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Showing posts with label Biden-Trump Debates 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden-Trump Debates 2024. Show all posts

Jul 10, 2024

Want America Stuck in The Confederacy of 1861?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

These days, Trumpists under the imprint of the GOP want to regress American society back to the era of The Confederacy, a period in the Southern US of slavish feudalism under a fascist-style regime of seditionists like the villainous Jefferson Davis.

This heinous threat is one of the reasons, in a previous post, we discussed The Confederacy and Its Dark Vein of Intolerance. And as a native Georgian with Confederate ancestry, I've composed and published fussy posts about such topics for years now. Do you think more Americans are aware of the existential threat, now that democracy struggles for its life (and ours), and Election 2024 soon will showcase a stand-off between President Biden and a convicted felon/fraudster determined to claw his way back into the Oval Office, by hook or crook?

Some Democrats Are Saying, Jettison Joe!

Personally, I agree with political commentator David Feldman who says that The Media Once Again Is Handing Us Trump in his latest podcast episode of July 6, 2024 (1H 16M).

And I'm certain you've noticed that since the recent Biden-Trump Debate, the mainstream media isn't covering the competing visions of each candidate's future plans, if elected. The implications of Trump's dark vision seem to elude the talking heads and their producers. But to me, the identity of the person with his "finger on The Button" is a major concern on steroids for the entire world - not that every US voter will consider this. But boy should they.

So who should lead the country as of 2025? A superficial, transactional, traitorous, dictator-wanna-be, horndog? Or a thoughtful statesman who has known the deepest of losses, who walks a little slower than he used to, speaks softly yet wisely, has accomplished major legislative feats during his presidential term that benefit the American people, and yet has always had to struggle against a stutter? Then there's "Scofflaw Donnie who came to town just to tear the US down"! And his voters, corrupt politicians and judges, and wealthy enablers want him to.

Back to Hoop Skirts and Petticoats? No Thanks, I'm Good!

So now I must wonder: do you know there's a Horoscope of The Confederacy, and that a series of the regime's Neptune Return/s began in 2023? As you know, Neptune Return/s have done no good for the Republican Party (their Neptune 1854 in mid-Pisces), so we'll see if plans for re-establishing The Confederacy (using the GOP's Project 2025 dystopian agenda) proceeds under Neptune's watery influence in Pisces - the planet of dissolution, disappointment, subversion, deceit, and cults, including death cults as were the barbaric Naz*s - which is what Tr*mp's threatened "American Carnage" would bring. His foreign bosses, enemies of America including Russia, would be so pleased with their boy were their longterm dream of a US collapse be fulfilled.

Meanwhile, as displayed, above, the 1861 Horoscope of The Confederacy is revealing and describes at least some of the conditions that the 'Maga' GOP along with theocratic handmaidens and their abusers want to re-implement in US society - if only you'll vote in November for their cruel madness.


Jun 19, 2024

Biden-Trump Debate June 27, 2024: Mars v Mars

Will Fascism Challenge Democracy?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you'd be interested in details concerning a Synastry Grid between America's Albatross (natal planets) and the planets on the night of the first 2024 Biden-Trump Debate: Will America's Albatross Debate in June?

What I neglect to mention in my WordPress post is that Mars @13Taurus on June 27, 2024 directly opposes President Biden's natal Mars @13Scorpio, rather a perfect cosmic picture of their challenge to one another, yes? Sparks may fly with the White House helm on the line.

Thing is, Debate Mars in Taurus is apex of a midpoint between Sun and Saturn and this reveals a Martian personage with abrasive mannerisms and a desire to be in charge. Sounds like Trump, born with Mars rising in pompous Leo.

Jun 8, 2024

Campaign 2024: The Biden-Trump Debates

by Jude Cowell, D.A.R. partisan for democracy

The lack of Live audiences for both the June 27th and September 10th Biden-Trump debates will favor the quietly spoken President Biden while Trump's habitual bombastic overtalks and disruptive allegations will have not their usual usefulness for creating skewed sound bites. Lies from either debater will be called out by moderators, one hopes, making the events closer to what debates once were when policies and facts were stars of the show.

If this is accomplished, American voters will be informed on the issues prior to Election Day 2024 - what a grand idea! Plus, differences between the characters of the two men will be made obvious for the confused voter, and for those who stay busy working to pay bills and care for their families. Meanwhile, both debaters are seniors so the playing field on that score is level and therefore, moot.

Of course, this is if a certain felonious debater doesn't pull out prematurely because he and his staffers realize their mistake agreeing to such debate conditions. In his podcast episode from May, The Mop-Up's David Feldman says as much as he discusses Why Trump Will Lose Both Debates to Biden along with other topics and news of the day (#1550 audio only, shown below). David is known to be plain-spoken so beware if your feelings are easily trampled!

Now here is a previously published dual image of the June 27, 2024 Biden-Trump Debate and their September 10, 2024 event, assuming that one or both debates occur:

If held, both debates will occur under 8 North "vivid dreams and visions" influences of the Great American Eclipse conjunct Chiron (19Ari24) which manifested on April 8, 2024. (Also shown is the 8 North of 1986 which suggests a cosmic link back to Reagan's policies and/or events.) Astro-notes concerning cosmic conditions during both the 2024 Biden-Trump Debates are available for the curious.

So which "dream" for our nation's future are We the People having? A dream of democracy and the rule of law?

Or a nightmare of dystopian strong-armed paternalism in which women are slavish baby incubators and r*pe victims while misguided theocrats strut?

May 15, 2024

Biden-Trump Debates 2024

Horoscopes: Biden-Trump Debates 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

As you've heard, news sources are reporting that the Biden-Trump Debates of 2024 will he held in Atlanta, Georgia at CNN headquarters on June 27, 2024 9:00 pm, televised but with no Live audience, while the second debate is set for September 10, 2024 to be hosted on-air by ABC News, streaming via the ABC News app, and on Hulu.

So despite the possibility that the debate schedule could change or be canceled all together, here are the two Debate Horoscopes with my messy notes penned on.

Lower left is Debate #1 set for June 27, 2024 Atlanta, Georgia, and upper right is Debate #2 announced for September 10, 2024; both events occur under the influence of the Total 8 North 'Great American Eclipse' of dreams and visions, plus, transit Pluto at a critical degree dips back into Capricorn in time for the second debate while transit Neptune is at critical degree during the first debate and is final dispositor of both charts:

The Public Mood: Sagittarius, Then Pisces

Marked on the charts you'll find brief notes concerning the public mood, primarily a reference to the American people. Both signs for Luna suggest moodiness and other difficult conditions which may alternate between positive and negative.

Debating Mercury in Cancer, Then Virgo

In June, Mercury the messenger planet travels through Moon-ruled Cancer where patriotism, nationalism, tribalism, rhetoric, commerce, security, and self-protection tend to express. We should note that Cancer is the sign of Trump's natal Mercury which always ties in his problematic Mercury-Neptune square.

Then in September, speedy Mercury in Virgo is all about facts, details, logic, research, practicality, criticism, and/or cooperation. Notably, President Biden's natal Mercury is in deep-thinking Scorpio, an intuitive Water sign, as is the more commerce-adjacent sign of Cancer.

Well, there are several other significant factors in both charts worth our notice but this is all the time I care to spend on the topic for now since the debate schedule could turn out to be moot. So Thanks a Bunch for reading this far, if you've managed! jc