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Showing posts with label Mars in Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars in Taurus. Show all posts

Jun 19, 2024

Biden-Trump Debate June 27, 2024: Mars v Mars

Will Fascism Challenge Democracy?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you'd be interested in details concerning a Synastry Grid between America's Albatross (natal planets) and the planets on the night of the first 2024 Biden-Trump Debate: Will America's Albatross Debate in June?

What I neglect to mention in my WordPress post is that Mars @13Taurus on June 27, 2024 directly opposes President Biden's natal Mars @13Scorpio, rather a perfect cosmic picture of their challenge to one another, yes? Sparks may fly with the White House helm on the line.

Thing is, Debate Mars in Taurus is apex of a midpoint between Sun and Saturn and this reveals a Martian personage with abrasive mannerisms and a desire to be in charge. Sounds like Trump, born with Mars rising in pompous Leo.

Mar 4, 2022

July 31,2022: North Node meets Uranus

Warrior Mars Joins the Pair for a Menage a-Trois!

March 4, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Since a new cycle of Mars-Uranus began on Inauguration Day 2021, upticks of the pair's violent, reactionary, combustible energies can be tracked across the globe, including in the USA. And when the transiting North Node of public contact joins in, we may have even more cause to pay attention to the anti-societal activities of the Mars-Uranus duo, violent types who support authoritarianism over democracy.

One such cosmic signpost arrives on July 31, 2022 when by transit radical anarchist and zealot Uranus meets the Taurean North Node @18Tau41:17 at 4:05 pm edt, with warrior Mars @17Tau57 approaching for a threesome. Yet even by itself, the Uranus-North-Node duo denotes radical politics and revolutionary reforms, and meetings with those who share such political views. These folks are subject to being carried way by unexpected changes in society while giving little if any consideration to ultimate consequences; some will benefit from the sudden changes, perhaps through technological fields (Uranus), and with the conjunction in the 6th house, reforms or sudden shifts in service industries such as military, police, and other civil services may be on the menu, along with reforms in our medical and healthcare industries. Of course, with erratic Uranus involved, there are always chances of disuption and/or separations.

So for your consideration, here is a Horoscope of the moment on July 31, 2022 that Uranus and North Node conjunct, set for Washington DC as an astrological representative of America; chart factors are penned on the chart for those who wish to read them, including the trio's midpoint picture potentials which are more fully listed, below, and noting that, like all heavenly bodies, these cosmic energies become stronger as they move nearer and nearer, then come together in conjunction - here timed by the Head of the Dragon, the Moon's North Node:

Midpoint Picture Potentials of the Uranus-NN-Mars trio of July 31, 2022

Uranus-NN = Mars: 'tremendous energy; having an axe to grind and gaining support' (N. Tyl); 'disputes accompanied by violence; self-control is difficult' (R. Ebertin); 'strength to push ahead' (M. Munkasey).

Mars-Uranus = NN: 'hyperexcitability with others' (N.T.); 'execution of extraordinary and unusual enterprises' (R.E.); 'facing down all opposition; being active with others' (M.M.).

Mars-NN = Uranus: 'stirring people up; sudden events that affect many people' (N.T.); 'upsets in a community or an organization; sudden associations or events; active cooperation' (R.E.); 'sudden disruptions in meetings; disinterested presentations' (M.M.)

Now admittedly, it's been a while since I added a degree symbol from Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (#ad) to a post so, noting that Carelli does not round up, here's his symbol for '18 Taurus':

"Two furious bulls goring each other": "The native will easily fly off the handle and quickly work himself up to a climax of frenzied and bloodthirsty rage, even if his own peevish and quarrelsome temper has sown the seed of discord. According to his background and breeding, he can make a sabreur of a ruffian, and can reap the hatred of many, running the risk of wounds or death in duels or brawls."

Can you think of anyone who sows the seed of discord and is hated by many?

In closing, there's a significant cosmic time link to consider for it suggests that the violence-promoting, vindictive, peevish Trump Regime Can Be Identified by Mars-Uranus via a certain Solar Eclipse.

Note: paraphrasings of the trio's midpoint picture potentials are gleaned from three sources: Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey. #ad

Mar 18, 2019

Spring Equinox 2019: Mars to Trump's Midheaven

Mars-Rising Trump Highly Sensitive to Mars Transits

by Jude Cowell

Previously we discussed the DC Horoscope of Spring Equinox 2019 with a late-Virgo Moon rising (chart shown) and floating toward the March 21, 2019 Full Moon @00Lib09 (see link, below) which perfects upon America's natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations). Given the bright light of a Full Moon, this lunation should be interesting for its ability to shine a spotlight upon career and other public 10th house matters as perpetrated by the US government and its current 'leader' Donald Trump, The Unprepared Grifter and choice of racists everywhere. His 'world stage' activities are spotlighted this week by the current position of his testy, hypersensitive rising planet--and perhaps more defections from the 'Trump Party' will ensue.

This cosmic condition of full awareness is emphasized by the fact that in the Spring Equinox 2019 chart, Mars @23Tau08 ruffles the natal MC of Trump and suggests that he's entered a period of energetic self-promotion (more than before? impossible!) during which his demands for public recognition may increase (!) including attention from other public figures of authority (ex: despots he idolizes--and/or possibly Speaker Nancy Pelosi whose Mars Return it is!). Mars-to-Midheaven may also bring more scrutiny upon his activities, positively or negatively, and on actions of his male relatives (exs: Kushner, Don Jr, his racist father Fred). Launching some new sort of campaign is within the realm of possibilities as well (ex: a Twitter attack on a newly chosen victim-opponent?), while going to extremes cannot be ruled out especially since this describes Trump's usual way of behaving. And of course, the US Military, the movement of forces, police activation or issues, and/or veterans' affairs may also be part of his Mars-to-MC picture this week. Of course, we may expect his rage level to be increased by the fact that the furious star of violence, Algol, twinkles menacingly upon Trump's natal Midheaven.

Note that with its two-year cycle, the last time transit Mars conjoined Trump's natal MC was in April 2017; the end of April 2017 marked the end of Trump's 'first 100 days' in the Oval Office.

Now readers familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump see the position of Mars @23Taurus as lining up to square his natal Mars (exact on March 26, 2019). This is a time when his strong survival instinct becomes even more obvious (and needed!) along with his tendency toward self-preservation-at-any-cost. Even less diplomacy than usual may be evident for the focus will be on aggression, anger, frustration, conflicts, battles, possible construction faults, and even accidents and/or injuries. Add to this transit Mars square Trump's natal Ascendant on March 30, 2019, and we have more ego conflicts, battles for top position, pushy behavior, open confrontations, social tension, and the potential for physical strain.

Then by the time transit Mars reaches his 10th house trio of Uranus (danger of blow-ups; forcing or enforcing changes), North Node (meeting with or encountering males; meetings full of conflict; anger shown in public), and Sun (risky situations, direct confrontations, vitality, energy) just after opposing his natal Moon in Sagittarius (May 2, 2019), we may all be worn out by - or simply fed up with - the anger and rage of Donald Trump.

A related post: DC Horoscopes of The March 2019 Lunations of Crisis.

Image above: Mars as seen from the Hubble Telescope.