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Showing posts with label The Resistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Resistance. Show all posts

Nov 6, 2024

Moon, Jupiter, America 2024

by Jude Cowell, still a partisan for the common good

By now the world knows that Donald Tr*mp has coup'd the White House and will be inaugurated into office (his hand on the Bible? How so? Will it be held upside down?) via the Presidential Oath to protect and defend the US Constitution, the freedom document he plans to toss in a trash bin, our civil rights with it. Only czarish oaths to his nibs will have any meaning for Mr. Tr*mp and for VP Vance who will follow him - Vance, put in position by billionaire Peter Thiel. Members of the billionire class have invested a lot of bucks and have big plans for Mr. Vance.

To astrologers not enthralled to the harsh authoritarian mindset, Be Ready To Defend America even as we look back with sad disbelief at yesterday's election and the November 1st predictive New Moon in Scorpio, sign of betrayal. On a personal note, my uncles who fought Nazis in WWII and my Revolutionary War ancestors who sacrificed, fought, and died to help set up this country are cruelly dishonored, if they could know about this fascist coup. Instead, I must know on their behalves. And so I write SO'W for 18+ years while hoping for a better America.

As for Eclipse Cycles repeating through the years and rhyming via similar historical events, 2024 Eclipses are repeating from 1934 in the 8 North and 8 South Series, the year that Herr Ad*lf became president of Germany, if you get my drift; here's the horoscope with astro-notes penned on:

No, our fight for freedom and democracy isn't over, it's beginning!

Yet with the current fascist ascension, we must expect a time of trouble with wild cards such as El*n Mu*k and B*bby Kenn*dy, Jr lined up to take over various departments of government to kleptocratically ruin and embezzle what they can. That's if faithless Tr*mp keeps his promises to them. Subsequently, a Large Looting will ensue with or without them, so a global financial crash is expected, and the crypto-currency hoax will be favored to undermine the US dollar.

Then another cash cow for thieves will be our social safety net programs, now at risk more than ever before, and this itself will undermine the US economy since consumerism and buying power will be significantly reduced or taken away. Obviously, much suffering will result for seniors and others, and America's enemies will be so proud of their favorite insurrectionist fox back in the hen house where he can commit the American Carnage he threatened on Inauguration Day 2017 (horoscope shown). Plus, as you know, the Catholics on the Supreme Court gave him a pass for criminal acts. Word is, prosecutor Jack Smith has closed his investigations of the orange felon and has packed his bags.

Election 2024

So! Very badly done, male voters of America - and the Latino voters who pulled up the ladder behind themselves. You succumbed to the influence of the brooding Scorpio Moon of Inauguration 2017, and allowed moneybags Jupiter in duplicitous Gemini Rx and moving back and forth among Tr*mp's 10th house Sun-North-Node-Uranus trio to seduce you and pretend to add to your bottom lines. Good luck with that, you'll need it with the orange grifter back in the White House running roughshod over our society, animated by the revenge on his mind. You assume that you and yours will be spared his wrath but that's yet to be seen. Look up "cut off nose to spite face" in the dictionary and there you'll be.

Plus, even more women can ble*d out in parking lots for lack of health care, chumps.

Yet another factor may be that the traditional apathy of the American people took over and voters stayed home on the sofa so that others could do the lifting. We discussed this in a vintage Jude's Threshold post concerning the unconscious Uranus-Neptune square of July 4, 1776. (Count their positions backward from Neptune @22Virgo to Uranus @9Gemini; the post displays a Scorpio Rising horoscope but the positions of both planets are the same). This hidden square seems to me to be one of multiple astrological indicators influencing yesterday's pivotal situation, and others past, present, and future.

And though it's beyond the scope of this post, we can even look back as far as certain Jamestown Colony conditions of 1619 if we have the time and interest to do so.

Now here's a bit about the Sabian Symbol of the (2017 and) 2025 Scorpio Moon/s:

9 Scorpio+ rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Ties": "FRATERNITY; negative expression: surrender of individual distinction and exaltation of naive animality" (Jones). However, the "fraternity" may not be the pro-society kind, more like the hooded kind.

Additionally, here are Horoscopes of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses that influenced Election 2024 and which continue to do so. The first perfected in muddle-headed Pisces, then the 8 South Solar Eclipse manifested with its difficult themes of loss, separation, and sad partings (B. Brady). Astrologers warned but not enough voters listened. Or, too many voters are fans of racism, sadism, Plutonian animalism and criminality on steroids, as it turns out.

Meanwhile, a target is on the US Constitution, as you know, so it may be significant that the freedom document's next Jupiter Return occurs in 2025 - on May 19th to be exact. The document's current return period began on June 5, 2013 @25Gem22 - and Jupiter was conjunct South Node (1Can09) in 1787, with mundane Jupiter being the planet of freedom, freedom of movement, a freedom movement, expansion, and exploration. Yes, Election 2024 Jupiter is in Gemini, as noted, but retrograde. This backward condition did not aid the Harris-Walz Campaign with its freedom slogan and campaign song by Beyonce.

Full Disclosure: here's what I posted in the middle of the night after the American Albatross was declared victorious: An America of Stupid, Self-Destructive People. Obviously, I was feeling very fussy. Were you?

A Related "forewarned is forearmed" Post: Orange Albatross Plans an American "Kristallnacht". If you voted for him and a similar monstrosity occurs, you voted for it.

Oct 22, 2018

October 24, 2018 Full Moon in Taurus: a Hunter's Moon

October 2018 Hunters' Moon? Politicians Are Predators for Our Votes!

by Jude Cowell

The October 24, 2018 Full Moon @1Tau18 conjunct disruptive Uranus has found a path across the Internet, not the least because it is the last lunation ('Syzygy Moon') prior to the November 6th Midterm Elections which are pivotal for any successful resistance to Trump's anti-democratic agenda via a Democratic blue wave or, better yet, a blue tsunami.

So perhaps you've already seen the DC Horoscope of the October 24th Full Moon (horoscope shown with details) but if you're looking for a non-political, more personal assessment, there are multiple online astrologers to oblige. Here are a three links to excellent Oct 24th Full Moon posts for your consideration and in no particular order:

Celestial Space by Depali Desai; Horoscopes for the October Full Moon in Taurus by Rachel Celeste Hansen on 2018's Hunter's Moon; and Full Moon October 2018 by Dark Star Astrology.

Now, since this is 'Stars Over Washington' let's consider potentials of the Moon-Uranus combination of energies in the realms of Politics and Business as detailed by astrologer Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets but beware: some of the following may remind you of a certain individual:

Thesis: An enterprise with great insight into the needs of its people, yet one which has a very unusual way of showing care and appreciation toward its population; unconventional rulers with an emotional flair.

Antithesis: Leaders who rule at whim with little sense of how their enterprise is seen by the rest of the world; an emotionally immature person placed in an important and visible leadership role.

Feb 24, 2017

April 2017 Progressions of Our American Revolution Planets

Recently we discussed how, beginning in 2016, transit Neptune @11Pis11 has been in process of conjoining the Prenatal Solar Eclipse that preceded the American Revolution (third of three conjunctions on Feb 16, 2017) and considering how active within The Collective (part of Neptune's realms of the Unconscious) astrological Neptune is these days with its eroding and falsifying influences, its off-and-on lack of aspects to other planets, and its Piscean 'Final Dispositor' condition (all comes back to watery, oily, gaseous, poisonous Neptune) in many recent horoscopes, perhaps a peek at the current progressions that issue from the American Revolution natal chart is in order for clues on how the energies of our founding Revolution have evolved in 2017.

Now you've certainly noticed that the words and concepts of "revolution" and "resistance" have been popping up more frequently in public discourse under the administration of one Donald Trump (who isn't as popular as he imagines--his Mercury-Neptune square distorts reality for him). In America there are currently at least two groups formed against Mr. Trump and his policies: The Resistance movement, plus, an organization called Indivisible.

As a timing device, Secondary Progressed (SP) Moon in any chart provides useful information and can help zero in on when events may occur. Below is the SP Horoscope of the American Revolution dated April 6, 2017 12:30 am 'LMT" in Lexington, Massachusetts where the American Revolution's First Shot Heard Round the World was fired. The date and hour result from SP Moon precisely conjoining SP Saturn @19Lib37 in the 11th house of Groups and Alliances and you may recognize the degree's closeness to US SP Mars Rx @18Lib+ (since 2006--our police state of militarized police forces, secret wars, civil, voters', workers', and women's rights under threat of rollback, etc):

The Hour belongs to Saturn and as you see, SP Mars of warring fame nears SP Pluto of control and coping fame in the 2nd house. Fixed stars are not used in progressions but the ones conjoining these SP planets are entered on the chart to suggest their 1775 positions progressed to our current era.

Related Posts: Feb 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses (charts shown are set for Washington DC) and The Horoscope and Quest of Thomas Paine.