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Showing posts with label American Capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Capitalism. Show all posts

Aug 11, 2011

"Corporations are people" w pockets, too (Mitt Romney video)

This campaign tussle starring Mitt 'corporate' Romney and a scoffing audience at the Iowa State Fair turned up today on the Thom Hartmann broadcast and I resisted placing the video here as long as I could.

Really I did!

No, really!


If you wish you may view a solar (sunrise) natal chart for second-time-around GOP candidate Mitt Romney with a few non-edited details which I posted in August 2007. See if you can spot my mention of 'pockets' then, too--deep ones!

For as you know, deep pockets are pretty much an American institution among our leaders since 1776...the Sabian Symbol for US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--a more poetic way of saying, Lining Their Pockets.

Sep 9, 2009

James Galbraith on the US financial system's 'Lost Decade' potential

Author, economist, and University of Texas Professor James K. Galbraith, son of economist John Kenneth Galbraith, has one of the clearest views of America's financial situation that I've read in a long time.

Professor Galbraith's directness about finances and politics is very refreshing in this time of obfuscations, heists, purposeful confusions, underhanded political strategies, and deceits.

You've probably read his articles in The Nation, Mother Jones, The American Prospect, and other publications; his 2008 book, The Predator State is on my reading wish list.

Professor Galbraith's Home Page at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas has more info on his work, if you'd like to check it out.

And here's one of his quotes from his Wiki bio which I'm lovin' about now (the quote, not the bio which is too slim to tell me where he was born) ~~ Update 9.10.09: see Comments after this post for the professor's own admission - he was born in Boston, probably 'in the evening'! Continuing his quote here:

"Today, the signature of modern American Capitalism is neither benign competition, nor class struggle, nor an inclusive middle-class utopia. Instead, predation has become the dominant feature -- a system wherein the rich have come to feast on decaying systems built for the middle class. The predatory class is not the whole of the wealthy; it may be opposed by many others of similar wealth. But it is the defining feature, the leading force. And its agents are in full control of the government under which we live."

Well, Professor Galbraith just summed up in one neat paragraph about 3/4 of this blog's almost-3000 posts of the last 4 years! And...he said,


James K. Galbraith born Jan 29, 1952, hour and place unknown; Sun 8-10 AQ, Moon 10-25 Pisces; PE @ '8Vir' 7 South Series: 'tremendous anger, power, force; obstacles suddenly clear, or, a quick, fast-moving crisis moves through the life' (Brady's Predictive Astrology); last manifested Oct 3, 2005 @ '10Libra.'

Sun AQ/Moon Pisc's 'Images for Integration: A scientist sings grand opera...A brilliant inventor takes a sabbatical on a desert island.' (Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

This Air-Water blend describes a thinker and poet with a universal outlook; there's independence and vulnerability, reverence, forgiveness, humor, and kindness.

This combo of energies is committed to a cause, loves people, has great psychological insights into them, is observant, sensible, friendly, and is at heart a scientist who loves weird phenomena.

Sun AQ-Moon Pisc is shared natally by: George Balanchine, England's Queen Ann, Eartha Kitt, Paul Newman, Franz Schubert, Roger Vadim, and, of all people since Galbraith has been scathing on Bush and the Iraq War - Dick Cheney.

And speaking of Cheney, his 6th house Mercury @ 25 AQ is being transited off and on (now on) by Neptune. Neptune-to-natal-Mercury (thinking; communicating) is a period with both positive and negative potentials such as: information dissemination and broadcasting, inspired imagination, higher mental planes, commercial sales, confusion, disorganization, fraud, an inability to grasp reality, and just plain old fashioned deception.