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Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts

Sep 12, 2023

2.8 Trillion Reasons To Vote For Biden! You Won’t Believe Reason 8,579,000!

Here is a segment from yesterday's commentary by progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann concerning one financial result of Election 2024's high stakes for the country if voters go for the GOP, aka, America's economic royalists:


Let's Not Vote in 2024 to Further Enrich the Filthy Rich!

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

So when we look astrologically for high finance, corporate banking, the Federal Reserve banking system, and America's money concerns we soon must consider the high stakes planetary combination of Jupiter and Pluto. A previous post, written prior to the current government shutdown/credit downgrade drama forced upon us by House Republicans provides a view of the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction of November 12, 2020, part of the 13-year Jupiter-Pluto Cycle now influencing financial matters.

Occurring at 22Cap51, the conjunction landed upon the natal Vertex of one Donald Trump for whose approval the maga House members stage all their clown shows and political kerfuffles, hoping to blame President Biden for the negative consequences of their actions, and thus affect outcomes in the 2024 Election - in their favor!

And yet we know that Republicans engage in such underhanded measures no matter the collateral damage to the public because GOP policies are anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, fascistic, and are intended to collapse the US government "small enough to drown it in a bath tub," as Republican Grover Norquist so instructively informed us years ago. Check out a view of Norquist's 'noon' natal horoscope if you wish, particularly around the final degree of Leo where royal star, Regulus, twinkles, though now precessed to 00Virgo+.

After all, hollowing out the US government and establishing authoritarian fascism is what The GOP's PROJECT 2025 is all about.

Now here's a tri-wheel of all three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions with details found in a previous post:

So my best advice for the sake of America and the common good?

Vote Blue in 2024 for democracy as if a continuance of the United States of America depends on it. Because you know it does.

Jul 6, 2021

Corporatism, Mobsterism, and the Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 6, 2021: On May 22, 2018, a horoscope was published here that concerned The Powell Memo: A Genesis of Corporatism in Control. Follow the link for a view of the horoscope set for 'noon' edt in absence of an accurate time, and shows 5Sco30 rising with asteroid of doom and/or abuse of power, Atlantis @9Sco37 - and right there is a small 'cosmic link' from 1971 Atlantis to the 2017 Inaugural Moon (@9Sco21) with Luna describing Scorpionic Tr*mp supporters on January 20, 2017 and going forward. As you know, many Scorpio types try to control everyone around them when it's actually themselves that need to be brought under control. (Consider 1/6 and subsequent arrests).

Additionally, it seems descriptive to me that transit Uranus (the zealous anarchist of chaos!) in Taurus has been opposing 2017 Inaugural Moon off and on of late, creating disruption, erratic behavior, domestic upheaval, and emotional turmoil (for and from Tr*mp supporters). Emotionally, 'drama queen' Tr*mp has been affected, too, particularly in relation to his inaugural 'status' (which expired - no, plummeted - on January 20, 2021!). Plus, we know that Tr*mp's 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption is his 10th house Uranus in Mercurial Gemini.

Now there's another small factor about the 'noon' chart of the Powell Memo that seems appropriate to societal conditions, then and now: that Cupido, a cosmic representative of Corporatism, The Family, The Global Syndicate (which includes Organized Crime/mobsterism, foreign and domestic), and various Networks in royal Leo sits atop the 1971 'Memo' horoscope at The Goal or Aspiration Point. For as you know, Lewis Powell sent a letter ('memo' as it's called) detailing how Republicans could take complete control of America via corporations. And as things have turned out, most US politicians are bought and paid for by various corporations and CEOs with large amounts of industry lobbyists cheering on the demise of our Republic as they make their profits. Meanwhile, the US Congress keeps laws in place that make it all possible - to make it all possible.

Later on, nominated by Richard 'The Crook' Nixon, Lewis Powell was gifted a seat on the SCOTUS bench for his efforts (all of which are not mentioned here) and served from January 7, 1972 to June 26, 1987. Justice Powell was born in Suffolk, Virginia on September 19, 1907 and died August 25, 1998, his work on Earth undermining his country done.

Related: Horoscopes: Clinton and Tr*mp Inaugurations revealing Sun-Moon Blends for both.

Jun 21, 2021

Ohio Horoscope: Trump's First MAGA Rally since 1/6

Monday June 21, 2021: It has been announced that Tr*mp's first MAGA 'Save America' Rally since his failed January 6th insurrection (aka, his attempted neo-nazi coup of the US Congress intended to keep his wide caboose lounging in the Oval Office by stopping America's peaceful transfer of power) is scheduled for June 26, 2021 7:00 pm edt at the Lorrain County Fairgrounds in Wellington, Ohio. At last his circus barker personality can fully express itself within its native environment!

So it occurs to me that perhaps a dear reader or two of this post would care for a peek at a 7:00 pm horoscope set for this exciting political event (assuming the rally isn't cancelled). Note that most of Tr*mp natal planets are penned around the outside of the chart and are highlighted in lavender. You'll want to note the Mars-to-natal Pluto transit for its karmic intensity and possible expressions of jealousy and revenge:

Naturally, it's doubtful that Tr*mp's June 26th appearance and evening of rhetoric (whines, belly-aching, falsehoods, insults) will actually begin at 7:00 pm precisely and if so, this chart may act primarily as a symbolic or speculative horoscope for those who keep up with such things. But as you see, warring Antares rises at 7:00 pm but Tr*mp's first natal planet to rise is his Moon @21Sag12 closely preceded by his South Node, a combo that does not make for the best timing or the most popularity with the public. Of course, his 10th house Sun-North-Node conjunction in sparkling Gemini gives him plenty of contacts with the public but for emotional, unconscious reasons (Moon-SN) things don't always turn out so well for 'His Touchiness'.

And actually, this horoscope suggests to me that with chart-ruler Jupiter retrograde ('Rx') in the 3rd house of Communications and making no applying aspects in the chart, his reception may not be quite as uplifting for this narcissist extraordinaire as he wishes, plus, a Rx chart-ruler tends to denote some form of delay if not cancellation. However, his grand Jupiterian utterances will probably be repetitious (Rx) even though they may begin later than advertised. And with Jupiter and Mercury issues in evidence it's even possible that travel difficulties may occur.

Meanwhile, there's the rally's Midheaven ruler Mercury, planet of oration, speeches, and messages (happy in one of his own signs) for it also makes no applying aspects which is why I splashed, "A speech that goes nowhere?" across the MC angle, the most visible point in any chart and The Goal or Aspiration Point. And yet Mercury @16Gem46 (7th house) turned Direct on June 22nd, and conjuncts royal star Rigel ('to bring knowledge to others; to educate'). But as you see, traveling with transit Mercury is asteroid Cupido which signifies The Family, Corporatism, and/or The Syndicate (a reference to underworld criminal elements).

Well yes, Tr*mp will 'bring it' (although 'it' may be more on the gossip or overpromising side than the knowledge side) but that doesn't mean his rhetoric will impress anyone but the most zealous fanatic and bigot. Plus, scandals are never far away from this amateur politician and much can go astray during the 5 days until June 26th.

So in closing, for your consideration here are two dynamic planetary patterns in the 7:00 pm horoscope detailed as midpoint pictures of potentials using Reinhold Ebertin's and Michael Munkasey's interpretations:

T-Square: Mars-Saturn = Uranus: an unusual power of resistance; application of brute force; sudden accident or illness; separation or a case of death. And Mars-Saturn with US Inaugural Ascendant ('14Taurus') = separation; obstacles; illness; mourning.

Thor's Hammer (or, Fist of God): Saturn-square-Uranus = MC: releasing old ideas that no longer work (new whines in an old, out-of-shape bottle? jc); accepting change; rebellion; provocation; separation.

And if you will, please Share if you care! jc

Jun 29, 2020

Fighting The Most Corporate Friendly SCOTUS In History (w/ David Sirota)

June 29, 2020: From progressive broadcaster-author Thom Hartmann and his guest David Sirota:


Related Astrology: Horosopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790. Archetype Minerva: 'to be accomplished'. As it turn out, the US Supreme Court is extremely accomplished at protecting corporations and a huge fan of preserving American Plutocracy (as is the US Constitution but that's another day's post).

And as we know, corporatism + statism = fascism. We've been repeatedly warned of this. And here it is under a stark, constraining Saturn-Pluto banner in January 2020 and a 'new order' ushering itself in with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020 - conjunct the US POTUS Sun's degree (00AQ+).

Feb 13, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020's 2nd House Planetary Pairs

More on Spring Equinox 2020

by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2020: If you've watched Revealing Light Tarot's reading covering the Next 6 Months you've noticed Mary Ann's focus on the month of March which naturally contains Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 11:49 pm ET), a horoscope that serves for the entire year and marks the moment when the Sun conjuncts the Aries Point of World Events. And if you use the late afternoon US natal chart of July 4, 1776 that I tend most to use, this times the Sun's entrance into America's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland (with its 4/10 Security implications). The following post is my attempt at an additional consideration of Spring Equinox 2020 (the horoscope set for Washington DC) and the emphasis created by the chart's 2nd hou$e planetary pairs opposing the corporate 8th hou$e. Obviously, we must keep in mind other matters of the 8th house which include death, transition, the occult, shared resources, taxes, debt and credit, and/or insurance.

Mars as 2nd-house Trigger conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn

In the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (chart shown) we find a full 2nd house (National Treasury; Values; Earning Ability) suggesting a heavy focus on financial matters, if not economic, budgetary, and/or currency concerns. So let's consider the planetary pairs therein for more information in the Realms of Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey and the Hegelian model (creating problems then 'solving' them the way that was already intended).

First, a few basics:

2nd cusp 25Sag19 makes money bags Jupiter the 2nd-house ruler; Jupiter also rules 4th house with its cusp @6Pis46 along with the 'help' of deceptive loss-leader Neptune, planet of fraud and mergers. Transit Jupiter first conjoins Pluto (1A54) suggesting The Fed, then Saturn (7A040) pointing toward a new social, political, and economic order (see the Jupiter-Saturn link, below). Placements in 2nd house include the drain of the Moon's South Node, the tail of the dragon, suggesting a neurotic reliance on past tactics that are no longer effective, and most folks agree that Trump has certainly plopped our National Treasury resources into the red, in large part due to his Tax Cuts for the wealthy (Corporate Socialism for the 1%!). That the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is intercepted across the 2/8 axis in the Spring Equinox 2020 chart denotes karmic conditions which must be addressed via its Moon-Saturn influences of ambition, strategy, and direction. Saturn-ruled Capricorn's involvement implies investments and Wall Street trading with depressive Moon-Saturn vibes. However, taking direct action to solve problems can always mitigate this.

Meanwhile, with 24Scorpio46 rising, 2nd-house Mars is chart-ruler (and activating trigger), plus, the warrior planet also rules the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 8Ari17). And with Mars @22Cap35, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is thereby activated suggesting potentials for: ruthlessness, violence, and/or 'the necessity to fight for existence' (Ebertin). Munkasey adds 'the need to use whatever means or power available to continue working' and as we know, royalist Trump keeps claiming for himself expansive powers that break the parameters placed in the US Constitution = unconstitutional behavior of the Executive Branch morphing the US government into an imperial monarchy.

Plus, a nod should be made toward the 6th house of Work and Service (Civil, Military, Police, etc), and Health which contains disruptive Uranus @4Tau32 (in Taurus = seeking unusual sources of funding; environmental concerns) and money planet Venus @15Tau56 (conservative in Taurus yet luxury-loving). Together the Venus-Uranus pair relates to money matters such as extravagant spending, waste, eventual bankruptcy, plus, estrangement and relationship break-ups.

So here are some of the potentials of the planetary pairs posited in the 2nd-house with a few comments and a steel industry link included by yours truly:

Mars-Jupiter Thesis: action taken in response to legal judgments (Barr shortening Roger Stone's sentence?); advice which angers or inflames others (ditto); too much legal activity or opinions; religious activities. Anti-thesis: judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battles; misuse of forces; an expansion of military hardware (and funding); legal opinions or judicial cases which affect the military or metal industries.

Mars-Pluto Thesis: security forces allied with the military; conducting clandestine operations; using police or military against criminal elements (oh could we?); attacks using powerful forces and weaponry. Anti-thesis: A police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture as a means of enforcing policy (Trump's dream?); exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, rape, mayhem, chaos.

Mars-Saturn (with Saturn strong in Capricorn at a critical-crisis 29th degree) Thesis: curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist (yep); frustration imposed upon or by criminal elements (Alert: mob boss in the White House!); demands to halt armaments. Anti-thesis: military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force (NATO?) when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of what belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

And if we add health to the planetary pictures in consideration of our concerns over Trump's obese medical condition, bad diet, and what looks to be his continual drug use (sniff sniff!), we find that Mars-Jupiter = hip or liver surgery or a major operation, Mars-Pluto = tumors and/or toxic diseases of the sexual organs (late-stage syphilis?), and Mars-Saturn = high blood pressure, blockages (how could a fatty grub not have these?), weak or withered muscles, and/or hyper followed by hypo (Munkasey).

Biologically, to Mars-Jupiter Ebertin adds 'heart muscle' and 'activity of the organs'; to Mars-Pluto: replacement by 'artificial organs and functions' (including dentures); to Mars-Saturn: 'joints, muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, bone or bone marrow inflammation; atrophy of an organ, and/or muscle paralysis, particularly of the breathing mechanism (includes suffocation)'.

(An additional astro-note: today, February 13, 2020, marks the first of three exact oppositions from transit Pluto to Trump's natal Saturn in clannish Cancer and these challenging energies imprint upon the whole of 2020 for him, and thus for our nation (exact again on July 12th and December 20th). Aptly, Trump's abuse of power issues are front and center in the news this very day via his Roger Stone sentencing interference, as you know, along with rigid demands concerning his authority, accountability, and unreliability, demands which are always required by cosmic taskmaster Saturn - his, spotlighted all through 2020 by oppositions from powerful Pluto, planet of manipulation, control, secrets, criminality, and hidden wealth.)

Well, this post is my second pass at the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) using a different lens than before. And as always your on-topic comments are welcome (moderated to cull out the ads and trolls!) and my Thanks for any and all Shares which encourage more such SO'W posts! jc

Related 2020 posts include: DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 (tri-wheel charts shown), and the order-shifting Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction which ends 2020 on December 21st @00AQ29 - here are the conjunction's Midpoint Pictures and its DC Horoscope.

Sources: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Above image: 'Abandoned Garden with Peonies', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

May 29, 2019

Marxism vs Communism (w/ Richard Wolff) - interview

Here's an informative discussion between host Thom Hartmann and his guest economics Professor Richard Wolff:


A related SO'W post: The Powell Memo: Genesis of Corporatism in Control. And as you know, in astrological terms all -isms used to label, aggravate, deceive, and divide populations issue from the Pluto-Chiron stable of exploitation, manipulation, and primal violence--including Socialism, Capitalism, conservatism, and progressivism.

May 29, 2018

Epic Systems vs Lewis Decision - Kevin Estes

May 29, 2018: The following post was originally published May 21, 2018 on Left Wing Astrology and is published here by the author's express permission in order to more broadly air the views of a millennial astrologer:

Epic Systems vs. Lewis Decision, Closer to Slavery? It's Already Here

by Kevin Estes

In the big news of the day, the Supreme Court voted 5-4, with Neil Gorsuch casting the deciding vote, in favor of Epic Systems, thus allowing employers to block employees from grouping together in order to fight legal disputes in employment arbitration agreements. This basically makes it easier for employers to underpay their employees, known as wage theft. The reaction to this verdict is basically that it's another step closer to slavery, but to be honest, slavery is already here. Wage slavery.

In the current economic system, in order to maintain a decent standard of living, you basically have to work a 9-5 schedule every day, outside of holidays and weekends, for around 40-45 years until you're eligible for Social Security, which is basically their way of saying that "you're too old to produce reliably for us, so here you go and hope you die soon". If you don't go through that type of lifestyle, it is very difficult to survive, that is, unless you're a celebrity, and you'll notice that there are numerous pictures of celebrities making Illuminati hand signs, just like our elected officials. So that's basically a way of telling people that they need to sell their soul to the Illuminati if they want to have a comfortable life without all the hassle and grind. Where is the freedom in that? This verdict has basically made an already repressive system even more repressive, which will only hasten the end of the system.

Pluto in Capricorn

Ever since 2008, Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of government and big business. Pluto is known as the transformer in astrology, and surely enough, it is transforming these areas. This transit, along with Neptune in Pisces, is playing a major role in the people wanting a government that works in their best interest. Universal Health Care and Universal Basic Income are gaining major traction, along with free tuition. Self-driving cars are also likely to be in the future, eliminating the need to pay oil companies in order to travel. The Stoneman Douglas High School activists' push for gun control is exposing the GOP's favoritism of money from the NRA over children's lives. Pluto is doing its job, but as expected, the people in power are becoming more repressive in order to maintain their power. Nobody is able to defeat astrology in the end, though, especially when the transit has yet to reach its peak, with the US undergoing its Pluto return in 2022. This is basically telling the country to transform, or else Pluto will do it for them. Also, with the Pluto in Sagittarius generation starting to come of age, by then, the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius generations will be the majority of the voters at that time, and all three of these signs are in the second half of the zodiac, which had more to do with the collective, rather than the individual like the first half of the zodiac.

This exposes Trump as part of The Establishment

Trump's campaign was all about him being anti Establishment and "draining the swamp", despite him being exactly what we're fighting against, and his actions since becoming President have been anything but anti Establishment, as he has numerous Establishment Republicans in his cabinet, such as Jeff Sessions, Nikki Haley, Rudy Giuliani, Ben Carson, and Rick Perry to name a few, and he has been more pro corporation than any other President since Reagan. Trump picked Neil Gorsuch, who was approved by the GOP Congress. This exposes Trump as being part of the problem, and a big part of the problem at that, rather than a solution.

In turn, this verdict didn't push us closer to slavery, but it made the wage slavery we already have more oppressive than it already is. All I can say is that this is just another reason I'm grateful to NOT be a taxpayer, as it must be very self defeating to send your tax dollars to these people every year so they can screw you even more. Hopefully there are tax revolts soon, as it would be impossible to arrest everyone if a significant majority of people refuse to file out of protest. We the people need to send a message that corporate welfare will not fly anymore.


Thanks, Kevin, for sharing your views! Readers may note that Illuminati hand signals (aka, symbols) Kevin mentions are quite revealing such as the 'OK" sign that Donald Trump flashed repeatedly during his 2017 Inaugural speech and continues to use often when pontificating. This may not be curious since Trump's Leo Ascendant with royal Regulus rising, star of 'the king' or 'the kingmaker', echoes the 'OK" signal which is said to be the sign of 'the divine king' for that is obviously what he considers himself to be as he works to undermine America (just like Putin would do!). Of course, 'Regulus rising' is the case if Trump's hour of birth is accurate! Jude

Sep 23, 2017

Corporations Don't Want Us As Customers We Are Their Products - clip

Here's a clip from the recent program of author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann discussing topics such as the Equifax outrage and how corporations don't want the public as customers or consumers any longer because to them We Are Products:

First it was, "corporations are people", a ridiculous concept. Now they pretend that people's humanity doesn't exist, that we are no longer in possession of it and apparently do not deserve privacy for our personal information, a commodity to them.

All I can say in this leaky Neptune in Pisces era is, that the 'global power elite' class of syndicate jack*sses and their enablers make up one giant crazy mixed-up gang of robbers, thieves, saboteurs, sociopaths, and psychopaths, don't they? What's hard to figure out is Why do we put up with them?

Well, perhaps I'll add a link to a relic of a related post (July 18, 2009!) Corporations Are People: natal chart May 10, 1886 in which we discussed features of a 'natal' or founding horoscope (not shown) and the court clerk's shady 'mistake' that day which sneakily led to a ridiculous concept becoming enshrined in US law although it did not legally belong there. This has resulted in a kind of 're-writing of history', we could say--for the benefit of the wealthy class, that is, and has helped pave the way for 2010's anti-democratic SCOTUS decision that We The People, for good reason, despise having to call, Citizens United.

May 25, 2017

The Origins of Neo-liberalism and How to Stop It (Saturn-Pluto 1947)

May 2017: Here in a recent segment, Thom Hartmann answers a caller on the topic of Neoliberalism. For me Thom's is the best explanation of Neoliberalism I've heard or read. He notes that the term and theory were invented (if that's the word) in September 1947 but was ridiculed for years until Ronald Reagan ('Reaganomics'!) picked it up in the 1980s. We recognize its damaging effects in society through such policies and outcomes as 'trickle down economics', 'free trade', corporatism, oligarchy--with neoliberal policies more and more discredited in the US and abroad as the built-in exploitation continues.

Now if you're familiar with astrological principles, you also recognize Neoliberalism by the two karmic planets that met in Great Conjunction (13Leo07) on August 11, 1947 and therefore imprinted upon the theory--Saturn and Pluto. Their cyclic cosmic clock began anew on that date and a few weeks later the hardship, ruthlessness, and cruelty of 'Neoliberal' policies constellated into an economic theory. It took decades for a US politician to see its 'value' as a political sledge hammer but Reagan (or someone around him) saw in it a major avenue opening toward 'trickle down' financial increase for the wealthy class at the expense (and sacrifice) of the rest of us, the exploitables.

Actually, the Saturn-Pluto duo have an earlier and obvious claim to a brutal fame because prior to 1947 for they met three times from October 4, 1914 (2Can14--conjunct US natal Venus), to November 1, 1914 (2Can04), and the third time on a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: 00Can54 on May 19, 1915. Obviously we think of World War I, its brutal Saturn-Pluto horrors, and the depressing aftermath as the exploitables climbed laboriously out of the abyss the war created. Yet much wealth was made by warmongering bankers, no doubt.

So as for today's Neoliberalism, we must make certain the discredit and failure of it builds as the cosmic clock winds down for Saturn and Pluto are scheduled to meet again on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 (as will the corporate duo, Jupiter and Pluto from April to November 2020 @24Cap+). Markets aren't so grand when Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn (too much Saturnian restriction and contraction, I suppose) so Capricorn vibes of conservatism and soberness are major forces in 2020 though dearth and difficulty may be brought as well.

But placing planetary cycles aside, do allow Thom to speak of Neoliberalism if you will and resist all the 'trickle down' nonsense of the corporate oligarchs that you can muster whenever you get a chance! Here is, The Origins of Neoliberalism and How to Stop It:

Mar 15, 2017

How to Fix Our Political System by Kevin Estes

Today Stars Over Washington is happy to present the latest in a series of articles by young astrologer Kevin Estes who writes the Left Wing Astrology blog where the following article was previously published:

How To Fix Our Political System

by Kevin Estes

Our political system is in a state of crisis, as our elected officials are in it for themselves and the corporations that bribe them, rather than the people who elect them. These are some solutions to help solve the problem and get our elected officials to work in our best interests.

Term Limits - The president has them, but why not congress? Without term limits, if you're in a strong Democratic or Republican area, you can actually have a career as a Senator or Representative! Knowing that they can be reelected an unlimited number of times, they have little incentive to do a good job, as they can easily become wealthy by way of years of corporate bribes.

Lie Detector Tests - The president, vice president, cabinet members, and congress members should undergo random lie detector tests. This is to make sure our elected officials will always tell the truth and act ethically.

Recall Elections - We have them with our local and state governments, but why not our federal government? Yes, the president can be impeached, but the congress decides if that happens, and it's obvious that our elected officials do not have our best interests at hand. If the president is harming our country, the people should have a say if he should be taken out of office or not.

People should have a say in proposed laws - The people had no say in regards to the Patriot Act. Or NAFTA. Or the bailouts. Or Obamacare (or its repeal if it happens). Or any tax increase. Basically, the federal government can create laws without our approval. Yes, congress has approval of the laws, but like I said, they don't govern in our best interests.

More Political Parties - Imagine if the Libertarian candidate, the Green party candidate, the Reform party candidate, the Peace and Freedom party candidate, and the American Independent party candidate got the same amount of attention as the Democratic and Republican party candidates? There would be many different options, which would create actual choice rather than choosing the lesser of two evils.

No Money In Politics - No money in politics means no bribery is allowed, and would mean that you don't have to be wealthy in order to run for office. In other words, a level playing field.


The asteroid Pallas is the main indicator of a person's ethical nature. Mainstream knowledge of this asteroid and analyzing each presidential candidate's Pallas aspects before the election would be a giant step in preventing corruption and tyranny from entering the White House. Also, knowledge of the cultural and economic indicators, represented by the Moon and Venus respectively, of presidential candidates would allow voters to determine if they really have the ideology they project, or are using it just to get ahead politically.

For example, Donald Trump's chart has strong left wing economic (which can indicate fascism) and cultural indicators, while having a mixed Pallas, which indicates something other than small government. George W Bush and Ronald Reagan had strong right wing indicators socially, but their left wing economic indicators pointed to their major deficit spending during their administrations. Barack Obama had strong left wing economic and social indicators, but a strongly authoritarian Pallas. So did Hillary Clinton. This knowledge being mainstream would basically make politicians need to walk the walk in order to get elected.

You can't legislate morality, but with all of these things in place, we can do our jobs to make sure that our country is run by people who care about the best interests of the people and the country as a whole, rather than themselves and the corporations that bribe them.

Previous articles by Kevin Estes:

Divide and Conquer: The Illuminati Agenda

Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and the Pluto Return

Liberal Media Conservative Media: Controlled Opposition

Note: the use of Pallas in Political Astrology as a significator for ethics is championed by Kevin Estes and by Alan Lin writer of the Libertarian Astrology blog. Recommended is Alan's article on the March 7th release of what WikiLeaks terms Vault 7; the post shows US natal and progressed horoscopes surrounded by the Vault 7 transits.

Oct 17, 2016

Oct 19, 2016: the 'Mars-Pluto Debate' of Clinton and Trump

Image: Walter Crane: The Fate of Persephone (1877);; {public domain}

As Election Day 2016 (November 8th) creeps up on us, one more 'debate' is set to take place Wednesday October 19, 2016 between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in Las Vegas, Nevada (9:00 pm edt). Astrologically, it would be easy to suggest that Mars represents Mr. Trump with his Mars rising along with royal Regulus in egoistic Leo while powerful Pluto represents power player Hillary Clinton who is supported by big banks including the transnational banking syndicate now strangling the world.

And perhaps on some level things are that simple though I hasten to add that Mr. Trump is under the sway, or perhaps thumb, of the foreign banks he has habitually borrowed millions of dollars from. So who can say which planet signifies which candidate? Do they alternate on various levels or at different times? Meanwhile, some folks could say that what amounts to a political scare tactic--the Trump campaign--is being performed for a wider purpose than for Trump to sell books and scam money. It has been to persuade voters toward Mrs. Clinton, a candidate who would have had to limp to Election Day 2016 were it not for the huge, abominable circus act put on by Mr. Trump since June 2015.

Now, dear reader, I don't know where you stand on such issues especially since Stars Over Washington (11 years old this very day!) seldom receives comments or queries on the topics and viewpoints published here. Therefore, the Mars-Pluto encounter shall be allowed to debate for itself on Wednesday evening as Mars, planet of aggression, quarrels, and desire (and still OOBs), conjoins creepy Pluto (aka, Hades, kidnapping god of The Underworld), the puppeteer planet of power grabs, secret manipulation, and the dragon that guards hidden wealth @16 Capricorn.

Plus, as you know, the combo of Mars-Pluto, the 'might makes right' duo, is forceful to the point of brutality, assaults and attacks, chaos, mayhem...and rape. Ask Pluto's victim Persephone about such caddish behavior if you require a refresher concerning the myth. Or maybe it will suffice if Mr. Trump tells us more about his magnetic attraction to beautiful women and how he inappropriately and lustfully reacts very much like Hades toward Persephone.

Additionally, the intense pair of Mars and Pluto prominent on October 19th (in the sign of government, law, and business, Capricorn--the 'old goat') may also indicate that war veterans and/or disabled people may be mentioned during the debate which to some of us, oddly enough, includes the unprepared draft dodger, Donald Trump himself. Perhaps his previous mocking of a disabled reporter at one of his rallies will come up. What a man child! Or, at least, he plays one on TV.

And yet this election remains a 'granny vs grampy' affair with an alleged Global Government fighter on one fist and a shill for the New World Order on the other. Not much of a choice, is it? But I believe this has been the global corporate plan all along--to ruin our election process for good--and if their secret 'trade' deals are shoved into place (as they soon will be due to our own apathy), 2016 will be the end of our democracy and the last US presidential election the American public will ever have to groan through as US sovereignty is tossed into the dust bin of history and corporatism finally takes over the US Government completely.

If this turns out to be the case, will it matter very much who's playing mouthpiece in the White House when America's Great Seal turns over? Maybe, but I know whose voice overly grates upon the ear to be withstood for four long years.

Now if you've already consulted the Sabian Symbol for the Mars-Pluto conjunction degree of 16 Capricorn, you know that it pertains to the "maintenance of a healthy society" (Rudhyar). Sounds good but let us also consult Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac:

16 Capricorn: "A man riding a reinless horse."

This degree and symbol, Carelli says, can produce "The Anointed One" and can indicate "faraway travels and independence." That's the positive side; the negative side points toward "sensuality" of a "carefree epicurean forgetful of the morrow," and "sportsmanship (that) will lead to horse racing.." other words, a reckless gambler which is how this particular Child of the Revolution must feel on behalf of our country if I should dare to vote for wrestling promoter Donald Trump.

And with that in mind, it seems that holding the last of the Clinton-Trump debates in risk-it-all Las Vegas suddenly makes some sort of perverted sense.

Related posts include: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump (hint: it's Pluto and Mercury for this bounder)...and for Hillary: A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her.

Sep 16, 2016

By Opposing 9/11 Liability Bill, Obama Is Protecting Big Banks - clip

Since President Obama has followed Global Government instructions to protect and favor Big Banks for the duration of his presidency, can his veto of the bill allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia surprise anyone? What a presidential pickle! 9/11 families vs the Big Banks!

Thom Hartmann and Mike Papantonio discuss:

As Mussolini said, Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Aug 25, 2016

About Those CEOs Who Put Profits Over Country - clip

"Only little people pay taxes"...yes, I remember abrasive, Trump-like news maker Leona Helmsley. She left $12 million to her Maltese pup, Trouble. The dog died in December 2012. No word on who or what inherited Trouble's fortune but you can check out Helmsley's AA-rated natal chart and bio at

Now here's Thom Hartmann on the topic:


Jul 15, 2016

How to Rein In the Robber Barons Again - clip (w/ Taurus)

Ah yes, the Robber Barons, their greedy spawn, and favorite plutocratic game: oppression and exploitation of the people. Thom Hartmann reports:

Actually, the robber baron class has its own natal chart, the Generation of Materialism horoscope of 1881 with Sun and Moon guessed it...Taurus. Like the bull of Wall Street and the golden calf they worship.

Jun 14, 2016

Liberalism: What Happened To The Party Of The People? (w/ Guest: Thomas Frank)

Here progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann interviews author Thomas Frank whose book on Amazon is linked, below. One point made by Mr. Frank is that the successful fundraising of Bernie Sanders during Campaign 2016 proves that the Democratic Party doesn't have to be rotten with corporatism (my wording, not his) in order to win elections.

Of course, then Democrats would be beholden to We the People and expected to act on our behalf which is not part of the Global Government script that Washington follows though you may not hear such sentiments in the following interview! jc

Listen, Liberal: What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?


Related post: Rule by Corporate Democrats Timed by Carter Inauguration 1977 (horoscope shown).

And here is the Natal Chart of Jimmy Carter born October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia under a protective Water Grand Trine composed of his Scorpio Moon, Uranus, and Pluto, plus, a dynamic T-Square configuration between his know-it-all Mercury-Uranus opposition with religious Jupiter at apex in its own sign of Sagittarius. Within these patterns are his impressive intellectual capacity, talents for technology and mathematics, and his nuclear interests. A gift for diplomacy is in there somewhere--with his 12th house Sun and Ascendant, both in Venus-ruled Libra, I suspect. jc

May 14, 2016

Corporations Fund Both Party Conventions, Reap Huge Rewards - clip (and a Full Moon)

With both the RNC and the DNC stalking us in July, 2016, isn't it comforting to know who funds and thereby benefits financially from these massive Political Theater stage shows? No, they aren't demonstrations of 'democracy at work', they're more signs of Corporatism and political propaganda of The Establishment at work, balloons and all. And who can resist festive balloons?

In case you missed it, have a look at the horoscope of the Full Moon conjunct US natal Pluto in governmental Capricorn which perfects on July 19th during RNC 2016. The RNC Full Moon could be the fulfillment of the Gemini New Moon that occurred on June 16, 2015, the day that Donald Trump announced his 2016 bid for the GOP nomination and it will probably merit the RNC with greater publicity than the DNC will receive.

So will Mr. Trump's new cycle of political activity (New Moon) be fulfilled or culminate at the July Full Moon? Actually, Quicken Loans may know something about the possibility of a Trump nomination in Cleveland, while Wells Fargo goes on to toast the Democratic nominee in Philadelphia. We'll suffer the same old corporate fraud and mismanagement either way unless Bernie Sanders is the nominee.

But sorry to say, how a President Sanders could manage to turn America away from its corporate Global Government course that has simmered so long in the Utopian visionary cauldron is any citizen's fervent dream...assuming that that is what he wants to achieve.

Mar 21, 2016

What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%?

Here is Thom Hartmann on his interview with author Thomas Frank concerning a Democratic Party that ain't what it used to be. So you've noticed the hollowing out and the resulting lack of democracy, too?