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Showing posts with label Atlantis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlantis. Show all posts

Jul 6, 2021

Corporatism, Mobsterism, and the Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 6, 2021: On May 22, 2018, a horoscope was published here that concerned The Powell Memo: A Genesis of Corporatism in Control. Follow the link for a view of the horoscope set for 'noon' edt in absence of an accurate time, and shows 5Sco30 rising with asteroid of doom and/or abuse of power, Atlantis @9Sco37 - and right there is a small 'cosmic link' from 1971 Atlantis to the 2017 Inaugural Moon (@9Sco21) with Luna describing Scorpionic Tr*mp supporters on January 20, 2017 and going forward. As you know, many Scorpio types try to control everyone around them when it's actually themselves that need to be brought under control. (Consider 1/6 and subsequent arrests).

Additionally, it seems descriptive to me that transit Uranus (the zealous anarchist of chaos!) in Taurus has been opposing 2017 Inaugural Moon off and on of late, creating disruption, erratic behavior, domestic upheaval, and emotional turmoil (for and from Tr*mp supporters). Emotionally, 'drama queen' Tr*mp has been affected, too, particularly in relation to his inaugural 'status' (which expired - no, plummeted - on January 20, 2021!). Plus, we know that Tr*mp's 'guiding planet' of chaos and disruption is his 10th house Uranus in Mercurial Gemini.

Now there's another small factor about the 'noon' chart of the Powell Memo that seems appropriate to societal conditions, then and now: that Cupido, a cosmic representative of Corporatism, The Family, The Global Syndicate (which includes Organized Crime/mobsterism, foreign and domestic), and various Networks in royal Leo sits atop the 1971 'Memo' horoscope at The Goal or Aspiration Point. For as you know, Lewis Powell sent a letter ('memo' as it's called) detailing how Republicans could take complete control of America via corporations. And as things have turned out, most US politicians are bought and paid for by various corporations and CEOs with large amounts of industry lobbyists cheering on the demise of our Republic as they make their profits. Meanwhile, the US Congress keeps laws in place that make it all possible - to make it all possible.

Later on, nominated by Richard 'The Crook' Nixon, Lewis Powell was gifted a seat on the SCOTUS bench for his efforts (all of which are not mentioned here) and served from January 7, 1972 to June 26, 1987. Justice Powell was born in Suffolk, Virginia on September 19, 1907 and died August 25, 1998, his work on Earth undermining his country done.

Related: Horoscopes: Clinton and Tr*mp Inaugurations revealing Sun-Moon Blends for both.

Nov 29, 2019

"Battle in Seattle" vs the WTO November 30, 1999

Seattle Washington; Rattlhed at English Wikipedia [Public domain]

November 29, 2019: In remembrance of tomorrow's 20th Anniversary of the "Battle in Seattle" protest against the World Trade Organization, the following is a re-publish of a SO'W post I wrote a few years ago, sans edits but for a typo or two and a few minor updates for clarification:

The "Battle in Seattle," as the protests were dubbed by the media:

World Trade Organization (WTO), ministerial meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, the universe; Nov 30, 1999; Pluto-Chiron midpoint = Sun 7Sag59/ASC = sunrise 7:40:54 am pst; Mc 2Lib08; Moon @16Vir13 in 9th house (criticism by The People); in 8th house is North Node @5Leo38 (so USA was in process of a Nodal Return when associations are formed; US has a Nodal Half-Return coming up in April 2009. Wish The Dragon would gobble itself all up and leave innocent people alone.)

A Great Conjunction occurred one month later on Dec 30, 1999:

Heralding the New Millennium were several cosmic happenings including a Pluto and Chiron Conjunction, with the pair's blended energies signifying plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, corporatism, colonialism, racism, fascism, totalitarianism, communism, Marxism, commercialism, statism, and other -isms that most folks would prefer to stay away from. Their conjunction perfected at 12 Sagittarius, the natal Ascendant in our nation's 5:09/10 pm LMT chart of July 4, 1776). In other words, American Plutocracy. (Note that in 2019 the 1999 conjunction of the Plutocracy pair remains in force.)

And naturally, we were and are reminded of Stalin's equation: corporatism + statism = fascism. Yeah. The world is having occasion to recognize the devouring monster once again.

Plus, the 4 to 9 degree area of the Gem-Sag polarity is no picnic for they are 'nuclear degrees' with '5Sag' being a degree of flight (Devore). President Bill Clinton flew in to the city (in the middle of the night of Nov 30 - Dec 1) after being assured that his precious caboose would be kept safe from all harm.

During the Nov - Dec 1999 protests in Seattle, the midpoint of Saturn-Pluto (hardship; cruelty; loss; violence) was sitting astride US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) so:

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; abstemiousness; giving up giving; renunciation; melancholy; the tragic destiny of a woman (Tyl; Ebertin). Add, strong control over people's habits (Munkasey). That day, Sun and Pluto were also conjunct suggesting a craving for rulership, striving for power, and the power of attainment (Ebertin).

And for harsh Saturn-Pluto I would add: control (Saturn) by police state (Pluto) crushes the people (protesters and others caught up in the crowds) and the exploitation of Third World people and countries which continues today as resource plunderers and vultures with the aid of their handmaiden politicians take their profits and ignore the needs of their people.

Now perhaps you know that Stuart Townsend wrote and directed the film, 'Battle in Seattle' and though I'm no movie critic, I believe the film is worth watching especially if you're like me and want to know more of Seattle and the worldwide protests (as something like 30 cities around the globe protested in solidarity!) while 600+ of our guys and gals sat in jail nursing their police-state injuries. From 2008, here's a very interesting interview with Stuart Townsend concerning the event and his film documenting it.

Well, it would be no surprise to me to find out one day that the group that smashed windows and turned the protests violent (thus giving Seattle's major an excuse for ordering police tactics such as tear gas, head-bashing, and arrests) were plants to make sure things did go violent - as a way of diffusing criticism against the WTO policies, and to push through their plans for a fancy conference about which one of the characters in the film said, "The conference is doomed to success."

Did a real person say that? I don't know, but it did remind me of the keywords for asteroid Atlantis: abuse of power; a sense of doom. And note that on November 30, 1999, transiting Atlantis was Rx @26Can13--opposing US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap32) and hanging around with our natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer--Mercury the trader and negotiator, powerful Pluto the spy and hidden hand, so basically Atlantis activated America's bossy, surveillance-prone Mercury-Pluto opposition across the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn.

Seems to me there was a sense of doom (for the disenfranchised, and for the 'new world order' which we watch forming now with the current economic 'meltdown' was always in their 'cards' at our expense, never theirs); and abuses of power ran rampant in 1999 over anyone who stood in the way both inside the Paramount Theater and out on the streets for Internet connections created a group of protesters numbering the tens of thousands--and got them coordinated into the streets of Seattle.

So it's about time I re-watched the film and returned to studying Nov 30 - Dec 4, 1999's charts for those five days that rocked the world, and I hope nothing's been said here that would dissuade you from viewing this socially important film if you're yet to do so.

Real footage was intertwined with movie scenes and remember a catch phrase of the day that,

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

The Whole World Is Watching.

Nov 16, 2019

Making America Radical Again! - Thom Hartmann (via Uranus)

From his series the Thom Hartmann Book Club, here is Thom reading from Harvey J. Kaye's Take Hold of Our History: Make America Radical Again. Now I don't yet own a copy of the book but I see from its Table of Contents that my favorite chapter (16) will probably be one dear to my heart, "Let Them Call Us Rebels - We Are All the Heirs of Thomas Paine." Here here!

Now naturally, all astrologers familiar with America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope, no matter the hour used to set it up, know of the radical planet of our Revolutionary era, Uranus, @8Gemini55 in most US founding charts. Check out Thom's reading, then you'll find the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for America's radical Uranus (9Gemini), plus a few Paine-inspired notes are added below the video:


US Uranus at "9 Gemini": "A Quiver Full of Arrows" = "PREPARATION...positive expression: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience; negative: querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions." (Jones). The positive we aspire to, the negative sounds just like Uranian Trump!

Confusing, obfuscating, and shading America's reputation in the world and our national self-image a la Trump, during his campaign and ultimate selection to play the POTUS role, a three-fer series began in 2016 which culminated on February 16, 2017 (just after Trump's oddball "inauguration") when 2017 Neptune hit the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces. Perversely, for Uranus is the planet of perversity, Trump's guiding planet is his 10th house Uranus @17Gem53 ('18Gemini' = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd") bringing forward his chaotic, erratic, contrary and disruptive style of so-called leadership, so perfect for foreign leaders to exploit in their ongoing campaign to sabotage America and our global alliances. And this makes my Child of the Revolution blood boil as my Revolutionary ancestors spin in their sacrificial graves. (To my knowledge, Trump has no Revolutionary ancestors. Can't you tell?)

Meanwhile, astrological Uranus is also known as The Awakener--and as we're currently hearing in the public discourse an echo from Thomas Paine, the times have found us, my fellow Americans.

So it seems clear that if Trump's authoritarian push to replace our constitutional Republic with a lousy, sub-standard Pluto-in-Capricorn dictatorship (effectively a monarchy such as our Founders so valiantly fought against!!) - if this misguided change of direction won't awaken the American people to the fight before it's too late, then tragically nothing ever will. Of course, it isn't merely Trump attempting such a coup, it's his wealthy backers, foreign and domestic. And my suspicion is that they too know about radical Uranus and about the usefulness of Astrology as a timing device.

So in closing my fuss, here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post, sans edits, concerning misused or abused power, revolutionary Uranus plus Neptune, and our radical Founding Father Thomas Paine--born in 1737 with an arousing Uranus-Neptune opposition:

The Current Cycle of Uranus-Neptune Tells of Power Misused

In our era, Uranus and Neptune (reason + faith) met in Great Conjunction/s three times in 1993 at or about 18 Capricorn which implemented the degree's enlightening Sabian Symbol, "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship...Keynote: the protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER" (Rudhyar). "Alas, this power can easily be misused under the pretext of 'law and order'." Ah yes, pretexts are totally relied upon in Politics and I doubt politicians could manage without them for then truths would have to be told and their masks would slip.

Additionally, the symbol for '18Cap' highlights a warning "against using power for selfish advantage" and points toward the ruses and scams perpetrated by Britain (the City of London) and its never-really-severed alliance with the American government. For example, Uranus and Neptune in opposition identifies the era of freedom-lover Thomas Paine as a time of secret alliances, important information withheld from the people, apathy of the masses which allows leaders to undermine the people's natural freedoms, nationalism, unrest, strong economic and military developments, and countries hurled into a major world conflict a few years later (Pelletier).

This generational opposition also gave Thomas Paine and his contemporaries an intrinsic understanding of national and international politics for which he personally felt a responsibility to arouse the people whenever public opinion can reverse a threatening danger which may involve religious, social, and racial issues along with the political.

Such was the life and the mission of seeker Thomas Paine who died a pauper on June 8, 1809 and whose dedicated service to the Cause of Freedom I hereby honor with this post. jc.

Blog Note: the above Amazon link to Mr. Kaye's book may qualify as an #ad .

Nov 30, 2018

Our Federal City's Upcoming Progressed Full Moon

Image: dual horoscopes of the Masonic Cornerstone-Laying by George Washington who, with his Masonic brethren, founded our Federal City April 21, 1791 3:30 pm LMT (Ellicott) and the same horoscope's Secondary Progressed Full Moon which perfects on January 10, 2024 @18Gem33 at 2:00:35 pm est; basic details and more are penned upon the charts:

Plus, you'll find brief details concerning the Federal City 1791 horoscope in a 2015 Obama-era SO'W post if you care for a peek. Of course I had no 'Trump' in mind in early 2015 when I typed the post, yet Trump's natal 10th house Sun-NN-Uranus trio perches saucily atop the Midheaven of the 1791 chart (MC 22Gem58) along with US natal Mars just as 1791 Jupiter in Virgo rises (3:30 pm selected by the Masons because Jupiter in Virgo was rising) along with America's natal Neptune. 1791 Jupiter conjunct US natal Neptune (1776) in our era suggests pretense and illusion as the Federal City was founded--or, inspiration and the grand spirit. Yet the Founding Fathers of 1776 and 1791 were apparently unaware of the existence of far away planet Neptune with its potentials in Astrology for delusion, deception, fraud, dissolution, and its basic urge to merge.

Now naturally, your eagle eye spies a YOD pattern, too, between the 1791 Mars-Pluto sextile pointing to the rising Jupiter and Ascendant (and US natal Neptune) although Neptune and Pluto were unknown in 1791. YODs suggest turning points, crossroads, special tasks, or crises for Washington DC in relation to ideals, finances, promotion of ideas (spreading democracy? propaganda, media), expansion, growth, and/or exploration. Plus, this is a Jupiter-square-US-Mars transit denoting a period when moderation is needed, too much force may be used, rash actions can create more problems, and overestimation of strength or ability often occurs. In addition, a heady whiff of America's Jupiterian 'Manifest Destiny' may be noticed.

So each time since 1791 that transit Jupiter has returned to its 1791 degree, the Federal City's Mars-Pluto YOD has been re-activated, plus, other transiting planets and progressions have had their effects as well. The last/current Jupiter Return to 22Vir38 is a three-fer due to retrogradation; the exact conjunctions perfected on December 19, 2015, January 27, 2016, and August 3, 2016--reminding us of Donald Trump riding his escalator down from on-high (June 2015), paying an audience of actors to applaud his prez bid, campaigning ad nauseum (ongoing), and on November 8, 2016 being selected by the Electoral College to play the POTUS role against all common sense. For those of us attempting to ignore the recent and ongoing chaos he thrives upon and his dismantling of our traditions and institutions which he has apparently been plopped in the Oval Office in order to perpetrate, Wikipedia keeps a handy list of the Events of 2016 for our reviewing pleasure; of course, 2015 events are available there as well.

Eclipse watchers might wish to consider the solar eclipse themes of 2024 of which there are two: April 8th @19Aries in the 8 North Saros Series (prophetic visions, dreams, hunches), and October 2nd @10Libra (conjunct the 2024 SP Full Moon's North Node!) in the 8 South series (separation and loss; physical injury is possible; over-straining of one's strength--Brady).

And if we read the planets of the Federal City's YOD as midpoint pictures, we have potentials for: Mars-Pluto = Jupiter: the big plan comes into focus (Utopian America, aka, the New Atlantis!); making things happen (a capital city); Mars-Pluto = ASC: showing the hero image; the fighter who dares the impossible; and Mars-Pluto = US natal Neptune: cunning strategies; subterfuge; plotting rebellion (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl).

These potentials all sound like my former Federal City of residence to me.

Now here's a very much related previous post concerning associated topics: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington.

May 16, 2018

Robert Mueller appointed May 17, 2017 - w 2018 Eclipse

Tomorrow, Thursday May 17, 2018, is the first anniversary/Solar Return of the appointment of Robert Mueller III as Special Counsel to investigate Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, his associates, and their ties or conspiracies, if any, to or with Russia and Vladimir Putin. On Thursday, the Sun will precisely return to its 2017 degree at 5:44 pm edt (based on its 2017 degree at noon edt). In the Solar Return 2018 chart (not shown), Midheaven @2Leo27 sports the 2017 position of asteroid Atlantis @2Leo01 (abuse or misuse of power; divine retribution; feelings of doom). Obviously, the themes of astrological Atlantis are very much a part of the Mueller investigation into the affairs of Donald Trump and we may also wish to note that in 2017, Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, opposed Atlantis.

And here's a cosmic curiosity: 2Leo+ also happens to be the position of personal name asteroid 'Mueller' on the day of Robert Mueller was born! (you can't make this stuff up).

On May 17, 2017 (Washington DC), the Sun @26Tau55 conjoined the nastiest star in the heavens, Algol, of Medusa-Head fame, the occupant of Mr. Trump's natal Midheaven. Regretfully for Mr. Trump and for the country he now haphazardly leads, enraged Algol at Midheaven has an especially malevolent reputation for potentials such as mob violence, murderous tendencies, and the possibility of a tragic end (Devore). Along with royal Regulus rising (success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that's gained will be taken away--Brady), this has been the cosmic condition of Donald Trump since birth (natal MC) and the Mueller probe is now the spotlight shining brightly upon the star's turbulence and affecting the enraged Mr. Trump's career and public reputation on the world stage (MC).

Inner: Special Counsel appointed May 17, 2017 12:00 pm edt Washington DC; outer: Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 2 New North Saros Series August 11, 2018 5:57:39 am edt Washington DC--the collapsing tower:

Of course, you see that Mr. Trump's natal IC @25Scorpio is affected (family; domestic scene) as transit Jupiter in Scorpio approaches and readies to enter Trump's natal 4th house from whence his his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio will eventually be opposed--conflicts and unfavorable conditions are indicated for an extended period once the Jupiter oppositions begin in 2019. (Also see the penned note, bottom center of the chart: "transit Jupiter oppo 2017 Sun Oct 25, 2018".) Yet some respite may be felt for transit Jupiter will also conjoin Trump's natal Moon @21Sag, usually a happy time unless negative conditions interfere overmuch. For him this may be the case due to his natal Moon-South Node conjunction visited by tr Jupiter so perhaps happy expectations won't be met since a Jupiter-SN contact often denotes blocked endeavors and ethical clashes (as with current conditions). Actually, a look back at the period when this transit of Jupiter occurred about 12 years prior would be fruitful for those who have the time.

Many Towers Totter Across the Globe

As for the bi-wheel pictured above, the outer chart of The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 is shown because of the involvement of Trump Tower in the ongoing Mueller investigation and the structure's location of at least two significant meetings (June 9, 2016 and December 12, 2017) under Mueller's scrutiny when Russians came to call--and because Trump is so very proud of this building with his name upon it. Plus, this Solar Eclipse conjoins the noon Ascendant of May 17, 2017 (Washington DC) and so I have used it to show upcoming transits to Mr. Mueller's appointment. Also note that a Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo indicates that karmic progress can only be made if the negative qualities of Leo are avoided--pride, vanity, egocentricity, pomposity, and ostentatious display (Lineman). It also confirms a karmic relationship with one or more offspring--offspring such as Donald Junior whose involvement in the Trump Organization and actions during the 2016 Campaign such as contacts with Russians and others are in the cross hairs of Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation.

Now planet Pluto of the (criminal) Underworld holds an important position in both charts @19Capricorn+ but in 2018 Pluto is unaspected and thus detached from any planet in the Eclipse chart, and unable to offer its regenerative power. For Donald Trump this condition of a lonely Pluto is a 'natal echo' since his natal Pluto @10Leo02 is also unaspected which I have previously termed "overshadowed by shadows" as we recently discussed when we took a ginger step into Donald Trump's 12th house of the Unconscious.

And perhaps you remember that May 17, 2017 happened to be the very date of the first of five Neptune Returns (14Pis01, as you see!) of the Republican Party (of 1854). Synchronicity much? The last of the five conjunctions perfects on December 29, 2018 which takes party members into 2019 with a disappointing wilt rather than a bang. And as you know, a difficult star inhabits the region of 15Pisces--Achernar = crisis at the end of the river, or, the risk of rapid endings. Yes, many Capitol Hill resignations have been announced with the probability of more to come--plus midterm election losses in November if a 'Blue Wave' is allowed to wash over America and voters mobilize themselves in great numbers.

Well, there are many more chart factors of interest here but as usual this should remain a post not a book so let's close with a few notes on the May 17, 2017 Sun-Moon blend which sounds like a description of Robert Mueller to me--at least in comparison to the squishy, quirky, changeable Donald Trump whose natal Uranus @18Gemini (his guiding planet) hints of his China connections:

Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Aquarius: independent, fair, honest, morally sound, shrewd, tenacious, objective, realistic, committed to principles, resourceful, trustworthy, and capable; can be stubborn and overconfident which can come across as conceited. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Related: 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms (horoscope shown with a link to eclipse details).

May 2, 2018

The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections

Prior to the November 6, 2018 Midterm Elections comes a Full Moon, the last lunation or 'Syzygy Moon', @1Tau13 which perfects on October 24, 2018 at 12:45:05 pm edt in Washington DC. This Full Moon Horoscope is titled, "Stormy Proceedings" (ASC = Mercury-Mars) and "(A) Military Band(s) on the March" (Jupiter the General--and expansive Politician--@27Scorpio):

Of course the intensity, delving, monetary, and other qualities within the Taurus-Scorpio polarity are well known so let's not belabor such basics. We must look to the restrictive yet stabilizing Saturn rising for The Lesson-Bringer drags with him his usual karmic implications, and a serious tone of austerity, authority, and accountability is cast over proceedings as the Midterm Elections approach with Saturn the planet of lawmakers whose seats are up for grabs in November. Yet Saturn is also the status quo planet of The Establishment so it seems somewhat doubtful that all Republicans in office will be tossed out on their wide tushies even with the expected 'Blue Wave' of Democrats welling up across the land and spoiling for a cleansing flood.

A mix of election results sounds more reasonable--yet this Syzygy Moon chart's MC-IC axis is at a critical-crisis 29th-degrees just as the Full Moon perfects. Matters are serious and strained and pressures must be released, perhaps partially in the T-Square between the Sun-Moon opposition squaring the 7th house North Node in dramatic Leo and suggesting new contacts and associations. Yet necessarily the separative South Node, the Tail of the Dragon rises in 1st house, not the happiest indicator in any chart, along with wealthy manipulator and saboteur Pluto at that problematic degree of '18Capricorn' of POLITICAL POWER and 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). Authoritarianism with its draconian measures are on the rise unless We The People stop it in its tracks soon.


A values-laden 2nd house barely holds activist Mars desirous of reforms when in Aquarius while voting Mercury @21Sco29 has just entered the public 10th house at '22Scorpio' = "Hunters Starting Out For Ducks"...ENTERPRISE (Jones). This degree places transit Mercury nearing Mr. Trump's natal IC (24Sco18) from the 3rd house side with tr Jupiter in Scorpio, as noted above, on the 4th house side. Mercury-Jupiter opposite n MC may provide Jupiterian Trump a sense of optimism yet there are negative potentials involved with the planetary pair as well: failures through dishonesty; negligence or clumsiness; and fraud (Ebertin). Sadly, any or all of these possibilities may apply and I must also add grandiose thinking to this picture.

Will an 'October Surprise' occur intended to sway the Midterms?

Well, it's been years since one or more political 'surprises' (aka, dirty tricks) have not caused disruption of our elections or at least the fear of it--see disruptive chaos-creator Uranus at IC, the Basis of the Matter--which also suggests a sudden change of residence for someone! So let us agree that surprising events if not trickery will happen as 2018 rolls on toward November along with campaign promises--especially since at the 2018 Midterms, Jupiter will reach 29Scorpio which, rounded up, is "The Halloween Jester". And of course we can depend on tactics such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, foreign and domestic interference via hacking, and social networking illusions to haunt and muss with ballot boxes across the nation. And it isn't as if Trickster Trump the Gemini has supported any efforts to improve the 'integrity' of our voting system--things worked for him in 2016 so sly dog that he is, his 'Sneaky Mind' (Mercury-Neptune square--Oken) wouldn't willingly change a thing.

Of interest as well is the separative South Node of the Moon @1AQ21 nearing POTUS Sun (Trump 2017 = 00AQ49) so endings of relationships and separations from the White House continue as will further unpopularity with the public (Nodes) for Mr. Trump which supports the theme of a culminating Full Moon and its Venus-Uranus/Sun-Uranus oppositions, plus, the Moon-Uranus separation issues and excitement that nestle at the IC.

Eroding Neptune on Election Day 2018

A quick glance at two horoscopes set for November 6, 2018 Washington DC show deceptive loss-leader Neptune of media, propaganda, falsehood, and the masses fame at IC (the Basis of the Matter; The Drain) at 8:00 am est and again at MC (The Goal) at 8:00 pm est. In the chart above we see Neptune @13Pi57 Rx in Money House (2nd) with the Sabian Symbol for '14Pisces' = "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my bold, for obvious political and broadcasting reasons).

Underneath all this, the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return continues apace this year with the 4th of 5 'hits' perfecting on October 20, 2018, and the final conjunction perfecting on December 29, 2018. Strong in its own secretive scandal-plagued sign of Pisces, masking Neptune covers for Donald Trump as Republicans do while he play-acts the presidency of the United States and distracts the public from real issues which include the hollowing out of the US government by anti-government politicians and their wealthy backers. We may even find some evidence of his thespianism penned on the Syzygy Moon chart, lower left, in a midpoint picture:

Neptune-MC = Ascendant: acting and pretending which also carries potentials for an inability to get over losses and/or insecurity (Ebertin). Sorry Trump fans but I see no "stable genius" acting under the spotlight of this particular Full Moon--and that doesn't take into consideration The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which is the Prenatal Eclipse of the November 2018 Midterms as previously discussed, and falls into the corporate and Scorpionic 8th house of this Full Moon chart.

And one major caution exists within the Earth-Water Taurus-Scorpio energies here--that blindness to the motives of others is possible and this could affect the decisions of voters in November, especially those who tend to take the theatrical, superficial utterances of a man like Trump at face value as if he's serious and actually concerned about their issues. Will he be in office by November? Probably but who can say at this point? As you see listed on the chart, upper right, one of the Images for Integration as detailed in the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign book:

"Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld" which may refer to the mobster/gangster atmosphere and dealings of Donald Trump and his thuggish minions such as Michael Cohen. Of course, the Persephone myth also relates to sexual relationships and abuse so there's that--and asteroids Persephone @17Scorpio (transition) and Atlantis (where we feel doomed; abuse of power) conjoin in the visible 10th house, while wounded healer Chiron, still in mystical if shady Pisces, is about to leave the 3rd house of Communications along with difficult Scheat @29Pisces, a star of misfortune. Is someone tweet-plaining their troubles? Still? Tiresome!

Quirky Quixotic Uranus--Trump's Erratic 'Guiding Planet'

Now I shall leave you to read the chart yourself or to check out my scribbled notes on the chart if you can or wish but I must note the relationship and culmination aspect of any Full Moon, shining its rays here upon the security-minded MC-IC axis of Career and Home, plus, the implications of a Venus-Uranus opposition of eccentricity, obstinacy, moodiness, separation in relationship, peculiarities, and/or someone's frayed nerves on display will add its excited energies to the sudden changes that are in store for America and Congress as we careen toward another Midterm Election Day.

Related: from January 20, 2018 here's a brief FOX News interview concerning the 2018 Midterms with Michael Dukakis who was born in 1933 under the auspices of the Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend of energies which will cosmically replay in the heavens via the 2018 Midterms' Syzygy Moon.

Dec 7, 2017

Al Franken Resigns Amid Misconduct Allegations - clip

December 7, 2017: Here's a brief commentary by The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins on the resignation of Democratic Senator Al Franken along with a few remarks on Republicans Donald Trump and Roy Moore--one who should also resign and one who should never take a senate seat:

Personally, my wish is that Mr. Franken will return to comedy after his stint on Capitol Hill. Because, having learned a thing or two about his own out-of-bounds treatment of women, he could write some hilariously insightful jokes about Washington DC's political miscreants and the distressing antics of its G-ross O-ld P-erverts!

And if you're interested, check out Franken's natal horoscope (RR: A) with Sun @00Gemini conjunct Mars, Venus @12Cancer conjunct Uranus, and Moon @9Sagittarius. Curiously, his Air-Fire Sun Gem-Moon Sag personality blend of spontaneity is the same as that of Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich! How weird is that?

Plus, here's a recent post concerning Astrological Atlantis and the Abuse of Power which contains a bit about the natal Atlantis of Al Franken along with certain sexually aberrant fellows now in the news.

Nov 23, 2017

Astrological Atlantis and the Abuse of Power

Image: Plato by Raphael [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; he who first mentioned the fabled Atlantis

In 2008, expert astrologer Eric Francis wrote quite extensively on asteroid and archetype Atlantis which is used in Astrology to signify abuse or misuse of power, and where we feel doomed. This relates to our collective anxiety over the fall of civilization, says Francis. The degradation of society continues apace, as we see each day in 'the news' with its 24/7 cycle which actually promotes the lowering of moral standards, and in the entertainment industry that profits from our degradation.

So in light of the implications of Atlantis, it's of interest to me (if not to you!) to discover the zodiacal positions of Atlantis in the natal charts of Men in the News because of their personal abuses and misuses of the power they hold, men such as Donald Trump and Alabama's Roy Moore. However, the list of miscreants grows longer each day especially since expansive Jupiter entered Mars-Pluto ruled Scorpio (October 2017), sign of sex, obsession, and control, so today's list includes a few other names for your consideration.

Now these serial abusers of girls and/or women cannot help when they were born and the position of asteroid Atlantis in their natal charts but they can help their attitudes and how they behave toward other people including girls and women, 'the weaker sex'. My advice to them all would be to 'throw away your bathrobes and keep your pants zipped' and this would be a major improvement for girls and women everywhere (and would result in fewer abortions as well). Of course, a peek at natal Atlantis is only a small if revealing part of any picture of abuse fior other chart factors are involved as well.

Now in the interest of non-partisanship (and because there are multiple abusers in both political parties and industries--almost exclusively men) let's include here Atlantis positions for Bill and Hillary Clinton, former broadcaster Charlie Rose (whose very surname conjures Venusian images), Senator Al Franken, and Texas Rep. Joe Barton.

Natal Atlantis of The Powerful: Hubris and Greed Doomed the Mythical 'Atlanteans'

Donald Trump: 5Leo30 in wide conjunction with natal Pluto (10:02), planet of power, manipulation, sex and rape; Atlantis in Leo, the sign of 'romance'; Trump's natal Atlantis conjoins US natal North Node of public contacts and describes our nation's continued path to power abuse under his quirky Uranian 'tutelege'.

Roy Moore: 12Lib17 Rx Atlantis sextile natal Pluto (opportunities to abuse power via his powerful position as District Attorney and Alabama Chief Justice?); today's position of asteroid Atlantis is 6Lib17 so Moore will 'enjoy' an Atlantis Return on December 15, 2017--three days after Alabama's Special Election (Dec 12th) for the Sessions-vacated seat in the US Senate. Come on, Alabama voters!

Charlie Rose: 25Pis34--secretive, romantic Pisces; Mr. Rose was born under an obsessive-compulsive romance-addled Venus-Pluto quindecile aspect indicating one who is 'driven by powerful sexual needs' (R. Reeves); "Crusty Paw" the ladies called him for his unsolicited neck rubs. So gross.

Bill Clinton: 28Leo58--as you see, his Atlantis was precisely 'eclipsed' by the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 which also 'eclipsed' with a cosmic blink at Trump's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself); eclipses tend to uncover secrets and scandals so it's no wonder Bill Clinton's name keeps popping up within the public discourse for his sexual escapades in the White House and beyond; during the August 21, 2017 Eclipse, transit Atlantis was @4Virgo, sign of The Virgin.

Hillary Clinton: 12Sco39 conjunct her natal Chiron, the Wounded Healer. There's a lot here to 'unpack', as they like to say in DC, but Hillary's troubles are beyond the scope of this Atlantean post. Plus, she isn't male and isn't in power at the moment (that we know of).

Al Franken: 13Sag54 Rx: no aspects to Atlantis pop out but a powerful 10th house Pluto @17Leo31 closely conjoins natal Midheaven (16Leo01) which may indicate that sex and power issues may be at the center of a plutonic 'fall from grace' in his career as I believe it has although Senator Franken continues to state that he will not resign from the US Senate. We'll see. It was a 'joke' photo after all though I totally agree that The Kiss was super gross.

Republican Texan Rep. Joe Barton deserves a mention as well for sharing with women his racy photos while in office, action which suggests the possibility of revenge porn. Barton was born September 15, 1949 when Atlantis was @22Leo, the 'worst foot forward' degree. Now I don't know enough about him or his natal planets to say much more other than that Leo is the sign of romance of one sort or another.

To each his own, right?

And considering the current attempted rise of neo-nazism in America (well-supported by a Trump White House), how weird is it that the legend of a mythical Atlantis actually links to the myth of The Aryans?

Dec 15, 2016

Is This the Most Important Date in US History? video (w/ Astrology)

Way before 1776, history was happening which related to the future establishment of America (aka, Plato's Ideal, the 'New Atlantis', etc) - events of great consequence such as this:

A Few Brief Astro-Notes concerning July 28, 1588 (NS) 'noon' off the coast of England

Often what 'pops out' in a horoscope when looking at it for the first time are conjunctions of planets, how close are their positions by sign and degree, houses occupied (especially if a specific time is known for calculating the chart), and any other pertinent information. On the day Britain bested the Spanish Armada, the Sun @5Leo was separating from oceanic Neptune (1Leo21), traveler Mercury @22Leo22 was almost partile conjunct boundary breaker Jupiter (22Leo56), and warrior Mars @14Cancer trined rebellious Uranus in mid-Pisces and squared powerful Pluto at critical degree (12Aries).

Significantly, a Jupiter-Saturn square applied (5A32; from Leo to Saturn in late Taurus) and Saturn and Neptune were sextile (2A53) denoting a time of idealism vs pragmatism. It seems the naval battle for both countries took large amounts of planning but for someone, the follow through was lacking and certain rules may have been bypassed. Obviously, this sextile's opportunity for violating the space of others was operative and may also be one area where Mercury-Jupiter's planning came in.

Curiously enough, the Lunar Eclipse of February 10, 2017 @22Leo falls directly upon 1588's Mercury-Jupiter conjunction and may uncover, as all 'wild card' eclipses are wont to do, previously unknown plans for expansion and/or conquest especially in relation to Britain, America, Spain, or another realm currently under a monarchic system. (That America groans under such a system is hardly debatable these days, though you're welcome to disagree).

Unfortunately for my own understanding of this long ago event (if not for yours), there are discrepancies in the listing of Solar Eclipses in Brady's Predictive Astrology so that the famous 1588 naval conflict's Prenatal Eclipse Series' themes are unknown because its particular Saros Series ended years ago. As for the Fire-Air Sun Leo-Moon Libra combination of energies that day (which seem more applicable to the event than if an earlier Moon in Virgo is used), one of the Harveys' Images for Integration may be relevant to this important historic event and the era in which it occurred. See if you agree:

Sun Leo-Moon Libra: "A monarch discusses poetry with a visiting diplomat." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign). Of course, one of the monarchs involved in this event was Queen Elizabeth I, a pragmatic, reliable double-Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus personality born during the time of a Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Cancer, a planetary duo perfect for one involved with sociopolitical enterprises and for serving the needs of the masses via far-reaching, lofty ideals. And as you know, old orders can lead to new orders under the combined energies of Saturn and Uranus (past vs future).

Now another chart factor stands out for it conjoins the Aries Point of World Manifestation (00Aries00:00) and that's the July 28, 1588 position of the Uranus-Pluto midpoint @29Pis21, the revolutionary pairing of planets so often active during events whenever freedom, power, war, and explosions are involved. The Armada's defeat and the motivations behind the conflict relate to the establishment of the British Empire, eventually to the founding of the American Empire, and to the obsessive expansion of both. I mention Uranus-Pluto because Queen Elizabeth I's natal Neptune, planet of The Seas, was transited during the battle by that midpoint which gives an enlightening picture of potentials we may read as: transit Uranus-Pluto = natal Neptune: knowledge of human nature; delving deeply into supernatural realms (she did!); a peculiar nervous state when excited; the occult. (Ebertin, Tyl, Munkasey). Did Astrology guide the Queen's choices concerning this event? Surely she consulted her favored court astrologer John Dee! (His natal chart is linked, below).

Yet on another level, we may wish to read the midpoint picture more simply as 'war and powerful revolutionary events' (Uranus-Pluto) on the high seas (Neptune). Works for me.

Ultimately, Britain's defeat of the 'invincible' Spanish Armada inspired a wave of nationalism and bolstered increased interest in the colonization of the North American continent and the settlement and subsequent founding of America. Which is why some people call July 28, 1588 The Most Important Date in US History.

A related post: The Natal Horoscope of John Dee.

Above NASA photo: Neptune.

Oct 10, 2015

Columbus Day 2015 and a Discovery of America Horoscope

October 12, 2015: Columbus Day Sails 'Round Again

by Jude Cowell

In Manly P. Hall's book A Secret Destiny for America we find chapter 8: A New Identity for Christopher Columbus in which astrologer-occultist Hall provides what is said by early historians and State documents to be Christopher Columbus' true name, Prince Nikolaos Ypsilantis, from the Greek island of Chios. Follow the link to read chapter 8 for yourself.

And here's my silly verse dedicated to Prince Nikolaos though I was unaware of that identity when I posted Ode to Christopher Columbus. Or that this Plato admirer kept two sets of ship's logs on the voyage which made landfall on October 12, 1492 in the West Indies. Hall says his voyage was a disguised journey actually intended to discover the Lost Continent of Atlantis! Well, myth it may be yet finding 'Atlantis' as his mission tallies with the Founding Fathers as secret society members (most if not all of them) and their determination to implement the creation on this continent of a New World to replace old worn-out Europe--a new land based on Enlightenment principles of Equality, Freedom, and Reason--not religion. (Sorry Christian Fundamentalists--America was where settlers came to escape from the persecution of religious fanatics, remember?)

Then There's George H. W. Bush's "thousand points of light"? (see video, below)

And of course you know the Enlightenment planets are electrical genius Uranus and visionary mystic Neptune which conjoined once again (a 171-year cycle) three times in 1993 around 18 Capricorn--the POLITICAL POWER degree in Sabian Symbols--just as I'm certain you know that Thomas Jefferson hung portraits of his favorite old masters (mentors!) at Monticello, an homage to Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and John Locke whom he called his, "trinity of the three greatest men the world has ever produced."

If you're curious, this post displays the Horoscope of the American Revolution ('the shot heard round the world') and notes concerning Who's Who within its Hidden Dynamic. Familiar names will be found!

Lights, Enlightenment, and Infiltration! Here's an excerpt from Bush's 1989 Inaugural Address which should have seemed more ominous than it did at the time--well, to some of us, it did:

Related, a post from 2012: Another Pope Calling for World Government and a 'New World Order' because you see, the realms of religion, government, and finances are all in on the chess game, the so-called Great Plan of Lucifer (Venus) that Francis Bacon and others have insidiously championed since ancient times. But these days, the 'hidden hand' and its infiltrating network of agents, saboteurs, operatives, media shills, and political hacks have become much more open about it.

Astrology of the Discovery of America

The following horoscope of the discovery event is based on information found here and though the actual place of his stepping ashore remains in question I shall set the chart for the "early morning of October 12, 1492" for a spot as close as my software gets me. Actually, Watling Island is said to be the present-day location of San Salvadore ('Holy Savior') which is what Columbus named the island that its inhabitants called Guanahani. The place is controversial so in lieu of a definite location I'm setting the chart for somewhere 'in the neighborhood', Great Guana Cay, Bahamas:

Please enlarge the chart to read my scribbles for I shall not type out all my notes for you here.

Hour of Venus (Rx @17Sco19 and rising in 1st house as chart-ruler unless you prefer a Scorpio Ascendant which would make Mars the chart and landfall ruler but Mars does not apply to a planet and Venus applies to a square with Saturn in Aquarius.) You note that Pluto and North Node are conjoined @4Sco22/30 and rising which denotes powerful encounters which had to be the case for any adventurers when landing on native shores. Plus, Pluto-NN is the 'tiger by the tail' duo and there seems to have been a mysterious man on board who may be represented by a caped and invisible Pluto in secretive Scorpio and acting as a representative of the 'hidden hand' directing the New World mission.

As you see, '6:08 am LMT' is just after local sunrise with the Sun @28Lib29 conjunct Sigma, a letter in the Greek alphabet which in Astrology denotes karma (reaping what's been sown.) Seems it was the karma of navigator Columbus (or whatever his true name was!) to sail in what is now our general direction and step upon these shores and here we find exploring Jupiter of broadened vistas and boundary crossing fame in proud Leo and nearing a Sun-ruled Midheaven. Curiously, the combo of Jupiter and Uranus work well together for fortune hunting and for discovering novel territories. Here they are locked in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degr) denoting risk-takers who seek new ways of benefiting mankind and promoting equality for all! (Reeves.) To me, 'New World America' fits snugly within this description along with the obsessive idea of Bacon, Gosnold, Weishaupt, the Founding Fathers, and others who knew of this continent and a Great Plan to colonize it long before we've been traditionally taught that they knew.

Now brief mention must be made of a certain midpoint picture--the Sun (leader) at the apex of Mars-Neptune (navigators; sailors; mariners) indicating 'new plans' being 'illuminated' (for me an Enlightenment reference) as given by Noel Tyl who also mentions 'situational changes' for the Mars-Neptune = Sun trio. There was much grumbling from the ship's crew if I understand correctly and landfall must have warranted quite a few "Thank Goodnesses" from all concerned. That Venus is prominent hints at treasure hunting for valuable things (Rx = another attempt?) and the 29th degree Ascendant (my choice) adds to the imperative to arrive Now before the crew mutinied! The chart reveals a success-driven Locomotive pattern with the fluctuating Moon in her own sea-going sign of Cancer leading the planetary throng of mariners. Did ocean waves determine their exact landing spot? You tell me!

Several planetary connections to Fixed Stars are notated as you see, and obviously there are many more chart factors of interest to consider but I've only just begun to experiment with this horoscope for America. So far progressions issuing from it and its Solar Return on Monday (Oct 12, 2015) are intriguing along with its Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series (PE), the 17 South @15Tau25 which recently manifested during Spring Equinox 2015 @29Pis27 (conjunct the Aries Point of Prominence and Fame--very famous is Christopher C.)

However, for Columbus and his crew a second solar eclipse influenced their endeavors for only 9 days later an eclipse manifested @7Sco30 in the midst of the Pluto-NN-Venus-Mercury group you see here at landfall within the 2-week time frame of the event. It was in the 18 North series--the very series we're in now! for it occurred on September 13, 2015 @20Vir10. And no, I had no idea of this cosmic resonance prior to setting up this chart earlier today. I simply felt impelled to study and post it in honor of Columbus Day 2015, the 523rd anniversary of the Discovery of America.

Blog Note: Links to previous posts, horoscopes, and themes of the 17 South and 18 North Solar Eclipses may be located by typing 'Eclipses' into the sidebar Search field if you wish. If so, just scroll in a downward direction while pondering how similar the name 'Ypsilantis' is to 'Atlantis'.

May 3, 2015

"Royal Baby Princess Astrology" - Barbara Goldsmith video

For those who may be interested in the newbie member of the Germanic royal family of Britain, here is a 7-minute+ presentation by Barbara Goldsmith concerning the natal horoscope of the "first princess to be born in 25 years!":

'Baby Windsor' born May 2, 2015 8:34 am London, UK: "very Venusian...charming...and also fiesty." Note Mom's outfit spotlighting 5-petaled flowers of Venus which resonates with occult star symbolism, the pentagram, and .

Be sure to visit Barbara at Your Astrology Signs.

#RoyalBaby #WillandKate #WindsorFamily #RoyalFamily #Britain #monarchy #royals #Venus #NatalAstrology


On the topic of star symbolism you may wish to check out an intriguing post concerning George Washington as a 'star family' member and the alleged relationship between his family coat of arms and a major American symbol, the Stars and Stripes.

And here is a Biblical view of such topics as the occult symbols of Washington DC (ex: Pentagon = pentagram, our national 'Death Star'), George Washington (33rd-degree Freemason), and America's ultimate destiny as the "New Atlantis" established for the purpose of assuming the "global leadership of the drive to the New World Order" -- if you're curious about such things, that is.

#GeorgeWashington #StarFamilies #EnochianPriests #Freemasonry #America #ManifestDestiny #TheGreatPlan #PentagonPentagram #WashingtonDC #NWO #GlobalGovernment #WorldCop

Related: the Pentagon natal chart (April 29, 1942 10:30 am EDT Washington DC; ASC 15Can37; MC 27Pis09). You will note a revealing midpoint picture in the chart between mystical, visionary Neptune and Midheaven (MC--The Goal) with warring Mars which Michael Munkasey gives as: a need to activate plans derived from mystical images...or metaphysical sources," Mmm. The potentials Reinhold Ebertin adds to the Neptune-MC = Mars picture: desire to bring the wrong ideas into realization; study of metaphysical subjects; desire to harm other people; tendency to act without clear understanding or purpose. Sounds about right especially in tandem with other midpoint pictures in the natal chart and the planetary placements and aspects therein.

Oct 7, 2014

Discovery of Uranus: America's totem planet of War and Independence

William Herschel's discovery of planet Uranus in 1781 was the first of the 'modern' (transpersonal, or, outer) planets to enter human consciousness from beyond the boundary of Saturn's orbit. Its discovery date times its synchronicity with both the American and the French Revolutions and the ideals of freedom, independence, equality, brotherhood--and anarchy and rebellion against the old established order denoted by status quo Saturn.

Although Mercury, planet of ideas, thinking processes, and communication, is the traditional ruler of Astrology, Uranus--as co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius and, some say, the higher octave planet of Mercury--has come to signify the 'New Age' and its realms of Astrology and a variety of otherworldly pursuits and studies. Certainly aspects between Mercury and Uranus represent intuitive thinking occurring in a flash like a bolt of lightening, and the inventions and new ideas that may come from such moments of enlightened realizations, devoid of Saturnian steps in between.

Yet even Uranian ideas, plans, and visions need reliable containers in which to pour and be manifested upon the earthly plane and these must be supplied by Saturn, ruler of form, substance, and reality. Most people know someone who often has marvelous new ideas yet who seldom if ever manages to bring them to fruition by putting them into practical form and utilization. Their ideas tend to remain on the Uranian 'drawing board' for lack of an aspect between 'old' Saturn and 'new' Uranus in the natal chart and can give the person an otherworldly vibe and an impractical aura that can keep more reality-based folks at arm's length.

As for the Political Astrology lens used on this blog, the more mundane associations between Uranus and political thought and policy, radicalism, and disruption are uppermost and this is predictable (though Uranus never is!) Uranus may disrupt, separate, isolate, or interrupt at any time--either early, late, or never, and is linked with the 'wild cards' of the Universe, Eclipses, two of which are occurring this month of October 2014. Tomorrow, October 8th, times a Lunar Eclipse @15Aries05 with its potential effects made even more unpredictable by a close conjunction to quirky Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, an astrological portrait of zealots, anarchists, and Uranian Utopians (as described by Reinhold Ebertin.)

Two weeks later on October 23, 2014, the Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 occurs, when karmic progress can be made thanks to its manifestation in Scorpio, sign of regeneration. Yet Scorpio also denotes betrayal, revenge, and secrets so what are our chances? After all, karmic progress entails making better decisions concerning how to deal with current events rather than relying on past mistaken choices and behaviors that may have been appropriate then but will no longer serve if improved outcomes are desired.

And that, as I'm certain you recognize, is a handy definition of the obsessive neurosis that grips Washington DC politics as the "shining city on a hill" continues its draconian attempt to remake the world in its now-quaint 'New Atlantis' image.

Thanks to the help of sister Caroline Herschel: Discovery of Uranus March 13, 1781 "between 10 and 11 pm" according to William Herschel's account, Bath, England. At 10:30 pm LMT: ASC 11Sco43, Moon 14Sco59 rising, 1st house Jupiter @27Sco25 Rx, 2nd house Pluto 6AQ09 (discovered in 1930), IC 27AQ12, 4th house Venus @2Pis54 (sister Caroline selflessly giving her all to brother's work?), Sun 23Pis45 (the self-denying William?), 5th house planet of sight, Mercury @11Ari45, a degree that transit Uranus has so recently electrified), 6th house of Chiron @3Tau20 (conjunct the healing Centaur's discovery degree of 3Tau09, November 1, 1977), North Node of Future Destiny @5Tau08 (which puts SN rising showing the Herschels' isolation and "outstanding in their field" status), Desc 11Tau43. The 8th house of occultism and hidden things holds Uranus @24Gem27, with Gemini ruled by insightful Mercury; MC @27Leo12, The Goal Point, showing perhaps some desire for achieving prominence within the scientific community of his day, modest though he was. Perhaps the proud Leonine Midheaven refers to some amount of unconscious arrogance within his nature and his discovery of Uranus did lead to his acceptance by the scientific establishment and to being favored by the king.

Finally, as-yet-undiscovered Neptune @4Lib48 is Rx and in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes, an idealistic placement by house and sign for the planet of dreams and visions.

Source for Uranus discovery data: Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad)

May 17, 2014

Old and New Atlantis: a Mysterious Legend that won't fade away

On September 24, 2012, I embedded a YouTube video, Atlantis: The Lost Continent, on this blog for your consideration. Perhaps it is not too soon to ask if you've had a chance to view it yet though it is admittedly a fairly long one clocking in at 1 hour 35 minutes 57 seconds. If not, here is a link to the post where you'll find the video snuggled and waiting.

The reason it occurred to me to mention the video to you on this bright Sabbath morning, May 17, 2014, is that I'm rereading some information on the records brought to America in 1653 by a relative of Sir Francis Bacon, author of The New Atlantis, one Nathaniel Bacon which is the name Henry Blount of England adopted when he migrated to America along with said records concerning the founding of our nation as a land of liberty and a "philosophic empire," as Sir Francis styled it. And of course Science (Uranus) was to be uplifted alongside Faith and Ideals (Neptune).

To you I shall leave it to decide how Bacon's ideology has turned out (or been perverted into something sinister by our modern day psychopaths) with such overarching intentions of a Grand Plan said to be centuries-long in the making--for the existence of the North American continent was known of in Europe long before 'Christopher Columbus' sailed to these idealized shores.

As for Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg, Virginia--the old Colonial Settlement purchased by John D. Rockefeller who then donated $55,000,000 for its restoration--it is known that three churches were on the site where the current one stands and the original building followed the ancient practice of placing a vault under the church altar. In Bruton Vault, located in 1938, is believed to have been placed by Nathaniel Bacon documents relating to The Secret Destiny of America (see Manly P. Hall's book by that title; Hall's wife, Marie Bauer Hall, was part of the 1991 excavation endeavor.)

Even Thomas Jefferson figures into the mysterious tale for in youth he studied near the Church and is said in 1803 to have dug up the Vault or been part of such an enterprise. Were any or all of the records (which allegedly included birth records of Francis Bacon, illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I and thus a Tudor!) spirited away by Mr. Jefferson so that when Mr. Rockefeller and his money took over the scene there were none left for him to purloin?

Ah, that is a good question for pondering purposes, is it not?

For much more information about these topics you may wish to visit the Sun Nation website concerning the attempted, unauthorized excavation of the Bruton Vault in 1991 as Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment planets (and 'new world order' planets a la Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Bush Sr), prepared to meet three times in Great Conjunction/s all through 1993--at or near "18 Capricorn", a degree with a Sabian Symbol now so obviously being played out on the world stage and forced upon global populations with sinister intentions in their control-obsessed minds:

'18Cap': "The Union Jack Flag Flies From a British Warship"...'Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers.' (An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar.)

Its dangers? That's what power elitists are determined to force upon the world now!

Related: Bacon's Rebellion of 1676 (100 years before 1776) between Nathaniel Bacon and Virginia's royal governor Berkeley, which may possibly have been a cover operation under which relocation of the secret Bruton Vault records was accomplished or was in some way related to it.

Sir Francis Bacon's natal details and horoscope, Rodden Rating: C (original source unknown.)

Now here's a classic Bill Cooper presentation on weird topics such as the Order of the Quest:

Feb 6, 2013

Pluto Ascends! More than killer drones: ARGUS (video)

Peep-eye! Wave to the camera, everyone!

America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition keeps on developing more and more accurate surveillance techniques and devices, doesn't it? Mercury's eyes with Pluto, associated with the sign Scorpio, of spies and surveillance fame, uses its eagle totem to soar thousands of feet above our heads and watch us like hawks.

And of course, the Mercury-Pluto duo falls across the Cancer (home; security)/Capricorn (control; management) axis as obsessive Pluto plods through Capricorn now on his way toward America's Pluto Return/s of 2022 so perhaps we should keep the Sabian Symbol for US natal Pluto (27Cap33) for '28Cap' in mind as we 'lean forward' into what appears to be morphing into a dystopian future:

From Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology:

'28Cap' = "A Large Aviary"...COMMUNITY.

Positive expression: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare:

Negative (Unconscious/Shadow Side): loss of all character in sheer officiousness.

This symbol relates on one level to the Pentagon.

Then there's the karmic intent, the symbol for the prior degree--and a mention that these degrees appear at Midheaven (MC = The Goal) in US Inauguration Horoscopes along with US natal Pluto itself:

'27Cap' = "A Mountain Pilgrimage"...PERSEVERANCE.

Pos: total reconciliation of mind and heart in an unquestioned devotion to some worthwhile task at hand; (ex: "winning minds and hearts" by aggressive invasion? killer drones are making that ridiculous propaganda even more ludicrous. jc);

Neg: satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue.

Apparently, the president's targeted killing list which can include Americans 'believed' to be linked with al Qaeda isn't illegal if we do it but how many of us want Richard Nixon's rationalization for breaking the law staining our national conscience in this way? Well, it already does, "collateral damage" and all. And who knows who will be the next drone-wielding president with his or her ability to play judge, jury, and executioner without even a shred of probable cause or due process?

And what entity will secretly direct said president? Opportunities for abuse of the drone program are multiple--imagine what another neocon war hawk Commander-in-Chief can do--or what another government or group with hacking power can do.

So I suspect the riddle of the transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint conjoining US Inaugural Sun (the leader; the president) for recent Inauguration ceremonies is now at least partially solved. The combination of Pluto-Chiron and its primal violence, disenfranchisement, oppression, racism, capitalism, totalitarianism, and all manner of other -isms that plague mankind is now revealed in part as the president's killer drones. If you're a target or in the wrong place at the wrong time, can it get more oppressive than that?

Yes, the imperialists' global government plan grinds on and all is done under the auspices of "keeping America safe". Their thinly veiled ruse becomes more threadbare by the minute! Is seems that Inauguration 2013's 10th house Mars (strikes, attacks, violence, war) in detached Aquarius signifies on one level drone strikes ordered by the White House and perpetrated by remote (AQ) control. That the draconian issue is receiving more and more attention in the news is shown by the public 10th house status of Inaugural 2013 Mars.

In fact, The Nation's Greg Mitchell writes about a drone base in Saudi Arabia!

And interestingly, George W. Bush ordered drone strikes while in office beginning in 2004, the year that Pluto paralleled Chiron in mid-August (parallels are like strong conjunctions and are timing devices) after their Great Conjunction in late 1999--conjunct US natal Ascendant in the 'Sibly' '12Sag' = "A Flag Turns Into an Eagle That Crows." Now there's that plutonian eagle again with Dubya acting under the 'authority' of the US flag. And as you know, in late 1999 they were heralding the 'New Millennium' and scaring everyone with the Y2K scenario that was allegedly going to 'end the world as we know it'.

Trudging Up the Mountain...

For further reading on mountain and pyramid archetypes (which relate to America's Great Seal symbols, our nation's ultimate destiny (the 'Great Plan'), Mt. Meru, the center of the world, Atlantis, and more) you may wish to try Bibliotecapleyades.

And to view a variety of videos on a range of topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Now here's Morning Joe's Joe Scarborough venting over, and guests discussing, presidential drone strikes (if you don't mind sitting through a brief ad):

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Sep 24, 2012

'Atlantis: the Lost Continent' (video) and the asteroid

As both of you know, 'Atlantis' is a myth that won't fade and the name was used in past centuries to signify this American continent, and what became the United States of America. And of course, 'Atlantis' appears in Astrology as an asteroid and is said to indicate "where we feel doomed" which seems inspired by the reputed fate of the ancient, advanced civilization called, Atlantis. So perhaps the following 1-hour-thirty-seven-minute film will be of interest:

Visit Forbidden Knowledge TV for more videos on a variety of topics.

Aug 14, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (video)

Anything to keep from typing the bromance-y names, "Paul Ryan" and "Mitt Romney" for a while...actually, the following documentary is particularly fascinating for those who are curious about Early America, Freemasonry's and Rosicrucianism's roles in the founding of the 'New Atlantis' (that shining city on a hill, D.C.), mystic and astrologer to *FDR, Nicolas Roerich (Oct 9, 1874 NS '12:00 pm' St. Petersburg, Russia), Sir Francis Bacon (born a Tudor, some say--and Queen Elizabeth's son), Blavatsky, Benjamin Creme, Manly P. Hall, Scottish Jacobites exiled to America and bringing along the 'Stone of Destiny' or 'Holy Grail' in pre-Revolutionary days, Gnostic Templarism, a long-range plan by secret societies for the ultimate establishment--and satanic idea--of a global new world order, and much more!

You may find one of Roerich's natal midpoint pictures quite interesting:

Mercury-Pluto = Uranus: 'an irresistible power of suggestion; fanatic pursuit of plans'. (Ebertin.) Either of these possibilities tallies rather closely with what I've read of this Occult practitioner--and something of a guru was he.

Now here is "Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill":

Check out other intriguing videos and full-length films and documentaries here.

*It was under FDR's watch that the capstone-pyramid-Eye of Horus was first printed upon the US dollar bill; in Jonathan Alter's The Defining Moment, the author mentions that Nicolas Roerich was an associate (astrologer) of Franklin Delano Roosevelt during FDR's presidency, thanks to Henry Wallace (mentioned in the video above) and as you know, FDR was a Freemason as have been many US presidents. Funny how mainstream authors tend to leave out such biographical info about their subjects such as, "initiated into the __ Lodge of Grand Orient Templars" and other such esoteric tidbits as that.

Sir Francis Bacon (Tudor) Feb 1, 1561 NS 7:42 am LMT London, England (source: Rodden Rating: C, astrodatabank/William Lilly.) Note: you may wish to type Roerich's and Bacon's names into this blog's sidebar Search field for previous mentions.

Additional Note: if you scroll down the sidebar far enough I suspect that the link to the topic of Bruton Parish Church (Williamsburg, VA) is still there...this is where the 'Stone' and/or an Occult manuscript detailing the so-called Great Plan for America may have been secreted when it was first purloined to our shores. Or not. Prominent early Americans once attended the church including Thomas Jefferson, wrote Manly P. Hall.

Apr 5, 2012

Journalist Defends Astrology

An award-winning journalist, Art Harris, defends Astrology in this interview and he will attend the UAC in New Orleans, LA in May 2012!

Oct 13, 2011

South Korea visits US = 'A Sleigh Without Snow' 10.13.11

After the US Congress sold out US workers once again this week by passing "free" trade deals with South Korea, Panama, and Columbia, today's visit from President Lee of South Korea has transiting Mars 15Leo conjoined with tr Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporations) which is, one supposes, an apt picture of the global elite's drive to merge America into a 'one-world-government' which is a long range plan that "free" trade agreements are designed to facilitate.

Taking a quick glance at some of today's events in Washington by way of horoscopes set for the White House and for the Capitol Building later today when President Lee delivers an address to a Joint Session of Congress, we see Presidents Obama and Lee holding a presser at 12:20 pm edt (Hour of the Moon) with 20Sag33 rising which makes money planet Jupiter (still retrograde in money sign Taurus) the chart-ruler. When chart-rulers are Rx you know something is amiss or at least, there will be delay in the areas that planet rules, and money, largess, and expansion are part of Jupiter's realm.

Big laugh just now as I type: *Amy Goodman just reported on Democracy Now! that NYC Mayor Bloomberg informed the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators that they'll need to clear out of Liberty Square on Friday (tomorrow) so it could be "cleaned." The Occupiers are sending out a request for cleaning supplies--they'll clean it themselves. HA! Love it!!! Back to the "free" trade shenanigans in DC...

Now whenever dignitaries meet in Washington DC or elsewhere, a peek at which planets are conjoining synchronistically for the event is in order.

Today, tr Saturn (authority; managers; leaders; lawmakers; lawyers, etc) is just moved beyond conjunction with the Sun 19Libra59 at 12:20 pm edt, and the Moon (the people; the public; publicity; a woman) meets with Jupiter Rx at 7Tau+...Sabian Symbol '8Tau' = "A Sleigh Without Snow"...SUSTAINMENT...

positive expression: a complete and effective alignment of self with whatever greater possibilities may remain unrealized in a given milieu;

negative (unconscious/shadow side): a cheerful tolerance of today's frustrations in the vague hope of a better tomorrow.

Well, I don't know precisely what President Lee expects from Washington (a lot, I'll wager) with his shady "free" trade agreement but that 'vague hope' is known by a majority of American workers to be a pile o'merde when it comes to 'jobs creation' in the US...outsourcing of jobs is much more likely.

One more note (since if I don't publish this soon the events will be over)--VP Biden, our erstwhile, proud-to-be-a-Zionist fellow, will host a luncheon for the Lees at 1:15 pm edt today with 2Cap56 rising along with the tr Venus/Neptune midpoint (appreciating how reality can be altered; indulging another's fantasy for personal gratification; union with persons of a peculiar disposition.)

Also at 1:15 pm edt, tr Pluto @ 5Cap05 rises, and asteroid Atlantis ('America'; where we feel doomed; abuse or misuse of power) is at MC.

Of interest in relation to the US government is a midpoint at Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) with these potentials for expression:

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; facing overwhelming force without power; danger through intervention of a Higher Power (US?); learning how to gain and use power or extreme measures for increasing status in the world (Washington DC, the teacher); fulfillment of certain ambitions by attaining recognition and influence.

Well, as long as the global elite's one-world-government project grinds on with America scurrying to take the lead, I suppose it's still quite trendy and smart to suck up to Washington politicians.


*Amy Goodman is also reporting on the Canadian warrant to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes when he attempts to address an economic forum in British Columbia next week--an "economic" forum!!! Who's crazy here? Is it me? ;p

For more info, you may wish to check out current news coverage and issues at the Thom Hartmann website with texts and broadcast videos available, and a Forum to join.

Midpoint pictures: Reinhold Ebertin; Michael Munkasey. Sabian Symbol info: Msrc Edmund Jones.

Timings mentioned in this post are taken from the White House LIVE site of streaming videos.

Sep 5, 2011

WikiLeaks "Destroyed"? and A Busy Week in Washington 9.5.11

9.5.11 A Busy Week Ahead in Washington DC, WikiLeaks in the News

by Jude Cowell

Yes, the US Congress returns to 'serve the public' this week (or, 'shaft the public' as many believe) and President Obama delivers an Address to a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday night (at 7:00 pm edt with his natal Chiron in Pisces rising opposite natal Pluto in Virgo setting.) His Address will include the White House's 'jobs creation plan' though it's hard to see what Mr. Obama can do about unemployment while signing more 'free' trade agreements, our US jobs killers.

Planning to be MIA from the president's Address Thursday will be Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh, known for his status as a deadbeat dad who instead devoted thousands of dollars to finance his congressional campaign. Mr. Walsh says he's made up his mind about Barack Obama and apparently no daylight will be allowed to change it.

Of course, some would say that Walsh isn't the only deadbeat on Capitol Hill and I guess I've made up my mind about Joe Walsh.

Plus, as you know, Wednesday evening (9.7.11) looms with Republican candidates squaring off in what passes these days for political 'debate'. I expect that Rick Perry will stand out, don't you? It's a crowded field with eight candidates scheduled to participate in the televised spectacle. Watch for Corporate GOPism to be on display.

WikiLeaks in the News

Meanwhile, Der Spiegel has published an article that details some of the recent events concerning WikiLeaks and the publishing of US State Department cables.

If you read the article you'll find it ends with a supposition that whistle blowers may no longer trust WikiLeaks--because Julian Assange has a bossy personality, because of his fights with a former employee, or because of the manner and condition in which Assange has chosen to publish leaks.

Now this leaves me with the impression that instilling a lack of trust in WikiLeaks for future whistle blowers was the primary objective of the article though you're certainly welcome to feel differently.

For another perspective--Assange in his own words--perhaps you'll wish to view last evening's 60 Minutes interview with a fascinating person set on a complicated, controversial mission.

Yet it's difficult for me, a believer in the Greater Good and the Rights of the Common Man, not to cheer when the power elite's frilly underpants are revealed in the unvarnished light of day. Yes, unredacted names are worrisome and Assange continues to assert that there's no evidence of anyone being harmed from having their names revealed in certain leaked documents and thereby ID'd as collaborating with the imperial powers (us, The Occupiers.)

So is Julian Assange "abusing his power"? Is it abusing power to expose abuse of power? Well, naturally the power elites, long accustomed to having all the secrecy they require, are in a snit of miffdom over such unsought, uncontrollable exposure of their deeds. A One World Government is their mission.

Astrologically, the asteroid known for an 'abuse of power' flavor is none other than Atlantis, one of America's pseudonyms, and a clear reference to the legendary Platonic myth of Isle of Atlantis which helped inspire Sir Francis Bacon's politically idealistic work "The New Atlantis", which describes the Utopia that America was allegedly meant to become.

You can read the Wiretap edition of The New Atlantis if you like but it's quite wordy. However, a Search feature is provided.

And check out a previous post on the natal horoscope of tech genius Julian Assange, a Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn fellow whose chart may contain hints of power abuse, or at least of a complex personality with lots going on beneath the surface of his Watery Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio personality blend. Both signs are quite acquainted with the concepts of secrecy and revelations.

Yet perhaps more to the 'abuse of power' issue concerning Julian Assange is his willful, eccentric Sun/Uranus square, and if you know someone with this configuration you may agree that it gives an ego-intensifying effect.

Plus, here's a video from The Daily Show December 2010 with Jon Stewart's perspective on "catching a somewhat pasty predator".

Finally, FAIR blog has published a round-up of article links on the NYT and WikiLeaks Iraq cable debate if you care to wade in.


Recommended: If you wish a more personal astro-view for today, September 5, 2011, check out Julie Demboski's Answer Carefully.

Jan 29, 2011

AQ New Moon 2.2.11 and Leo Full Moon 2.18.11

Our February 2011 Lunations

by Jude Cowell

Image: New Moon 13AQ54 Feb 2, 2011 9:30:36 pm est Washington DC; Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations, publicity, daily concerns); ASC 2Lib52 = chart-ruler Venus 28Sag42; Venus applies: square Jupiter (3A28) and conjunct Pluto (7A45 - see below); New Moon conjunct Mars 14AQ16 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits.

Neptune 27AQ51 continues bedeviling the American people (US natal Moon 27AQ10) with fraud, deception, disillusionment, massive propaganda campaigns, refugeeism, homelessness, and a sense of rootlessness - here, in 5th house of Risk-Taking.

Setting Jupiter 2Ari10 conjoins DESC 2Ari52 and has moved into a quindecile aspect (165 degr) with authoritative Saturn Rx in 1st house (delays, restrictions, limitations.)

Having our two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in a compulsive-obsessive QD dynamic brings benefits through use of ethics and morals, yet it has a running hot'n'cold effect, tendencies toward indecision, overdoing things and taking on too much responsibility, pushing to make one's point with an authoritative manner about one's beliefs and opinions, successful planning, and a tendency to retreat within one's success. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

(During my natal chart consultation with the great Noel Tyl, he pronounced quindecile as 'kween day chee' lay. I'm not kiddin'.)

At Mc, the Goal Point of any chart, we see US natal Venus, Jupiter, and in tandem, Sun (the leader) along with the transiting South Node, a separative, Saturnian point relating to past behaviors and thus, to the karma of bad decisions. SN to US n Venus (valuations, relationships, smaller amounts of money, beauty, the attraction principle) with tr Pluto opposing Venus and here opposing Jupiter, too, which makes this New Moon horoscope a picture of plutonian manipulation.

Tr Pluto opposing US n Venus: joint ventures and legal affairs are not favored; jealousy and manipulation target relationships; motivations of others are questionable; values, principles, priorities, and relationship values are in conflict with current conditions in society; overspending has disastrous consequences (which bodes ill for US deficit and debt level concerns.)

Tr Pluto opposing US n Jupiter: unknown people or forces stand in the way of financial and professional success and expansion; measures taken to increase prospects are defeated; an unfavorable time for advertising, sales, and long-distance travel; political aspirations are best put on hold for now; power struggles are prominent.

Mc '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse", a Sabian Symbol that always reminds me of
Louis McFadden's lawsuit against the Fed for fraud in 1933 (he was on to them), and of NY Mayor John Hylan whose famous quote is reproduced below, beginning with a statement from Teddy Roosevelt for context's sake:

President Theodore Roosevelt, who died in 1919, was posthumously quoted in the March 27, 1922 edition of the New York Times with the following statement:

"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."

The New York Times ran the article because New York Mayor John Hylan had been quoted in the same paper the previous day, March 26:

"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation...It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.

This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cat’s paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country."

In the Feb 2, 2011 New Moon chart (shown above), US natal Neptune 22Vir25 and Saturn 14Lib48 (the invisible government duo) form a midpoint picture with the New Moon's ASC (in DC): Sat/Nep = ASC: feeling confined; sense of being out of the group; the loner; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; easing the focus on past errors or lax practices; oppressive family circumstances; a depressing environment; limitation of freedom. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

You see sneaky Pluto and NN (Plu/NN = powerful associations; destiny of a large mass of people) at the foundation of the chart (Ic) and tr Mercury 28Cap43 conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap10 Rx in our natal 2nd house of Earning Ability and Valuations/Worth.

It seems that the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011 relates closely to financial and currency issues (devaluation of the US dollar, ceasing its use as the world's reserve currency, etc) and with both transiting and US Saturn rising and testy Mars ruling 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, and Death, we may readily expect news media to continue reflecting these issues.

Tr Mercury to US natal Pluto is a time when ideas, info, and activities involve gaining personal power; strategies are developed relating to finances, investments, and surveillance; research, detection, psychoanalysis, renovation, and property assessment are on the menu. (Foreclosure crisis? Spying? Revealing secrets? A message from the Fed?)

As mentioned, chart-ruler Venus makes two major applying aspects in the chart which gives us an idea of how things will proceed over the next two weeks:

1. square Jupiter (3A27) = temptation to overstate (earnings? evaluations? income?); carelessness, thoughtlessness, or extravagance with money and expenses; a reconciliation is needed between the law and true justice.

2. conjunct Pluto (7A45) = an urge to take charge of events; strategy is necessary to control outcomes especially in groups or in diplomatic matters; bankruptcy issues surface (of states? corporations? countries?)

And since we speak here of financial concerns, the applying square (obstacles; blockages) between rich Jupiter and wealthy Pluto (4A17) is important in the New Moon chart and relates to rebellion against existing codes of ethics, large scale endeavors and the wheeler dealers who run them, questionable or shady projects which lead to legal difficulties, those who tend to exploit others, a lack of assistance when one does get into trouble (and probably, the NYSE.)

This aspect appears in the natal horoscopes of shot-gunner Dick Cheney (b. Jan 20, 1941) and Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzenski (b. Mar 28, 1928); as you know, Jupiter is the significator of the Republican Party in Mundane Astrology; Saturn = the Democrats.

The Jupiter/Pluto square will be closer to exactitude during the Full Moon two weeks from now when the seeds planted at the Feb 2 New Moon will sprout.

The Full Moon of Feb 18, 2011 @ 29Leo20, conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia: Regulus (success if revenge is avoided; with Fixed Stars, there's always an 'if' caution.) By way of precession, Regulus has recently reached 00Vir00 after being at 29 Leo for several years. The 29/30 Leo--00Virgo degree area of the Zodiac relates to the Sphinx in Egypt.

Full Moon Feb 18, 2011 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter" which is traditionally linked to the Bible. In current times, it may relate as well to revelations (banking? more embassy cables?) released by WikiLeaks.

Pluto will trine the Full Moon but Mars will oppose it.

One last word about the chart you see here, the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011: asteroid Atlantis Rx (abuse of power; feelings of doom) rises with US natal Mc 00Lib53 and with asteroid Terpsichore (the orchestrator) so we might expect America (Atlantis, New Atlantis, etc) to orchestrate much of the planning and seed-planting. Yet with all planets in the northern (bottom) half of the chart (the private sector - jobs creation?), the orchestrations will probably remain mostly behind the scenes until the light of the February 18th Full Moon reveals at least some of what's now being put into place.

Now if you'd like a great analysis of this weekend's concentrated line-up of planets (from Sag to AQ), try Julie Demboski's excellent article Keeping Our Balance which will take you through into next week!