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Showing posts with label The Crusades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Crusades. Show all posts

Nov 1, 2023

Eclipse of The Crusades to the Holy Land

The Crusades (1095--1291): a 17 South Eclipse Affair

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Officially, the never-ending battle between Christianity and Islam began with the Council of Clermont held November 17--27, 1095. Of significance is the speech by Pope Urban II on November 27, 1095 with his "call to arms." Or as we might say or tweet in our day, things will be wild, which qualifies as Trump's "call to arms" against the peaceful transfer of power from his nibs to President Joe Biden. Forcefully taking control being the goal in 2021 and in 1095.

Then you may remember that some participants in the violent melee of January 6, 2021, instigated by insurrectionist Trump, said that fighting to defend the US Congress and Capitol Building that day felt "medieval." Obviously, similar destructive energies were at work, past and present, but can Astrology reveal a cosmic time link between America's current religious zealots attempting to forcefully change our secular government (separation of church and state: unlike the Vatican--see 'Roman Empire' link, below) into a fascist-adjacent theocracy under figurehead Donald Trump (or one of his ilk) - and the religious zealots of the 11th century?

17 South: 'success in groups and relationships; good news' -B. Brady

Why yes, it can! And it's the Solar Eclipse Series in which the Council of Clermont was held and Pope Urban II's "call to arms" speech of November 27, 1095 which resulted in what we call The Crusades: the 17 South Saros Series which manifested prior to the Council and Pope Urban's "call to arms" speech. The Eclipse occurred on September 1, 1095 @14Vir19. Fast-forward to today and 17 South's repetition occurred as the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse which brought the US and the world Trump's malevolent escalator prez bid announcement the morning of the June 16, 2015 New Moon, with his racist remarks intact (text).

So here are the horoscopes I'm using for this post: first the initial 17 South Eclipse @9Gem56 which carries energies of a rebellious Saturn-Uranus square bolstered by a violent Mars-Pluto square, and a delusional Venus-Neptune square; these multi-square energies are passed on to all subsequent 17 South eclipses despite its pleasant "good news" and "success" themes - when times and conditions support such difficult energies:

And here's a dual image showing the 17 South Eclipse of 1095 (lower left) and 2015 (upper right):

Meanwhile, current-day religious zealots such as House Speaker Maga Mike Johnson, Raphael Cruz (Ted's poppa), Maga Rep. Lauren Boebert, and Trump-supporter Pastor Paula White are part of 7 Mountain Dominionism a movement which seeks to take control of America in the areas of family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government - what they term the "7 Spheres of Society." Biblical texts from Isaiah and the Book of Revelation are used to justify a mandate to take over the world, they think - and devil-may-care what it takes to bring on Armadgeddon (as if God works bwo their timetable!).

Thing is, this particular religious delusion began in 1975 with a vision from God which makes me wonder what vision they'll promote once the visionary and prophetic influences of the Great American Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series manifests on April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 - conjunct priestly Chiron, the Christ archetype in Astrology - also @19Ari24. Plus, this position conjuncts America's Chiron of July 4, 1776 @20Ari08 = "21Aries: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring." It's all unsettlingly synchronicitous, isn't it?.

A Knights Templar Link to 2022

Then another cosmic time link exists bwo the Knights Templar founding's Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE'), the 6 North which repeated on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; accepting new commitments due to another's illness or unreliability' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Their 6 North of November 4, 1138 occurred @18Sco37 opposed by Pluto Rx @18Tau11 which suggests 'animalism, barbarism, and criminal offenses' (R. Lineman) so if you'd like to set up a horoscope of the Knights Templar's 6 North Eclipse, try 3:06:50 pm LMT, Rome, Italy, or set the chart for the Vatican, if you have those coordinates.

Now in closing, dear reader, perhaps we might agree that there's quite a significant thread of cosmic time links shown here by eclipse cycles and the historical cycles, conditions, and events that they rhyme with. And eclipses cycling around again on the karmic 18.6-year Nodal Axis gives humanity opportunities to better deal with events and conditions than before - if karmic progress is the goal.

Speaking of the Vatican city-state of authoritarianism see the Roman Empire: New Order Horoscope set for January 13, 0027.