by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good
Would you care to see the 2024 Solar Return Horoscope of VP Kamala Harris? It "contains" Election Day 2024, the Electoral College Vote Count in December, Vote Certification on January 6, 2025 (hopefully), Inauguration 2025 in January, and all other events occurring until her next birthday in October 2025:
As you can see, an abundance of my study notes are squooshed on the chart including pertinent Solar Return details concerning SR Sun (in Return 9th house) and SR Moon (in return 5th house, and Gemini). Foreign Policy Matters and Legalities (9th house), plus, domestic, familial concerns, and daily routines are emphasized for her super-busy year. Her natal 7th house of Partnerships and Alliances is first to rise and her natal Saturn Rx @28AQ27 (conjunct her natal Midheaven of Goals and Public Status) is her first natal planet to rise with its practical ideals when legal eagle Saturn is in Aquarius - the sign ruled by Saturn, co-ruled by futuristic Uranus ("We're not going back!").
The VP's Sun-Moon Personality Blend for the Year
Now VP Harris' Solar Return 2024 Horoscope reveals a double-Air Sun-Moon blend of Sun Libra-Moon Gemmini. This combination of energies provides a lively intelligence, diplomatic skill, communication talent, and the ability to argue both sides of a case. Relationships with others are all-important, and her charm and genuine friendliness puts other people at ease.
Additionally, this particular personality blend is shared natally by quite a list of luminaries including: journalist Barbara Walters, poet/dramatist T.S. Eliot, singer Bryan Ferry, actress Madeline Kahn, and novelist Faith Baldwin whose most famous quote is probably,
"Time is a dress maker specializing in alterations."
As for the 2024 candidate's Solar Return Chart shown above, a SR Moon in Gemini provides her the opportunity for a job change, I only hope it's the change from VP to POTUS that most Americans have the commmon sense and survival instinct to vote for.