Job Interview! Whose Saturn Fits the Bill?
by Jude Cowell
October 23, 2020: My deep suspicion is that pretty much everyone knows by now that astrological Saturn is the planet of responsibility, reliability, dependability, maturity, realism, Time, gravity, accountability, limitation, restriction, flaws and fears, efficiency, seriousness, concentrated thought, fulfilling (or neglecting) demands and commands, studiousness, learning/teaching lessons, work, laws, rules, regulations, policies, perseverance, endurance, and other such sobering, often difficult things. Plus, we know that karma, loss, and several physical characteristics also apply to multi-dimentional Saturn but let's not fret over it just now because this post is for comparing/contrasting the natal Saturns by sign and aspect condition of Donald Trump, the incumbent, and Joseph Biden, the challenger, opposing one another on November 3, 2020 as they vie for the job of US president.
Pretending this post is a job interview of the planet of responsibility and work (even though it's the Electoral College that decides the victor, not We The People), we know from the outset that Saturn functions well from mental Air signs but not as well from emotional Water signs and is, in fact, in his detriment in Cancer because it's the sign opposite Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.
Now perhaps you'll agree that the role of President of the United States ideally calls for the more sobering traits mentioned above, and some would say that such seriousness and maturity have been lacking for nearly four years now. Be that as it may be, let us proceed to consider the proclivities of former VP Biden's Saturn in Mercury-ruled Gemini vs the current figurehead, Donald Trump, and his Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer - the first suggesting a Mercury-Saturn signature, the second with Moon-Saturn on its resume.
That both men are of a Saturnin age must please the planet of old age! Or at least it's no disqualifier for political office as far as Saturn the senex is concerned:
General notes on folks born with Saturn in Gemini: a logical, practical mind; well-disciplined; dependable; honest (for the most part--Mr. Biden is a politician, after all); reasonable; organized; adaptable; objective; intellectual; can manage well within systems; interests in Math and Science; prefers that things be well-defined (ex: clarity in contracts); a resourceful finder of solutions; wisdom through duress; philosophical; possible speech impediment such as stuttering; the nervous system.
Joe Biden was born with a wide conjunction of Saturn (7th house) and Uranus (6th house) suggesting willpower and perseverance; an applying sextile between Saturn and Pluto denotes one who requires details before making decisions; control issues require positive channels for best expression; priorities are self-reliance and financial security; opportunities (sextile) in work and career matters (Saturn) are provided by higher (hidden, wealthy) powers (Pluto in the corporate 8th house).
General notes on folks born with Saturn in Cancer: early family environment results in emotional inhibitions that lead to estrangement from family members and/or others; the parental unit may have been cold and austere causing emotional scars, depression, and an inability to trust; extreme emotional sensitivity, a touchy ego, defensiveness; a protective emotional shell forms (Cancer the Crab scuttles sideways to avoid uncomfortable situations/loathes being challenged); a lack of warmth in relationships; security concerns (Saturn rules walls, fences, and borders!); a deep need for respect and approval from others; domestic strain and financial problems; a sluggish metabolism leads to excessive weight gain and water retention; an unusually strong materialism (heightened by a deep fear of poverty). The Moon-Saturn signature also relates to ambitious plans and strategizing often based on unconscious motivations and emotional needs.
Donald Trump was born with a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. Discontent in relationships can be an excuse for disloyalty and unfaithfulness; concerns with justice, fairplay, and loyalty are evident - for Trump this is supported by his Jupiter in Libra through which we hear his cry of, "It's not fair!".
So! If you were the one hiring, and considering the dire problems America now faces, which fellow do you think would more efficiently and responsibly handle such a difficult job at this moment in history?
Birth Data Used (assuming accuracy): Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA (RR: A); Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Jamaica, NY (RR: AA).