto in Capricorn and what it means to society and the transformation of markets and banking - never thought I'd hear such analysis on PRI's MarketPlace!

But it's New Year's Eve so if this is a sign of a leaf turning over or a resolution surfacing for the new year, I like what they're doing with the place...MarketPlace.


Note: above link is to a brief article I wrote which contains a link to today's MarketPlace feature on Astrology - text or audio is available.

Note2 to Jilly: have seen coal sludge spill chart for Dec 22, 2008, 1 am, Kingston, TN. Forgot earlier today when I replied to you that it's New Year's Eve so I'll post on this interesting chart asap. Thanks for the spur, Jilly! jude

Obama's first test: Gaza?

Obama's first test seems to be Gaza and Israeli aggression, one president at a time though we be.

How do you think the Hawaiian vacationer did especially since he didn't mind speaking out about Russia's incursion into South Ossetia but is hiding behind the 'one president at a time" smokescreen when it comes to Israeli war plans which were laid months ago?

As the Capitol Steps jesters said just now, Screople can poo up anything.

Iraq and the Knights of Malta

The Knights of Malta seem to be a very busy, meddling bunch.

Dec 30, 2008

Obama's senate seat to Roland Burris?

Who? Roland Burris. That'll be Senator Burris to you if Blago has his way.

Well, they tried to stop him and plan to ignore him, but Gov Rod Blagojevich is said to be appointing Roland Burris to Barack Obama's vacated senate seat.

Guess if this were a B horror flick we could say, It came from Illinois...

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2009

Boondoggle for trillions and front for spy satellites though it may be, NASA can be useful to society such as providing details on 2009's Eclipses - like their paths of totality and visibility.

History of 2009's Eclipses and future dates are also given.

Here's the Solar-Lunar Eclipse list of occurrence from Brady's Predictive Astrology:

1. Solar 6AQ30: Jan 26, 11 North: people suddenly change groups with which they are mixing, through travel or ideas; the separation produces positive benefits;

2. Lunar 21Leo: Feb 9;

3. Lunar 15Cap: July 7 (NASA says it's so minor it's invisible);

4. Solar 29Can: July 22, 11 South: old methods and ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with events; sudden reforms are
necessary and any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.

5. Lunar 14AQ: Aug 6;

6. Lunar 10Can: Dec 31, 2009.

Dec 29, 2008

New Years Eve '08 and Venus casting shadows

Space Weather News for Dec 29, 2008

NEW YEAR'S EVE: What a way to end the year. On Dec 31, Venus and the slender Crescent Moon will gather together high in the southwestern sky for a beautiful conjunction visible for hours after sunset. The two brightest objects in the night sky can be seen through city lights and even fireworks--so everyone can enjoy the show.

Meanwhile, closer to the horizon, Mercury and Jupiter are converging for their own Dec 31 conjunction. This one is not so easy to see, but rewarding for those who make the effort to find the two planets shining through the rosy glow of sunset.

Visit for sky maps and photos of the converging planets.

BONUS: Is Venus really bright enough to cast shadows? The answer is yes, and the proof may be found on today's edition of

A French photographer has captured rare images of Venus casting a shadow and he has even made a movie of the shadow in motion.

New subscribers: To sign up for free space weather alerts, click here.


Dec 31, 2008 astrologically: Moon and Venus conjoin near the end of Aquarius (conjunct US natal Moon creating happy feelings - in fact, America's Lunar Return is at 1:53 pm est, Washington, Dec 31, 2008) while Mercury and Jupiter will hook up in the last two degrees of Capricorn, tropically speaking, with quick Mercury hurrying on its way to 00AQ47 Rx in time for Inauguration 2009 and its meeting with the Sun.

Some Mercury Notes for Jan-Feb 2009:

Mercury will perform a Retrograde Station 7AQ45 on Jan 11, and a Direct Station 21Cap45 on Feb 1, leaving its shadow - the planet's previously traveled degrees during this go-round or yearly orbit - on Feb 21, 2009. Plans may move forward more slickly after Feb 21 or so.

The archetypal Mercury in myth is male or female...the eternal youth - boy or girl...hence the 'its' for Mr. Quicksilver.

Jefferson's 1st Inauguration 1801

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

Words spoken by Thomas Jefferson on the occasion of his 1st Inauguration, March 4, 1801, back in the day when the significator of a US president, the Sun, was at 13Pis+ on March 4, with 1801's Moon in early Scorpio (3:23.)

The Water-Water combo of Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio may give us some information about what was in the air on the day of Jefferson's first inauguration between the leader/Sun and the people/Moon which reflects the leader's traits.

With Water being the element of feelings, imagination, and intuition, a double Water emphasis gives a mainstream-go-with-the-flow flavor to the day. The experiences of life are to be quaffed and one may gush with feelings, go misty with emotions, and easily dissolve into tears.

Nostalgia and sentimentality are usual with Water-Water blends which long for times gone by and may be considered a 'wet blanket' by fiery types. This is the caring and compassionate 'wet' combination when it comes to Politics rather than the doctrinally pure 'dry' type; plus, it's a poetic and imaginative blend that wants emotional security and comfort food every chance it gets.

Its shadow side is to remain emotionally clingy in relationships and to suffer from a lack of objectivity. In men, this combo may result in an overly detached, unemotional, and ultra-rational approach - Jefferson and his friend Voltaire knew a lot about reason and rational approaches.

The Sun Pis-Moon Sco blend adds an ability for psychological insights, along with stubbornness and complexity. This is the appreciator of the tragedy and comedy of life which has the will to expose exploitation and hardship; it is strong and courageous in adversity.

Emotions are difficult to voice although sympathy is there in abundance; criticism can be scathing, and a cantankerous streak may become evident when heels are dug in on certain issues. There is quiet strength and intensity to this combination with an instinctive understanding of others through its 'psychic sponge' capability.

Intellectual ability is deep and stable once prejudices are by-passed, and there are many areas of interest including mysticism and miracles. One's own company is preferred which gives the acute perceptions time to form and enlighten as great mysteries are delved into.

Weaknesses are a tendency to over-rely on personal opinions, irrational suspicions, unawareness of persistent prejudices, negative self-absorption, a love of sensationalism, and a tendency toward use of manipulation in order to gain power. (In Washington?!)

Charles & Suzy Harvey give these Images for Integration for the Sun Pis-Moon Scorpio blend:

"Longfellow's poem, The Secret of the Sea...Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath." #

Well, I thought a stroll down 1801 Inauguration Lane might be interesting since America is preparing to do it all over again 208 years later.

So just to recap from previous posts, this January 20, 2009 at noon, the Sun-Moon blend is Aquarius-Scorpio...

Images for Integration:

"A researcher presents his findings to colleagues at a 'Science For Humanity' Conference...A scientist dissects a scorpion with great tenderness and absolute precision...Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

So! it seems the sea still keeps her secrets 20,000 leagues down...

Dec 27, 2008

Article Round-Up: Lusitania and Iraq to Ahmadinejad and Jesus

Today there's quite a smorgasbord of news articles and opinions from herding human/s (beings - 'human' is an adjective but who cares when you're being herded like sheeple and cattle?) to an Ahmadinejad video where he waxes forth on what Jesus Christ would do if He were here:

Herding Humans For Profit

By: Peter Chamberlin

The duplicitous leaders in those countries then carry-out America's will, to
set them upon a path to war, in effect, driving their own people into a
"kill trap" where unwanted war is forced upon them. This pattern prevails
all over the earth, wherever the US has imperial designs. We are all being
herded into a global war trap, some call it world war III.


Secret of the Lusitania

Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship

By Sam Greenhill

Her sinking with the loss of almost 1,200 lives caused such outrage that it
propelled the US into the First World War. But now divers have revealed a
dark secret about the cargo carried by the Lusitania on its final journey in May 1915.


Top Ten Myths About Iraq, 2008

By Juan Cole

1. Iraqis are safer because of Bush's War. In fact, conditions of insecurity
have helped created both an internal and external refugee problem.


Seasonal Forgiveness Has a Limit

Bush and his cronies must face a reckoning

By Jonathan Freedland

Heinous crimes are now synonymous with this US administration. If it isn't
held to account, what does it say about us?


The Noose Tightens

Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and other top Bush officials could soon face
legal jeopardy.

By Jonathan Tepperman

The United States, like many countries, has a bad habit of committing
wartime excesses and an even worse record of accounting for them afterward.
But a remarkable string of recent events suggests that may finally be changing.


Alternative Christmas Message

Video and full text of a Christmas message from Iran's president

By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

If Christ were on earth today, undoubtedly He would fight against the
tyrannical policies of prevailing global economic and political systems, as He did in His lifetime. #


So...the Lusitania catastrophe was a set up? A false flag, as we've come to call terroist operations stage-managed by governments against their own citizens and blamed on someone else for manipulative political purposes?

Do you suppose there's any American of age who doesn't know we've been duped into war every single time?

Dec 26, 2008

US as democracy a delusion

With transiting Saturn approaching America's natal Neptune in Virgo, planet of delusion, deception - including self-deception - confusion, veils, the masses, oceans, the collective unconscious (Uranus and Pluto - all three outer planets - are linked to the great unconscious of mankind as symbolized in the constellations by Cetus the Whale) we must wonder what the old man will bring to our ideals - a tampering squelch or wishes coming true?

Neptune's province includes the basic urge to merge, as well as ideals and dreams, so considering Saturn's function of splashing cold water upon what won't be manifesting (no matter how one wishes upon a star), the US may have a very basic and fated realization coming by way of Saturn's realistic rays to nebulous natal Neptune 22Vir25 in natal 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Religion.

Down to Earth with a Bump?

Today is 12.26.08, and my radio is broadcasting, PRI's 'Changing World' with a program called, Desperate Dreams...descriptive of my blab here on Saturn (desperation; loss) and Neptune (dreams.)

There is a place where I attempt to blend these Saturn (form)+ Neptune (mists) energies into an image at Dreamyfish Art if you're interested in botanical fish portraits placed in fantastical undersea scenes - ensnared within their favorite dream surroundings, as the script goes.

Yet this crisis in consciousness has been a long time least 28 years with Saturn's orbit. Something of a mosey, 28 years, which could actually vary from 26.5 and 30 years, depending on retrogradation, etc. Old men often hobble along as slow as turtles, but some have a hitch in their get-along when they choose to.

And then there's Saturn's timekeeping function - Time, the one thing Astrology brings to any picture because, like it or not, we are all subject to the Great Equalizer, Time, another of Saturn's realms peeking from behind his Chronos face which we view in the symbol for January, the face of Janus.

Saturn's last tango with US natal Neptune was a three-fer transit: Oct 23, 1979; March 29, 1980; and July 13, 1980. Events from this time period, or situations where things were happening then may come back to haunt, or need further attention in some way.

And if the pertinent Solar Eclipses of the time (1979 - 1980) extend their influences to the present year 2009, we have:

18 North '29Leo' = high stress level; taxing of strength possibly including accident or injury; physical concerns and obsessive thinking or worrying.

18 South '27AQ' conj US n Moon = endings, partings, separations through travel or endings of relationships, but new situations have positive outcomes. (Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

Now if Saturn's lessons have been heeded in the past (Saturn's realm, the past, along with tradition; Saturn is the old man, the senex) if lessons have been heeded and responsibilities have been honored and taken seriously, Saturn may bring long-term rewards to long-term efforts.

That would be one above-average positive result of Saturn to US natal Neptune. The other is Saturnian form being brought to - offered to - Neptunian dreams!

My negative interpretation would be something related to secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) being put into a more concrete form through the 'dreams' of the social tinkerers who are determined to implement their plans for a one-world-government.

Their schedule is moving right along, and Barack Obama's presidency is, sad to say, no exception.

Now this, from Information Clearing House:

"The two greatest obstacles to democracy in the United States are, first, the widespread delusion among the poor that we have a democracy, and second, the chronic terror among the rich, lest we get it." - Edward Dowling



This post prepared using America's symbolic 'Sibly' natal chart, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA. The actual date or hour of Saturn to Neptune may be affected a little by which natal chart is used, but the transit's influence remains the same.

Dec 24, 2008

An alternate Christmas tradition from Austria

If Krampus is a goat-headed holiday spirit that's after all the naughty folks of the world, George and Dick better run from Washington DC's Goat of Mendes head that's laid out in DC architecture.

The devilish goat is on to their bad selves (or inspiring them, take your pick.)

Maybe it really is time for the war twins
to be hoppin' down the rabbit hole trail before Krampus gets 'em.