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Showing posts with label Trump's natal Mercury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump's natal Mercury. Show all posts

Dec 13, 2019

Astro-Notes Dec 13, 2019: House Votes to Impeach

December 13 2019: At 10:07 am est until 10:11 am this morning in Washington DC, a Roll Call Vote was taken in the House of Representatives resulting in a 23 D vs 17 R vote to impeach Donald Trump on two Articles of Impeachment: Abuse of Office and Obstruction of Congress.

During the vote, the Moon (the public; publicity) and the transiting North Node (public contacts; destiny) met in conjunction upon the natal 11th house Mercury (8Can51) of Donald Trump suggesting much public attention focused on the proceedings with an emphasis on his words and transactional endeavors (Mercury: communications, commerce, trade, lies, duplicity).

Other significant cosmic events occurred during the proceedings such as wounded healer Chiron Station Direct and turning Direct 11 hours 19 minutes prior to 10:07 am est @1Ari26:01--stationed upon America's natal IC in our 5:09 pm LMT horoscope of July 4, 1776. As you know, in our late afternoon charts, US Chiron is in the 4th house of Roots @21Aries: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" - we began with Revolution - and I know that every American has heard our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution mentioned upteen times during this dreary political saga among other founding principles: 4th house foundational and structural matters under attack and thus, wounded.

Related, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning transit Chiron to Aries Point (3 times from 2018 into 2019) along with the quirky Trumpian Sun-Uranus combination of energies via Michael Munkasey's expertise and use of the Hegelian Dialect:

"Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits." (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, MM).

Now House Impeachment Day's various cosmic events affecting the natal chart of Donald Trump also include but are not limited to: Sun @21Sag17 conjunct natal Moon (and his South Node--lack of popularity) and opposing his natal Gemini Sun-North Node (in natal 10th house of Public Standing) which contains culmination/fulfillment vibes (Sun to Moon). Sun opposite natal Sun is meant to be a time when we reconsider our course and goals for the year and correct them if needed--little if any chance of such wisdom a la Trump. Also transit asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) @24Sco06 conjoins Trump's natal IC and no one needs Astrology to inform them of how Mars-rising Trump the Vengeful will react to impeachment.

(But for helpful ideas on this topic we can always turn to a year-old Randy Rainbow parody song and 'interview' with Trump If You Ever Got Impeached.)

Another cosmic event this morning was a significant midpoint conjunct Trump's Sun and thus his Moon: Saturn-MC with potentials for: 'falling into states of depression or psychosis; lack of courage to face life' (except by bluster, deception, and distraction! jc); 'insufficient powers of defense; worry; sickness' (Ebertin). Add 'inability to get over one's losses', and 'suffering from the consequences of wrong actions' (Neptune-MC = Saturn, planet of lawmakers and attorneys) and the picture becomes fuller. Obsession joined the impeachement party this afternoon as the Moon @10Can37 conjoined and activated the themes of the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the over-excessive 3 North Saros Series: 'news which transforms a situation' and that may involve 'a young person' (Brady). As you know, old man Trump has been assaulting 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg this week.

Plus, when it comes to serial enemy-maker Trump we should note that today's Nemesis @22Vir53 (divine retribution--another reference to retribution; the unbeatable foe) conjoins America's natal Neptune, planet of the masses, the media, propaganda, confusion, fraud, loss, deception, and idealism.

What else the Nemesis-Neptune conjunction may portend is your guess as good as mine.

Related: DC Horoscope: The 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry (horoscope shown) in which ambassador Bill Taylor testified and asteroid Taylor conjoined the Midheaven!

Aug 21, 2018

Astro-Notes on the Natal Mercury of Donald Trump

The Objective Truth and Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

To my March 2018 post concerning the natal Mercury of Donald Trump and its position of '8 Cancer' in Carelli's Degrees (which is spot-on if you haven't read it), here are some basic facts about Mercury in Moon-ruled Cancer which seem to me to particularly apply to Donald Trump who continues to tease about sitting down for an 'interview' with Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the ongoing RussiaGate inquiry. For as you know, astrological Mercury, our mutable and changeable 'tofu planet', rules many things...among them: the mind, thinking processes, teaching and learning, speech, hearing and all the senses, interviews, testimonies, perjury, negotiations, oaths, decisions, news, gossip, tweets and communications of all sorts along with commerce, trade, travel, and theft:

Mercury in Cancer indicates a mind that is influenced by deep-seated emotional patterns and desires which cause one to look at some facts while ignoring others. This allows bias, prejudice, a lack of objectivity, and incorrect judgments to result. A good memory may be denoted due to the emotional intensity associated with various thoughts and learning often occurs through osmosis rather than by traditional teaching methods. The osmosis accounts in part for his tendency to 'listen to the last thing he heard someone say' and then to spout it as his own thought which can change in a flash due to high susceptibility to the thoughts, opinions, and attitudes of those in his environment (ex: FOX News). Emotional appeals hold particular sway over Mercury in Cancer's thinking with patriotism on the top of the list (Cancer = home, homeland, family, mother, women, real estate, nurturing such as food, comfort, familiar surroundings). As you must have noticed, Mr. Trump exhibits 24/7 the Mercury in Cancer trait of believing that whatever is done or spoken within his environment is directed expressly or exclusively toward him.

Supremely subjective (and with me-first Mars rising), Trump also suffers from being stuck in the past with slights and injuries forever remembered (or imagined) although they may have blossomed beyond recognition into worse than was ever intended; meanwhile, present reality becomes distorted to the point of neurosis and a morbid imagination may be one of the outcomes.

If Mercury in Cancer is negatively afflicted as is his by a square from natal Neptune in Libra, untruthfulness, deceit, and a self-created fantasy world are prevalent such as we see through Trump's Mercury afflicted (squared) by nebulous Neptune, planet of lies, falsehoods, deceit, fraud, loss, misconception, fantasy, tall tales, self-deception, gas lighting, and confusion. These Neptunian effects are made stronger due to the fact that the square from Neptune is his Mercury's only planetary aspect so no other planet adds what could have been a speck of objectivity to his thinking via 'tofu planet' Mercury which soaks up whatever it touches. For Mr. Trump, it only soaks up watery urge-to-merge Neptune!

And as astrologer Alan Oken aptly terms it, a Mercury-Neptune square is an aspect of "The Sneaky Mind" and whether the secretive Mr. Trump tells lies unconsciously or not, Hillary Clinton's natal Mercury-Saturn square in the White House would have been more serious, studious, and fact-based than the morass of deceit, betrayal, and disappointment America stews in now as stirred by Donald Trump--these days always operating in pearl-clutching mode because he can't keep up with all the lies he's told and is afraid to be challenged over his many tall tales.

Recommended Reading: The Astrologer's Handbook by Sakoian and Acker.

Above photo: speedy little Mercury (NASA)