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Showing posts with label Chalmers Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chalmers Johnson. Show all posts

Aug 22, 2012

"There exists a shadowy government--"

Chalmers Johnson, who clued me in a few years ago on such topics as The Sorrows of Empire, and Blowback wrote about what he called "the president's private army"--the CIA--in an article from 2007, Agency of Rogue.

Of interest to those who are familiar with America's so-called 'Sibly' natal horoscope (there's more than one) set for 5:10 pm LMT (July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) our nation's 10th house Saturn exalted in Libra and 9th house Neptune in earthy Virgo created a midpoint picture with natal Midheaven (MC = The Goal) which perfected in approximately 1780 (natal Saturn about 4 degrees from Neptune divided by 2 = Saturn-Neptune midpoint.) With controlling Saturn in Mundane Astrology signifying government, law, and business and nebulous Neptune's secret-invisible-shadowy things often masked or hidden (in America's case, 'in plain sight' apparently), we have:

Saturn-Neptune = MC: using inefficient methods when completed work is needed (Munkasey); peculiar loss of ambition; giving up or capitulating to demands of the environment totally (Tyl.)

Or we may simply say that The Goal for this nation was to set up and maintain a shadow government built on secrecy and deception which All the World sees at US natal MC! And you know, the more I read about how America's Great Seal images are based on Illumnati symbols (a secret society of Utopians who wish to demolish all governments and other civilized institutions and systems), I'm almost ready to believe just that even though it's difficult to accept that America's Founding Fathers were so crass as our present-day politicians or that they set up our nation to fail (Saturn in 10th house = 'fall from grace' if Saturnian themes are neglected as they've been--and fittingly, they weren't aware of Neptune in 1776.)

Who Else Knows About This?

As Senator Daniel Inouye informed us in 1987 (during the money-diverting, arms-dealing Reagan administration which helped fund and set up the following):

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from law itself."

That's one good reason why they tell us we're broke! And perhaps it partially explains why, in spite of millions of Americans protesting against the US government's preemptive wars, invasions, and occupations in the Middle East, We the People are seldom if ever listened to by our "representatives" who obviously dance to a different tune than of a government "--of the people, by the people, for the people," as President Abraham Lincoln described our country when closing his Gettysburg Address of 1863.


Feb 2, 2011

Ron Paul on the Lew Rockwell Show 2.2.11 (audio)

Rep. Ron Paul holds the first hearing of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee he'll now be chairing on February 9, 2011 and here he speaks with Lew Rockwell on several topics such as the Fed (and how they're appearing on lots of shows and writing defensive pieces of late, poor things!), changes that must come in US monetary policy, how you have to have cutbacks in empire, not just the welfare state, uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and how it takes young people to wage a revolution.

And as we've seen since conditions erupted in Egypt on January 25th (and in Tunisia prior), "The revolution will be televised." (Pardon my ancient reference. Must be my Flower Power Generation sensibilities peeking through...)

As Chalmers Johnson wrote in his book The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic, the final sorrow is economic in progress. :(

Thoughts of an expiring American empire with its over-reaching and over-spending (the American people into the alms house) always reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for '1 Sagittarius': " A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire".

And all this for the forced establishment of a lousy 'new world order'.

Note: For live coverage of the fast-moving events in Egypt, may I suggest It's 10:00 pm est here and around 5:00 am in Cairo (Feb 3, 2011) and it's being reported that at least four people have been killed "under heavy machine gun fire", plus, cruel Molotov cocktails are being passed around while shots are being fired in all directions.

Plus, here's a link to the Middle East section of al Jazeera (in English) and a live Twitter feed.

Nov 22, 2010

Rockefeller Study on 2010 - 2020 = "Decade of Doom"?

First let me say that I'm very sad to hear this moment on Amy Goodman's program Democracy Now! that scholar and author Chalmers Johnson has passed away.

His book The Sorrows of Empire is in my library and is an excellent resource for topics concerning the end of our republic. The economic collapse under which we now struggle is what Mr. Johnson termed the Last Sorrow.

And on a similarly difficult topic:

Since my work/blogging week is shortened by holiday considerations, I'm in a hurry and picking up a quick thread in the form of an article by Steve Watson published to Prison Planet on July 16, 2010 (article link provided below.)

It concerns a study funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network which lays out what they and their elite buddies envision for what they term the "Doom Decade" of 2010 to 2020, with the distinction between "developed" and "developing" nations no longer "particularly descriptive or relevant" by 2030.

Now I know you realize that beast worshipers play for keeps yet there will be many many people who won't realize how serious the power elite are about instituting authoritarian social control until the trap is sprung - even though many astrologers have been writing and warning about the period 2010 - 2020 for years now.

After all, timing is what Astrology brings to any table which no other system can provide...As Above So Below, and the planets proceed in their courses within the Great Cosmic Clock of our solar system.

Rockefeller Study Outlines "Doom Decade": Life For All But the Super Wealthy Will Be Hell On Earth


On a lighter note (I think!) is my just-created blog Woolly Mammoth Chronicles with news, info, and ode-ish poems concerning the proposed cloning of the prehistoric woolly mammoth. Because we don't have enough big things stomping about the planet to run from, right? Plus, you'll find an aptly named music video from 1985 embedded there. Guess which one? ;p

Jul 30, 2009

Time to liquidate the American Empire?

As an appreciative reader of Chalmers Johnson's encompassing book on America's global militarism, The Sorrows of Empire, it is always instructive to find Mr. Johnson writing on similar subjects out of what I believe to be a true patriotism - a patriotism of dissent born from a deep wish for America the Experiment to succeed along the lines of the principles our nation was founded upon, and the glowing and honorable mythologies we once proudly espoused but now have trouble hiding behind.

Obama's Empire: An Unprecedented Network of Military Bases That is Still Expanding

By Catherine Lutz

Asked why the US has a vast network of military bases around the world, Pentagon officials give both utilitarian and humanitarian arguments. Utilitarian arguments include the claim that bases provide security for the US by deterring attack from hostile countries and preventing or remedying unrest or military challenges; that bases serve the national economic interests of the US, ensuring access to markets and commodities needed to maintain US standards of living.

(It isn't working. Cash-strapped Americans pay for war while doing without timely dental care. Is this a fair trade when your jaw swells?)

Good Reasons To Liquidate Our Empire And Ten Steps to Take to Do So

By Chalmers Johnson

According to the 2008 official Pentagon inventory of our military bases around the world, our empire consists of 865 facilities in more than 40 countries and overseas US territories. We deploy over 190,000 troops in 46 countries and territories.


Undermining America has been a goal of the select few all along.

And as an astrologer (however reluctant with a tyrant 10th-house Uranus in Gemini), it was quite predictable in 1999, 2000, and beyond that I and yo mama would be called everything under the sun when I posted in Slate's The Fray concerning the neocon tendencies to rob our Treasury by fraudulent nation-building and other public-till raids, stiff US taxpayers with private costs made public, and undermine our nation's sovereignty until the ship slowly sinks into an ocean of oblivion.

Now swearing in type is not my specialty, but the Fraysters in Slate's forum at that time were great at it, so brashly puffed up almost as big as Bush the Eagle-Faced and Cheney the Balded-Pate ever were as they strutted about the coup'd White House - the pretzel-lovin' prez sharing cigars with Prince Bandar on the White House balcony as the Pentagon's embers sizzled and smoke arose in the distance, circa 9/11/01.

"To bankrupt America" was my answer for the oft-heard, 'Whys'? and the 'Why Do they Hate Us'? mantras, and for the rest of the soul-searching zeitgeist of the times.

But What Did We Do to Harm Anyone? We're fabulous! they'd assure themselves...'twas the arrogant America Can Do No Wrong attitude.

Meanwhile, back on the balcony, it was as if Bush and Bandar were celebrating something worth savoring, remember? And you know there had to be a heady wisp of compassionate conservatism wafting through the air along with the smell of what Cheney was cooking in the cellar.

Well, now it's 2009 so I ask you: what is wrong with Americans that we can't direct our attention, much less our energies, into the focused endeavor for which this nation now wimpers?

Guess I'll just mosey and read more of today's newsworthy Beer Summit reports that have captured many of my fellow citizens' imaginations when they're not busy playing with their phone apps or texting their honeypies.

Because you see: a president, a cop, and a professor walk into a bar...

Jul 3, 2009

Chalmers Johnson: US military bases expand

The Secret Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson is one of my go-to books for inside info on the roots of US imperialism, and July 3, 2009 has brought a report from Mr. Johnson on the escalating costs of new US military bases the number of which is being increased, not decreased, by this Democratic president.

To settle up, state governments in the US are sending out IOUs, many July 4th fireworks displays are cancelled, and the nation is hurting in a thousand ways, but the eagle-soaring imperialists continue to march America on toward perpetual war while charging US taxpayers for war expenses while the power elites pocket the filthy profits.

"All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it."

Alexis de Tocqueville

Don't look now, Monsieur de Tocqueville, but a political faction in league with the international banking system figured this out decades ago. Or else they've been following your notes and intend to keep the masses enslaved by the chains of perpetual debt.


Paul Craig Roberts has something to say about Mr. Obama's continuance of Bush's wars, too.

Mar 30, 2009

Bill Maher on the American Empire: video link

Here's a link to a video of Bill Maher concerning America as empire - yes, removing US troops from Iraq would only be the tip of the iceberg.

Is America "stuck" with an empire? Some elements of our government purposefully built it, but let Mr. Bill tell you his quirky yet truth-telling ideas.

The US has military bases in 150 countries. And Chalmers Johnson, in his NYT bestseller, The Sorrows of Empire (2005) provides a list of 'sorrows' the last one of which we seem to be in process of experiencing since 2008...bankruptcy. This a permanent war economy has wrought - with corporate greed and political corruption as the sauce ladled on top.

And so the current financial crisis is intricately linked with Pres. Obama's plans to escalate the war in Afghanistan (which I have previously stated is 'a very bad idea') and will only make matters worse as it ramps up jihad recruiting against the west and, if you care about personal and national finances, negates the possibility of ever knowing fiscal responsibility or prosperity again.

George Bush and Dick Cheney tossed our economy into the dustbin with their upping of hawkish imperialism and I hope and pray that Barack Obama is as smart as he's said to be. It simply cannot make sense to continue our nation's global dream of running the world while being the most hated nation on the globe - and retain a sovereign nation with any resemblance to a United States of America that any sane, free person would like to live in.

To quote Chalmers Johnson:

"The economic consequences of imperialism and militarism are also transforming our value system by degrading "free enterprise," which many Americans cherish and identify with liberty. Our military is by far the largest bureaucracy in our government. Militarism removes capital and resources from the free market and allocates them arbitrarily, in accordance with bureaucratic decisions uninfluenced by market forces but often quite responsive to insider influence and crony capitalism."

He then goes on to detail how on March 10, 2003, the US government invited 5 engineering companies to submit bids for post-war building in Iraq. You know the main offenders: KBR, Cheney's old company as a subsidiary of Halliburton, and Bechtel, which Mr. Johnson says has "half-century-old connections to the CIA and to high-ranking Republican politicians."

No wonder Congress and the Republicans in charge were so gung ho for invading Iraq. One may imagine that several Democrats in Congress held portfolios full of Bechtel and KBR shares as well. And I had thought the Bush-Cheney war was illegally perpetrated in part to interrupt Hussein's oil black market that France and Germany had been profiting by. Two birds, one stone, and topple Poppy's old nemesis, too?

As Chalmers Johnson continues, "Virtually all contracts coming from the military reflect insider trading."

He then quotes Robert Higgs, a senior fellow in political economy at the Independent Institute, summarizing the military-industrial complex as: "a vast cesspool of mismanagement, waste, and transgressions not only bordering on but often entering deeply into criminal conduct...The great arms firms have managed to slough off much of the normal risks of doing business in a genuine market, passing on many of their excessive costs to the taxpayers while realizing extraordinary rates of return on investment."

Well, there we go! And if the military-industrial complex (as wielded by the one-world-government acolytes who have coup'd our nation) isn't reformed, or better yet stopped in its hoof-tracks, any tactics, legislation, and bailouts attempting to 'repair' our broken economy will be but a drop in the militarily-siphoned bucket.

So I want to sign off with two quotes on the subject from past presidents who warned us best they could in 1796 and again in 1961. But as it turns out, the power-hungry ones with black-hearts can read, too:

"Overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican liberty."

President George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

And here's the ignored advice you've read many times over:

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience...In the councils of government, we must guard against the unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process. We should take nothing for granted."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address, Jan 17, 1961

Misplaced power was sought. Disaster has risen. And unless the madness is curtailed, bankruptcy is on America's menu.

Oct 14, 2008

Time to Liquidate the Empire?

Liquidating the Empire

By Patrick J. Buchanan

With U.S. markets crashing and wealth vanishing, what are we doing with 750 bases and troops in over 100 countries?


US Secondary Progressed Full Moon...December 2008 4Vir/Pis10...end of an expansion cycle, lessening light.

Chalmers Johnson's book, The Sorrows of Empire gives a lot of information on America's military bases - and it's stunning how the octopus has encircled the globe.

Yet it is, after all, only a natural law, a cycle...what goes up comes down again and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. But the jokers in Washington - including 99% of the ones who about to sweep in for their turn at the trough - aren't up to the task of humility and that is what will make the process of lowering our expectations and simplifying our wants even more painful than it has to be.


You're lost on a shadowy trail through thick, brambly woods on a dark, moonless night. On every side wild animal calls raise goosebumps on the back of your neck and you've been warned that a bottomless pit of quicksand awaits the hapless.

As you creep down the path not knowing which way will lead you to oblivion, gentle wings flutter as a white dove alights near you with a message tied around its neck.

Striking your one remaining match, you take the hopeful message from the timely messenger and read the words: you're going in the wrong direction...turn back NOW.

What would George Bush do?

May 17, 2007

imperialism's militarism

Evil Empire

Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?

By Chalmers Johnson

The United States, today, suffers from a plethora of public ills. Most of them can be traced to the militarism and imperialism that have led to the near-collapse of our Constitutional system of checks and balances. Unfortunately, none of the remedies proposed so far by American politicians or analysts addresses the root causes of the problem.

Read Johnson's article here: