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Showing posts with label Atlantis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlantis. Show all posts

Oct 6, 2010

Campaign donors to Congress, Pluto opposite US n Sun

With November midterm 2010 upon us in short order, Mother Jones has published a helpful Campaign Cash Seating Chart showing who owns Congress, House and Senate.

An interesting example is Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), the toadie who apologized to BP (poor things!) after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. One of Barton's primary donors is Anadarko Petroleum, owner of 25% of BP's...wait for it...Deepwater Horizon well.

You know this is the sort of thing that belongs in SO'W's How can they think no one notices? file. The sad part is, before going to polling booths across the country on November 2, will anyone care which industries and corporations they're voting for?

Caution: if you vote (and I hope you will - though if everyone decides to stay home I can do that, too, to send a message - but it must be everyone) on November 2, you will be voting for skunks, crooks, vermin, varmints, shills, and bandits. If a decent person slips through and ends up on Capitol Hill, they will soon be disabused of the notion that anything fundamental can change about Washington DC politics because entrenched power politicians won't allow their cushy positions to be lost - and they play for keeps. Though some incumbents have already dropped out rather than face who-knows-what (blackmail for some distant sin?), there are plenty of them still skulking about the halls of power with string pullers making sure they stay in place in order to promote the globalists' bigger picture.

Yet transiting Pluto in Capricorn may have other ideas which disenfranchise America if she doesn't play globalist ball.

The next transition brought to us by secret manipulator Pluto, the planet of 'powerful forces' is lining up now and will first hit US natal Jupiter by opposition on January 17, 2011 (Sibly chart.) Pluto opposing natal Jupiter indicates a period when our economic status is not favored. We may not know who or what stands in our way (mysterious Pluto in Capricorn, sign of the olde countrie) yet whatever has truly been achieved cannot be's the wispy wealth that exists only on paper or in a cyberland cloud which may disappear with a touch of Pluto's magician's wand.

Pluto opposing natal Jupiter, planet of money and abundance, brings obstacles to progress as well and there's little to be done toward improvement. This is a know when to hold 'em transit of subdued aspirations, something our Jupiter-ruled nation has trouble accepting, and it relates not just to finances but to politics, higher education (Pres. Obama is already touting community colleges and I believe he's correct about their practicality for job hunters), religion, and other 9th house matters where Pluto intends to fight for control of our minds - America is the only nation to be founded upon 'an idea' after all.

Adding to the complexity, the plutonian processes of destructuring and transformation will be ongoing during our nation's Saturn Return which begins in short order: December 3, 2010, March 22, 2011, and August 28, 2011...2011 contains both these difficult transits involving Saturn and Pluto. The most positive thing I know to say about this cruel pair (Saturn and Pluto) is that they can signify an adept or a magician - and that's assuming either archetype has positive motivations.

So beware schemes of expansion in 2011. Whatever you have, perhaps you should be content to keep it. I will if you will.

Also of concern in the realm of politics is the upcoming opposition of Pluto to US natal Sun (the leader) - a few years off, yet part of Pluto's travails into Capricorn which will result in America's Pluto Return 27Cap33 before slow-moving Pluto enters Aquarius.

Pluto opposing US natal Sun is a five-fer which draws out the excruciating process:

1. March 14, 2014
2. May 17, 2014
3. January 5, 2015
4. August 17, 2015
5. November 1, 2015

Now as with all transits, there are several mitigating influences of positivity occurring simultaneously, yet Pluto is skulking in the background where he's hard to see much less anticipate or counter. He prefers an advantage however he can steal it.

Pluto opposite US natal Sun describes a major power play against the leadership of the US with a contest of wills in a no-compromise situation. Sinister manipulation is the order of the day (2014-2015 and beyond) and the possibilities for manifestation are endless. Yet we may be fairly certain that bruised egos will result and America's self-image as a world power will be seriously affected - unless we carry Pluto's water (which we already do as a global police force instituting the New World Order.)

Will a president attempt to stand up to this world domination agenda? No amount of ruthlessness on the part of our Sun will suffice for resources will be depleted and power in the world will be lessened. It's difficult to say just what may occur but abuse of power or its destruction are so often part of Pluto's motivation.

Interesting that America was billed in olden days by Sir Francis Bacon and others as The New Atlantis and as you know, the asteroid Atlantis is used in Mundane Astrology to represent, among other things, abuse of power and a feeling of doom. And nothing can change the fact that in 1776, Pluto was posited in Capricorn, a sign and archetype whose pan pipes even now seem to be wafting an orpheic tune upon the breeze as reap-what's-sown karma readies in the wings for a starring role on the world stage.

Dec 17, 2009

Copenhagen Summit to establish global governance?

Update Dec 18, 2009: the UN/Copenhagen Summit's goal of establishment of global governance and its further funding has been met (insert: shudder.)

2nd Update from NPR and AP:

BREAKING NEWS: U.S., China, India, South Africa Reach Climate Deal A senior Obama administration official says a "meaningful agreement" has been reached on climate change, the Associated Press reports. Read more...

Original post begins here:

Don't be surprised but this article leaves me about as speechless as can be. Tell me what you think, for Copenhagen is waiting for Barack Obama's magic wand on Friday:

One of the Rothschild offspring laments the difficulty of establishing global governance. The December 2009 Summit in Copenhagen is meant to be a goosestep in the direction of fascist world domination bwo 'climate change' which was established years ago in a directive from the UN.

You know, it isn't new for environmentalism to be used for taking over governments such as when Hitler used it to help establish the Third Reich.

All of this reminds me of a dream I had after first hearing a few years ago that polar ice caps and glaciers are quickly melting - that a satellite with lasers was melting them from space! Crazy, huh? Looked pretty amazing as dream images go.

Even crazier: that the ancient manuscripts of Atlantis holding the secret to longevity are thought by some to be under said ice. Thing is, the 'longevity' part apparently didn't work well for the Atlanteans, as far as we know. So...perhaps a space station in the sky will serve as a life boat for the power elite, an escape hatch for the (self) selected!

If any of this is remotely true, my consolation is that then the ravenously greedy power elite will have only each other for company so it will be claws, hooves, and pointy teeth all around.


Personally I'd much rather have polar bears over for tea and scones, if it were up to me. Or a nice sea lion with wiggly whiskers for a rousing round of backgammon.

Jan 2, 2009

Coal Ash Flood 12.22.08: Saturn opposing Uranus

Dec 22, 2008 marked the largest environmental disaster of its kind in US history, the coal ash flood - or 'spill' - in Kingston, Tennessee, 40 miles west of Knoxville at the Kingston Fossil Plant

The initial estimates of the size of the carcinogenic sludge were woefully short and it turns out from aerial photographs that the actual amount is 5.4 cubic yards, enough to flood over 3,000 acres one foot deep. Three houses were destroyed by the coal ash flood which occurred when an earthen retaining wall gave way after much rain and cold temperatures.

And since coal ash is not regulated as a hazardous material, we may be hearing - or experiencing - more such disasters.

My guess is that we already have on some level - unless you like arsenic and mercury in your drinking water - because unlined ponds for capturing this lead and thallium infused muck are the preferred way the US coal industry and the TVA like to 'handle' this health threat.

In other words - they don't. No one had a plan for if/when the holding pond failed! So I have to say: don't debate the regulation of this hazardous material - line the nation's holding ponds, for cryin' out loud...line first, debate later.

Planets and Stars:

Dec 22, 2008, Kingston, TN, at appr 1:00 am est gives 5Lib31 rising, chart-ruler Venus 16AQ23 conjunct wounding Chiron in 5th house of Risk-taking, Gambling, and Children who may suffer nervous and reproductive disorders from such material which contaminates ground water.

Venus applies to conj with watery and often deceptive Neptune (5A46.)

At Midheaven is 6Can07, a Water sign, with Mercury 15Cap19 and Jupiter 26Cap43 in 4th house, along with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of corporatism, oppression, racism, environmentalism, and disenfranchisement of all kinds.

The sign Cancer has nothing to do with the disease, cancer, but in this case, it seems too descriptive for comfort - and at the WHY? Point of the chart (Mc.) Of course, we associate business and making money with the sign, Cancer, along with protection and security.

And we can't miss the fact that Dec 22's early hours were the perfecting of Sun conjunct Pluto at a World Point. At 1:00 am est: Sun 00Cap46; Pluto 00Cap54, with Mars 26Sag13 nearby, all in 3rd house of The Neighborhood, Sagittarius the sign of the foreigner.

Asteroid Atlantis was conj Sun/Pluto as well - keywords: abuse of power; feeling doomed. Not a fun trio, that's for sure.

There are three midpoint pictures of note:

Mars-Pluto = Sun: accident potential; passionate attack to achieve an objective; upset of plans that is irredeemable; intervention of some undeniable force or authority. Guess the Tennessee Valley Authority might be included in that last one.

Moon-Neptune = Mars: weakened system.

Uranus-Asc = Mars: making things happen raucously; devil-may-care attitude. (All midpoint pics: Noel Tyl.)

Did I mention that asteroid Cupido (corporations; The Family; brethren) arose at 1:00 am? Cupido 6Lib00 - which makes it a transit to George Bush's natal Neptune. And like Eros, Cupido has a link with piercing (as with Cupid's arrows.)

Now I'm not making a case for sabotage, I'm just noting what's in the chart for Kingston's coal ash flood of Dec 22, 2008. At least I don't think I am. Seems with the 'weakened system' and poor planning and support, it was an accident looking for a place to happen.

Conjunct Fixed Star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), Saturn 21Vir41 opposes Uranus 19Pis00 (a Water sign) and we always look to Saturn when we think of 'earthen' and containment, which the pond did not do. Uranus (sudden events; lightening) in Watery Pisces affected the earthen retaining wall (Saturn) which should have been well-lined (Saturnian boundaries again.)

Well, Saturn was dissed, and he does not like that. Will this disaster prove that his lessons can be learned and applied by an AWOL government? I say 'AWOL' because as an American citizen, I did not give my government leave to become slack and sorry! Did you?

My heart goes out to the folks who live near this disaster which could have been lessened or avoided if such materials were regulated and government agencies performed their duties to protect the American people rather than the coal industry's bottom line.

But why fret? The TVA says mercury and arsenic levels in the area's drinking water are "barely detectable" so make mine a double over ice, would ya?