If you've ever dealt with a person born during a Mars-Pluto opposition phase you probably felt the extremity of this difficult aspect in that person's psyche. The man in the news at the moment for alleged sexual misconduct is Alabama's Roy Moore who may become a Capitol Hill senator thanks to an empty seat left when Mr. Trump tapped Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States.
Now we've already discussed the 'noon' natal chart of Roy Moore with Mars and Pluto across the Leo-AQ self-will axis but since his alleged unfit condition for the US Senate is much in the news along with the past aggressive sexual encounters reported by several women who were then in their teens, let's consider more closely what it means to be born with testosterone-driven Mars opposing powerful sex fiend Pluto, the abductor. As always, the potentials for this aspect in a natal chart are not written in stone and may be transcended by the mature individual if he or she so desires (a Mars word!) Yet this Scorpionic opposition may be one of the most difficult to control. (Alan Oken calls it a 'win at any cost' aspect that tends to use more force than is necessary and is often brusque or irritable when dealing with others.)
First, the Mars-Pluto pair when energies are combined indicates potentials for brutality, aggression, and 'superhuman power' along with the negative connotation of 'violent assaults, injuries' (Ebertin). Now such strength could have remained within Moore's chosen career field expressing much control and power within law enforcement and/or military service, but the Mars-Pluto duo on a personal level is problematic unless its primal energies are successfully channeled into positive pursuits. Yet the possibility of sexual deviancy and/or addiction, or even a rapist mentality, cannot be ruled out (Pelletier).
Mars opposing Pluto denotes one with a defiant attitude toward the results of his own aggression. Others don't feel as strongly and he may actually be surprised by the reactions of others to his aggression. This week we see Mr. Moore's defiance reported in the news and in fact, his personal lawyer, Trenton Garmon (see TYT video, below) is now attempting to defend Moore on CNN with Don Lemon and in other interviews. So far not so good.
With Mars-Pluto, an intense, strong sexual nature is apparent and can cause rifts in personal relationships; personal magnetism is indicated and may be used to gain control over others. Personal affairs are certain to be impacted by an incorrect use of Mars-Pluto's destructive energies when they could instead be used to better the lives of others via social concerns while acting within a broader religious context. He does purport himself to be religious in an Old Testament way, doesn't he? Does he fancy himself a preacher? Sometimes in speeches he sounds like it although no one religious that this particular Christian knows would ever try to blend Politics with Religion for they're like oil and water. Then again, I'm a Georgia native with Virginia roots and have never had a reason to visit the state of Alabama in my life! (It's probably a personal failing on my part though.)
So naturally, Judge Roy Moore's career has involved themes such as violence and criminality and his Mars-Pluto opposition fits in perfectly with these themes and probably helped inspire him to go into crime-related fields--impelled him, I suspect. Yet how this destructive energy with its Scorpionic 'Underworld' vibes will be used and felt on Capitol Hill and across the nation if Roy Moore attains a seat in the US Senate will be a tale for another post that I will not be looking forward to typing.
Perhaps the transiting square between Mars and Pluto which perfects on Sunday November 19th will increase pressure on the Republican candidate and some sort of resolution will occur, forced though it will most likely be.
Now you may wish to check out a TYT segment: Roy Moore Got the Most Racist Lawyer He Could Find:
Video link via The Young Turks Network, an independent news source.
Plus, Salon's Matthew Sheffield has posted GOP's Roy Moore dilemma reflects a much bigger crisis for conservative politics (article with video).