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Showing posts with label Generation of Materialism horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Generation of Materialism horoscope. Show all posts

Jul 15, 2016

How to Rein In the Robber Barons Again - clip (w/ Taurus)

Ah yes, the Robber Barons, their greedy spawn, and favorite plutocratic game: oppression and exploitation of the people. Thom Hartmann reports:

Actually, the robber baron class has its own natal chart, the Generation of Materialism horoscope of 1881 with Sun and Moon guessed it...Taurus. Like the bull of Wall Street and the golden calf they worship.

Feb 21, 2014

Horoscope: Taurus Solar Eclipse Apr 29, 2014

Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 Triggers Robber Baron Horoscope of 1881

by Jude Cowell

Here is a natal horoscope for the Robber Barons, aka the Generation of Materialism, a term coined by educator and historian Carlton Hayes (1882--1964):

Please tap or click image to enlarge.

Timed by the New Moon @8Tau14 on April 28, 1881, this chart may be used to represent those plutocrats whose progeny, both biological and philosophical, continue to lord it over the American people as if plutocrats are monarchs--you know, the 1% of wealthy elitists in the US, many of whom owe their power and extreme wealth to ancestors whose vast fortunes were made or increased during the last 20 years of the 19th century: Carnegies, Rockefellers, Morgans, etc, with the Rothschilds hiding behind the velvet curtain of privilege as well.

Marked upon the outside of the chart is the January 1, 2014 New Moon @11Cap57 which conjoined transiting Pluto for it hit the Robber Barons' Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse degree (10Cap20) in the 9 New North Saros Series. Capricorn is, of course, the sign of old men, government, law, and business, and the 9NN Series denotes accidents, physical injuries, and safety issues (Brady); this has me wondering if the New Years Day 2014 lunation in gilt-edged Capricorn ushered in the mysterious deaths ruled 'suicides' of several bankers and financial workers, plus, a missing DOW-Jones reporter, all during January and February 2014--so far.

If you haven't, see 3 JP Morgan workers suffer mysterious deaths and Dead Bankers, Missing Reporter...Something's Amiss .

The reason I post today the Generation of Materialism natal horoscope timed by the New Moon that occurred just after societal planets Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in early Taurus (a money sign) on April 18, 1881 is that its degree will be triggered by the Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 @8Tau51. As you can see in the horoscope of the Eclipse, below, Mercury @12Tau31 is nearby in 3rd house of Communications, Transport, Neighborhoods, Siblings, and Early Education. Mercury, the Orator, also conjoins deceptive Neptune in the 1881 chart in which Neptune rises indicating conditions out of control and possibly water, oil, and/or gas issues with a potential for poisonous conditions.

Since we already have toxic conditions in West Virginia, North Carolina, and elsewhere, we may expect the April 29, 2014 to bring these concerns even more front and center with hopefully no further environmental catastrophes to deal with.

Note: coal-ash-spilling Duke Energy was founded in 1904.

Well, the 1881 New Moon and the 2014 Eclipse degrees would conjunct since there's only one day between April 28th and 29th!

The April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse perfects during a Jupiter Hour and chart-ruler Venus (ASC 10Tau36, chart set for the White House) will conjoin the eclipse Neptune and trine eclipse Uranus--both Venus-Neptune and Venus-Uranus have links to money, evaluation, and relationship issues, as inspired, deceptive, or separative as they may be. Plus, you see that US natal Pluto @27Cap33 is at eclipse MC (The Goal) Point of the chart which puts our natal Mercury-Pluto opposition (spies, secrets, surveillance, propaganda and control of information) on the MC-IC axis of Home-Career-Security.

Additionally, America's natal 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, Secret Deals, and Large Institutions is at MC as well so the Solar Eclipse may expose a few more secrets (12th h) concerning the Keystone XL Pipeline with other worries of a toxic water and contagion nature especially with contagious Neptune rising in 1st house.

And yes, the Cardinal Grand Cross between Mars Rx in 8th house of Corporatism and Debt, Pluto in 12th house of Politics and Karma--and still opposing US natal Sun, radical Uranus in 2nd house of the National Treasury (a blindly zealous Utopian when in Mars-ruled Aries, says Ebertin), and Jupiter conjunct The Scorcher, SIRIUS, in 6th house of Military and Police Forces, Health, and Work is a large part of the eclipse scenario.

If its energies are handled maturely and carefully, a Grand Cross pattern indicates tremendous success though there is much antagonism, tension, and poorly planned actions along with way to wisdom and a draining of energy may be problematic (nuclear leaks come to mind.) The pattern's Cardinal quality shows a need for cooperation from others for there are crucial karmic lessons involved within the social awareness denoted here.

Well, it seems that if the American people are to hope for such wisdom to be directed at solving the dire problems and toxic conditions of the day, we must depend upon the behavior of Washington politicians who have the 2014 November Elections hanging over their heads and thus determining their courses, internal party squabbles notwithstanding.

Yet handy solutions may be moot until later in 2014 since the eclipse's Saros Series, 16 South, contains themes of 'wasted energy, especially when dealing with groups--take no real action' ( paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Plus, it seems We the People will be depending upon congress members who aren't retiring or stepping down soon. It seems feasible that some members are ethically challenged and are clearing out before the dreaded sheriff knocks on the door--you know, like the Federal Grand Jury that ran Georgia Governor Nathan Deal from Capitol Hill in 2010!


For further reading on the Generation of Materialism and many other topics, see E. Alan Meece's book, Horoscope for the New Millennium.

May 26, 2012

Of Robber Barons, Romney, and Campaign 2012

"A corporation has no rights except those given it by law. It can exercise no power except that conferred upon it by the people through legislation, and the people should be as free to withhold as to give, public interest and not private advantage being the end in view."

-William Jennings Bryan in his address to the Ohio 1912 Constitutional Convention

May 10, 2012 was the 126th anniversary of the Corporations Are People sleight-of-hand which has forced its tricky thumb upon the scales of justice ever since. Click for a few astro-notes concerning the day, May 10, 1886, and a brief explanation of how things went askew against all common sense.

Interesting that the illustrious Bryan made his remarks on the true nature of corporations in 1912, 26 years after the Big Ruse was purposefully put in place through the enthusiastic collusion of railroad titans of the day, aka, Robber Barons, and for good reason.

The Ohio Constitutional Convention of 1912 was all about progressives wanting to rid Ohio's government of corruption and to quite an extent they succeeded though women's right to vote and equality for all races were progressions too far. These days, we have regressives calling themselves 'Republicans' wanting to roll back those rights which is doubly backwards since the first instance--the whackadoodle notion that "corporations are people, my friend" is what should be rolled back instead.

In case you haven't signed yet, here's a link to Senator Bernie Sanders' effort to Overturn Citizens United, the SCOTUS decision of January 2010 which brazenly gives the Corporate Leviathan even more "legal" power to devour We the People for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But unlike in 1886, no court clerk's 'error' was needed to shaft us on the sly.

And below you see the natal horoscope of the Robber Barons with my usual scribbles added. This chart is also known as the Generation of Materialism natal chart (Ed Meece), and here's how I complained about the Pluto/Chiron oppressors in February 2008. Of late, JP Morgan Chase's CEO Jamie Dimon has proven his lack of societal merit, I'd say--he kind of made himself into a poster child for the ravages of corporate inbreeding when it's allowed to flourish under its own hubris way past when corporate charters should expire as originally intended.

New Moon April 28, 1881 10:24:47 am UT London, England; Hour Mercury; final dispositor: Venus; chart-ruler Sun applies to a trine with Uranus in 2nd house of Money, a conjunction with deceptive Neptune (5A32 = 1886!), and a conjunction with evaluating Venus, also in her sign of monied Taurus; US natal Saturn in Libra is at the Foundation of the horoscope--and making it all 'legal'.

Please click image to enlarge and you'll see that this New Moon of the Robber Barons clocks in at 8Tau14--'9Tau' = "A Christmas Tree Decorated"; it's primarily a 10th house chart which well describes those for whom worldly power and wealth are more important than anything or anyone. The New Moon occurred around a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, the societal planets with Jupiter represnting expansion, growth, and investment, and Saturn its opposite: contraction, restriction, and control. In conjunction and maturely directed, their energies can bring much wordly success.

And naturally, I don't have to mention the abundance of Taurean energy here since greed, possessiveness, and intolerance are The Bull's shadow traits (just ask The Bull on Wall Street.) Even Pluto and Chiron, the Plutocracy duo, are near one another in Taurus and in our time, met in Great Conjunction on December 30, 1999 at '12Sag' = "A Flag Turned Into an Eagle That Crows" (MEJ) conjunct US natal Ascendant. And after the attacks of 9/11/01, the American eagle crowed and can't seem to stop.

And now, what's become a golden oldie from the stump of the Romney Campaign of 2012--you love it, you know you do!

May 6, 2010

Sanders' Audit the Fed amendment breathing shallowly

Right now (9:57 am edt) Senator Bernie Sanders is answering callers' questions on C-SPAN's Washington Journal and his Audit the Fed amendment has gained some play today on Capitol Hill.

If the Sanders amendment is allowed to tag along on reform legislation (which so far sounds quite toothless) will it lead to anything useful for the American taxpayer or merely entertain us with yet another trifling performance of the infamous Capitol Hill Theater?

Now here's a post from Jan 2008 which I began with a quote from Senator Sanders and which displays the horoscope (sans my notations) of the *Generation of Materialism, aka the Robber Baron class, which is timed astrologically by the New Moon 8Tau14 of April 28, 1881, as noted by E. Alan Meece in his book Horoscope for the New Millennium.

Click to view the New Moon and the rest of the line-up in Taurus for a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (2 - 4 Tau) had been exact on April 18, Venus and Neptune were just beyond conjunction with Venus Rx (13 - 17 Tau), and the plutocracy-corporatism-oppression duo, Pluto and Chiron, were headed toward conjunction as well (16 - 28 Tau) which is a tremendous amount of Taurean energy - great for architects, builders, and gardeners but with greed and intolerance lurking in the shadows.

The New Moon's Sabian Symbol for '9Tau' = "A Christmas Tree Decorated" = SYMBOLIZATION...

positive expression: man's achievement of complete self-satisfaction through a simple sharing of his potentials with his fellows;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: a desire to place people under obligation and to enjoy life's riches without payment in kind. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

A House of Cards Always Topples

The credit card industry is one example of a concentrated effort to place millions of people 'under obligation' with the lure of easy, instant luxury and the promise of riches that only the Robber Baron and banker classes can truly 'enjoy'.

As I've blogged here previously, it's the Robber Baron class' modern spawn (biological or ideological) who now bedevil our society and undermine it with corruption and greed so out of bounds that the world's financial system has been shoved to the precipice of total collapse...and right on schedule, after they've made their riches by robbing and exploiting others while funneling collective dollars into their private and corporate accounts.

And enriched America made the perfect vehicle.


*As Mr. Meece cites in his book it was Carlton Hayes who coined the term 'generation of materialism.'

Blog Note: this is probably my last post until Monday or Tuesday of next fun is on my agenda so y'all have a great weekend! jc