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Showing posts with label Sara Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sara Palin. Show all posts

Jan 5, 2009

Palin problems again

Gov Sara Palin and her family are in the news again, this time for RNC-GOP meddling in a narcotics enforcement issue there in Alaska.

And if you're wondering: today Neptune is conjunct her natal Sun to the degree: '23AQ'..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws' which could refer to Russia just across her backyard.

But Neptune, the planet, refers to negative escapism such as alcohol and other drugs like marijuana or, in this case, OxyContin.

Sep 10, 2008

Sara Palin VP acceptance speech: video


Here are highlights from Gov Sara Palin's VP acceptance speech at the 2008 RNC. YouTube's videos of this speech seem to be in four parts so I'm posting this highlighted version.

Joe Biden, John McCain, and Barack Obama videos are posted just below...

Sep 6, 2008

link to Palin's RNC speech + LOE on McCain

The Washington Post website has about 9 minutes of Sara Palin's acceptance speech at the 2008 RNC in case you've been totally and completely out of touch.

Living On Earth is featuring the GOP-McCain-Palin stance on the environment with MP3s and transcripts of today's show. Check out Drill Baby Drill and more at one of my top three favorite radio programs, LOE.

Since Sara Palin doesn't believe human beings affect the environment, and McCain mysteriously disappears when important environmental votes come up in the Senate, I have to ask: these are 'conservatives'?

Conservatives should conserve! And we are to be, as Palin's Bible must surely say, stewards of the earth.

LOE's feature covers the GOP energy platform, Alaska and ANWR issues, McCain-supported cap and trade possibilities, alternative energies, James Woolsey's stint as energy and foreign policy advisor to John McCain+...this is the most comprehensive information on the GOP candidates and the environment you're likely to find anywhere.

Bravo, LOE!

Sep 5, 2008

Sep 4, 2008

Palin views Iraq war as religious: video

Here's a link to the Palin video at Huffington Post where she gives shout-out to the Iraq war/occupation as holy crusade...God's plan.

Now God's plan is behind everything, I agree. It's the arrogance of those who think they have the right to tweak it that grumps me up.

And they do it for narrow political reasons.

Great. More of that with McCain. Is that what we want?

Sep 3, 2008

RNC 2008 horoscope 9.3.08

The horoscope for this evening's Republican National Convention in St. Paul Minnesota set for 10:00 pm cdt is being used here due to its correspondence with the US Inaugural Ascendant (Jan 20, DC, noon) for as you see, 14Tau59 rises in this chart as it does for US inaugurations.

Midheaven is approximately three degrees behind the Inaugural Midheaven, however, but as you see, tonight's positions of the Pluto/Chiron and the Pluto/NN midpoints are conjunct Mc, the point which represents The Goal of the chart.

The global elitist pair, Pluto/Chiron, has been much discussed on this blog and on Jude's Threshold so I'll not go into it's plutocratic/corporatism/oppression flavors; Pluto/NN = connections with the powerful; karmic links; exerting powerful influence upon the masses.

Pluto/NN = Mc: dependence of one's future upon associations which influence objectives and may cause setbacks.

The 10:00 pm chart represents the culmination of the R-Party's evening although speeches may continue past the hour, and VP nom Sara Palin is scheduled to speak this evening in her first major national shout-out.

I believe the trio of Venus, Mercury (young person = baby?), and Mars signify Palin's expectant daughter, baby, and her future son-in-law who is to be in attendance tonight. Venus/Mars is, of course, passion and love. Palin may make some mention of her family's situation (Mercury is also communications, oration.) However, this trio conjuncts a difficult star, Vindemiatrix.

An Earth Grand Trine between the 10:00 pm Asc (which is, as noted, the US Inaugural Asc, the office of the president), Jupiter at his Direct Station degree 12Cap34 Rx, and the Sun/Saturn conjunction (which perfects today), shows benefits to the Republican Party's plea to be returned to the White House.

Four More Years! Crazy!

Jupiter's Direct Station on Sep 8 (12:17 am edt, White House) will be squared, as Jupiter is here, by the Venus, Mercury, Mars trio, indicating the 'obstacle' nature of the Palin family's revelation of the pregnancy and the issues of abortion, personal responsibility, and values voting which the circumstances have brought forward in the 2008 campaign.

Around the chart, some of John McCain's natal placements have been highlighted (red) with Palin's in green.

That McCain's health may be or become an issue within his presidency seems possible and although we may use Sun-Saturn to indicate a highlighting of authority (which it is - and asteroid Apollo is with them as well, the hero, sun god, colony founder, etc) I believe McCain's health is or will be involved partially because the Sun-Saturn conj is bracketed by McCain's natal Sun 6Vir02 and his n Neptune 16Vir03 so we have:

Sun/Neptune = Saturn: unhealthy or impeded blood circulation; an emotional affliction; inhibitions through illness or physical debility.

Of course, McCain can't lift his arms above his head due to POW torture and his skin cancer bouts are well known, so perhaps that's all there is going forward, but given his advanced age (Sun-Saturn) his past and present health issues may crop up sooner than expected.

But not to worry, says the GOP - we've got Pluto/Chironians on our side - and there's the Uranus/Pluto lady, Sara Palin ready to take the reins of control and continue the revolution and its radical reforms!

Palin's natal Uranus 8Vir43 and Pluto 13Vir28 are actually being triggered by tonight's Sun-Saturn conj as well...

Uranus/Pluto = Sun: making the highest demands upon one's physical energy; over excitement; a breakdown; strong emotional tensions; revolution; the urge for independence and freedom. (There are questions about Palin and her husband's past connections to Alaska's Independence Party who'd like to secede from the state!)

Uranus/Pluto = Saturn egotism; tendency toward autocratic leadership; pressure from others; toppled from position.

(You know of the probes into Palin's leadership style in Alaska, and she's been described as 'brittle' when 'crossed' and as one who governs by the GOP-honed "loyalty test" model of firing and, one assumes, hiring.

Palin's natal Sun, Mars are being veiled by Neptune 22AQ20 Rx, although it isn't noted in my chart scribbles here (it's been previously discussed) and perhaps more importantly tonight is the Moon (a woman; publicity) 3Sco36 which is conjunct transiting asteroids, Demeter (the mother), and Atlantis (misuse or abuse of power; where one feels doomed. ) Atlantis also relates as a stand-in for America herself.

Atlantis's power issues are spotlighted by Palin's speech tonight - perhaps not by the lady herself, but by commentators, bloggers, and others.

Demeter, is the more spirtualized mother archetype (than Ceres) so religious concerns about her daughter's pregnancy are part of the RNC delegates' and operatives' conversations and concerns, as well as in the media (although as I've stated before: leave the babies alone!)

I wonder if Rovian strategists are somewhat disappointed that Barack Obama and other Dems didn't come out with guns blazing on the mother-daughter issue, but Rs are making as much lemonade out of it as possible with their base and melding it with abortion issues.

If you click to enlarge you can see quite a pile-up of midpoints upon Palin's natal Neptune 17Sco49 including zealous Mars/Pluto...

Mars/Pluto = Neptune: cunning strategies; plotting rebellion; subterfuge. (all midpt pics: Tyl; Ebertin.)

There's much more to say about tonight and about this chart but I must mosey for drop by Jude's Threshold later on and on Thursday where I'll be posting more Political Astrology and where there's already some interesting Palin/RNC threads winding their way amongst the RNC nationalist slogans!

Aug 31, 2008

Sunday TV: Palin, Palin, and Palin

Idiot Box Morning:

Lindsey Graham just said to George Stephanopoulos that experience and judgment have to come together for the presidency and he seems to believe that they do in Sara Palin!

Candidates meeting a national security threshold? We still have one?

Joe Biden vs Sara Palin has an almost otherworldly flavor and should make an interesting show - but please, do not adjust your sets. You're now in the Twilight Zone so don't bother to squirm.

Wonder if Biden chuckled when he heard of his vice presidential peer? Will he wear kid gloves with Sara Palin? Does he own any?

Has jingo John McCain been wrong about Iraq and re-inventing the Middle East, a region which now has al - Qaeda in 60 countries after years of stimulation and vexation by Bush-Cheney policies and aggression?

Saturn calling: Palin is "back there with the flat-earth caucus," says John Kerry to Stephanopoulos. Kerry seems pretty hot under the white collar this morning much as he did when delivering his (for him) fiery speech at the DNC last week.

Now I know that the Dems can do no less than 'see an opening' with Palin's VP nom, yet it's all rhetoric, folks...just political theater, dahlink! Are you diverted?

Still, kudos must go to the McCain campaign which has garnered a lot of people's attention that was sorely lacking before last Friday's announcement of Sara Palin as VP pick while stepping on the DNC's shadow big time!

Just watch what they're up to elsewhere while the Sara Show is happily diverting most eyes toward her sparkling and fascinating direction.

News at Noon: Gustav is forcing Bush AND Cheney to 'skip' the Republican Convention 2008. Not quite the same as skipping out when Katrina came to call with responsibilities, but the best the neocons can do at the moment.

Should I insert: sigh of relief coming from the McCain campaign?

~:~ Update Sept 3: there's been a Palin limerick published at Lim's Limericks - I'm just warning you!

Aug 29, 2008

Palin ready to be demi-leader of the free world?

Yes I know the 'free world' is on the endangered species list but does Sara Heath Palin look ready to be in line for the US presidency to you?

Celebrity status vs Obama's celebrity status...are they trying to make us crazy?

I blame Reagan...he started it.

photo courtesy of AP, wonkette, and The NY Daily News.

Here's my post on Sara Palin's natal chart with some very interesting insights to be found in the post's comment thread.

McCain VP pick revealed on 72nd birthday

This morning the VP cat was let out of John McCain's political strategy bag with the announcement of Alaska Gov Sara Palin as his running mate.

Today we remember Hurricane Katrina with New Orleans now under threat of another storm, perhaps by Monday. I want to send out best wishes to the people of this great American city for their safety and protection in the coming days.

That we're in stormy times no one would deny, yet McCain's VP choice seems to indicate harmony as this morning's Leo Moon triggered asteroid Cupido whose keywords include:

corporations and corporatism.

Since the Moon is often used to time events in Astrology, please click above link to check out today's Moon/Cupido significance.

So it's Happy 72nd Birthday to venerable Senator John McCain! Sara Palin may turn out to be quite a gift for the GOP ticket.

Here are some notes with natal chart image on John McCain, born Aug 29, 1936 which you'll find over at Jude's Threshold.

~:~ all apologies are due! my posts on Obama's acceptance speech at last evening's DNC have had to be put into Draft mode due to Astrology software glitches plus the loss of my most recent Draft (thanks to Blogger.) Time zones switched back and forth, my animated chart feature crashed twice, and the uncorrected Draft is what I mistakenly published. Mea culpa! Seems 3 naughty monkeys were after me. Hope they stay away today...