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Showing posts with label 13 North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 13 North. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2022

Venezuela having a 2022 Solar Return!

September 22, 2022: Happy Autumn, Y'all!

Not much commentary today, just a bi-wheel, below, of Venezuela's 1830 Horoscope (12:00 pm LMT - via N. Campion chart #386) surrounded by the country's Solar Return 2022 Horoscope which perfected last evening (their time) at 11:48 pm AST. Venezuela is now 192 years old!

Blog Note: Inadvertently, you see penned on the 2022 South Node rising which is incorrect. Rising should be the Solar Return Descendant (26Sag00) but since the 1830 chart is set for noon, this doesn't matter a whole lot since chart angles are iffy.

However, major transits are in process and that's transit Pluto Rx @26Cap16 having hit 1830 Neptune (erosion of power, or, the illusion of power) and still within orb (although waning) while Pluto has also squared 1830 Mercury @24Lib52 (increasing the determination to succeed). And of course, mundane Sun = leadership so the governing elite of the country may soon turn up in the news:

Historical Cycles Rhyme with Eclipse Cycles

Venezuela's Solar Eclipse Saros Series during which the country's independence became final is the 13 North with themes of: 'ambitious group projects that require the breaking of a previous bond' (with Spain), 'then success follows' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now you may remember that the initial manifestation in the 13 North Series (like a family of lunations) occurred on August 14, 1776 @21Leo52 and is the eclipse that I consider to be the actual Prenatal Solar Eclipse of America's founding since within two weeks of the eclipse, the Declaration of Independence was finally and completely signed in full on August 2, 1776. To me this shows a cosmic time link via 13 North between American independence and that of Venezuela!

Now here's some current news concerning Venezuela: the fugitive "Fat Leonard" has been apprehended! And this reminds me of Mango Mussolini's legal troubles made more real yesterday by NY AG Letitia James filing civil charges and passing on a couple of criminal referrals to the IRS and the DOJ. It's almost as if the wide-girthed Donald has been apprehended!

Oct 27, 2021

The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of February 1939 NYC

Such a history has the perverted 'American N*zi Party' that even Wikipedia provides details for the curious.

Said to have been founded in March 1959, the party apparently was dissolved on January 1, 1983 but that specificity could depend upon whom you ask. The assassination of the party's founding leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, on August 25, 1967 in a laundromat parking lot by sniper and former Rockwell follower, John Patler, didn't seem to ruffle the party overmuch for soon the confirmed Hitlerist Matt Koehl took over leadership of the organization. Significantly, Holocaust denier Rockwell had been discharged from the US Navy because of his political views (ex: he 'credited' Jews with the US civil rights movement).

Yet without a specific date in March 1959 for the party's founding, the 1959 Spring Equinox Horoscope can yield interesting information as a symbol of the start of a new enterprise. A quick sneak-peek at the chart (not shown here) reveals the prominent Sun @00Ari00:00 (the Aries Point of World Events) in 2nd house and a 7th house Moon @14Leo10 conjunct the erratic planet of anarchy, Uranus Rx @12Leo36. Notably, the double Fire Aries-Leo blend of the party in 1939 is chocked full of 'big personalities' with zealous activist Uranus in vain Leo suggesting bold, enterprising radicals who gamble, speculate, and are adventurous, wasteful, and licentious.

Is it surprising that this also describes the licentious orange menace?

Well, to me it seems more elucidating to view a bi-wheel of the infamous N*zi Rally of February 20, 2939 held at Madison Square Garden NYC (inner set for 9:00 pm EST) with the "Trump 'victory' announced" horoscope of November 9, 2016 2:49 am EST (outer chart set for Washington DC; from news reports). Many of the planetary contacts (aka, 'cosmic time links') between 1939 and 2016 are circled and a few of the orange menace's natal planets (June 14, 1946) are penned around the bi-wheel and highlighted in pink - notably, his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio rises, and in 2016 the planet of voting, Mercury @24Sco54, conjuncts his natal IC:

Listed are the two Solar Eclipses affecting each event along with their themes: 13 North @29Sco01 in 1939, and 19 North @9Vir21 in 2016 - opposed, you'll remember, by transit Neptune @9Pis16 which continues to cloud, veil, and gaslight 19 North themes of realism and seeing situations for what they really are (B. Brady). For as we know, it's difficult to "come down to earth" as 19 North eclipses suggest when eroding Neptune in shady, secretive, contagious Pisces opposes on every level the very idea of reality in order to keep in power, or re-install, a Jupiterian saboteur-and-despot in the Oval Office so he can finish 'blowing soap bubbles' as his ideological brethren did that dark night in 1939.

Please enlarge or print the bi-wheel if you're curious about more chart factors - Thanks! jc

Apr 14, 2020

Horoscope 1776: Washington Crossing the Delaware

Washington Crossing the Delaware; Emanuel Leutze 1851 [Public domain]

As a mere "armchair genealogist" nothing I discover online through the research of others is for 100% certain yet some information I find does seem to be genuine. One such is my ancestor Francis Power of Maryland (born February 21, 1756) who is known to have signed up to serve in the Revolutionary War with the Marblehead Mariners under Colonel John Glover. And as you probably know, the Marblehead Mariners were the regiment that ferried the Continental Army, its artillery, horses, and General George Washington across the Delaware River that stormy night of rain, sleet, snow, and ice, a legendary event which is famously depicted in the painting, above.

On a genealogical note, my ancestor Francis Power would have been 20 years old on that difficult night and headed for age 21 on February 21, 1777. So where is young Francis Power in the Crossing Horoscope shown below? Three links pop out: his natal North Node @11Virgo conjuncts the Crossing's IC (12Vir20), the Basis or Foundation of the Matter, his natal Mars in early Cancer rises at sunset (Mars the warrior), and his natal Uranus in mid-Pisces conjuncts the Midheaven/'MC' (12Pis20). Naturally, both Cancer and Pisces are Water signs. And as you know, the Mars-Uranus duo suggests potentials for: 'a sudden application of force, unusual achievements through an extraordinary power of effort, passing a test of nerves, a struggle for survival, violent people, revolutionaries, fighters for freedom, and/or 'danger or peril which has fortunately passed' (Ebertin). Whew!

Well, I suspect that astrologically, Mars-Uranus describes Washington Crossing the Delaware - and the American Revolution - as well as anything else could do. But for 'Francis the Mariner' I'll add the 4th house Mars-Neptune combo as well for its 'people associated with water or navigation' description, plus, the fog of war. Plus, the fact that the two planets are in different signs (Neptune in Virgo, Mars in Libra--conjunct Hopi, asteroid of ambush and intolerance) is revealing and probably relates to the fact that some of the Marblehead Mariners were African-American, some Native American, and thus they were disapproved of or criticized (Virgo) by certain parties. My feeling is that they successfully did the job at hand so kudos all around!

Yet ferrying General Washington was not Mr. Power's only military service for he also fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill (aka, Breed's Hill because it actually was) according to my genealogy research, and apparently fought in the naval War of 1812. One clue concerning the reliability of his military service record is that he received land after the War in Georgia, my home state. And there is where his line descends through a few generations to yours truly, born in Athens, Georgia.

So! Below you see a messily marked up Horoscope of George Washington Crossing the Delaware. Word is, they began the crossing at "about sunset" so the horoscope is set symbolically for sunset 4:35:06 pm LMT with the previous night's Full Moon (@3Can55 8:06 pm LMT) rising. However, the light of the waning Full Moon may not have been much help for their activities considering the tremendous blizzard (veiling their efforts from the enemy!) that they had to slog through in order to avoid the river's chunks of ice, to land and unload heavy equipment, ambush their opponents, the Hessian soldiers encamped at Trenton, and, exhausted, to fight and win the Battle of Trenton, a victory that invigorated the Patriot cause, Hallelujah!:

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish. You'll see a protective Air Grand Trine (Venus-Mars-Uranus) which suggests a closed circuit of people with intellect, idealism, and planning ability while T-Squares add dynamic energies to the event (see them listed, lower right).

Eclipse-wise, the Crossing falls into the 13 North Saros Series (see its theme, lower left) which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE') of the American Revolution of which this crucial Crossing event is a part. Occurring August 14, 1776 @21Leo52, I consider 13 North to be the true PE of America because the final signing of the Declaration of Independence on August 2 fell within 13 North's influence (signing was within two weeks of the eclipse). Its theme tells the American tale!

And yet, dear reader, you're welcomed to disagree but there it is!

Astro-Note: almost 23 years after the night depicted above, George Washington succumbed to a painful throat infection which was probably made more deadly by a recurrence of an earlier disease - all together a Mars-Neptune affair. We should note, however, that as far as the Astrology of battles go, Jupiter the General @22Cancer is retrograde (Rx) which is not a favorable condition for the attacking forces. My thought is that perhaps General Washington's natal Jupiter being retrograde had some say in the matter because he was accustomed to Jupiter Rx energies of carefully taking his own moral code into consideration while, in this case, performing as a hero with a social conscience, a strong sense of justice, and a deep desire to avoid negative reprisals. So as it turned out, with the excellent teamwork and cooperation of Washington's troops and officers, it was the Hessian General Rall for whom the Crossing and the Battle of Trenton resulted in an unfavorable outcome.