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Jun 8, 2024

Campaign 2024: The Biden-Trump Debates

by Jude Cowell, D.A.R. partisan for democracy

The lack of Live audiences for both the June 27th and September 10th Biden-Trump debates will favor the quietly spoken President Biden while Trump's habitual bombastic overtalks and disruptive allegations will have not their usual usefulness for creating skewed sound bites. Lies from either debater will be called out by moderators, one hopes, making the events closer to what debates once were when policies and facts were stars of the show.

If this is accomplished, American voters will be informed on the issues prior to Election Day 2024 - what a grand idea! Plus, differences between the characters of the two men will be made obvious for the confused voter, and for those who stay busy working to pay bills and care for their families. Meanwhile, both debaters are seniors so the playing field on that score is level and therefore, moot.

Of course, this is if a certain felonious debater doesn't pull out prematurely because he and his staffers realize their mistake agreeing to such debate conditions. In his podcast episode from May, The Mop-Up's David Feldman says as much as he discusses Why Trump Will Lose Both Debates to Biden along with other topics and news of the day (#1550 audio only, shown below). David is known to be plain-spoken so beware if your feelings are easily trampled!

Now here is a previously published dual image of the June 27, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate and their September 10, 2024 event, assuming that one or both debates occur:

If held, both debates will occur under 8 North "vivid dreams and visions" influences of the Great American Eclipse conjunct Chiron (19Ari24) which manifested on April 8, 2024. (Also shown is the 8 North of 1986 which suggests a cosmic link back to Reagan's policies and/or events.) Astro-notes concerning cosmic conditions during both the 2024 Biden-Trump Debates are available for the curious.

So which "dream" for our nation's future are We the People having? A dream of democracy and the rule of law?

Or a nightmare of dystopian strong-armed paternalism in which women are slavish baby incubators and r*pe victims while misguided theocrats strut?

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