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Nov 11, 2015

Reagan's Nashua Moment (he paid for that microphone!) video

Perhaps you heard that Senator Bob Dole has now endorsed Jeb Bush for the 2016 Republican nomination. But back in 1980, it was Republican candidate and actor Ronald Reagan who demonstrated how to give an electrifying debate performance in this one-minute clip. No word on whether Jeb! (who Can Fix It) is capable of being animated by such magnetic electricity though his past experience successfully helping to fix the 2000 election may be all the well-funded Jeb really needs:

The Science of Magic with Gwilda Wiyaka: Guest - Barbara Hand Clow

Fantastic! Here's an interview with Barbara Hand Clow, the author of the first book I ever purchased on Chiron the Wounded Healer. My 3rd house Chiron is quite pleased with this communication!

Nov 10, 2015

Orwell rolls in his grave (video part 2) - featuring Bernie Sanders

Over the last 8 years news outlets have only become more corporatized since 2007. If you've never watched 'Orwell Rolls in His Grave' here's part 2 which obviously I am posting here primarily because 2016 presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders is one of the featured speakers:

There are several parts in 'Orwell Rolls in His Grave' so here's a link to part 1 in case you want it.

corporatism + statism = fascism

Nov 9, 2015

Astrology for Dr. Ben Carson - Tom Jordan via video

Since I'll be enjoying some medical intervention the rest of this week and have not have a chance to investigate the planets of 2016 candidate Ben Carson I was glad to discover a presentation posted by Tom Jordan which may interest you. A contact between Mercury (thinking, thought processes, perception, communications) and Neptune (the Divine Source, but also self-deception, deception of others, illusion, unreality, irrationality, fantasy, fraud) in Carson's natal chart and psyche was not completely unexpected!

As you know, at least one other Republican presidential candidate was born with a Mercury-Neptune contact, a square creating distorted thinking, in his natal chart and as you know he's somewhat prone to telling huge whoppers from time to time himself--often without consciously realizing it.

Caller: Why do Democratic Presidents Push Awful Trade Deals? - video

My thought is that a certain global agenda must be followed or 'presidents' wouldn't be selected for the Oval Office to begin with, no matter the political party. But let's hear Thom's answer to this very good question:


Nov 9 2015: Thom Hartmann joins Ben Carson's Email List - video

Well, this clinches it. Thom is definitely more courageous than I am!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prisoner Re-entry (HBO) - video

In case you missed it this feature is a must-see from John Oliver:

Please follow the video link in case it is removed from SO'W.