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Showing posts with label Stars Over Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stars Over Washington. Show all posts

Mar 2, 2010

Time Warp Through the Rabbithole with Frederic Chopin

Whew! Just completed installation of new pc equipment after a wobbly crash last Wednesday evening (Feb 24) so I'm barrelling online to say, Still here, and so is Stars Over Washington!

And since the Art collaboration I've been working on these last weeks is in high gear now (and having been off the *interweb for a week so I completed new drawings for the '1st Annual International Astrology Blogathon March 19 - 21, 2010'), I must thither me yonder with little delay.

Therefore, it is with some measure of poised aplomb attained quite naturally through my complete reliance on the insights and analysing skills of one Julie Demboski that I highly recommend to you her interesting observances concerning the cosmic symphony playing over our heads this very Tuesday, March 2, 2010.

Well, it's good to be back @ SO'W...especially with so many of our infesting politicians running for cover! Skiddaddle, fraudulent crooks and varmints!

To be cont'd...


Fryderyck Chopin born March 1, 1810; 6:00 pm Zelazowa Wola, Poland:

Sorry my pc problems caused me to miss the 200th anniversary of Frederic Chopin's birthday yesterday (although a few conflicting dates exist) but this morning I happily caught Performance Today and heard a wonderful pianist playing Chopin on Chopin's piano in the house where Chopin was born. That was really something and was made more astounding for this reluctant astrologer (or perhaps for any other) because it provided a living link through music...from 1810 to 2010. Pouf! 200 years!

Now, 200 years = 200 degrees ('a day for a year' as in Scripture) so 200 degrees is equivalent to 20 Libra on the circle of the zodiac. (Each sign contains 30 degr and 200 contains 6 signs (6 x 30 = 180; Aries - Virgo) = 180 degr, plus 20 degr more = 20 Libra.)

So here's a peek at the Sabian Symbol for '20Lib' to see if its word picture might pertain to something that could please Frederic Chopin. Plus, you'll find '21Lib' (201 degr) mentioned in Chopin's bio at AstroDataBank. I did not read the bio before typing in the '200 degr = 20Lib' above but of course, one degree dissolves into the next like seconds on a clock face morphing into the next minute, and 60 minutes melting into an hour. Right?

'20Lib' = "A Jewish Rabbi" and '21Lib' = "A Crowd Upon a Beach."

For more info, I shall quote from Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac which gives a Symbol for '20Lib' (but not for '21Lib')...

'20Lib' = "Around an altar, on which the fire of sacrifice is blazing, the priests lay the sacred meal."

"An outstanding personality, innerly filled with light and warmth. There is a sincere religious spirit, exclusive of hypocrisy but not of earthly pleasures, prominent among which is enjoyment of good food. The other (chart) factors have to show whether this pious strain is likelier to inspire an ascetic or a sensuous mystic. In either case, the native may enter the clergy or, as a layman, lead an apostle's life.

Either in a cloister or in the world, the natives' ecclesiastical or worldly career stands under good auspices and even may prove very fortunate indeed, if backed by other indications of luck." (8th house Jupiter in Aries - jc.) "The support of highly placed people and the sympathy of learned persons will bring forth the native's otherwise unmistakable gifts, and his presence will appear indispensable to others."

Sad that composer-pianist Fryderyck Chopin died age 39, on Oct 17, 1849 of tuberculosis after settling in Paris (Sept 1831) and charmingly becoming part of an elite circle of social creatures with whom he arranged to teach music to their offspring, and entertain ritzy revelers during intimate candlelight suppers and other diverting amusements.

Which Symbol do I think more applies? Probably "A Jewish Rabbi" which may of course be considered to describe an archetypal image of a pope or priest. During his final lying-in, Chopin received the viaticum from Abbey Alexander Jelowick on Oct 14, 1849, passing away 4 days later. Plus, a rabbi is a teacher, and the maestro taught music lessons, as noted.

Upon Chopin's request, his heart was removed and placed in an urn and masoned behind a wall of the Church of the Holy Cross, Warsaw, an act meant to deliver a particular message into the Great Beyond, I think. It seems to me to be a 'time capsule of the heart' that goes along with the brilliant musical time capsule I experienced on the radio this very morning!


*the wordism interweb is freely credited to TV's Craig Ferguson.

No 'George Sand' has been mentioned or injured during the typing of this post.

Oct 4, 2009

Four DC landmarks spotlighted in 'The Lost Symbol'

Since the original focus of Stars Over Washington has been our Founding Fathers as Freemasons, the White Lodge we call the 'White House', and the Masonic Temple that is the Capitol Building, it seemed incumbent upon me as this blog's author to find a web site featuring the four Washington DC landmarks that form the setting of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, a book which isn't garnering the best of praise in many Amazon book reviews.

One review made a basic point about The Lost Symbol that I found particularly salient: that The DaVinci Code was an impossible act to follow. Now this was a novel that I appreciated quite well, but found the film more than a little disappointing - it seemed to 'peter out' near the end and amount to very little, imo. Aka, a let-down.

(A let-down similar to congressional sausage-making on Capitol Hill, but that's another plot line of more dire proportions for the American people.)

So are you up for intrigue set in DC from the pen of author Brown?

How about a real world tour of the four landmarks featured in the novel? Well, the above linked site has historical details, hours of operation, and addresses of the four which include The Library of Congress, the Washington Monument (a monument to phallic symbols everywhere), the US Capitol Building, and the Smithsonian, with its 19 museums, 9 research centers, and zoo.

There's even a link provided to DC's Metro for train schedules, the best way to visit DC landmarks...whether you've read the book, or seen the movie or not.

Dec 17, 2008

IE flawed, switched to Firefox

Guess you've heard the news - there's danger in Internet Explorer, Will Robinson, switch to any other other browser. Just don't throw me in the IE brier patch.

Therefore, I'm using Mozilla Firefox even though Stars Over Washington displays rather crazily with it - all the side column links, feeds, info, ads, features, are schmooshed down below.

Things sure look better with IE, but their 'patches' don't fix IE's weaknesses until further MS the brier patch must win the day and display the blog.


Aug 28, 2008

Stars Over Washington's Favored Visitors, come!

This is your chance: not to lead the nation, not to attend an Inaugural Ball, not to reform our broken political system, but to join Stars Over Washington's new Favored Visitors list in the Blogger sidebar.

Simply scroll below for a sidebar link which will give you the constant bloggish shout-out you so richly deserve!

Jude, your reluctant astrologer with a lamentable and totally unjustified interest in Politics (and I love to draw, too, so there's that)

Aug 16, 2008

Stars Over Washington has a new look!

Please pardon our progress but the Stars are morphing colors, fonts, and who-knows-what to update and give you something new to experience here at Stars Over Washington.

So far the changes have been easy to make for this non-techie (thanks, Blogger!) yet old buttons, ads, and links will need retaining as soon as I can figure out how to pollinate them from the classic template to the new one.

Sheesh! I almost like the old 'code creakiness' better - this drop'n'draginess will take some getting used to (although I use it without much effort at Jude's Threshold already.)

An Oddity: in Preview mode this post isn't displaying in there a problem afoot? Guess I'll Publish and see what happens.

Anyway let me know what you think of the new colors and design because things are still in the baby stage - and I hope today's Lunar Eclipse is good to ya!

Feb 11, 2008

Technorati answers my ping plea!

Yes, it's true--scroll just below to read about my longstanding Technorati ping dilemma which has now been repaired!

Stars Over Washington is freshly pinged and feelin' frisky with "sorry for the delay" apology happily accepted...

Thanks, spidaman!

May 17, 2007

SO'W's mysteriously invisible posts

Dec 2006's posts turned unviewable a while back so here are links to most of them:

Winter Solstice 2006

Blair's Plane Misses Turn in Miami

the 110th Congress

Jim Webb and Dubya Have Speaks

Alexander Litvinenko Dec 4 1962

Scaramella Arrested in Italy

Kovtun in Hamburg


Gates of the Pentagon

Dec 4 Full Moon

Best Political Joke of 2006

Bruce Reed on Michael Chertoff

what's onnn the menyooo? breakfast at the White House

Iraq sues over oil-for-food kickbacks

Investigation continues...if there are more mysteriously missing posts, I'll route them out asap.

imperialism's militarism

Evil Empire

Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?

By Chalmers Johnson

The United States, today, suffers from a plethora of public ills. Most of them can be traced to the militarism and imperialism that have led to the near-collapse of our Constitutional system of checks and balances. Unfortunately, none of the remedies proposed so far by American politicians or analysts addresses the root causes of the problem.

Read Johnson's article here:

Apr 8, 2007

at Stars Over Washington

It's been a holiday week/weekend with out-of-town guests to host and enjoy around SO'W and its environs. Hope your Easter and Passover have been perfect and still.

No SO'W posting until Monday...but here's a tidbit from Lim's Limericks entitled,Beware: Kitten in a Speedo which was posted earlier today--but only because of a certain Cat's insistence on purrfection.

Apologies to the Speedo Company.