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Jan 14, 2009

Handcuffing Obama

Obama's Pro-Israel Congressional Welcome

By Rami G. Khouri

If the Israeli attack on Gaza that started 18 days ago was designed partly to send a message to the incoming Barack Obama, the United States Congress in the past week seems to have joined the battle to handcuff the new president and lay down the law for him, even before he takes office.


The above view is one way to look at Israel's rush to crush Gaza while Bush is still in office. Personally, I see a seamless transition from one president to another, aka baton-passing.

Jan 13, 2009

1.20.09: pass the Sour Cherry Chutney please

When January 20, 2009 comes and Barack Obama sits down to lunch with Congress, the menu includes Sour Cherry Chutney and a brace of American birds.

Word is, the American eagle is safe from the grill.

Jan 11, 2009

Planet Report for Jan 12 - 19, 2009

Not from me, silly! With out-of-town company here this weekend I have little blogging time to spare and I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms this morning or I wouldn't be here at 8 am (!)

But a personal favorite of mine, astrologer Julie Demboski, is tracking the planets for Jan 12th - 19th for you in her lucid writing style including major asteroids now being stimulated.

Julie says that those in need should have relief soon and God knows, they're desperate for it.

My view through the lens of years' worth of Political Astrology blogging tells me that Gaza's donkey carts are too much in the news for the world to sleep a wink until the merciless bombing STOPS. Babies' bodies are being eaten by wild animals in the streets - and this is the best Israel and the wolfen, self-exalted Bush administration can do?

See image, Niobe's Plea in sidebar...that's Niobe, the grieving mother.

And you may wish to drop by Red Bubble for an Art break - which is where I run when Politics, crooked political thespians, and their self-serving propaganda and engineered wars become too much.

Does that sound elitist or distant? Please pardon me - being a mother myself, I am grateful for any amount of peace that breaks out anywhere on the globe...wherever, whenever.

For if mothers called the tune, ALL children would grow up well-nourished and happy, and war-profiting politicians and their backers would be facing the corner with dunce caps on their primarily-bald pates - until, that is, the world court called their numbers and sentenced them to what they really deserve.

Jan 10, 2009

US Senate okays Gaza aggression, Saturn-Uranus opposition in the fray

US Senate Endorses Israel's War on Gaza

By Jeremy R. Hammond

The US Senate on Thursday passed a non-binding resolution promoted by the influential Israeli lobby AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee), effectively endorsing Israel's war on Gaza.

The resolution, entitled "A resolution a resolution expressing solidarity with Israel in Israel's defense against terrorism in the Gaza Strip."


US weaponry is being used by Israel (Goliath) - and I want to know where Hamas is getting its rocketry (David.) Ironic that David and Goliath seem to have have switched sides since the olden days, and I suppose it's Iran providing David his rocks and slingshots.

Well, the aggression of the Saturn-Uranus opposition is really showing itself, isn't it? Saturn-Uranus as a pair represents the Middle East and specifically Palestine and Israel.

Their appr 45-year cycle began with conjunction 3 times in 1988 in the 27 to 30 degree area of Sagittarius where transformative Pluto, god of Hades, has traversed so recently.

So at the risk of boring you, here's the midpoint picture again which Pluto's transit has stimulated so grievously:

Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: acts of violence or brutality; rebellion against one's lot in life; harm through force majeure; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort.

With Pluto now into Capricorn to stay, we might hope things will be resolved (as much as they ever are in that region of old and deep animosities) but then we have World Point 00Cap00 to consider where world events manifest, and the deconstruction of Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by authoritative Saturn. Any contact of Saturn and Pluto seems made for cruelty of various kinds.

'Forgiving the unforgivable' seems very far away as the New Year rolls on, doesn't it? But it's the only way to stop the cycle of violence and revenge in Gaza - and within our own hearts.

As Scriptures say, we should Pray for the peace of Israel. For the sake of the world, let us pray.

Jan 9, 2009

Astrology of the SEC

Here's some SEC info courtesy of astrologer Ed Kohout.

Super Full Moon, new sunspots, and Comet Lulin approaches

Space Weather News for Jan 9, 2009

APPROACHING COMET: Comet Lulin (C/2007 N3), discovered in 2007 by a collaborative team of Taiwanese and Chinese astronomers, is swinging around the sun and approaching Earth. The photogenic comet has a bright tail and an "anti-tail" visible in mid-sized backyard telescopes.

At closest approach in February, Comet Lulin is expected to brighten to naked-eye visibility.

Visit for sky maps, pictures and more information.

NEW SUNSPOTS: For the second time this week, a sunspot is coalescing on the surface of the sun. The spot's high latitude and magnetic polarity identify it as a member of new Solar Cycle 24; its appearance continues a recent trend of gradually intensifying new-cycle solar activity. The spot is growing rapidly and may soon provide a nice target for backyard solar telescopes.

FULL MOON ALERT! This weekend's full Moon is the biggest and brightest of 2009. It's a "perigee Moon" as much as 50,000 km closer to Earth than other full Moons we'll see later this year. Perigee moonlight shining through icy winter air can produce beautiful halos, coronas, moondogs and other atmospheric optics phenomena.

Sample photos are featured on today's edition


There's the Astronomy of it.

And here's the Astrology chart of the Jan 10, 2009 Full Moon in Cancer with its Mystic Rectangle pattern (Sun opposite Moon; Saturn opposite Uranus) and a YOD (Finger of God pattern) superimposed over the Mystic Rectangle.

Moon '22Cancer'..."A Woman Awaiting a Sailboat"...

You may wish to check with Lynda Hill at her Sabian Symbols site for info on this degree's meaning for what promises to be a smashing, super-close Full Moon, the only perigee Moon of 2009.

Grisly Gaza

Red Cross Finds Starving Children with 12 Corpses in Gaza 'House of Horrors'

By Martin Fletcher, in Jerusalem

The International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the Israeli military of "unacceptable" conduct and breaching international humanitarian law after discovering four emaciated children living next to the corpses of their mothers and other adults in bomb-shattered houses in Gaza City.



Couldn't help thinking of the horror of a 3-year-old and his brother being found in 2 inches of their mother's blood on Showtime's series, Dexter.

But this is reality in Palestine. And it's abominable. The powers-that-be don't want peace in the Middle East, that's now as plain as starving children sitting in blood. Will they live and grow up to bless Israel? I think not.

The law of karma - we reap what we sow - is being grossly defiled by Israel and will come back as it was sent out - and we know that violence breeds violence, so the endless round continues as World Peace is made a distant dream by the holier-than-thou New World Order engineers.

Jan 8, 2009

Horoscope of Obama econo speech 1.8.09

At George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, Barack Obama gave a speech today on the US economy and what his administration plans to do about it.

Calling for Congress to get busy - day, night, weekends - and work with him, the president-elect gave what George Stephanopoulos of ABC News called essentially "a SOTU address."

Here you see the charts for his speech's beginning and end, and I wish I had time to spare to blurb about it now.

You see the Moon in Gemini leaving 3rd house of Communications and entering 2nd house of Earning Ability. He started speaking at a Mercury Hour - appropriate for speeches - and ended at a Moon Hour which is appropriate for change, publicity, and public needs.

Tomorrow, Jan 9, will be Barack Obama's Jupiter Return so you see Jupiter 00AQ42. Moneybags Jupiter left 11th house of Groups/Associations/Hopes/Wishes and entered the more viisble 10th house of Public Standing/Career.

There are several midpoint pictures formed, but no patterns (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc.) You'll see a few other notations if you click the charts to enlarge.

Other than that, I'll have to return later to add a few notes including the midpoint pictures, if anyone is interested...for now, gotta motor!

UPDATE 6:00 pm: Mars as chart-ruler is out-of-bounds and working on his own for ill or good, and makes no applying aspects in either chart which puts strong emphasis on his mavericky OOBs status and his house and sign position.

Mars really is working in a pure Capricorn-10th house mode, and 10th house is Cap's natural house. This points directly to Mars' exaltation in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) and thus indicating the most efficient and focused use of Mars energy and drive in the zodiacal pantheon.

Here are the midpoint pictures from today's speech beginning with its start at 11:14 am est with harmonious Moon-Jupiter rising. I'll place an asterisk by the pictures that are in effect at his speech's start and end...

Moon-Jup = ASC: confident; being happy and well-accepted; an expansive nature;

*Sun-Pluto = Mars: carving new perspectives; enormous drive; strenuous self-application; the desire to perform record achievements; ruthlessness; working to the point of physical breakdown (ex: he called on Congress to work with him - days, nights, weekends to write/pass his economic stimulus bill - and I say that if it was so friggin' necessary to work like that for Wall Street, then it's Main Street's turn);

*Mercury-Pluto = Sun a persuasive speaker; a keen observer; desire for recognition; championing an idea or attitude that prevails; communication skill;

*Venus-Mars = Mercury: an actor; thinking of progeny;

*Venus-NN = Neptune: making promises that are hard to keep; disappointment or falsehood in relationship;

*Mars-Neptune = Jupiter (BHO's natal Jupiter, too): inspiration; a fortunate turn or break after disappointments; disappointments under otherwise fortunate circumstances; enjoying the cloud's silver lining; a break in the nick of time;

Mars-ASC = Neptune: magnetism and charisma; disharmony in the work environment; a lack of energy; diminishing creative power;

*Uranus-Neptune = Venus: high sensitivity; a fantasy life;

At 11:31 am est, additional pictures had formed:

Nep-ASC = Uranus: sudden troubles through others; succumbing easily to the influence of others; being harmed, hindered, or defamed by others; hoping for luck; some day one's ship comes in;

Nep-Mc = Jupiter: the inclination to put all of one's eggs in one basket; speculation; gambling; dreaming, hoping, feeling sure somehow that all will be well;

Pluto-Asc = Neptune: the misfortune to suffer from the actions of bad, malicious, deceitful people in one's environment; experiencing a most awkward situation; fight against rumor; vision to fulfill; embarassment to transcend; something paranormal influences situations.

And here's a doozy that became exact as he spoke...

Mars-Pluto = Mc: confidence; ambition; dealing with might on either side of any issue; major job maneuver; unusual capabilities for life advancement; ambition; facing overwhelming force without power (or without money? George, Hank, and Dick got it all.)

Well, there they are. And as usual with midpoint pictures they act in an any, all, or none way and are more likely to be active when triggered by transits, progressions, and lunations. The speech chart/s will always be 'triggerable' as time goes by and as planets from their chart positions here, and in future, meet or aspect the other planets/points in the chart/s.

The most obvious example is that the Sun 18Cap32 will conjunct today's Jupiter degree (and BHO's natal Jupiter) on Jan 20, 2009, noon, Capitol Building, Washington, DC!

Yet we can say that the third planet in each equation is a trigger, so they are provided here in a general environmental sense, yet as noted, wherever we see Jupiter, we see a trigger: the natal Jupiter of president-elect Barack Obama.
Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin.