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Jan 26, 2009

GOP to blitz against Obama's health care plan

Never mind the condition of the 'health care' industry in America. Never mind the state of health of the American people. Forget future generations, they'll be terminal before they leave their nurseries at this rate.

It's all about political dive-bombing against Barack Obama and the Democrats...we-the-people are mere collateral damage already sucked dry financially and with too many of us unemployed to pay the dastards.

They design chemicals, load our foods with it, sell things as 'new and improved' (remember that little Madison Avenue gem?), and then overcharge us for drugs to cure what they and their industry friends triggered in our compromised immune systems in the first place.

How brilliant the power elite must consider themselves!

Read and view how this Jan 19 BBC documentary takes on Obama's plans as a lobbyist admits what it's really about (rendering America's health care 'system' null and void, imho) - and undermining the president of the United States.

Jan 25, 2009

Holbrooke wrong for job says Scott Ritter

The Wrong Man for the Job

By Scott Ritter

It is highly doubtful that Holbrooke will bring anything more to the table than cheer leading. President Obama's stated intention to increase the size of the US military presence in Afghanistan and to more forcefully assert US-imposed "security" through continued military action in the Northwest Frontier of Pakistan is a dangerous scheme, one Holbrooke will enthusiastically support. #


Holbrooke a cheerleader? Then he favors Jingo George!

President Obama's Afghanistan plans sound like Very Bad Ideas to me, but what does a gnat like me know?

If Orwell was right (and I believe he was/is) then 'endless war' is the aim of certain movers and shakers and da*n the torpedos and the populace. Population control is a side effect they can easily live with.

The politics and politicians I about constantly are only the political arm (or tentacles) of the monster, and like Hydra in the myth, the octopus' ugliness should be lifted into the light of day - into awareness - to interrupt its devouring of the good with the bad, the baby with the bath water, and innocent civilians with psychotic criminals who cynically and cruelly use them as political 'shields'.

Jan 24, 2009

44 Presidents 'morphing' video

Watch as 44 presidents morph one into another! Notice with which commander-in-chief the portraits begin to smile big like they just ate the family cat's cream - or like they know where all the jewels are hidden...


A huge "Thanks" goes to Donna D for this cool heads-up!!

Obama same as Bush the torturer?

Obama's Orders Leave Framework of Torture, Indefinite Detention Intact

By Tom Eley

While the media is portraying these orders as a repudiation of the detention and interrogation policies of the Bush administration, they actually change little.

They essentially represent a public relations effort to refurbish the image of the United States abroad after years of torture and extra-legal detentions and shield high-ranking American officials from potential criminal prosecution. #

Figures. Old boss same as the new boss? If President Obama doesn't do more than refurbish America by PR strategies, it will show very soon.

Jan 23, 2009

'Ring of Fire' Eclipse Jan 26, 2009

Space Weather News for Jan 23, 2009

SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Monday, Jan 26, the Moon will pass in front of the sun producing an annular "ring of fire" eclipse. This is not a total eclipse; the Moon will cover only 93% of the sun's surface.

Nevertheless, the Moon's dead-center transit across the solar disk will produce a sight of rare beauty for observers along the "path of annularity."

Best views are to be had from islands in Indonesia where the ring of fire will appear to sink into the ocean at sunset. Meanwhile, in Australia, southeast Asia, southern parts of India and South Africa, observers will experience an off-center partial eclipse. Crescent-shaped sunbeams will dapple the ground while high overhead the Moon takes a curved bite out of the sun.

Please visit for eclipse maps, timetables and photos.

BLUE-SKY FIREBALL: Last week a meteoroid of unknown size hit Earth's atmosphere over Denmark and exploded with a flash so bright it turned the night time sky day time blue.

A video of the remarkable fireball and eye-witness reports may be found at Spaceweather's fireball sighting page. #

Oh dear. And I've been calling Monday's Eclipse the 'New President' Eclipse for obvious reasons. But he is kind of inside a ring of fire, isn't he?

Solar Eclipse 29 Cancer 7.22.09

Update/Correction: above chart and post titles both show "July 22, 2009" but as you plainly see from the chart's date, the Eclipse occurs in the Eastern time zone on the evening of July 21...yet if I change the post's title it will confuse crawlers and spiders everywhere, so I stand self-corrected and hope you can forgive me a crazy typo!

Original post begins here:

July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse 29Can27 in the 11 South Series; 10:34:32 pm edt, Washington, DC, USA.

Eclipse occurs in 5th house of Creativity, Risk-Taking and Gambling, Romance, and Progeny; Mars Hour, no out-of-bounds planets so all are on the Earthly plane and participating within the group; Mutable-Water strong.

Venus is just beyond her 'Venus Transit' degree of June, 2004, the day of the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA. Venus Transits indicate a time when unsuspected associations are formed with unusual partners.

Sun-Moon applying (1A50) to inconjunct with Pluto 1Cap17 Rx in 10th house of Public Status. Morya and Pluto are still traveling together.

Sun inconj Pluto: taking on more responsibilities; need is to dispense with non-essentials and focus energies on specific goals; the less conflict created when dealing with others the better.

Moon inconj Pluto: objectivity needed; over-reaction to other people's demands and needs yet submission brings contempt; need to unlearn old habit systems to avoid being taken advantage of; good for working behind the scenes but with a tendency to be a patsy for other people's incompetence.

As you see, the Eclipse is at a critical or crisis 29th degree, but I'm using the rounding-up method: '30Can' has this Sabian Symbol: "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...INHERITANCE (MEJ.)

pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: the ultimate betrayal of self hood by a false assumption of superiority.

There is more to say about this rather difficult Solar Eclipse but it will have to wait until I have more time...for now, click chart to enlarge for a few of my private notes including some of America's natal placements highlighted in blue.

In pink is notated Bernadette Brady's description of the 11 South Series of Solar Eclipses which last manifested on July 11, 1991, 18Can59.

to be cont'd...

Olbermann-Tice interview video and text

This is a day late, but so is the Newsletter it comes from:

NSA Spied on Journalists? Whistleblower Reveals Surveillance Target

By Keith Olbermann - Video and Text

In an exclusive interview tonight on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," former NSA analyst Russell Tice says that the agency under the Bush administration secretly collected communications data on civilians, including journalists. #

Ah yes...whistleblowers, that rare bird of Washington. Why, I remember DC's Whistleblower's Week of 2007, do you?