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Showing posts with label US House of Representatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US House of Representatives. Show all posts

Sep 30, 2024

George Washington's Cosmic Ascension - and Donald's?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The famous fresco painted by Constantino Brumidi, The Apotheosis of George Washington, was completed in the eye of the dome of the Capitol Building rotunda on Jupiterian Capitol Hill in 1865. Now, with the ongoing attempt to morph Trump into "The Chosen One" by his nibs himself and by reckless religious types whose goals are power, control, and extreme wealth, it's not much of a stretch to imagine the 1865 rotunda dome fresco suddenly updated to "uplift" Herr T as the rightful star of the mythological panoply - if he and his comrades manage to finagle the White House in November.

A (Death) Cult of Personality to Idolize

Vengeful Donald and his brutal purging agenda they call Project 2025 (a blueprint for fascism) cannot win the popular vote but the confusion now being sown in the states is how they intend to "justify" the 2024 election results being tossed to the House of Representatives for a decision. If so, each state would have one vote and thanks to gerrymandering and other tactics, there are more red states than blue in 2024. Of course, the win-at-any-cost Maga plan echoes the chicanery that put Rutherford B. Hayes in the White House.

Bi-Wheel of Natal Charts: Washington (center) and Trump (outer)

As you see, there are planetary contacts containing potentials between their charts including: Jupiter-Pluto (a thrust for power; building the big picture; establishing new perspectives; keeping in control), Jupiter-Neptune (the grand spirit; idealism; feeling special; religiousness; tricky legalisms; scandal), Mars-IC (change of status; recognition for one's basic qualities), and their Nodal Axes in opposition, denoting the separation of years between them (1732--1946), and their opposing goals and/or directions - across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity (Mercury-Jupiter: thoughts about the spirit).

(See Noel Tyl's book, Solar Arcs for more details on planetary pairs #ad.)

Now if their Nodal opposition means that Washington's direction was upward, while Trump's is downward, this makes sense to me if not to you! After all, Donald is a scoundrel, liar, and a predator, while George Washington valued integrity and was born with the Sun in the sign of the Two Fishes (depicted in pencil above), one swimming upward toward the heights, the other swimming downward into the depths of degradation. To me this signifies that if an apotheosis should ever be attempted for America's Albatross, it will be fraudulent.

An Honorable President vs The Other Kind

And so at least one cosmic time link exists between what the Aryan Magas are trying to do with Election 2024 - and it's what they had planned for Election 2020 (Peter Navarro called it The Green Bay Sweep) but oops! Trump's mob outside the Capitol Building breached the Masonic edifice on January 6, 2021 and Donald's Maga coup attempt went haywire. For hours later, the Electoral College Votes were certified for President Joe Biden after all, and Donald has been pouting, whining, and lying ever since.

For he must condition his gullible voters for more whoppers to come and the unquestioning acceptance of the underhanded tactics that are necessary to steal Election 2024 for god-in-his-own-mind, the kingly dictator wanna-be, Donald Trump - as he continues promoting the primal violence and retribution of Pluto of the Underworld across the land.

And across George Washington's natal Midheaven where this particular Daughter of the Revolution asserts it does not belong.

A Previous Yet Related Post: The J6 Solar Return for 2025 with its forceful Mars-Pluto opposition and transit Pluto conjunct the natal Midheaven, the Point of Aspiration and Public Status, of the ascended George Washington whose cult of personality lives on and on and on.

Dec 13, 2022

Saturn and the 12N Eclipse of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Saturn in Cancer: Hypersensitive, Discontented - and with Family Aggravations

by Jude Cowell

As you've heard, Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted over the weekend at a Young Republicans event in NYC that, had she and Steve Bannon "led" the January 6, 2021 insurrection, they would have "won" (with guns ablazing as if there weren't guns - and deaths - involved already). My suspicion is that she must've meant that fascists like her and Steve could've pulled off the heist. CNN's Don Lemon has spoken of the brazen boast of violent uprising by Marjorie Taylor Greene in case you missed it.

And while it's true that Mizz Greene has appeared on SO'W once in October in a Mehdi Hassan video segment How the GOP Lost Its Mind, her boast of overthrowing the US government by 'armed riot' has made QAnon darling Mizz Greene's dream of grabbing power and control in the US House of Representatives (the 118th Congress) more obvious to the point that another post concerning my fellow Georgian, however reluctantly considered, must occur.

This is that post.

Marjorie Taylor Greene born May 27, 1974 Milledgeville, Georgia; Sun Gemini, Moon Leo or possibly in Virgo (her deep need for attention and leadership suggests a Leo Moon); birth hour unknown so 'noon' is used in the bi-wheel, below, her natal chart surrounds her 12 North Eclipse Horoscope:

As you see in the bi-wheel, Greene's natal planet of authority, authenticity, and realism, Saturn @4Can03, opposes her 12 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @2Cap40 indicating one who refuses to face up to their karmic obligations and blames their problems on other people (anyone but themselves - like Tr*mp, also born with a watery Saturn in Cancer with its Moon-Saturn signature). For karmic progress, the individual must face up to reality and correct problems in a responsible manner (R. Lineman). Let's not hold our breaths.

Because instead, Mizz Greene craves more power and authority once the 118th Congress gavels in on January 3, 2023 and, sorry to tell you, but the themes of her Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 North Saros Series support more than hinder her power grabbing efforts. Significantly for her zealous activities, Greene was born on a day when the disruptive chaos-creator planet of anarchy, Uranus, arose with starry Spica ('the spike') with its potential for brilliance and a cosmic connection to the Washington Monument, and thus, to the presidency! Could this ultimate power position be Marge's eventual goal? Her ego is certainly large enough.

Yet the thing is, such politicians are anti-democracy so apparently their hook-up with the global fascist-nazi movement now working to sabotage America into collapse and establish a fascist-style dictatorship is close to Mizz Marge's aim. Such saboteurs gnaw away at American Democracy from the inside, as we'll see when the House gavels in the 118th Congress, and continues making a mockery of the US government.

So here's an unmarked, printable Horoscope of her 12 North PE which manifested prior to the birth of little baby Marge; the chart is set for Milledgeville, Georgia on December 24, 1973 at 10:07:02 am EST, and its themes are listed, below, and notably, the initial 12 North Eclipse @28Tau38 (of May 19, 1613) conjuncts the IC, the Foundation and Root of the 1973 12 North manifestation which gives extra strength to its themes; additionally, there's a YOD of crisis and opportunity if one counts the Midheaven (28Sco45 - conjunct President Biden's natal Sun-Venus) with a Mars-Saturn sextile (with its talent for organization) at its base, and with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin); so the YOD has violent implications which are beyond the scope of this post - other than the above noted 'armed riot' remarks of Mizz Greene:

12 North Themes: 'Opportunities to accept greater respnsibilities come suddenly; new commitments appear due to another person's inability to carry on; events are difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12N occurred in January 2010 @25Capricorn, the next 12N occurs on January 26, 2028 @6Aquarius conjunct the US South Node of 1776.

And of course, 12N's "inability to carry on" reminds one of Kevin McCarthy and his deperate attempt to become Speaker of the House, yet said to be lacking the necessary votes, as reported so far. And considering the 'supportive' themes of her PE, I suspect you see what I mean about Mizz Greene.

Sep 24, 2021

June and September 2021 Mercury Direct and Rx in Air

September 24, 2021: With Mercury having turned Direct on June 22, 2021 @16Gem07:37 (5:59:52 pm edt), then stationing to turn Rx (retrograde) on September 27, 2021 @25Lib28:25 (1:10 am edt), we have the planet of communications, thinking, planning, discussions, messages and memes, teaching and studying, trade and commerce, magic, changing conditions, and all other Mercurial things performing tricks in the mental Air signs of Mercury-ruled Gemini and Venus-ruled Libra. Why, it's even possible that mind-changing may occur and lies may be told!

Additionally significant is the fact that Monday September 27th is the day that the US House of Representatives re-turns from summer vacation with many issues, plans, negotiations, and proposals to re-consider and, if any legislation should occur while Mercury is Rx, to re-read the fine print very closely paying rapt attention to all details. Looking ahead, we should note that Mercury turns Direct again on October 10, 2021 @10Libr08 and must (seemingly from Earth's vantage point) re-trace its previous territory until reaching and surpassing its shadow degree (25Lib28:25) in early November after which Mercurial matters can better progress and proceed.

So! Perhaps the Sabian Symbol of Mercury's stationing degree of "26Libra" (25+ rounded up) will add details to the 'House Returns' picture, and we'll also check out the opposite degree and symbol (26Aries) for it's the Illumination Point that provides additional unconscious or shadow-side information, for the curious. Naturally, 'the eagle' is a favored symbol for America (and for ancient Rome, and for other entities mentions of which are beyond the scope of this post.) Plus, a dove traditionally represents the District of Columbia and, of course, peace.

"26Libra": "An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One Into the Other" - "Keyword: ADEPTNESS; positive expression: unusually effective self-discipline; negative expression: unhappy vacillation between ultimate ideals and momentary desires."

Illumination Point "26Aries": "A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold" - "Keyword: EQUIPMENT; positive expression: an uncompromising independence and an inexhaustible drive toward self-discovery; negative expression: an obsession by ideas of no importance." (My italics.)

So that's symbolic info from Marc Edmund Jones in his The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. Now let's also consult Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala (#ad) for his Keynote analyses:

"26Libra": "The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise"; which potency, Rudhyar explains, "finds it difficult at first to adjust to its new world of perception and possibilities of action." And --

"26Aries": "Obsession by potentiality" which, "represents a new, higher approach to the use of polarized forces," and, he adds, "there are many levels of adept-ship" which to me, adds more than a hint of occultism to the Masonic Temple we call the US Capitol Building and its worker bees - whether all of them realize it or not.

And so, for those of us who wish to retain America as a democratic Republic, a "new higher approach" to our nation's current problems caused by the subversive infiltration by bad faith actors would be most welcomed by We The People while skipping over the "ideas of no importance."

Say, remember this from early 2008: Planet Mercury the Messenger gets a fly-by from Mercury?

Related: Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope.

Above image: the US Capitol Building {official portrait; public domain}; photo taken pre-January 6th attack by manic Trump zealots.

Dec 13, 2018

January 2019: Opening of the 116th Congress

December 13, 2018: For the congress-curious reader Ballotpedia provides 2019 congressional information such as members' salaries, Committee details, and more.

Last I heard, the 116th Congress of the United States is scheduled to open on January 3, 2019, probably at 12:00 noon ET, Capitol Building, Washington DC. Of course, swearings-in of new members will be a first order of business--and the Moon in Sagittarius denotes outsiders, or someone different in the House! And amazingly, these new members have lowered the average age of Congress by a decade and many of them are ladies (Moon).

A Little Astrology: January 3, 2019 noon est Capitol Hill

If this date and hour are accurate, some interesting midpoint pictures appear at that particular moment, some that involve the Midheaven ('MC'), Point of Aspirations, Goals, and Public Status as it passes over the Capitol Building. This chart works symbolically even if the opening hour changes so let's consider a few chart factors for this date which has quite often been the opening date of Congress--I know, because it's my birth date and as a child it seemed that Congress opened every year as 'a gift' for little Capricorn me. Silly, of course, but no one told me differently so I persisted with the illusion! For it seemed a small and private honor then but that was before Congress members broke the public trust they had had with the American people back then and began neglecting their constitutional duties. Now we see the hot mess that has brought to America.

Yet hope must forever spring! So let us consider some prominent chart factors and their potential expressions for January 3, 2019 at the semi-speculative hour of 12:00 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC with a few basic chart details penned messily upon the chart, plus, some natal placements of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (in blue) and Donald Trump (in lavender pink):

Rising is 18Aries14, appropriate for a new undertaking, plus, 19Aries is the Exaltation of the Sun degree (but also the Fall of Saturn degree--Devore). This places the natal Jupiter of Speaker Pelosi on the Ascendant--opposing the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump on Descendant. Financial quarrels rising! yet Jupiter also relates to Politics, ideals, and plans for expansion. And note that Venus in Scorpio leads a BOWL shape of all the planets which suggests to me that Venus represents Nancy Pelosi whose natal Mars is opposed by this Venus (see chart notes in blue, bottom left). It's a 'battle of the sexes' continued for you know what Speaker Pelosi said about Trump's manhood after their dust-up in the Oval Office over funding for his border wall and his threat of a possible "Trump Shutdown"!

Now Aries rising makes testy Mars the chart-ruler and therefore the ruler of the 116th Congress. Meanwhile, activist Mars @1Ari45, just past the Aries Point ('AP') of Fame and Recognition, has risen and is in the 12th house of Politics and Large Institutions such as the US Congress; can Back Room deals be far behind? No doubt some have already been proposed and accepted. Or perhaps 12th house Mars, a leader and trailblazer, (with guru Chiron @28Pis11--a mentor?) will act as a Secret Enemy of the behind-the-scenes 12th house variety. After all, The Leader, the Sun @13Cap01 is in 10th house near the MC (10Cap07) but surrounded by enemies--or are they henchmen? For restrictive Saturn @11Cap41 and powerful manipulator Pluto @20Cap41 (at critical degree) form a trio with the Capricorn Sun (also at critical degree) and we might wish to consider the trio's potentials within a midpoint picture--fading but still somewhat in effect due to the weightiness of karmic Saturn and karmic Pluto along with the solar importance of the day. Plus, the Sun's position in Capricorn marks the annual opposition to US natal Sun @13Cancer when plans and goals of the nation should be reassessed and altered if necessary in order to reach goals.

Saturn-Pluto = Sun: sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; privation; physical toil and over-exertion; physical separation. A closer midpoint picture exists at noon as well--Sun-MC = Saturn: the necessity to make grave or difficult decisions; reserve; a negative outlook (economic, I suspect, along with Everything Trump, plus, big donor/corporate interests interference). But another thing about the 2019 Sun: it conjoins asteroid Icarus who in hubris flew too close to the Sun in an escape attempt so that his wings melted. As you know, Icarus refused to listen to his papa (Saturn)! Yet does this Capricorn Sun surrounded by legal-eagle planet Saturn (Mr. Mueller?) and hidden-power Pluto (foreign and/or wealthy manipulators--saboteurs or assassins) actually represent on another level Donald Trump who is also an Icarus figure? Will he escape indictment and/or impeachment? (See today's CNN news about Trump's Friends Flipping on Him.)

Or does the Icarus archetype signify congress members whose wings are singed by standing too close to Trump (Republicans) or who will somehow stand in Big T's way as the congressional session continues (Democrats)? Perhaps all of the above? Not knowing as I type if the Mueller Report will have been released by January 3, 2019 and possibly sent to the House--or partially revealed to the public--these questions are impossible to answer with any certainty, at least by yours truly. Plus, Trump's tax returns by federal law can be demanded by the chair of the Ways and Means Committee without approval by the Senate, as House Democrats have promised - yet Astrology can't tell us everything.

By comparison, the 115th Congress horoscope for January 3, 2018 12:00 pm est showed evaluating Venus @11Cap56 in place of 2019 Saturn with Sun 13Cap16 (opposing US natal Sun in Cancer, did we say?) and primal Pluto @18Cap52 which activated the 1993 'New World Order' Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s with their 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) and Sabian Symbol for 18Cap: POLITICAL POWER (Jones) which implies foreign control or interference (ex: the City of London). It will interesting if tragic as 2019 proceeds to see what the idealism and plans of the progressive new members morph into as the riot act is read them by party bosses Pelosi and Schumer. If past methods hold, new members will be instructed that they will vote how they're told to vote but hopefully such strong-arming will lessen for the good of the American people who voted for a more progressive agenda than party hats have provided so far, their cotton-filled ears notwithstanding. Yet Ms. Pelosi has reportedly agreed to step down in 2022 so we'll see if the backlash against her speakership has abated for now in this generational clash.

Now with Mars as chart-ruler 'his' applying Ptolemaic aspects give clues as to how things will proceed. However, this Mars makes no applying aspects in the chart which emphasizes the warrior planet's sign and house position--Aries, his own sign, and 12th house of Politics and Karma so it looks like it's going to be an active, possibly pioneering, and secretive two years, folks, for among the new members of the 116th Congress there must be at least a few Aries-inspired ladies among them!

For more on midpoint pictures see: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, and Tyl's Solar Arcs.

Related posts include: Chiron to Aries Point and America's Chiron Return.

Jul 30, 2010

Rep Anthony Weiner's Rant in the House (video)

Oh you just know I have to post this rant from Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) from yesterday, right? He's calling out Republicans on blocking a bill that would provide free health care for those affected by the toxins of 9/11/01 and his performance gives new oomph and verve to my assertion that it's all Capitol Hill Theater, dahlink!

Actually, Weiner's asertion that the Republicans' objection to the bill on 'procedural grounds' is to give each other cover makes the point as well - anyway, check out this brief video if you've managed to miss it thus far - Weiner wasn't whining, he was yelling. Me likee.

It also illustrates that the continuing 'anything to make Obama fail' ploy of a frustrated, voted-from-the-White-House GOP isn't serving the American people well unless you're a frustrated GOPer yourself - then you may think it's peachy the way things are (not) going.

Well, if you are (and are for unknown reasons reading this populist, common good blog) then I sarcastically thank you for 8 years of Bush-Cheney and the neocon-Zionist wars that have bankrupted our nation and brought such grief and misery to the Middle East and to so many US soldiers and their families.

Bad show. Bad form. Bad politics.