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Showing posts with label Trump Impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Impeachment. Show all posts

Oct 2, 2023

Baseless Impeachment Undermines US Authority, says Saturn

Enemies of America Busier Than Ever

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When the Impeachment of President William J. Clinton took place on December 19, 1998, House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his Republican comrades thought they were destroying the Democratic presidency of the 42nd President of the United States. Two articles of impeachment were entered: lying under oath (about an illicit sexual affair!) and obstruction of justice (aka, standing in the way of his Republican opponents' goal of removing him from the White House).

Yet with 'Bill' a highly popular president, the American people were having none of it so Republican machinations against Mr. Clinton, unsubstantially based to begin with, didn't turn out to be as harmful as they'd intended. Hillary had outed the "vast right-wing conspiracy" but it needed more practice to achieve its anti-societal aims. However, certain results did occur, and of these I fuss today!

Fuss because the Clinton impeachment campaign (and his unsavory behavior - but no "high crimes") undermined the reputation and authority of America and of the US Presidency around the world by the late 1990s and into the New Millennium. With the weakness of the Republican impeachment argument against President Clinton, the GOP went a-searching for justification just as they've attempted in 2023 - and have become laughingstocks.

A Tarnished Political Party - But Which One?

Back then, America's authority and reputation were tarnished by zealous Republican anarchists - just as the GOP-MAGA zealots try to do now against Democratic President Biden via his son, Hunter. And during both periods of time (1995/96 and 2023), GOP efforts to shutdown the government while they stew in tantrum mode occurred (more damage) and are occurring in order to make their Democratic rival for the White House 'look bad' at the 2024 election. Radical reactionary GOP-ers are really quite predictable, aren't they? No good policies from them for the American people, only malicious obstructionism and spiteful schemes of sabotage (exs: J6; government shutdown; Project 2025).

Pouty McPoutfaces then, Pouty McPoutfaces now

President Clinton's second Inauguration occurred January 20, 1997, and 1998 was also a very eventful year as US SP Saturn was getting underway in backward, inwardly turned motion; therefore presidential authority had subtly shifted and was not as 'looked up to' as our exalted Saturn had been. After all, an impeached president isn't a 'good look' for a boastful America, leader of the free world, as we styled ourselves. Of course, symbolically, US Saturn had progressed from Libra into Scorpio some time back but that's beyond the scope of this post. The point here is that by progression, US Saturn stood still in a manner of speaking, on January 4, 1997, changing direction - and that particular point in time is what you see in the horoscope, below, with a real time transit chart underneath showing Saturn conjunct Aries Point +1 degree:

And below are the planets at 9:09 am EST on January 4, 1997 Washington DC ('Trs' = transits), 16 days prior to Bill Clinton's second Inauguration. Wonder if Bill ever thanked the Republicans for re-electing him!

Saturn Rx Energy: Washington a Law Unto Itself?

So given the importance of karmic planet Saturn when it comes to authority, accountability, reputation, authenticity, limitation, consolidation, and other things such as government, law, and business, America's 1776 Saturn, exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, suggests that the US system of justice has also been affected by Saturn retrograde by progression and, symbolically, no longer in Libra. Plus, Saturn represents the safety urge and with its energies turned inward toward isolationism, little if any concern may be shown toward the consequences of America's actions which are often taken independently. On some levels, SP Saturn Rx reminds me of an unaspected Saturn, capable of acting without conscience in a lawless manner, never mind the collateral damage.

Now if any of these Saturnian shifts and conditions suggest to you the feeling that many Americans have noticed in recent years - that our national leadership, and others in authority (CEOs, etc), act as if they're above the law, domestically and in the world, while wearing a mantle of authenticity - then sorrowfully, dear reader, I must say that you and I appear to be on the same page.

And so! In November 2024, let's not further lower the US presidential office and America's standing in the world by allowing a convicted criminal and fraudster to take the helm of the Oval Office, agreed?

Feb 6, 2020

Will Trump's next acts of revenge seal his destiny?

February 6, 2020: Only a question or two for today's post: Will Trump's next acts of revenge bring his downfall? As you've heard, he's said to be plotting against those who dared impeach him and attempted to remove him from the Oval Office and his vengeful character is well known. Besides, establishing a dictatorship requires abject loyalty and submission on the part of your subjects. Not your loyalty or submission, only theirs.

Born an eclipse child (meaning a person with an eventful life), Donald Trump has many irons in many fires but even he is subject to the natural law of karma. It just may take longer for his karma to become evident in a public way. Of course, impeachment is part of that process yet he's still standing, at least for now. Yet the old adage that 'the bigger they are the harder they fall' may soon apply. Please note that I personally take no glee from this because as Trump goes so goes America--and I suspect that even a fake POTUS qualifies.

Never a pristine snowflake and possessing a destructive temperament, Mr. Mars Rising is reportedly Compiling a Nixonian 'Enemies List' as He Seeks Revenge for Impeachment with John Bolton said to be Trump's top target. Are Rep. Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi his numbers two and three? Where on the list is Mitt Romney, the Republican who upheld his conscience and voted against him?

Meanwhile, for now it's true that Trump enjoys major success and benefits in large part due to royal star Regulus rising with his contentious Mars (a malevolent pairing for Regulus), yet the star's caution is very clear--and resonates with karma's decree that he will reap what he sows.

And so my primary question continues unanswered, at least for the moment:

Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?

Feb 1, 2020

2020 vs 1789: Senate "Acquittal" Vote and Congress

February 1, 2020: Yes, changes are certain to occur between today and the proposed Senate Vote to "acquit" Donald Trump scheduled for Wednesday February 5, 2020 at 4:00 pm est, last I heard. Below is a bi-wheel horoscope set for that date, Capitol Building (symbolic location), but for 4:56:10 pm est in case the vote isn't taken at precisely 4:00 pm--and because it is the moment that scofflaw Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) rises over Capitol Hill on February 5, 2020 (see 4th house). And wherever goes his Pluto of the Underworld goes his destructive Mars-Saturn midpoint, a picture of brutality, fury, destruction--and intervention of a higher power (Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds potentials for, 'extreme measures against those who cannot defend themselves adequately, intense energy toward goals, and/or respected activities are corrupted'.

Bi-wheel: Congress 1789 in center with outer Senate "Acquittal" Vote February 5, 2020. Some of Trump's natal placements are penned on and highlighted in green, and a few US natal placements are added as well--but there's not enough space on the page for all of them!

Now one consideration on the possibility of a date change is that Trump is said to be none too pleased (aka, angry) that his fake acquittal vote will come after his February 4th SOTU 2020 address so he may demand a change of date to make his boasts and gloating more timely--and he'll call his deceptive utterances "the state of the union"! Of interest in the SOTU 2020 chart and the Senate Vote chart is that contentious Mars @22Sag11/45 conjoins Trump's natal Moon (and South Node) suggesting heated feelings close to the surface, a fast pace of life, hasty actions, and the potential for temper tantrums.

The Mars-South-Node connection adds more antagonism and conflict to the picture, plus, not caring what others think or do, questioning society's militaristic values or group actions, and conduct that's out of harmony with societal norms. What else is new from Trump, right?

Well, we expect that the level of Trumpian revenge will rise as he expresses his Mars Rising energies bolstered by royal Regulus rising - he'll think he has a right to take revenge on all who've opposed him and dared to air his crimes and low character which includes anyone of either party who voted or spoke against him. However, he is not The State whether he chooses to believe it or not! And this, in spite of the caution of Regulus we've discussed many times before: 'success if revenge is avoided, otherwise all that has been gained will be taken away'. But as you know, so far Moscow Mitch has managed to protect Trump from the consequences of his actions. Yet maybe the time approaches that the "intervention of a higher force" will bring in Trump's karmic harvest and he will finally reap what he's sown. Yet if censure of Trump is all the Senate can muster, so be it, for censure will fit quite nicely with Trump's perpetually impeached condition.

After all, you see transit Saturn @25Cap36 (demand for accountability, legalities) conjunct Congress' natal Midheaven ('MC'--the goal) suggesting conservative politics but also the possibility of a fall from grace. If the latter, the US Senate's deceptive actions and subsequent failure to hold a criminal president accountable should rightly haunt them at 2020 ballot boxes across the land (Iowa votes tomorrow via caucus!). Still, Mars (conjunct-Trump's natal Moon-SN) in Congress' 8th house leads a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets, suggestive of Trump, and his determination to succeed (and retaliate).

Then as you see, Congress' 9th house of Legal Affairs (and of Foreign Lands: manipulation from a distance?) holds the powerhouse trio of Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter with 2020 South Node nearby. And the 10th house Sun @16AQ33 nears 1789 Pluto, always a combination of energies seeking and wielding power and control. Thing is, 2020 Saturn and Pluto have already opposed 1789 Jupiter Rx (@19Can57 in 3rd house) and 2020 Jupiter soon will--exact when Jupiter reaches 19Cap57 on or about March 3, 2020, marking a peak of expansive or exaggerated energies when no one is impressed with congressional efforts--and ideals clash. Actually, I already feel unimpressed, don't you? Perhaps in part because in January I had a Jupiter Return! Or more likely because Congress is particularly missing their We the People marks these days, mostly or fully due to Republican obstructionism. Yet November 3rd approaches and a massive Blue Wave is needed for best results because GOP election rigging must be overcome!

For some levity and mockery concerning these dire topics and more check out last evening's Real Time with Bill Mahrer in a segment called New Rule: Do the Wrong Thing with Bill's advice for Democrats (some of which is on the racy side).

So as you see, there are a zillion more factors to discuss in both charts but since this is a post not a book, I'll stop fussing for now and hope that you, dear reader, might discover them for yourself, keeping in mind the 3 South Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Senate "Acquittal" Vote and the eclipse's traumatic transformation and sudden endings of relationships themes.

And as always, please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes and do leave your on-topic insights and comments with this post as you wish! jc

Dec 13, 2019

Astro-Notes Dec 13, 2019: House Votes to Impeach

December 13 2019: At 10:07 am est until 10:11 am this morning in Washington DC, a Roll Call Vote was taken in the House of Representatives resulting in a 23 D vs 17 R vote to impeach Donald Trump on two Articles of Impeachment: Abuse of Office and Obstruction of Congress.

During the vote, the Moon (the public; publicity) and the transiting North Node (public contacts; destiny) met in conjunction upon the natal 11th house Mercury (8Can51) of Donald Trump suggesting much public attention focused on the proceedings with an emphasis on his words and transactional endeavors (Mercury: communications, commerce, trade, lies, duplicity).

Other significant cosmic events occurred during the proceedings such as wounded healer Chiron Station Direct and turning Direct 11 hours 19 minutes prior to 10:07 am est @1Ari26:01--stationed upon America's natal IC in our 5:09 pm LMT horoscope of July 4, 1776. As you know, in our late afternoon charts, US Chiron is in the 4th house of Roots @21Aries: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" - we began with Revolution - and I know that every American has heard our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution mentioned upteen times during this dreary political saga among other founding principles: 4th house foundational and structural matters under attack and thus, wounded.

Related, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning transit Chiron to Aries Point (3 times from 2018 into 2019) along with the quirky Trumpian Sun-Uranus combination of energies via Michael Munkasey's expertise and use of the Hegelian Dialect:

"Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits." (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, MM).

Now House Impeachment Day's various cosmic events affecting the natal chart of Donald Trump also include but are not limited to: Sun @21Sag17 conjunct natal Moon (and his South Node--lack of popularity) and opposing his natal Gemini Sun-North Node (in natal 10th house of Public Standing) which contains culmination/fulfillment vibes (Sun to Moon). Sun opposite natal Sun is meant to be a time when we reconsider our course and goals for the year and correct them if needed--little if any chance of such wisdom a la Trump. Also transit asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) @24Sco06 conjoins Trump's natal IC and no one needs Astrology to inform them of how Mars-rising Trump the Vengeful will react to impeachment.

(But for helpful ideas on this topic we can always turn to a year-old Randy Rainbow parody song and 'interview' with Trump If You Ever Got Impeached.)

Another cosmic event this morning was a significant midpoint conjunct Trump's Sun and thus his Moon: Saturn-MC with potentials for: 'falling into states of depression or psychosis; lack of courage to face life' (except by bluster, deception, and distraction! jc); 'insufficient powers of defense; worry; sickness' (Ebertin). Add 'inability to get over one's losses', and 'suffering from the consequences of wrong actions' (Neptune-MC = Saturn, planet of lawmakers and attorneys) and the picture becomes fuller. Obsession joined the impeachement party this afternoon as the Moon @10Can37 conjoined and activated the themes of the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the over-excessive 3 North Saros Series: 'news which transforms a situation' and that may involve 'a young person' (Brady). As you know, old man Trump has been assaulting 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg this week.

Plus, when it comes to serial enemy-maker Trump we should note that today's Nemesis @22Vir53 (divine retribution--another reference to retribution; the unbeatable foe) conjoins America's natal Neptune, planet of the masses, the media, propaganda, confusion, fraud, loss, deception, and idealism.

What else the Nemesis-Neptune conjunction may portend is your guess as good as mine.

Related: DC Horoscope: The 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry (horoscope shown) in which ambassador Bill Taylor testified and asteroid Taylor conjoined the Midheaven!

Dec 2, 2019

Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King? - Thom Hartmann

December 2, 2019: With the House Judiciary Committee's phase two of the Impeachment Inquiry of Donald Trump looming over the country beginning Wednesday December 4th at 10:00 am est (rising Saturn-Pluto = Ascendant @20Capricorn: being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances; separation--Ebertin), here's a belated Thom Hartmann segment from Thom's program posted November 14th which asks a very good question, Do Republicans Want To Be Ruled By a King?

Nov 25, 2019

Trump Impeachment Gallery of Rogues and Knaves

With current events spawning within a seriously compromised Washington DC and piling one upon another in squirming fashion, I'm ready for a round-up of related posts in an attempt to place the culprits, goons, rogues, knaves, and complicit compadres of Trump into some sort of order bwo certain previous posts, plus, a few ladies to mop his beleaguered brow.

And please note that there's a 100% chance that the lens of Astrology will be utilized:

The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump.

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named Secretary of State.

From 2007 Rudy Guiliani May 28, 1944 (only a sunrise natal chart) and 2018's Rudy's Sun Gemini-Moon Leo plus Eclipses (links to his A-rated natal horoscope).

Astro-Notes: Stephen Miller.

Don McGahn's natal planets (noon horoscope shown with May 21, 2019 transits).

Gemini Sun Bill Barr.

Astro-Notes for Kellyanne Conway (still clinging to Trump's coattails and spinning!

On the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse and Aspects of Roger Stone, the recently convicted and perhaps soon to be pardoned.

Some links between The Natal Horoscopes of Capone-Manafort-Trump. Also see Paul Manafort: The Ram and the Bull.

Horoscope: FBI Raids the Office of Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen who now sits in prison for doing what Trump directed him to do.

Astro-Chart Round-Up: Ivanka, Don Jr, and Eric. And Dual Natal Charts: Ivanka and Jared (noon charts shown).

In the Realms of Jupiter: Steve Bannon. Plus, Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising.

And remember the very lovely Hope Hicks? She wishes you wouldn't! Horoscope and Astro-Notes on Hope Hicks.

In addition:

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry.

Crimea, Scheat, and the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction.

The erosion, deceit, and conspiracy theories continue inspired by The Republican Party's Neptune Return (conspiring Neptune in shady Pisces, of course).

Horoscope: Russia - Flag Raised December 25, 1991.

Trump's opinion of bragging politicians 1999 !!!

Republicans brag about handling Putin !!! (see Thom Hartmann video number 2).

From December 2016 (we were all so much younger then): More Cronies Added to Trump's Koch-Head Cabinet (video).

And last but hopefully not least, the ever-popular Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump? which includes a link to Trump's natal chart for those who dare.

Nov 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry

Image: A speculative '10:00 am' Horoscope for the 1st Public Impeachment Inquiry into Donald Trump scheduled for November 13, 2019, probably opening at 10:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC. US diplomat to Ukraine William Taylor is expected to present a damning case against Donald Trump--and note that personal name asteroid Taylor @22Lib53 sits atop the Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of the chart and of the inquiry. Also at MC are starry Arcturus and Spica (the spike), and in L'Enfant's original plan for the District of Columbia, Arcturus represents the White House while Spica is the Washington Monument, or, the presidency as archetypally modeled for us by George Washington.

Asteroids America (10th house), Columbia (5th house), and Washingtonia (7th house--conjunct US natal Mercury Rx @25Cancer) are penned inside the chart as well; opposite Washingtonia is Hopi (ambush or prejudice) conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (1st house). The chart's Vertex @10Leo, a point of fated encounters, points directly toward Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02), his Underworld planet and part of his natal midpoint picture of which to be afraid--Mars-Saturn = Pluto: brutality; rage, fury; murder; death of many people -Ebertin). As you know that Trump has already caused tragedies for many. That's his creepy, subversive Pluto in egotistical Leo.

Just crossed the 10:00 am MC is Trump's natal trio in Libra: Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter. He of the speculative ventures, fraud, and grand schemes of bubbly proportions (aided by his natal Mercury-Neptune square of fantasies, lies, inability to learn, and confusion). He's having morbid thoughts now (Mercury-Neptune = Saturn @16Cap23 in 1st house).

Lower right is marked transiting Icarus (who flew too high) @24Scorpio39--conjunct Trump's natal IC of Endings (round up to "25Scorpio" = "An X-Ray"). What is an impeachment inquiry if not an x-ray, a scrutiny looking beneath surfaces? As you see in the 12th house, Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction has already risen so his next natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem53) all the way over in the 6th house of this chart (unmarked). His North Node, then natal Sun in perverse Gemini soon follow Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos. And notice that the transiting North Node @9Can16 (conjunct hellish Hades!) still points in the general direction of the current 3 North Solar Eclipse ('PE" marked in red) with its 'news that transforms a situation'/'large plans are wanted--but don't get carried away' vibes (Brady), news that the first and other inquiries are certain to provide.

Now sprinkled around the outside of the horoscope, highlighted in blue, are a few of Trump's natal placements (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY), plus, there's US natal Moon (We The People; the public) in 6th house with the Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy @26AQ26 sitting atop it/us. I can feel the weight of plutocrats' boots on our backs, can't you?

Edit January 24, 2020: this month the Pluto-Chiron midpoint by transit has conjoined with America's natal Moon (We The People) in late Aquarius. Ouch. Exploitation and power abuse. Both perpetrated and experienced.

At 10:00 am "30 Sag" rises ("The Pope Blessing the Faithful"--and I'm sure he does) so let's not forget that a key player in Trump's so-called administration is pretend-AG Bill Barr, an ultra-right ideologue they say in league with Opus Dei. This gaggle of gangster kleptocrats surrounding Trump don't believe in democracy (asteroid of democracy, Ceres, is rising with passionate Eros, the piercing) so why are we allowing them to sabotage America? Besides, starry Acumen also rises with keywords: attacks which weaken and I sincerely hope that this and other political performances we're being 'treated' to these days bring a loosening of the grip around the necks of decent people the world over by global mob syndicates, networks of gangsters, bankers, corporatists, and other criminal elements banded together and now clawing and grasping for total control.

That my expectations for our nation's better future are very high, I know. But what better can a Child of the Revolution pray for?

Jun 2, 2019

Clinton vs Trump Impeachments: cosmic time links

History Rhymes: Clinton 1998 Impeachment vs Trump ~?~

by Jude Cowell

An annular Solar Eclipse prior to The Impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 manifested @28Leo47 in the 19 North Saros Series on August 22, 1998. In the news now, comparisons are being made between the Clinton impeachment and the potential impeachment of Donald Trump with many pundits saying there are differences. A basic difference is that the investigation of Bill Clinton began with a land deal but for Trump it began with Russia interfering with and corrupting the 2016 Presidential Election on behalf of Trump, Putin's favored candidate--and with Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey in a Trumpian attempt to stop the investigation in its tracks. Additionally, in 1998 Clinton was a popular president, today Trump is not.

So let's consider 19 North themes, plus, a few of the cosmic time links between the August 1998 eclipse and the natal planets of Trump who was 52 years old in 1998. Note that a 19 North Solar Eclipse last manifested on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo and is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the Clinton Impeachment and both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 as we've previously discussed:

19 North Themes: 'realism, coming down to earth, becoming aware of a situation for what it truly is, a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now right away, I know that the eagle-eyes of both SO'W readers notice that the 1998 eclipse conjoined the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump, a cosmic condition which made the 19N eclipse personal for Trump then, and, imho, continues to make it so now.

And it seems apt that eclipse Neptune Rx @00AQ01 in August 1998 conjoined and obfuscated our nation's POTUS Sun (January 20: Inaugural Sun 00AQ+). This echoes the recent US progressed ('SP') Sun in mid-Pisces being masked by transit Neptune in Pisces (also discussed here before). We also see this plainly by the fact that 14 Pisces is the position of the Republican Party's natal Neptune (1854) with Republicans shielding Trump's every move and making excuses for his flaws, his hateful rhetoric, and his racist ideas and policies. In Pisces, Neptunian deception and fraud run rampant! Yet Neptune undermines and weakens, too, along with bringing various contagions and floods to the world.

As for Trump's natal planets, to me the prominence belongs to two transits:

1998's eclipse Venus (10Leo38) conjunct Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02 in his secretive 12th house of Politics and Karma), a period when strategy must be used in order to exert or regain control over events and conditions yet there is danger of idle flattery disrupting or preventing success. As we know, Trump is a seducible man with an ego easily manipulated by false flattery--and dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un know and have used this very well.

Yet the stronger 1998 transit to Trump's natal Pluto is tr Uranus opposing his Pluto--partile at the moment of the eclipse! (10AQ02 oppo 10Leo02.) When transit Uranus opposes natal Pluto, generational clashes occur in respect to how finances and resources are handled, societal movements disrupt, challenge or even eliminate the power and power structure of The Establishment (similar to destructive Pluto in Capricorn now), and coping well with shifts in political and social institutions becomes a societal and personal issue.

In Politics, the Venus-Pluto pair of energies relates to potentials for extremes of private wealth hidden away, attracting and attraction to elements of organized crime (which threatens certain US politicians and others dumb enough to step into a syndicate trap), those who want to transform natural beauty (oil drilling in parks and offshore comes to mind), and/or a breakdown within the social fabric of society (Trump and the GOP are working hard on that as I type).

Uranus-Pluto potentials include riots that bring changes in governmental policies, disruptive intruders, strikes and labor movements, rebellion, and/or "sudden new criminal acts" (Munkasey).

So whether political pundits find comparisons and/or contrasts between 1998 impeachment conditions and those of 2019, 2020, and beyond, there are cosmic time links then and now via the 19 North Saros Series and the activation of Trump's natal Pluto in vain Leo--unaspected, menacing, and identifying a man who is over-shadowed by shadows--in his 12th house of Self-Undoing and Hidden Enemies.

Feel free to check out The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021. Or, America's First Impeachment of 1868. And please Share if you care!