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Showing posts with label Mercury in Libra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mercury in Libra. Show all posts

Sep 24, 2021

June and September 2021 Mercury Direct and Rx in Air

September 24, 2021: With Mercury having turned Direct on June 22, 2021 @16Gem07:37 (5:59:52 pm edt), then stationing to turn Rx (retrograde) on September 27, 2021 @25Lib28:25 (1:10 am edt), we have the planet of communications, thinking, planning, discussions, messages and memes, teaching and studying, trade and commerce, magic, changing conditions, and all other Mercurial things performing tricks in the mental Air signs of Mercury-ruled Gemini and Venus-ruled Libra. Why, it's even possible that mind-changing may occur and lies may be told!

Additionally significant is the fact that Monday September 27th is the day that the US House of Representatives re-turns from summer vacation with many issues, plans, negotiations, and proposals to re-consider and, if any legislation should occur while Mercury is Rx, to re-read the fine print very closely paying rapt attention to all details. Looking ahead, we should note that Mercury turns Direct again on October 10, 2021 @10Libr08 and must (seemingly from Earth's vantage point) re-trace its previous territory until reaching and surpassing its shadow degree (25Lib28:25) in early November after which Mercurial matters can better progress and proceed.

So! Perhaps the Sabian Symbol of Mercury's stationing degree of "26Libra" (25+ rounded up) will add details to the 'House Returns' picture, and we'll also check out the opposite degree and symbol (26Aries) for it's the Illumination Point that provides additional unconscious or shadow-side information, for the curious. Naturally, 'the eagle' is a favored symbol for America (and for ancient Rome, and for other entities mentions of which are beyond the scope of this post.) Plus, a dove traditionally represents the District of Columbia and, of course, peace.

"26Libra": "An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One Into the Other" - "Keyword: ADEPTNESS; positive expression: unusually effective self-discipline; negative expression: unhappy vacillation between ultimate ideals and momentary desires."

Illumination Point "26Aries": "A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold" - "Keyword: EQUIPMENT; positive expression: an uncompromising independence and an inexhaustible drive toward self-discovery; negative expression: an obsession by ideas of no importance." (My italics.)

So that's symbolic info from Marc Edmund Jones in his The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. Now let's also consult Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala (#ad) for his Keynote analyses:

"26Libra": "The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise"; which potency, Rudhyar explains, "finds it difficult at first to adjust to its new world of perception and possibilities of action." And --

"26Aries": "Obsession by potentiality" which, "represents a new, higher approach to the use of polarized forces," and, he adds, "there are many levels of adept-ship" which to me, adds more than a hint of occultism to the Masonic Temple we call the US Capitol Building and its worker bees - whether all of them realize it or not.

And so, for those of us who wish to retain America as a democratic Republic, a "new higher approach" to our nation's current problems caused by the subversive infiltration by bad faith actors would be most welcomed by We The People while skipping over the "ideas of no importance."

Say, remember this from early 2008: Planet Mercury the Messenger gets a fly-by from Mercury?

Related: Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope.

Above image: the US Capitol Building {official portrait; public domain}; photo taken pre-January 6th attack by manic Trump zealots.

Sep 3, 2018

Election Day 2020 Voting Mercury Stations Direct

DC Horoscope: Election Day November 3, 2020 Washington DC 12:49:34 pm est, the moment Mercury, the planet of voting and voters, ballots, decisions, news, and communications turns Direct @25Lib55:02. Is this a cosmic picture of voters changing their minds? Or of votes being secretly changed or 'flipped' by hackers and/or other election saboteurs? If the last, we'll be able to identify many of the cheaters via the names of the victors!

Please enlarge the image to read my scribbled notes; Mercury's rounded-up degree of '26 Libra' = "An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One Into the Other" which seems to relate to the "turning" of Mercury from retrograde to direct--from Venus (8Libra06) toward the Sun (11Sco46)--or vice versa. Yet Scorpio's symbol is 'the eagle' so Venus must be the dove! Or is she the Oval Office which is a Venusian symbol of The Cosmic Egg which suggests all that Masonic mumbo jumbo and esoteric occultism that America's Founders followed when setting up the Utopian 'New Atlantis' in the New World, aka, America? And has the Great Seal reversed yet?

If so, then it's not very curious that in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones gives '26 Libra' a Keyword of: ADEPTNESS. Positive expression: unusually effective self-discipline; negative: unhappy vacillation between ultimate ideals and momentary desires. Well, vacillation and indecision aren't rare within a voting booth on Election Day, of course, and if we consult Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac for guidance on the 26th degree of Venus-ruled Libra, we find mention of "A sturdy, aristocratic physique, very keen senses of sight and hearing; an emotional, perhaps oversensitive temperament; open to danger of jumping to extreme mental attitudes. A two-edged fortune; great chances of victory in the struggle for life, and danger of losing all of one's property."

The Condition of Mercury

Now you see the weighty stellium of karmic Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter rising in governmental Capricorn--all three destined to meet in Great Conjunctions all through 2020 which is why I listed again their dates, upper right, in order of occurrence. Interesting how voting Mercury squares the trio with its square to Saturn separating (0S28), then a square to Pluto (3A11), and last to Jupiter (4A27). Squares represent obstacles, as you know, so naturally voter suppression tactics come easily to mind, along with potentials for: documents, papers, and/or ballots being mishandled, lost, or otherwise restricted or the count delayed (Mercury-Saturn), impractical campaign promises, inaccurate conclusions, exaggerated information, overblown rhetoric, and erroneous judgments (Mercury-Jupiter), and sarcasm, skepticism, and/or scandal used to manipulate or spotlight the weaknesses or vulnerabilities of others, obsessive thoughts, and/or secret information used to control others for personal gain. In other words, political campaigns and subsequent elections.

And of course you know that all three Capricorn planets are nearing US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) with the karmic planet of restriction and accountability, Saturn, lurking nearest. This indicates a period when issues of power and control are uppermost and situations are simply too large to handle which may be related to past actions and behavior that were not up to Saturn's exacting standards. And with transit Pluto @22Cap42, Americans can feel our nation's first-ever Pluto Return/s coming soon with The Dictator suggested by the Pluto-in-Capricorn placement (Ebertin). So who was 'The Dictator' in 1776? Is Great Britain still in control of America?

Some say, yes, for certainly, control by a foreign power is indicated if nothing else even as some of us think that it's always been the case (by distant wealth-hoarder Pluto in his ivory tower)--and certainly now considering that huge amounts of money are invested in our politicians and they're controlled from afar and from plutonian shadows. Of the trio, perhaps Jupiter conjunct US Pluto will bring better results but more likely only more egregious plutocratic behavior as the rest of our resources migrate to 'the top'. Unfortunately, the American people have only Democrats to depend on for improving such unbalanced conditions but they're corporate-controlled too. So we must forget labels-- let's vote for candidates who actually uphold decent ideals wherever we find them!

POTUS Sun in Scorpio--Plus, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus

The Sun @11Sco46 (leadership) in 9th house applies only once in the chart--a trine with Neptune in 1st house which suggests large, unmanageable events connected to water, oil, gas, toxins--or possibly to fraud, propaganda, theft, falsehoods and lies (positively, inspiration). Religious figures are also suggested by the trine via evangelicals aspiring to the halls of power and 'helping' a figurehead into the Oval Office by hook or crook, if that's what it takes to install their agenda more completely.

Note on Uranus: there is a separating opposition between Sun and disruptive planet of chaos, Uranus (3S12), so by Election Day 2020 there have been challenges to POTUS leadership as he follows a dangerous course and continues to exhibit unpredictable anti-social behavior. So far, Trump does pretty much what he wants so perhaps the Sun-Uranus opposition here relates to finances, personal activities, and eventually having to pull in his sails. Yet with Uranus involved, we can never be certain, can we? For Uranus acts early, late, or never!

Now I confess that ever since the 2017-into-2018 Neptune Returns of the Republican Party (which freakily morphed into the Trump Party--change of identity or, more likely, the Neptunian mask of racism and totalitarianism comes off) I always think of the GOP (or what passes for it) and various of its members when I see Neptune in its own sign of Pisces in a Mundane Chart. So Neptune trine Election Day 2020 Sun denotes successful publicity and promotions for (Republican?) candidates--and along with America's Venusian Election Cycle suggests that the new president of November 2020 will be the old president, that is, whoever is playing the role at the time (Trump or Pence, one assumes) will be triumphant.

That's because 2020 Venus is in her own sign of Libra so odds are, the same party remains in the White House unlike in 2016 when Venus was in Sagittarius, sign of 'the outsider' when a rival (of Barack Obama) 'won'. Wish I could read the chart differently but it's impossible--although it is possible that election manipulation can occur in favor of a Democrat since the Venus Cycle formula did 'miss' a couple of times in the past. Maybe this time?!?!?

So as you see, the heavy-weight trio rising in the chart warns of a picture of Trump's natal Saturn and Venus in Cancer as the trio of planets take turns opposing them, plus, creating other obstacles for him via squares as 2018, 2019, and 2020 trundle along. This cosmic picture for Trump is an easy enough reason to imagine theocrat Mike Pence (as 'priest-king'? he fancies himself a preacher!) stepping into the presidential role before Election Day 2020, the political role he's been preparing for all his life. Maybe someone should inform Mr. Pence that Jesus Christ speaks to other believers, too, and around here He does not promote a Pence White House that would command people to worship Him under threat of man made laws!

Recommended: a bi-wheel of Election Day 2020 was published here showing 12:00 am est and 11:59 pm est in order to 'cover' the entire day's planetary transits. If you wish to view the post mosey over here at your convenience.

Related: The Mystery of The Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed.

Oct 5, 2008

Messenger probe to buzz Mercury Monday 10.6.08

Mercury the Messenger Gets Fly-by from Messenger! was posted in January 2008 when NASA's Messenger craft was approaching the mysterious planet Mercury.

As you know, Mercury is so close the our Sun we hardly know him and tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, NASA's Messenger probe will fly 125 miles above the surface and take photos of an area about the size of South America.

That Mercury astrologically speaking is now retrograde 14Libra+ isn't considered good for things Mercury is said to 'rule' in Astrology (or affect) so I hope NASA gets all the photos they desire with perfect transmission which is not always seen with Mercury Rx which can also affect travel - on earth, at least.

Both readers of this blog know that I sometimes frisk into degree symbolism including Adriano Carelli's version from his 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Let's see what Mercury's degree tomorrow morning '14Lib' says...

"A fox and an ancient theater mask (from one of Aesop's Fables.)"

Oh my good-den-ness! it can't be that this is only a stage presentation to bolster NASA's and the USA's reputation, could it?

You know, I've had the horoscope of America's first landing on the Moon for years now and never published it. Other blogs or sites have, I'm sure, so my own grousings on the squirreliness of the Moon landing chart could make little if any difference to anyone.

Or perhaps it's more that I've simply never gotten 'round to it.

Anyway, let's see if there's anything of interest in Carelli's explanation of this dramatic word picture and see if things get any better for the Messenger:

It is a degree of theatricality, implying cunning but an otherwise dull mind. (Mercury is the planet of 'the mind' in Astrology.)

Here's more in highlight form...self-conceit coupled with the most abject toadying; a mixture of priggishness and pandering, bluff and treacherousness; a flamboyant style, propensity for dazzling pageants, void and bombastic rhetoric.

Sheesh. Nothing better here.

Carelli goes on to say that '14Lib' is the degree of Saturn in the Fascist regime's natal chart. Hmph. And '14Lib' is America's natal Saturn degree, too.

Well, if that's the sort of message we'll be receiving from eye-in-the-sky NASA and the *ISS, let's hope the fascist corporate-state powers oh-so-recently melded into one strand and now held in Hank Paulson's hand meets its end sooner rather than later.

All apologies, dear reader, for making this Messenger to Mercury post more than first intended...I opened Carelli's book and it just typed out that way! Crummy politics invades everything.


*ISS is the International Space Station that's watching you...