Great Depression Quotes 1929 vs 2008: Have We Learned Anything? is a fascinating list of headlines and quotes from 1929 to 1931 replete with parallels to the 2008 Bail Out Bill of Hank Paulson and his political enabler, George Bush.
The information contained here makes tarring George Bush with the Herbert Hoover brush a natural thing to do, and you'll especially love the full spectrum of optimistic 'expert' remarks with mainstream media's well-timed cheer leading attempts to manufacture consent for bailing out...wait for it...Wall Street.
So have I personally learned anything from the list of quotes?
Oh Yes. I learned that the culprits and heisters of 2008 lifted their scripts almost word-for-word and their stage directions from what their predecessors said and did in Hoover's day even while propagandizing that the current meltdown "
isn't the Great Depression"!
And of course they knew what they were doing, all wide-eyed and innocent - with Bernanke an admitted student - 'expert' - of the Great Depression.
So if you read, read to the last entry where the
New World Cooperation propaganda rears its Gorgon head...July 12, 1931.
We now know the monster as the New World Economic Order, or
NWO for short.
After all, it's been the knitting together of national economies in the last decades that has made a
world economic crash possible.
Bwa ha ha...the better to rule you with, m'dear.
Now For A Little Astrology:Checking the chart for July 31, 1931, noon, Manhattan, NYC, NY to get a little flavor of the times, we see Sun 19Can20 conj Pluto 20Can24 (critical degree '20Can' is Pluto's heliocentric North Node degree, an excessively powerful point in the zodiac and often involved when power plays are afoot.)
Opposite, also at critical degree, is Saturn 20Cap01 Rx which forms two Cardinal T-square patterns with Uranus 19Ari18 at apex, the outlet for this enormous energy.
Here are their midpoint pictures with the usual 'all, any, or none' limitation:
Sun-Saturn = Uranus: fluctuations; unusual circumstances; crises; imprisonment; separation; mourning; nervousness; inhibitions; a clash between the old, established ways of doing things and the new.
Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses; an ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult circumstances; sudden acts of violence. (Tyl; Ebertin.)
As apex (focal) planet in a Cardinal T-square, Uranus acts as social catalyst, a role 'it' was born to play. (Uranus, or Ouronos, = a place, not a 'he' at all, but
the sky.)
This catalyzing action is on behalf of collective reform and general social progress with radical disruption of Saturn's status quo the goal. (And Saturn is strong in his own sign of Capricorn.)
There is a strong urge to break down and shatter whatever impedes this 'progress' toward new ideals. This can be the social misfit that is purposefully out-of-tune with the established order of the environment.
Or, acting as radical reformer political groups, this is the law-unto-oneself type of entity where
the will is defensively detached from all outer considerations. (How else can they cause misery of the masses and still look at themselves in the mirror?)
Highly intuitive, this apex Uranus uses insights with others to expose human frailties to themselves in a manner that compels them to radically alter their lifestyles. (Now there's a pretty good description of the effects of a staged economic meltdown - and with much media assistance ad nauseum.)
Positively, an apex Uranus can represent a social visionary with a charismatic power able to liberate mass consciousness from obsolete collective patterns of expression. (It took FDR's charisma for that. Hoover had none.)
The Cardinal (outgoing, initiating energy) quality of the T-square refines the apex Uranus to the role of a self-proclaimed social activist and head crusader for some current group cause or
mass movement.
Abruptness may tend to alienate or intimidate those upon whom reforms fall. This reformer is prone toward excitement, vigor, and a straightforward approach yet too-sudden moves may appear illogically inconsistent and contrary to plans that are already set in motion.
Yet with staid Saturn involved, a measure of restraint and self-control is evident - yet there is danger of a build-up of active, compressed pressure which eventually must vent itself with an authoritarian flavor.
Inaugurating sweeping social changes was on the agenda in 1931, but within existing social structures. And the radicals' need for ultimate power and control are marked by the presence of both Saturn and Pluto.
The New Millennium has timed the breakdown of 'existing social structures' with 9/11's Saturn-Pluto opposition conjunct America's ASC/DESC axis (
16 The Tower in the Tarot deck), and now with the manufactured meltdown of the economic crisis of 2008+.
Plus, on May 28, 2000, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction), the two
social planets that affect financial cycles at their core, was very important in the scheme of things, so naturally I noticed that wounded and wounding Chiron on July 12, 1931 was conj the Jupiter-Saturn 2000 Conj degree...
'23Taurus'..."A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels" which has associations with greed, theft, loot, and rewards.
Yes, Republicans (Jupiter) and Democrats (Saturn) had a big planning session in May-June 2000 as they looked toward their shared millennial goals.
And now, by the trillions, jewels of wealth and ultimate power are falling into certain elite laps - just as they envisioned so long ago. Quite a pay-off!
Apex Uranus details:
Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney.