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Showing posts with label US natal Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US natal Saturn. Show all posts

Sep 1, 2020

September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro

Two DC Horoscopes September and November 2020: Trolling the Path of Mars

by Jude Cowell

Lower left: September 9, 2020 Mars Direct Station @28Ari08 2nd house 6:22:12 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars which squares 12th house Saturn (delays; resistance; stop'n'go energy); ASC 24AQ38 (US natal Moon rising) conjunct Uranus-MC suggests excitability, irritability, possible upsets; Uranus unaspected = spurts of activity; warlike Antares conjunct MC; at IC are Moon @12Gemini and Midas (fluctuating campaign finances?); Neptune and Pisces intercepted in 1st house suggests large events possibly water related and/or contagion/toxins; also, the media, the masses, deception, loss, theft, disappointment, conspiracy; voting planet Mercury 6Lib27 in 8th house and nearing Nemesis (the unbeatable foe).

Chart-ruler Saturn makes one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a conjunction with powerful manipulator Pluto (see lower left) which is, of course, a continuation of their conjunction's harsh, constraining energies of January 2020, and of course the Capricorn trio continues its heavy influence. Meanwhile, the revolutionary pair of Mars and Uranus will blend their energies on Election Day November 3, 2020 @6Tau44 with a disturbing potential for conflicts and destruction.

On Election Day 2020, Mars Rx 16Ari01 is opposing US natal Saturn (14lib48) off and on which denotes a period of potentials such as: attempts to circumvent rules and/or laws, anger flare ups, delays that lead to cancellations, organizational difficulties, resentment, and/or resistance to the authority of others. Obviously with Trump involved, court cases and legal decisions may be involved as well as ballot counting issues.

Upper right: November 13, 2020 Mars Rx Station @15Ari13 10th house 7:35:36 pm est Washington DC; Hour of Venus 20Lib42 5th house but leading a ruthless Locomotive shape into 4th house (condition of Venus in Libra relates to 2020 Election results: incumbent wins unless something miraculous occurs - ex: Blue Tsunami).

Both of Mars' changes of direction fall within the 4 North Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse Saros Series (restraint, restriction, separation, illusion) and as you see, the November 13th chart has US natal Jupiter rising just after the 4 North Solar Eclipse pops up over the horizon. And when Mars shifts to direct motion on November 13, 2020 'he' opposes Venus (ruthless as a Locomotive engine) which, among other things, suggests sore losers. However, by November 22nd, transit Venus will scoot on into Scorpio, leaving Mars to continue simmering in fiery Aries until early January 2021.

And with Cancer rising on November 13th, Moon is chart-ruler indicating emotions vs intellect, excitement, and potential conditions of instability, as seen in the Scorpio Moon's applying opposition to quirky Uranus Rx in money sign Taurus where finances tend to be uncertain and/or fluctuating and unusual sources of revenue are sought.

October 2020:Of course, more information (aka, inconvenient facts or secrets) are sure to be revealed by the light of the Halloween 2020 Full Moon @8Tau38 which casts its illuminating rays upon disruptive Uranus - the Witness and the Awakener!

Wild Cards of the Universe, Uranian Eclipses Disrupt Earthly Events

So will it be shock, awe, or a little of both when Uranus stars in a cosmic spotlight once again and closes the month of November 2020 with a Lunar Eclipse 8Gem38 conjunct US natal Uranus and simultaneously activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 Old North Saros Series (8Gem48: 'unfortunate news; separation; but fast action can bring good results' - Brady).

Related and also in October 2020: Trump's Nodal Return.

Jun 28, 2020

Just before Election 2020: Trump's Nodal Return

June 28, 2020: Well, apparently as the Cosmos would have it, Election Day 2020 (November 3) is preceded by Donald Trump's Nodal Return, a time when new or beneficial alliances tend to form, one's destiny is on the front burner and is perhaps up for reconsideration. If the current course is 'on track' things proceed with a Jupiterian boost although considering that the destiny of America is linked to such a sub-standard actor playing the role of POTUS, it pains my American heart to type this for it possibly adds to the portents of a second Trump term in office. Yes, Joe Biden's natal planets receive planetary contacts on November 3rd but scofflaw Trump's natal planets have more - and with the voting Moon (the public) in changeable Gemini, at first (12:00 am edt) conjunct Biden's natal 7th house Saturn, then floating on through Trump's Gemini trio (17-23 Gemini). None of this is completely positive for either candidate, of course, and Luna does tend to fluctuate or vacillate (plus voting planet Mercury stations on November 3rd, changes his mind/direction and/or represents election machine glitches) but a variety of factors are certain to bring the usual mixture of flowing vs blocking events and conditions that the Universe so often delivers to test a fellow's resolve and mettle.

So when Trump asserts that the 2020 Election is "rigged", we can know that certain tactics are already in play. It looks as if only a landside for Biden can override shady political tactics of the GOP to become our country's saving grace - to the extent that Republicans can be forced to get out of a Democratic president's way (plus, winning the Senate would definitely help!). Of course with Joe Biden, the GOP doesn't have the 'race card' to focus on this time around but they have a full deck of potential scandals they can stir up from next to nothing and have, in fact, already begun trying to do so (Ukraine, etc). And we know that a large indicator on November 3rd is transit Neptune Rx @18Pisces, eroding planet of deception and scandals, tapping at Biden's natal IC door and after a pause will proceed to silently slide on in to his 4th house of Roots and Domestic Scene (which also affects Biden's 10th house of Career), thereby undermining him if possible. Unless the scandals stirred up amount to nothing and thus fail to stick well enough to prevent a Blue Tsunami on November 3rd! But uh-oh - Neptune in Pisces also represents the pandemic and infections so there's the suggestion of a myriad of possibilities or even a Biden scandal connected to the ongoing catastrophe we're all facing. Well, I don't know about you but I'd say both Biden and Trump are in the 'high risk' category if for no other reason than their advanced ages.

In 2020 Larger Social Forces Prevail

So as you know, a 'new order' is arriving as we can feel and can know from all the major planetary conjunctions in 2020 including the Big One, Jupiter and Saturn which caps off the year at Winter Solstice on December 21, 2020 by conjoining @00AQ29, the degree of US POTUS Sun.

Actually, we've discussed this synchronicity before so I won't bore you with it now but will add that this synchronicity may have been realized and set up for future realization by FDR and his cronies when they changed the US Inauguration date from early March, usually the 4th (in 1934), to January 20th (or the 21st if the 20th falls on a Sunday) in 1937. This seems very likely an astro-fact to me if not to you, and as always, you're welcomed to disagree.

Yet in spite of all this, I am determined to publish the Horoscope of Donald Trump's Nodal Return 2020 which perfects on October 29th, mere days prior to Election Day 2020 with a few of my study notes added to the chart (below), plus, a few words on the symbolism of Trump's Nodal Axis - his Jupiterian North Node in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status and Saturnian South Node in his 4th house of Roots and Family (conjunct his Moon = estrangement from mama!). A few of Trump's natals are sprinkled around the outside of the chart and for those who use a founding horoscope for America with a 00/1Libra Midheaven ('MC'), there is vengeful Venus @1Lib44 leading a ruthless Locomotive shape of his Nodal Return planets as she crosses into our national 10th house where she'll become the prognosticator of victory or defeat in Election 2020 (in Libra, the incumbent wins unless a landslide for his opponent interferes) after which Venus will meet with US natal Saturn (14Lib48), suggesting a time when structure, order, and tradition could return to our nation:

Image: Trump Nodal Return October 29, 2020 8:06:25 am edt 'Washington DC'; intense Scorpio rising ('Mars-Pluto'), dramatic Leo at MC ('Sun'); Hour of expansive Jupiter; chart-ruler Mars the fighter is Rx (delays, frustrations); Moon-Mars in impatient Aries suggests anger of and/or toward the public. Jupiter (dark green) sextile Neptune (blue) at the Base of the chart suggests speculators, wastrels, and political conflicts. Also conjunct IC is the Neptune-Pluto midpoint, a pair which identifies criminal elements and organized crime.

As noted above, most of Trump natals are penned on and highlighted in pink including his natal Sun-Uranus = North Node so a Nodal Return (approximately every 19+ years) always reiterates his 10th house trio with potentials of 'a revolutionary spirit, self-will, upsets, catastrophes, sudden reforms'. With his North Node added we have 'friends and associates who encourage (his) activities' (Ebertin). When it comes to Drumpf that's probably friends in high and low places, both foreign and domestic. Not penned on for lack of space are his Venus and Saturn in watery Cancer (would be in Return 9th house of Legal Affairs and Ideology) and his Mercury @8Can51 (imagine the Tweetie One in Return 8th house).

Now as you see, this particular Nodal Return when set (symbolically) for Washington DC falls within the 8th house of Corporatism, Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, the occult, transformation, and death. Opposite in the 2nd hou$e of Values, Earning Ability, and Possessions we find Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction now swiped again by the tail of the dragon, the transiting South Node, a karmic Saturnian combination of misuse of power and more (see notes, lower left corner), plus, potentials for bad timing and/or lack of popularity. Also in 2nd house is the previous/current Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse which perfected upon the Cardinal World Point of 00Cancer (global events) with its disruptive 4 North themes of 'restriction, restraint, separation, and illusion' (Brady). Obviously this describes in part the Covid-19 pandemic and its negative effects on families, domestic scene, business concerns, the caring professions, communications, finances, the American people in general and the US government with our 1776 Venus-Sun-Jupiter and Mercury Rx in Cancer. Naturally, the planetary gorilla skulking in the background of it all is America's approaching (already within a five-degree orb) Pluto Return/s of 2022.

And we should always note that whatever affects scofflaw Trump also affects America because tragically, as of January 20, 2017, his karma is our karma. So let's close this fuss with the rounded-up Sabian Symbols for Trump's natal Nodal Axis with the symbol for each end of the axis revealing the Illumination Point of its opposite - North Node of future direction vs South Node, a point of limitation when past behavior and/or talents are depended upon but no longer work in the present - hence neurotic behavior:

North Node @'21Gemini': "A Labor Demonstration" = "REPRESENTATION...positive expression: a consistent courage in attacking major problems at any cost of minor well-being or inconvenience; negative" (unconscious/shadow side - jc) "expression: futile ill-will and bluster."

South Node @'21Sag': "A Child and a Dog With Borrowed Eyeglasses" = "EXAMINATION...positive expression: an exceptional skill in the analysis of personal opportunity throughout the many dimensions of experience; negative expression: distorted vision and self-defeating prejudice".

Source: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

A Previous Trump-Related Post: July and December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump's natal Saturn a period when the authority and status (Saturn) of his nibs are challenged by powerful forces (Pluto) and his lifestyle may be altered or permanently transformed.

May 10, 2020

July/December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump natal Saturn

May 10, 2020: Today I'm publishing a DC Horoscope showing transit Pluto @23Cap48 (in transit 4th house, highlighted in red) opposing for the third (and final) of three times Trump's natal Saturn (@23Can48 in his natal 11th house; highlighted in green). Pluto's first opposition to his natal Saturn occurred on February 12, 2020, the second on July 12, 2020. Obviously the events of February 2020 were problematic for Mr. Don't Blame Me as he attempted to downplay and dismiss the coronavirus/Covid-19 contagion, while July 12th and December 20th events and conditions in the real world remain to be seen and experienced.

Meanwhile, We Have the Investigative Lens of Astrology

Needless to say, powerful, wealthy, stealthy Pluto opposing the planet of authority, realism, and accountability - karmic Saturn - identifies a period full of power plays and challenges to his and our government's authority and control. These conditions and circumstances have become more intense in 2020 for Trump and thus for our nation as we see from the late Capricorn line-up of planets which will more of less culminate with the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Airy Aquarius.

So 2020 Pluto's opposition to the authority, authenticity, maturity, and sense of reality (Saturn) of Trump includes his management (Saturn) of current crisis conditions which are cosmically imprinted upon current and future events by the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020 @23Capricorn--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fate encounters) - and opposing his cold Saturn in the watery, subjective, tribal sign of Cancer. As you know, their conjunction started a new 33-to-38-year cycle of all that the karmic duo influences or relates to, and it timed the ending of their last cycle which began on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36 under Mr. Reagan--his harmful 'Reaganomic$' springs to mind).

So in the DC Horoscope below, I've noted (lower right corner) the T-Square formed by the Saturn-Pluto opposition squaring transit Mars (in 7th house @22Ari39: Aries, the warrior planet's favorite sign) denoting potentials for 'the necessity to fight for one's existence, brutality', and/or 'assaults' of some kind (Ebertin). To this midpoint picture Noel Tyl adds: 'fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration'; and/or 'a gun with a cork in its barrel'. And since American 'goes' wherever Trump goes, this picture also relates to society in as a whole and to males in general, plus, to warriors, activists, fire-starters, and malcontents.

DC Horoscope: December 20, 2020 Transit Pluto Opposes Trump natal Saturn (#3 of 3); exact at 1:24:24 am est: Hour of an Out-Of-Bounds Mercury; chart-ruler Venus Tilts a BOWL:

As you can see, rising is 14Lib48, the exact position of US natal Saturn (July 4, 1776) and conjunct the natal Chiron of Donald Trump who has wounded our Saturnian form of government in every way he and his enablers can devise. So this charts timing allows the midpoint of the speculation/inflation pair of Trump, Jupiter-Neptune in Libra (also 'political conflicts'--Ebertin) to rise as well, a picture of crooks and swindlers for Trump who is both the wound, the wounded, and the one who wounds (Chiron). From America's exalted-in-Libra Saturn wedged between Trump's Jupiter-Neptune (see notes, lower left) we continue to experience potentials of 'a combination of real with unreal in activities, disappointments, discontent, consequences that issue from false hopes', and 'a feeling of being abandoned by luck' (Ebertin).

Plus, America's Saturnian representatives such as lawmakers, lawyers, judges (SCOTUS), DOJ, those in charge, experts, hard workers including miners, government workers, and the seniors among us, both wise and foolish, are implicated as early concerns rising in this chart. And obviously, the US Congress is on the cosmic menu, as it always is under the destructive influences of Trump.

Well, there are several more chart factors worth mentioning but I shall end with the primary reason this horoscope is being published today: to show transit Pluto opposing Trump's natal Saturn #3 of #3 so that we may consider the opposing Sabian Symbols of Pluto ("24Capricorn") and Trump's Saturn ("24Cancer") across the security/ambition axis. As with all degrees directly opposite one another, any degree serves as the Illumination Point of its opposite.

Note: why am I adding only the negative expressions of the Symbols? Because politics.

2020 Pluto "24Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent"; negative/shadow side expression: "abject surrender to weakness"; natal Saturn "24Cancer": "A Woman and Two Men on a Bit of Sunlit Land Facing South" (Mar-a-Lago?); negative/shadow side expression: "a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality" (Jones).

Now if any reader of this post thinks this doesn't sound just like Donald Trump and the current "leadership" America finds herself struggling with under mismanager Trump's hazardous tutelage, we shall simply have to disagree! jc


Is this post too fussy for you? Improve its tone by adding an insightful on-topic comment or two of your own! But as always--any and all ads will be rejected. jc

Oct 7, 2018

Oct 8, 2018 Libra New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn

A New Cycle in the Saga of America's Libran Scales of Justice?

by Jude Cowell

On Monday October 8, 2018 at 11:47 pm edt, a New Moon perfects at 15Lib48 conjunct US natal Saturn (14:48) and denoting the beginning of a new cycle of activity in the realms of Saturn. That the Libra New Moon conjoining our national Saturn relates currently to the highly unpopular Kavanaugh seating on the Bench of the Supreme Court as a new term for the Justices begins seems obvious but in this complex universe of ours, this can hardly be the only result.

Upon reflection, my suspicion from within our two-tiered justice system, is that one result has to do with legal planet Saturn's realms of lawmaking and enforcing, responsibility, realism, authenticity, and accountability. For more details see David Sorota's article America's New Aristocracy Lives in an Accountability-free Zone in which Brett Kavanaugh is mentioned along with several other topics that lesson-bringer and taskmaster Saturn cannot possibly be pleased with. Naturally, Donald Trump's imperative that it be Kavanaugh on the Bench is noted because Brett is in favor of expanding presidential power (without accountability thus placing POTUS above the law) and will work to destroy states' rights to hold the powerful accountable for their crimes through state prosecution. Other far right SCOTUS decisions will be forthcoming, their degrading effects unknown but suspected at this time.

Yes, America's exalted-in-Libra natal Saturn has been under fire for decades (if not centuries!) and it became notably obvious in recent memory during the presidency of Bill Clinton when, in 1996, US natal Saturn turned retrograde by progression and has for years, been in early Scorpio rather than the legal eagle planet's more upstanding, comfortable position in Libra so that America's tradition of (Saturnian) reliability began to fade into Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio's brooding darkness and obstinacy.

And note that today's position of transit Saturn conjoins US Progressed ('SP') Moon (The People) which, as I type, falls at 2Cap31, a depressive, oppressive influence that a majority of the populace feels via the Kavanaugh confirmation and the expected negative results from Bart's future SCOTUS decisions which are expected to sway the court toward far right conservatism.

And since the horoscope of the New Moon in Libra links to the Pentagon's natal chart (plus, the New Moon chart's angles conjoin its natal angles--with US SP Jupiter Rx @15Cancer conjunct the Pentagon's natal ASC), below is our death star's natal chart with the Libra New Moon chart surrounding it. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image where you'll see transit Saturn @3Cap24 in Pentagon's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service inconjunct natal Pluto @3Leo30 (which conjoins its natal Chiron = plutocracy). Transit Saturn also opposes the Pentagon's natal Mars, the warrior planet (see notes on chart, lower right). Transit Pluto @18Cap46 is angular (conjunct Descendant) and, as you see, has entered the Pentagon's natal 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships from where Pluto squares the Pentagon's natal 4th house Moon @20Lib32, a period of obstacles placed upon desires. This Pluto also inconjuncts natal Jupiter (@20Gem59 in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing) indicating opportunism is underway--that someone is 'victimizing' the Pentagon to satisfy their own personal objectives. Now who in Washington would do such a thing?

Well, 20Gemini points directly toward Trump's natal Sun-NN-Uranus trio and also toward America's natal Mars in Gemini which brings in our national Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and wasted energy which happen to be the themes of the Pentagon's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@25Pis45--conjunct its Midheaven, the Goal Point!) in the 16 South Saros Series (see note on the chart). A 16 South solar eclipse last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus conjunct the Pentagon's natal Sun (8Tau38) and the next 16S won't occur until May 9, 2032 @19Taurus--conjunct the Pentagon's natal Mercury (19Tau07 in 11th house). Misdirection and waste indeed.

Now for more (soothing!) information check out an excellent overview of current planetary positions at Libra Seeking Balance concerning the New Moon in Libra.

Three Recommended Posts of a Saturnian nature: Trump Inauguration's 2019 Solar Return (horoscope shown) where you'll see transit Saturn @13Capricorn opposing US natal Sun (13Can19 = leadership), a time of challenges when failure to accept responsibilities in the past may come back to haunt in the form of accountability and/or limitations; and The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged; plus, The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Sep 28, 2018

2018 Midterms' Syzygy Moon shows Blue Revolution!

September 28, 2018: yes, the Syzygy Moon chart prior to the November 6, 2018 Midterm Elections is in the conservative-preserving money sign of Taurus, the bull. And the horoscope below, upper right, you see how revolutionary, rebellious Uranus @00Tau31 Rx snugs against the IC of the chart, the HOW? Point and Basis or Foundation of the Matter. And there's We The People's Moon conjunct Uranus which denotes excited people particularly women, plus, as noted on the chart, the Moon-Uranus pair suggests potentials for 'a sudden manifestation of subconscious forces (such as the Collective of the American people); those with special aims, and/or female reformists. So...Lunation Uranus conjunct lunation IC = incumbent loss, or as I prefer to put it, A Blue Tsunami!

Plus, you see the Oct 24th Full Moon light spilling out onto the public (North Node in Leo, sign of natural leadership and point of public contact) and the 'Tail of the Dragon', South Node, almost conjunct US POTUS Sun which in 2017, fell @00AQ48 = Trump playing the role of POTUS. The Dragon's Saturnian Tail will swipe or smack US POTUS Sun, the Presidency, on October 27, 2018 (horoscope shown).

Now I'm quite certain the ruling patriarchs, many of whom are advocates of Puritanism of a most hypocritical kind (I know because apparently I have Puritan ancestry as do many of us), (marvel at Chuck Grassley's stone face) won't agree that their current Koch (Murdoch-Mercer-foreign-govts) task of shoving the US government toward the regressive 'right' is unacceptable to a vast majority of Americans but I believe that this is the case. For who in her right mind would ever choose to live under a totalitarian, draconian, bossy regime led by a decrepit group of what seem to be the 'top choice' of global criminals in the bunch plus their political operatives and handmaidens?

For more Oct 24th chart details see The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterms.

Anyway, with optimism for America I'm reaching out to the planets of the chart/s, above, for aid for our nation! We need it because, lower, left is the the New Moon Horoscope of October 8, 2018 @15Lib48 (conjunct US natal Saturn 14Lib48 suggesting a new cycle starting with the goal of undermining further of the US legal system including the US Supreme Court) so that the American public is left with no US institution or branch of government to depend on as before (to the extent that we could). Our best opportunity to re-create some level of balance in our governmental system and support the Republic is to take part in a Blue Tsunami by Voting Blue on November 6, 2018. For, as you see in the October 24th chart, The Establishment planet Saturn rises in his own sign and is the Thales Planet or Point aiding both the Sun and the Moon during their opposition, a sign of fulfillment or culmination of a plan seeded at the October 8, 2018 New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn--our 1776 Saturn exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice--now unfortunately progressed into Scorpio and retrograde since 1996 when the authority of the US Presidency came under attack by the same forces that continue to sabotage our nation today.

To me, true patriotism must involve protecting our nation from outside infiltrators and foreign criminals who would rule us with No Consent From The Governed--precisely the opposite of what America was and is meant to be. Is it time for compromised politicians to spill the beans on who intimidates them and to begin naming names?

That may never happen but what we can do is to Vote on November 6th--all the ladies and the younger generations 18 and older will be there, carrying their surf boards no less!

Jun 3, 2017

America's Saturn Rx and Summer Solstice 2017

Saturn, Planet of Authority and Authenticity: from Libra to Scorpio

by Jude Cowell

With Summer Solstice 2017 about to arrive at 12:24 am edt on June 21st with Saturn now in Sagittarius highly visible at the top of the solstice chart (set for DC), we may wish to review the past and current conditions of America's Saturn.

In 1996 US Saturn Turned Rx by Progression @3Scorpio under the presidency of House-impeached Bill Clinton whose tenure of turmoil helped undermine the authority, authenticity, and dignity of the Executive Branch and muddied America's reputation on the global stage. Tragic Mars-Pluto (Scorpio) style events of power and brutality involving government authority such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, allegedly a vengeful act committed in response to the Clinton-Reno-FBI Siege at Waco, kept Mr. Clinton busy as the office of the presidency dissolved in tatters, a result cheered by his Republican opponents. (The political strategy of R vs D theatrics is primarily just that--divisive theatrics, since it's really Rulers vs The Ruled.)

Obvious correspondences from the Clinton era to Donald Trump's 'presidential' behavior in the White House circa 2017 may be noted but for those who follow Trump's haphazard presidency--and realize that The Klan now leads America from the White House--it isn't necessary to mention them in this brief post. Mr. Trump is in process of threatening to leave or actually withdrawing the US from previous alliances in which America was leader (Saturn) and our Saturn's retrograde condition is part of that picture.

As you know, Trump's natal Saturn is debilitated in Cancer (Cancer opposes Capricorn, the sign Saturn rules). His natal Saturn is in 11th house, the place of Groups and Alliances, and Trump's resentments run deep while his natal Jupiter Station Direct in Libra relates to others with frequent protestations of "that's not fair!" The retaining of large amounts of money lurks at the base of the issue for the Jupiterian Mr. Trump.

Meanwhile, America's SP Saturn in Scorpio suggests potentials for esoteric, occult, and metaphysical study (which our Founding Fathers possessed as seen in their goddess Venus and Virgo fixations--plus, you've noted Trump's constant use of Freemason hand signals), transformation (destruction, then rebuilding via Pluto), obstinacy, endurance, a more serious outlook, and the urge to delve deeply into difficult problems (Ebertin). All this is quite a change from US natal Saturn exalted in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of diplomacy, values, and the Scales of Justice. Now I know that each sign represents progress issuing from the previous sign, and, one hopes, improvement.

But in this case, America's exalted Saturn of 1776 (trine progressive radical Uranus in Gemini, its brilliance and genius successfully poured into the Saturnian forms of our 'freedom documents' a la Plato) has been degraded now that US progressed Saturn (SP) is retrograde (moving backward) in death-dealing Scorpio while on the physical plane it uses its authoritative energies against (Rx) the American people and against the entire world.

And now we see actor Donald Trump withdrawing the US from certain areas of global leadership which then opens the way for other nations to take control of the power elite's Great Plan for global governance which makes him, knowingly or unknowingly, a foreign agent in the White House.

Perhaps you disagree but there it is.


Related Posts and Horoscopes:

Summer Solstice 2017 Horoscope w/ Trump's Planets added.

The Oklahoma City Bombing Horoscope of 1995.

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video).

And speaking of The Klan (and sub-president Bannon lurking behind White House curtains), here's an excerpt from the 2010 article by Sherwood Ross which may be read in full via its link, below:

"By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That’s because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally."

The CIA, the KKK, and the USA.

Dec 7, 2015

Dec 6, 2015 The President Addresses the Nation on Keeping the American People Safe

In case you missed it:


President Obama Speaks and Is Mindful of The Importance of Being Earnest

by Jude Cowell

If you know about or have read lately about the current Mars-Uranus opposition which now squares powerful manipulator Pluto (Dec 6 - 10) then you know that this evening's TV address by President Obama delivered from the White House (to show how serious he is) fits right in with the T-Square's dynamic, intense energies.

Mars-Uranus, Mars-Pluto, Uranus-Pluto--all three pairs combine into explosive, forceful, aggressive actors designed to catch attention and rearrange present conditions into something more chaotic, even brutal. Naturally, military action is denoted as well along with warriors of all stripes joining battles, initiating conflicts, and fighting until the end. Challenges are issued and accepted!

These planetary conditions now reflecting events on the earthly plane (As Above, So Below) describe what I have been dreading for some time but these are not all that was on display tonight as President Obama spoke. He began at 8:00 pm est with his natal Mercury 2Leo19 rising though Ascending was a lunar 28Can47 and this degree of Cancer places US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33 setting on the Descendant of Partnerships and Alliances; US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer had risen and was traversing the 12th house of Politics and Karma by 8:00 pm.

Soon after he began, the president's natal Sun 12Leo32 arose and there are several planetary hints that self-promotion was one of his goals as he adapted his visions and perspectives for presentation to the public (Mars-Neptune = Mercury) on the topic of ISIS and terrorism. The need to fulfill dangerous tasks was communicated and flavored with what passes for stark realism in US Politics though many conditions and associated affairs remain private and not open to public scrutiny (Saturn-Pluto = Mercury.) As you know, Mercury is the planet of communication, speeches, messages, young people, and journalists (or what passes for them these days) so they have their parts to fulfill in what was very much a role-playing event tonight--bully pulpit and all that, promoting the US perspective on things.

Hmmm...young people. Was this speech also meant as an outreach to inspire young people (including women who can now become combatants) to sign up for duty? More troops are needed, say neocon war hawks. Pass the canon fodder!

If so, President Obama showed shrewdness tonight as he presented what are basically over-expansive ideas (transit Jupiter, planet of expansion, now conjunct his natal Mars, planet of warriors, war, and action.) However, you may have noticed a lack of coping ability melded with the shrewdness which made a very odd mixture. On one level, this may be due to Mr. Obama's natal Mars being shrouded and clouded by US natal Neptune, both @22Virgo and the conjunction now has quite a pile-up of energies in the 20--22 Virgo area of the Zodiac: the current Solar Eclipse (September 13, 2015 @20Vir10) provides a high stress level and an overtaxing of strength influence (Brady), transiting Jupiter as noted @21Vir38 tonight increases it all, and fixed star Denebola (to go against society; against the mainstream) springs more fully into action, triggered by Jupiter.

Another concern is the Cardinal Grand Cross now brought into manifestation by the above noted Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square (thanks to Mars joining in) which adds explosive force and ruthless brutality to US natal Sun @13Cancer (POTUS) for as you know, US natal Sun has been opposed by transiting Pluto for some time now with its 'titanic power struggle and challenge' implications. Tonight's speech was part of taking control of the situation where 'destroying ISIS' is concerned. And it may be no coincidence (for nothing really is) that in recent weeks and certainly this very evening--two descriptive asteroids (archetypes) are traveling in tandem at 22Libra: Nemesis and Isis, with Nemesis having 'the unbeatable foe' and 'divine retribution' flavors. Note that just who is actually behind the creation of ISIS (ISIL) is beyond the scope of this post.

For the US, this deadly East vs West battle calls for more organization and structure (transit Mars @14Libra conjunct US natal Saturn at IC, the Basis of the Matter) and as tonight's Moon @24Libra approaches Venus @2Sco11 (preparing for the holidays?), we might better find a clue in the Uranus-MC (8:00 pm est) conjunction with the MC as the Goal Point of the speech's horoscope: 'strife or radical movements which force new internal policies or methods' (a new agenda), a strategy we've seen used before--most notably after the attacks of 9/11/01 and the ready-to-go US Patriot Act, plus, preemptive war and occupation, and other policy changes distorting the character and principles of our nation. Now that's what has resulted in what I would call a Crippled America--crippled by fascist traitors and infiltrators.

Though he mentioned destroying ISIS and not giving into fear, the Astrology I'm seeing in the speech horoscope shows the fostering of paranoia for political control of the people via Mars at the IC (Endings; The Drain: Death.) Is Election 2016 part of Washington's political calculations? Now this wouldn't be surprising since it's been done successfully before (ex: 'bin Laden tapes' released just before election day.) Yet whatever the motive/s, tonight's speech will probably be fairly well received with chart-ruler Moon first sextiling Mercury (0A27), then conjoining popular Venus (7A22). Round up speech-maker Mercury's degree to 26 Sagittarius and we have "A Flag-Bearer in Battle" (Jones) which supports the president's expansive agenda in the Middle East along with more young people joining the military, if and as they may.

Washington's stubborn refusal to recognize its limitations bodes ill for many

Tragically for innocent people both here and abroad, it likely will take more than the Paris and the San Bernadino attacks to 'justify' the draconian changes the power elite (and those who direct them from behind the scenes) are determined to force upon us. After all, transiting Uranus, planet of anarchy, chaos, disruption, and shock, has been opposing US natal Saturn for a while now and this describes a 'new order' vs 'old order' stand-off and the collapse of traditional institutions--along with de-structuring Pluto now in structure-building Capricorn and plodding his way toward America's first-ever Pluto Return/s in 2022.

ISIS is "part of a cult of death," said President Obama tonight which is obviously true. And of course I am on America's side yet it amazes me how a drone-striker president projects such a mote into the eye of 'the other guy' while ignoring the beam in his--in our--own.


Speaking of the anti-constitutional US Patriot Act, remember in May 2011 when President Obama authorized its extension via auto-pen while on a visit to France with US natal Pluto rising?