by Jude Cowell
When America's testy
2022 Midterm Elections were held on the very day of a
Taurus Lunar Eclipse, transit
Uranus, erratic planet of revolt, anarchy, chaos, disruption, separation, contrariness, and
independence (and America's
totem planet of revolution) clocked in at
16Tau56:48 conjunct the eclipsed Moon and opposing the Sun, and many of us felt the karmic implications heavy in the atmosphere. And it didn't take knowledge of Astrology to feel the significance of the day.
Rounded up to "17 Taurus," many folks found that the Sabian Symbol for Uranus described the 'maga' and far-right (aka, far-reich) Republicans and militiamen thugs of vigilantism determined that every 2022 Midterm Election would go their way: "A Symbolical Battle Between 'Swords' and 'Torches'" which conjures images of tiki torches and neo-Nazi marches. In this scenario, The Establishment must be the 'swords' in the democracy vs fascism battle. See the chart, upper right, for US 1776 Saturn rising opposed and thus challenged by the April 3/4 Sun in Aries (opponents in leadership positions, plus, 'sloppy work is unacceptable').
Yet as we know, in November 2022 the House of Representatives somehow did manage to turn Republican although it was not a red wave as they'd hoped. Even so, we now watch 'maga' antics on Capitol Hill as they disrupt, sabotage, and degrade the US Congress with foolish legal situations and a clown car atmosphere of mockery, deception, and incompetence - with all the drama performed on behalf of a despotic, fascist cult of personality, and not for the sake of our democratic Republic at all.
Besides, "own the libs" style news clips must be performed and harvested for far-right TV shows, click bait, and 2024 campaign ads!
Midterms 2022 Chart Hit by Mars and Uranus in 2023
So, remembering the dangerous Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 on Inauguration Day 2021, and consulting the 2022 Midterms Horoscope of November 8, 2022, it seems significant that both Mars the warrior, arsonist, and/or activist, and Uranus the zealot, anarchist, and/or rebel return to their respective positions in the 2022 Midterm Election Horoscope as you see in the dual chart image, below.
DC Horoscopes: March 14, 2023 Mars Return @25Gem02 (lower left); April 3, 2023 Uranus Return @16Tau56 (upper right); prominent in both return charts is a fantastical midpoint picture of deception, Sun = Mercury-Neptune, as notated on the right side of the chart and highlighted in orange:
Thus, the period between and including March 14 - April 3, give or take a day or so, seems to me to be of particular concern while the 6 South Eclipse is still of influence in society, so mind how you go. Yet significantly, unpredictable Uranus can act early, on time, late - or never.
Meanwhile, for historical context regarding these chaotic, even perilous, Uranian matters affecting US elections, office holders, and the populace, a previous post tells a tale of Taurus Midterm Eclipses 2022 and 1938! because similar cosmic conditions and events are shown between 2022 and 1938 when Republicans made gains in the House and the Senate by promoting their anti-FDR policies and rhetoric. Obviously, fear was a major background influence in society in 1938 and bad faith actors used it much as they do now with debates on "war" topping the political menu, and, as Rachel Maddows's revealing
Ultra podcast spotlights, Nazis and their American tools were active in America.
Now as you know, on the financial level, GOP-ers continue to use similar arguments and gaslighting, with the same goal of collapsing our social safety net and heisting the money, but one can always hope that a majority of Americans now realize that the GOP expects them - not only to vote against their own best interests - but to hand control of the helm of state to an autocratic dictator pushing more of the far-reich's hateful, brutal policies and sadistic laws than we've so far seen.
Therefore, We the People must do everything possible to toss such anti-societal traitors into the dustbin of history to wallow with their cruel idols of the 1930s and 1940s.
But tell me: am I being too subtle? Because there's a theme of tragedy herein via a major cosmic signpost which must be noted: that the Lunar Eclipse of 1938 @15Taurus occurred two days prior to the Nazi bloodbath, aka, "the night of broken glass" - Kristallnacht. Are magaites and their vigilantes brewing up another storm? Well, think of the current House of Representatives and its 'maga' gun lovers lurking there as they pretend to "lead" in the legislative branch of government that they and their thugs attempted to overthrow by violent coup on January 6, 2021.
So if the tired old phrases, What's wrong with this picture? and What could possibly go wrong? ever applied to Washington DC politics, this must be the time.
Two Closely Related Posts and Horoscopes: America's Initial Mars-Uranus Cycle; and the Nazi Rally NYC of February 1939 with Uranus backed up to 14Tau12, Mars @13Sag40 conjunct Nemesis and Mercury-Neptune ('dreams of violence'), and Saturn @15Aries opposite and challenging the authority of US 1776 Saturn exalted in Libra.