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Showing posts with label Alex D'Atria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex D'Atria. Show all posts

Mar 27, 2012

Aug 11, 2011

The Anti-Democratic "Super Congress" and "The Family"

Good news about the bad-news "Super Congress" which Washington politicians are attempting to pass off as a "Super Committee" to 'deal' with US debt problems by locating trillions of dollars in budget 'cuts'...

My friend Alex D'Atria has sent along an article concerning the topic which I highly recommend to you. Plus, her piece begins with an image of President Barack Obama's natal horoscope if you wish to snag yourself a peek at its Leonine glory.

This weekend I plan to publish an article on the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse (2Sag37) and you see by its date that it will closely relate to the deadline of *November 23, 2011 when the "Super Congress" is to make its recommendations which, if I understand the endeavor correctly, will go directly into the signing pipeline with no debate--aka, oversight--by a US Congress which has handed off its constitutional duties to 12 partisans, most of whom may be members or associates of Doug Coe's shadowy, quasi-religious, worldly-power-grabbing organization, The Family, aka, The Fellowship.

Their motto? "Jesus plus nothing"!!

Read or listen to Fresh Air's feature on this super-secret group of 'Jesus' freaks here. ('Jesus' freaks is my own description. Jesus in my Bible totally refused the worldly power that Satan offered Him while He was incarnated as a man on earth and I know that some people call 'God' an entity which is actually 'Satan' or 'Lucifer'.)

The Coming of November 2011

With the automatic 'trigger' set to fire against the dissolving American middle and working classes, this is an enterprise set up to fail, m'peops, but the failure will be primarily on the side of the American people, the sovereignty of our nation, and the health of our environment--and who knows what else the "Super Congress" will gut. A constitutional crisis is in the making as well.

Yes, secretive operatives have inherited a "Great Plan" for America which has been a long time in the making though I suspect its original intent has been somewhat diverted or hijacked by modern totalitarians of the last few decades who are motivated by a sinister lust for power and control--I say this even though our nation was founded as a corporation, yet after all, not all corporations are evil.

As for November, we must first navigate the US Saturn Return (#3 of 3 this time around) on August 28, 2011, plus, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks. And all leading us by the nose ring into Year 2012 when the collapse has been timed by idealistic Utopians (rebel Uranus now in Aries--Ebertin) and the fabled rebuilding upon ruins begins in earnest...


*It is generally agreed by way of empirical observation through the centuries that Solar Eclipse influences may begin earlier or later than the actual date upon which they manifest--some say up to two weeks in either direction, I would say possibly up to a month. This may also apply to Lunar Eclipses though they usually will relate on a more unconscious or inner level. South Node Solar Eclipses may as well through the SN's unconscious/the past/lunar connection and a Saturnian (SN) or restrictive vibe may be present. And of course, Saturn is a karmic planet indicating a
reaping of what was sown in the past which America must now surely do.

Plus, degrees of Total eclipses may stay sensitive for years or (who can say?)--forever such as with Nostradamus's predictive Mother of All Eclipses (August 11, 1999) with its rigid Fixed Grand Cross of planets which heralded the New Millennium of terror and alarm that politicians can't shut up about for selfish purposes of their own.

May 15, 2011

Right to healthcare is slavery, says Ron Paul

In the last few years a smattering of SO'W readers have asked me to keep up with Ron Paul more regularly especially during presidential campaigns. And while it's true I've given quite a bit of blog space to Paul's Audit the Fed movement, it is with amazement this morning that I read omnipotentpoobah's article Enslaved to Ron Paul detailing some of his more disturbing antics and remarks concerning US health care's delivery and availability.

Yes, I already knew that the Texas Libertarian holds some quirky views and odd opinions about various things but really..."slavery"? These are the sorts of views from Dr. Paul that make the quirkiness of his son Rand Paul more understandable as apples from trees not far do fall! Perhaps the Paul father-son duo resemble the GHW Bush-George Bush duo in the ideology department of politics more closely than we've been led to think.

My question: is Rep. Ron Paul promoting a cold-hearted totalitarian government that allows the American people to go without even the most basic necessities for sustaining life? Now I know my 10th house Uranus in Gemini can make many people think I'm quirky as all get-out, but these Paul birds are way too quirky even for me!

Yet you may be interested in reading a bit I wrote on Ron Paul's natal chart way back in 2007 (no updates have been made for today's post.)

A big shout-out of thanks goes to my friend Alex D'Atria of Political Astrology 2010 ~ 2012 for sending along a link to this revealing article on Ron Paul.

Well, I hope you caught GOP candidate Newt Gingrich back peddling on what he couldn't spin concerning his record of quirky opinions and misdeeds on Meet the Press this morning! Somehow I don't think he did himself much good with this morning's performance (though it could have been worse) but you may disagree as you prefer.

Also from 2007, here's a brief post on the natal chart of former, disgraced Speaker of the House Mr. Gingrich.

So why do Republican presidential candidates, or those thinking of running, have such spotty records when it comes to marriage (among other things)? Is Mormon Mitt Romney said to be the front runner for the GOP nomination because his religion's past polygamy stance seems less problematic for a White House victory and he seems less of a loose canon? From charges of flip-flopping to personal disloyalty and adultery issues, what viable nag can the greedy GOP back in the 2012 race?

Mitch Daniels? Puh-leese! Robert Parry calls Daniels the Architect of the US Debt Crisis during his Bush administration tenure and for very good reason so it seems to me that Mr. Daniels has done more than enough damage to America already.

In fact, haven't they all? Besides...

"You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created."

Albert Einstein, ace problem-solver

Just a reminder in case you should need one in November 2012: Financial Collapse 2008 = result of 8 years of GOP president, George W. Bush, the self-described Decider and propaganda catapulter who was born with the Sabian Symbol "A Bolshevik Propagandist" rising.

Mar 14, 2011

A Fixed T-Square situation: Rep. Paul Ryan & President Obama

Today SO'W spotlights a new blog concerning Republican wunderkind Paul Ryan for those who wish to better understand the man behind the budget-slashing mask - and who don't mind using the lens of Astrology to do so.

You'll find that synastry information is included concerning the rigid and difficult Fixed T-Square between President Obama and Rep. Paul Ryan as posted by astrologer Mark Andrew Holmes in collaboration with Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology.

Dec 16, 2010

Assange, Manning, California austerity, and bad Republicans

Breaking News Dec 16, 2010 11:10 am est: Looks like Julian Assange is about to be 'freed' on bail (with conditions) in London, according to Amy Goodman's broadcast on Democracy Now! The possibility is ongoing as I type. 11:19 am: looks like he's a fairly free bird with an ankle bracelet!

Meanwhile, in California, Alex D'Atria has taken a look at new Governor Jerry Brown's austerity budget including an article round-up on California's condition, and American Patriot ponders the enduring legacy of George W. Bush and the threat to our nation posed by the Republican Party.

Two articles follow, one by Salon's Glenn Greenwald, concerning leaker Bradley Manning and the draconian conditions under which he has been kept for seven months, plus, John Pilger writes on a deeper meaning to the WikiLeaks phenomenon:

The Inhumane Conditions of Bradley Manning's Detention

By Glenn Greenwald

Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture.

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Militarism, Secrecy

Democracy Now!

Pilger's latest film, The War You Don't See, includes interviews with Assange. Pilger says that WikiLeaks is revolutionizing journalism and galvanizing public opinion to stand up to global elites.


Well, I'm all for standing up to global elites and I think we now know (if there was ever any doubt) whose side they're on (hint: it isn't yours or mine.)

As to the Obama-GOP tax cut extension, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and I hope at least a few Washington politicians have the grace to be ashamed.

Dec 2, 2010

The Illuminati in one minute or less

Today I am happy to present to you a column authored by astrologer Alex D'Atria of Modern Astrology. Alex is an ace researcher who sends this blog interesting news items and astrological analyses and today she steps into SO'W's Guest Blogger slot with a brief summation concerning the secretive Illuminati:


A few weeks ago, a politically interested family man, asked me if I knew about the 'Illuminati'. For his convenience I furnished their history as a compilation from notable essayists I’ve read over the years.

Illuminati in one minute or less

by Alex D'Atria

In medieval Europe big land owners and monarchies were the organized powers that ruled over the population. At any given time there were conflicts among them as they fought to expand resources and territory.

Waging war required negotiable assets and the nascent community of bankers provided much needed currency. Bankers became essential to the existence of warring land holders who required convertible funds for the continued maintenance of their jurisdictions. Beyond lending substantial amounts of money for war, these financial transactions transformed the small but growing band of bankers, giving them an important foothold on power in the medieval culture.

Moreover, the deceitful bankers escalated and expanded wars by simultaneously funding both sides of a conflict, thereby clandestinely ascending the wealth of the monarchies and land owners. However, as the 'industry' of war was created by the medieval bankers, they mutually spurned indiscriminate, outright risk of the public discovering their double-handed, devious manipulations.

The monarchies and great landowners utilized the bankers' need for secrecy to leverage whatever remaining control they could by creating an illusion of power, whereas in fact, the bankers had usurped them. The bankers and warlords became inseparable institutions.

While medieval to modern bankers prevailed, commandeering more authority than any nation or state, their primary imperative remains funding endless conflicts to amass incalculable wealth.

Many people understand that the U.S. system of government officially became a military, security intelligence, oligarchy under the 1947 National Security Act which granted them principal, legal authority over secret, black budgets.

The military, security intelligence, corporate, and business institutions execute strategies of 'artificial scarcity' in order to hinder the innate, massive, untapped, unorganized powers of the citizen population. Further, the oligarchy decided to demise the middle class, eliminating any illusion of democracy, by creating a thin, delicious frosting of plutocrats on their considerable, economic ‘cupcake'.

The Illuminati are the banking networks who fund and control the American oligarchy and the world's national and state economies. Putting all the legends and myths aside, the bottom line is that the global bankers rule planet earth.

But don't give up and give in for it continues to be a long battle to build our collective power - keep at it.


Democracy is a participatory form of government. To function correctly we need to become proud members and part of the process. For people with busy lives these organizations can be an excellent means to get involved:

People For The American Way
Common Cause: Holding Power Accountable

List of partial sources:

America Without a Middle Class, by Elizabeth Warren

The Bush Legacy (pdf)

Bank CDOs Explained - The Great Scam

Bill Moyers interviews Simon Johnson and James Kwak, authors of 13 Bankers.

More with Moyers, Johnson, and Kwak (video)

Banking Oligarchy, GOP Oppose Finance Reform

History of Banking

Medieval Money

Professors who refer to the US as an oligarchy, a representative oligarchy, or an American oligarchy include:

Professor Anderson of the World Peace Academy refers to the U.S. as an oligarchy, Donald Nonini (UNC, Chapel Hill), Phillip Green, Drucilla Cornell, and Joan Tronto (Hunter College/City University NY)


Thanks, Alex! jc

Nov 21, 2010

No Politics today, but a new blog is born!

Yes, I am watching the Sunday morning talking heads and pundits on TV as they blab about Obama, Palin, Haiti, and START, but plan no posts for today concerning Politics or Astrology.

However, a new blog has been created just yesterday so I'm giving my own self a shout-out and sending you a cordial invitation to check out Woolly Mammoth Chronicles where Science's visionary DNA-cloning project and 'mammoth poetry' meet and greet!

And if you mosey by, please answer the brief poll in the top right corner.

Apparently the 'bright idea' pair of Jupiter/Uranus and Uranus = Aries Point ('scientific break-throughs') are working overtime in their genetics lab!


Fyi: soon a fresh article will be posted here concerning the Illuminati and written by my friend and ace researcher Alex D'Atria. I will be thrilled to publish SO'W's first Guest Blogger column! You may wish to keep your eye out for Alex's column especially if you're interested in the history of the Illuminati.

Jul 28, 2010

Kalamazoo Oil Spill vs Lake Michigan July 2010

Over 800,000 gallons of oil spilled into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River on Sunday and Monday, July 25 and 26. Eight million gallons of oil traverse the area every day en route from Indiana to the major refinery town of Sarnia, Ontario. A Canadian company, Enbridge Inc, owns the pipeline.

The Kalamazoo Oil Spill disaster is sending 800k gallons of oil toward Lake Michigan.

You can find more details on Susan Casey-Lefkowitz's Blog.

My thanks to Alex D'Atria for the news tip.

Plus, adding insult to injury, there's now another oil fiasco going on in another part of the Gulf of Mexico (photo included.)

Aug 3, 2009

Of Econo-Bubbles and Quants

Hannah's Blog has been brought to my attention today by Alex D'Atria by way of an article on quants, the not-so-endearing nickname for the 'brainiac financial whizzes' who thought up derivatives and other destructive financial instruments, and how Pop goes Wall Street - The Balloon Economy is Designed to Fail, if you're up for it.

Alex's website Modern Astrology is available for you as well, so Why are you still here? as Ferris said...move along now!

Jul 4, 2009

Is a coming Fed indictment why Palin resigned?

It's Independence Day and I'm headed out the door but want to post this link sent me by my friend Alex D'Atria at Modern Astrology (see Astrology links in sidebar) on the story as we know it so far concerning possible federal indictment charges for Palin's squirrely use of Alaska's funds.

Deceptive, fraud-inducing Neptune to her natal Sun and Mars: boundaries have (apparently) been crossed and the feds may be whisking off her Aquarian mask!

If true, it sounds a bit like an alternate reality of what's been going on in the UK government actually - but without the moat.

And do check out interesting readers' comments under the Palin announcement video just below - one has a particularly angry Martian flavor - describing Palin!

Mucho Thanks go to Julie, Donna, Jilly, Clymela, Tango Daddy, and others for keeping an eye on the shenanigans perpetrated here on Stars Over Washington! Jude

Mar 31, 2009

Old Bush vs New Obama: as the police state turns



Under the old guy:

"On Monday, March 21, at [a town hall meeting] billed as a "conversation on saving Social Security," I and two friends, Leslie Weise and Karen Bauer, decided to go down and participate in this dialogue. Unfortunately, we were evicted before the President arrived by an as yet unnamed man, because of the content on the bumper sticker of my friend’s car. That bumper sticker said, "No more blood for oil. ... We were parked in the parking lot, stood in line for a half an hour or so, went and sat down in the audience and then were forcibly ejected by a person who was posing as a secret service agent." - Alexander Young April, 2005

One of the latest incidents came when John Sachs, 18, a Johnston High School senior and Democrat, went to see Bush in Clive last week. Sachs got a ticket to the event from school and wanted to ask the president about whether there would be a draft, about the war in Iraq, Social Security and Medicare.. But when he got there, a campaign staffer pulled him aside and made him remove his button that said, "Bush-Cheney '04: Leave No Billionaire Behind." The staffer quizzed him about whether he was a Bush supporter, asked him why he was there and what questions he would be asking the president.. "Then he came back and said, 'If you protest, it won't be me taking you out. It will be a sniper,'" Sachs said. "He said it in such a serious tone it scared the crap out of me."

- Des Moines Register October, 2004

Under the new guy:

"We're going to take questions. All right...Just want to make sure my mike's working here. Here's the deal on questions. First of all, we didn't screen anybody. So there's some people who like me in the audience, some people that don't. Some people agree with me, some people who don't. It doesn't matter. We want to take questions from everybody."

- Pres. Obama, town hall meeting, Elkhart, Indiana Feb, 2009


A shout-out of thanks goes to my friend Alex D'Atria from Modern Astrology who sent along the above information.

Oct 6, 2007

space launch locations for astrology charts

Astrologers! If you need the longitude-latitude positions for the various launch sites--Cape Canaveral, Vandenberg AFB in CA, plus the Russian, Chinese, Italian sites and more, try NASA's list with glossary.

Thanks go to Alex D'Atria at the excellent Astrology Communications Media website for the heads-up!