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Apr 6, 2009

Strange Space Hand reaches for Dying Star

Here I sit wondering if you've seen this
NASA photo of a strange 'space hand' reaching - or supporting - a dying star.

Pretty weird stuff! Of course, with the Chandra Nebula involved we think of Chandra Levy's sad end - and Pluto always plays the saboteur, spy, murderer, or assassin extremely well.

Now astrologically speaking on another level, if the 'strange hand' could be said to signify Pluto, what does the dying star represent? Let's see, what do we know is on the way out? What isn't?

So might this be a synchronistic image of Pluto's global underworld crime syndicate about to strangle - or goose - America and other nations now flailing in the throes?

Or is this a snapshot of the very core of life, represented by Pluto's deeply transformative powers of death and rebirth, caught on film in the act of reaching out to the struggling Earth herself?

What do you think the photo resembles?

Me, I'll settle for option number 2. Or a trick of the light.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk May 19, 1881

Update Monday, Apr 6: a video of Pres. Obama honoring Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, April, 2009.

Original post begins here:

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, born May 19, 1881 in Salonika (now Greece), the present-day Thessaloniki, is famous as the Founder of Modern Turkey, and US Pres. Obama is visiting Ataturk's memorial site while visiting Ankara on his weeklong European tour soon ending. Mr. Obama flies to Istanbul Monday evening.

Fond of the Age of Enlightenment (code for an Illuminati adherent? A Rosicrucian perhaps?), Mustafa Kemal, often called Ataturk, is the fellow who transformed Turkey into a modern, secular, and democratic nation-state.

(A nation-state is an idea whose time has seemingly passed, 'they' say. Politicians may talk floweringly of sovereignty but spend most of their time undermining it in one way or another.)

Ataturk became Turkey's first president and served from Oct 29, 1923 to Nov 10, 1938, and for the entire 24-hour period of May 19, 1881, Luna was in Aquarius which gives him Sun Taurus-Moon AQ, an Earth-Air blend of the innovative pragmatist who is gregarious, objective, independent, confident, and sensible.

High ideals can be backed up by this combination through broad vision, hard work, and perseverance while humanitarian values are brought down to earth and productively put to use.

Communications tend to be forthright, clear-headed, and honest which cause people to trust Sun Tau-Moon AQ types; there's a talent for inspiring others.

This is an amiable and pleasant personality who feels itself to be above conflict - 'civilized' resolutions will be found.

Weaknesses include a tendency to become inert with stubbornness when things don't go as expected, and there may be an overconfidence that comes across as conceit.

Image for Integration: A country squire holds the summer fete in his garden; all monies raised are divided equally between the three charities in the village - the Friendly Farmers' Trust, the Local Artists' Guild, and the Quakers' Orphanage.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

The Sun Tau-Moon AQ blend is shared natally by Charlotte Bronte, Michelle Pfeiffer, Burt Bacharach, Nicolo Machiavelli, and America's Democratic Party (May 13, 1792.)

And by two other notables who shall be quoted:

"When you're down and out, something always turns up -- and it's usually the noses of your friends." - Orson Welles

(Wonder if that's how Pres. Obama felt abroad the last several days as he asked Europe for troops for Afghanistan deployment - and maybe for some of their EU brand of loose change...?)

Plus, the following words may have merit in these days of control and our dread of its misuse and abuse:

"May the Force be with you." - George Lucas, Star Wars

Be with whom?


Are you hankering for a silly limerick written in early November 2007 upon the occasion of then-Secretary-of-State Condi Rice's visit to Turkey? Then hanker no longer for the Kittens from Turkey are here.

Apr 5, 2009

US invasions 1898 - 1934 and the Free World

"Between 1898 and 1934, the Marines invaded Cuba 4 times, Nicaragua 5 times,Honduras 7 times, the Dominican Republic 4 times, Haiti twice, Guatemalaonce, Panama twice, Mexico 3 times and Columbia 4 times," Washington has intervened militarily in foreign countries more than 200 times."

"If the people are not convinced (that the Free World is in mortal danger) it would be impossible for Congress to vote the vast sums now being spent to avert danger. With the support of public opinion, as marshalled by the press, we are off to a good start. It is our Job - yours and mine -- to
keep our people convinced that the only way to keep disaster away from our shores is to build up America's might."

- Charles Wilson, Chairman of the Board of General Electric and Truman appointee to head the Office of Defence Mobilization, in a speech to the Newspaper Publishers Association, 1950 #


And if you'd like to view the horoscope with a few details of America's first ever overthrow of Hawaii - if you'd like to snag a peek, please click.

Or you may wish to try our nascent overthrow's birth chart here which has an image of the chart with some details - including info on the current Neptune-Pluto septile (51 degr 26 mins), as aspect said to be karmic in nature.

1890 Hawaii's innocence! How blatantly imperialist could the US government have been? Admittedly, we were young in the occupation business, but we're older than that now. You'd think we should know better, but apparently we don't.

And fearless "leaders" don't care - they're busy stirring things up!

Ah yes, the 1890s: the Gilded Age, the Generation of Materialism = the Robber Barons' collusions marked by the Great Conjunctions of Neptune-Pluto 7 - 9 Gemini, where asteroid Midas, of gold-hoarding fame, now transits.

Well, I agree that sugar can be dangerous, but really now.

The Roman Empire bludgeoned. Must we continue the model, Pres. Obama?

Apr 4, 2009

Full Moon April 9, 2009: Sun Ari-Moon Libra

For the culmination stage of March 26's New Moon 6Ari08, we have a Libra Full Moon on April 9, 2009 which I have detailed for you with the chart set for Washington, usual astrological and political shenanigans.

This Full Moon gives us a Fire-Air Sun Ari-Moon Libra blend to consider as relationships of all kinds are highlighted now.

Full Moons are oppositions (which always tell of relationships or partnerships) and Aries-Libra is the natural sign polarity of relationships. Rulers Mars and Venus are passionate about getting together - or arguing about why they can't!

Sun Ari-Moon Libra indicates issues of who has the power - me or others? This is a vivacious, charming, outwardly confident pairing, but it vacillates between independence and dependence.

An inner 'heroic picture' may be nursed, yet others may not 'see' the heroism. Head and heart clash over and over again, and the resulting frustrations can destroy self-confidence.

Idealism and hopefulness abound with Sun Ari-Moon Libra in its 'live-wire' Fire-Air combo which is shared natally by William Hazlit, who brilliantly observed:

"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

Image for Integration: 'A conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsating organism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatic uplifting of the audience.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Now - if you click and read the above-linked post concerning April 9's Full Moon, note that Venus Rx 00Ari34 (conj World Point 00Ari00) is now hanging out with asteroid Terpsichore, the orchestrator in April 2009's Full Moon drama in Washington.

Yet on another level, art-loving Venus and music-scorer Terpsichore are possibly about to unleash new, enticing music upon the planet!

And we could all do with some new tunes, couldn't we?

Apr 3, 2009

G20: a new world economic order, at your service

Here's a puffy little piece written masterfully by Steve Schifferes, economic reporter for the BBC News, a piece that makes a new world economic order seem about as snuggly and cozy as a pair of fuzzy bedroom slippers toasting by the fireside.

Our tootsies must be quite chilled by now.

Apr 2, 2009

Is Obama upping war and revenge?

If you're like me and were hoping that Pres. Obama would NOT escalate the war in Afghanistan, please read Chris Floyd's article Darkness Renewed: Terror as a Tool of Empire.

Baitullah Mehsud's recent threat against Washington, DC, if carried out, would give the US government all the onboard (if scammed again) patriots it needs to keep the revenge cycle rolling and the military industrial complex in charge and flush.

Sometimes the healing concept of 'forgiving the unforgivable' - the only way to end revenge escalation personally or publicly - seems very far away, doesn't it?

Especially with "world leaders" having an anti-peace agenda not in the best interests of the innocent people the ruling class so cavalierly dismiss as 'collateral damage.'

Apr 1, 2009

Obama abroad: a view from London and Cupid's Love

Der Spiegel has a report on Pres. Obama arriving at 10 Downing Street, London to excited applause on Wednesday, April 1, 2009.

He's being branded the world's best hope or some such nonsense for one mere mortal to handle and definitely the possibility exists of being set up to fail, because no mortal can help but fall off a golden pedestal of exalted praise and admiration!

Still, this little Pandora is hiding a tiny *ray of hope in the dark corner of society's box of ills. Pandora, the asteroid, now traverses the degree range of 10 - 11 Aquarius - between Jupiter 19AQ+ and North Node (path; destiny; forward destination) 6AQ55 which conjuncts or triggers the 'New President' Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009.

The 11 North Series influence includes finding new groups of people to mix with through travel or ideas, and possibly making greater commitments in relationships - Pres. Obama is certainly mixing with a new set of individuals in Europe this week through both travel and ideas...the G20's haughty international crowd of 'global' players. (Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Jupiter-NN as a pair is given by Reinhold Ebertin as 'the *Odyle Force of Baron von Reichenbach' which he researched so diligently under the moon's rays attempting to understand the elusive flow of life force in the living organism.

You may wish to view the anatomy of a fanciful representation of the Odyle Force in human form here or skip ahead to the completed version of my drawing Odyle Aura, if you dare.

Another life-force-infused myth of similar flavor is that of the Greek myth of Eros (Roman,Cupid.)

'Eros' in Astrology may be used in love matters, of course, and eroticism, but its 'love at first sight' association - and shooting arrow - adds a piercing quality to the asteroid's meaning when prominent in a chart - and with all that the word may imply in working with Mundane Astrology.

(Even the all-seeing-eye at apex (top) of the 13-step pyramid (on back of a soon-to-disappear, they say) US dollar may be of an Eros turn of glance.)

But speaking of love, I want to mention that I enjoyed the new TV program last evening, Cupid - and am sending its creators kudos for the cool premise and fun plot line!

As for the G20 Summit this week, my sincere hope is that our president is mixing with new groups and making commitments as much on behalf of the American people's best interests as he purports himself to be...yet without ignoring the interests of the rest of the world.

Sheesh, now I'm at it, too - over-expectations!


*Alan Oken gives Moon sextile Jupiter as the ray of hope aspect. And yes, I have it natally. You didn't guess that, did you? jc

Mar 31, 2009

Old Bush vs New Obama: as the police state turns



Under the old guy:

"On Monday, March 21, at [a town hall meeting] billed as a "conversation on saving Social Security," I and two friends, Leslie Weise and Karen Bauer, decided to go down and participate in this dialogue. Unfortunately, we were evicted before the President arrived by an as yet unnamed man, because of the content on the bumper sticker of my friend’s car. That bumper sticker said, "No more blood for oil. ... We were parked in the parking lot, stood in line for a half an hour or so, went and sat down in the audience and then were forcibly ejected by a person who was posing as a secret service agent." - Alexander Young April, 2005

One of the latest incidents came when John Sachs, 18, a Johnston High School senior and Democrat, went to see Bush in Clive last week. Sachs got a ticket to the event from school and wanted to ask the president about whether there would be a draft, about the war in Iraq, Social Security and Medicare.. But when he got there, a campaign staffer pulled him aside and made him remove his button that said, "Bush-Cheney '04: Leave No Billionaire Behind." The staffer quizzed him about whether he was a Bush supporter, asked him why he was there and what questions he would be asking the president.. "Then he came back and said, 'If you protest, it won't be me taking you out. It will be a sniper,'" Sachs said. "He said it in such a serious tone it scared the crap out of me."

- Des Moines Register October, 2004

Under the new guy:

"We're going to take questions. All right...Just want to make sure my mike's working here. Here's the deal on questions. First of all, we didn't screen anybody. So there's some people who like me in the audience, some people that don't. Some people agree with me, some people who don't. It doesn't matter. We want to take questions from everybody."

- Pres. Obama, town hall meeting, Elkhart, Indiana Feb, 2009


A shout-out of thanks goes to my friend Alex D'Atria from Modern Astrology who sent along the above information.