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Showing posts with label global governance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label global governance. Show all posts

Jun 1, 2017

Why Is CERN Going to Bilderberg This Year? video

June 1-4, 2017: Bilderberg Meeting Chantilly, Virginia; for your consideration:

In case of deletion here's the video link published by Truthstream Media.

Related Astrology: Moon Tracking Bilderberg June 1-4, 2017.

May 27, 2017 Another informative Truthstream Media video: These 100 Secret Societies Prove Who Really Rules America (57m27s).

Dec 3, 2015

The 'X' Zone Radio Show w Rob McConnell - Guest: Leo Lyon Zagami - audio

Since the creation of Stars Over Washington ten years ago we have discussed such topics as the 'new world order', the push toward global government, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. Here Rob McConnell interviews once again Leo Lyon Zagami on such topics:

Related are two broadcasts by Max Igan: Rebalancing the Matrix and Illuminati Mind Control, Spells, and Illusions.

And here is a modern natal horoscope of the New World Order based on the third of three Great Conjunctions in 1993 of Illuminati planets, Uranus and Neptune, @18Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Tragically, as transiting Pluto, planet of the Underworld, assassination, sabotage, and death, moves even closer to an exact conjunction with the 'NWO' degree of 18Cap, we will--and already are--seeing and experiencing an increased number of acts of violence, catastrophes, and disasters in and against the Collective--some events finagled by the power elite, some perpetrated by 'lone wolves' and 'domestic terrorists' with serious mental and emotional problems. And yet are some of the perpetrators fighting against the 'new world order' -- or for it?

Aug 5, 2015

"Americans are hungry.." for Government that Works for Every Citizen

"Americans are hungry, indeed starving, for candidates who will take action to ensure that government works for every citizen, not just those who are able to write big checks to candidates, parties, and political action groups." — Miles Rapoport, Common Cause

The above excerpt is from Facing $5 Billion Campaign, Hunger for a '21st Century Democracy Agenda'.

Pathethic, isn't it? That the democracy, the republic, and the Enlightenment principles our ancestors fought and died for have been under attack from usurpers whose goals include a dismantling and collapse of all civilized institutions, a "drowning" of the US government, and the anti-constitutional establishment of a draconian global government where freedom, independence, liberty, human rights, and personal conscience dissolve as an anti-sovereign regime grasps power in its hot little claws.

Many people feel it these days especially with *Pluto in process of returning (in 2022) to its July 4, 1776 degree in late Capricorn: that powerful transnational entities have grown tired of the Novus Ordo Seclorum--the new order--of 1776 and presume to have the right to replace it with a crabbed plutonian model of their own design!

If you are an American by birth or by inclination, do you beg to differ?


*One of the roles of Pluto in Capricorn = the dictator (Ebertin.)

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Aug 3, 2015

Delving into the Mysteries you are?

Here are links to three online resources for those who are delving or wish to delve into what may be called, the Mysteries, or the Occult, in relation to Politics and the establishment of a new order that is now in progress of creating global chaos so that the Novus Ordo Seclorum of 1776 can be replaced with a more stringent model as the 'New Millennium' proceeds.

As for Political Astrology and timing of such issues, you may remember that the last US presidential election of 2012 occurred under the auspices of a Saturn-Uranus opposition which describes the status quo old order (Saturn) in a stand-off with the new order represented by disruptive Uranus--and conflict ensues, as we see. Of course, their recent opposition issues from the last (and current) Great Conjunction/s of Saturn and Uranus which perfected three times in 1988 in the 27-30 degree range of Sagittarius with deceptive Neptune soon chiming in for a triple conjunction (1989) not seen since the 15th century:

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta H. Webster, the ancient history of George Washington's family, and A Cosmic History of the Illuminati.

Another great resource for unusual topics is The 'X' Zone Radio-TV Show with host Rob McConnell broadcasting from Canada. Yours truly is scheduled to be interviewed by Rob this Thursday August 6, 2015 at 10:00 pm EDT so I hope you'll tune in Thursday or catch a podcast at your convenience!

Jul 24, 2015

World Citizen crosses border with World Passport - video by Garry Davis

How very interesting! I had forgotten all about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948 at Palais de Chaillot, Paris, France and promoted as a result of World War II. However, my suspicious nature wonders if such a border-dissolving passport was part of the longstanding global governance plan as are the world wars and revolutions--and the war being fomented in America and globally right now before our eyes; note how often we're hearing the term "race war" in violence-promoting news reports):

Do you know that President Obama has a World Citizen Passport?

#UniversalDeclarationofHumanRights #GarryDavis #WorldCitizenPassport #GlobalGovernment #UN #NationStates

My thanks to Crystal Pomeroy for sending along a heads-up on Mr. Davis' video! If you haven't, you still have time to check out Crystal's Daily Success Guide Astrological Forecast, July 1--27, 2015 at the excellent Daykeeper Journal! @Crystal_Pomeroy

Jul 18, 2015

Astro-Notes on VP Joe Biden with cameos by Cecil Rhodes, President Obama, and Rachel Maddow

Astro-Notes on Vice President Joe Biden: November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, Pennsylvania, Cecil Rhodes, and a Few More Things...

by Jude Cowell

"From memory" says the data source for the natal horoscope of VP Joe Biden and if we take his data as factual we find that VP Biden's natal Sun @27Sco34 conjoins the natal Midheaven (MC = Goals; Aspirations; Public Status) of President Barack Obama. How nifty for the pair of them, heads bent together in the White House, Biden a Council on Foreign Relations man, a group that began originally as The Round Table founded by British empiricist and "Diamond King" of South Africa, Cecil Rhodes.

Rabbit Holes of Power: Makes No Difference Who Plays the Role of US President

An overview of the entire Global Government scheme is available for the hardy to read so if that is you, please see Chapter 22, Cecil Rhodes and his Knights of the Round Table where the submerged role in the US government and the Obama White House of VP Joe Biden may be revealed to you in all its splendid subterfuge and ultimate Utopian distopianism (though some Democrats are said to prefer subtle persuasion and propaganda while Republicans go more for the brutal conquest-enforcement model of Global Governance; either way, chaos and subsequent rebuilding are on the purposefully engineered Plutonian political and financial agenda.) As you know, VP Biden is also a member of the Bilderberg Group of World Planners, not one of the more popular secret-cabal packs of so-and-sos and self-imagined 'overlords' using the Hegelian Dialect ruse upon the public where they create the chaos (Thesis), then 'save' us from it (Anti-Thesis) while merrily shredding the US Constitution as they go.

Now on this difficult topic there is another page I recommend if you dare titled, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Round Table Group. You probably know a bunch about the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarships that were established under Rhodes' will (1902) and administered by his pal, international banker Nathan Rothschild of the House of Rothschild, master manipulators of the Plutonian kind. Naturally, this firmly ties into the Great Scheme viathe British Empire and its central banking system with the US banking system ('the Fed') along with top scholars who get to study at the University at Oxford.

Why, even my political 'splainer-in-chief of complex topics, the very intelligent (Rockerfellerite) MSNBC news host Rachel Maddow is a former Rhodes Scholar. Tap the BuzzFeed link, then scroll down a bit if you wish to see a photo (#13, no less) of her tossing the sign of the goat, Satan's sign, at you. Wish she hadn't let herself be photographed doing that.

So if you're unfamiliar with the centuries-old 'Great Plan' for a New Millennium 'new world order' to replace the then-new order begun with the founding of America in 1776, why not try a previous post Astro-Notes and Famous Quotes on the New World Order and see if it fits what you see going on around you in 2015? Okay, the post may be a dud but you won't know if you don't try it and please Re-tweet any of my articles for I've spent quite a few years at this freebie blogging thing and an occasional Re-tweet would be mighty nice of you! @judecowell

Arghh! Once More the MSM Touts the Will Biden Run for President? Memo

Now let's step off the 'new world order' ledge long enough to take a detached peek at the Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus personality blend of Joe Biden and see if its potentials ring true based on the public persona that VP Biden has projected during these many years of political activity. If not, his Moon @00Tau59 may denote an earlier birth time with an "I AM the people" natal Moon in late Aries, ruled by activist Mars and denoting a workaholic crusader with a mission temperament when paired with the secretive, mystery-loving, hidden control, big business sign of Scorpio with its forceful Mars-Pluto vibes.

Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus describes one who is drawn to the joys of life and to death matters and has an interest in the corruption of innocence, and as a US senator, he is known for sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA) with broad support in Congress. This blend contains the typical practical-and-supportive vibes of a Water-Earth combination though it may have a chauvinistic streak. Talents include a natural understanding of financial and economic realities, along with full dedication to loved ones.

Although stubbornness and a total blindness to the motivations of others may be noted, this blend's pragmatic wisdom is extremely valuable and may be noticed in its supportive role of a Vice President who may be something of a power-behind-the-throne actor in a similar mold as Dick Cheney to George W. was purported by pundits to be.

With Biden's Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend, we find intense idealism which resonates with his CFR and Bilderberg leanings, plus, I heard him say to Bill Maher a few years ago that he's a Zionist though the clip seems to have disappeared (see video, below.) An ability to be a reliable touchstone for his friends is evident and it seems clear that President Obama leans on the rock that is VP Biden, a man who is, I believe, one of Mr. Obama's mentors as required by the president's natal 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces. (Remember that the president experienced his 3-fer Chiron Return while in the White House.) Mr. Obama's natal Chiron opposes his 7th house Pluto (6 Virgo) denoting his ability to express such Pluto-Chiron themes of oppression and exploitation within the mass consciousness as he plays the White House mouthpiece, we might say, which is a primary role of the US presidency.

So! I just noticed while typing how easy it is to get off the topic of Joe Biden and onto other political actors! Well, maybe it's time to consider the Scorpio-Taurus Images for Integration provided so helpfully by Charles and Suzi Harvey in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign which is a visual method for sussing out the integration of one's Solar conscious mind with the Lunar unconscious which results in a whole and fully functioning personality:

"A successful businessman probes the mysteries of life...A celebrated surgeon amasses a fortune...Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld."

Of course I know that you, dear reader, can freely associate these images with what you know of the life of VP Joe Biden--one such being that he underwent two brain surgeries in 1988 and wasn't given very good odds of being 'normal'. And this isn't counting his son Beau's recent and tragic death from a brain tumor at age 46.

Now on a Global Politics level, let's close today's astro-notes with a clip of Joe Biden avowing himself to be a Zionist which makes him part of the political movement called Zionism (which is not the same as Judaism):

Natal data for Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; BC/BR online.

Jun 15, 2015

What Bilderberg Really Has Planned For 2015

With just a 10-minute video viewing you can keep up with The Bilderbergs!

#Bilderbergs #BilderbergGroup #PowerElite #Corporatocracy #Oligarchy #Plutocracy #Globalism #NWO #2015 #PresidentialElection2016

Jun 10, 2015

Who are the Democrats Supporting TPP? - The Thom Hartmann Program

The US Congress is scheduled to vote this Friday June 12, 2015, and the secretive, anti-sovereign, anti-environment, anti-workers-rights, anti-democratic, anti-American #TPP "free trade" deal is on the verge of gathering 60 nations into a vicious glop of new world orderism. This "deal" may be the final sell-out of the American people and as a checkmate on China, it won't work because, thanks to Nixon, Reagan, and subsequent presidents and their enablers, that gigantic fire-breathing dragon has already left the cave.

So as Thom Hartmann says here as he calls out Capitol Hill Democrats who are induced to vote for the draconian "deal", Call Your Congressman Now!! Unless you value amoral corporations over people, that is:

#TPP #TPA #SecretTradeDeals #NewWorldOrder #Globalism #GlobalGovernment #Corporatism #Totalitarianism #ThomHartmann

One of the "Democrats" promoting the TPP (behind closed doors) is Nancy Pelosi whose Scorpio Moon is apparently telling a Scorpionic tale of betrayal with a side dish of manipulation and control of others.

Astrologically, on June 12, 2015 in the Eastern Time Zone, the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is bracketed in the morning (10:32 am) with a Moon-Saturn inconjunct (an aspect of adjustment--the Moon-Saturn duo is depressive but can also represent ambition, direction, and strategy, an echo-chamber word in the news these days) and a Moon-Venus square at 10:12 pm suggesting blockages, obstacles, and delay.

And of course we always remember the political equation (and calculation):

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

Jun 4, 2015

Bruce Fein: TPA 'Fast Track' is Unconstitutional!

#BruceFein #TPA #TPP #FastTrack #unconstitutional #ThomHartmann


Trans-Pacific Agreement or Partnership? Yet another goosestep on the road to Corporate Global Government.

Apr 23, 2015

The TPP, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Modernizing the WTO

Brief Planetary Considerations on Trade 1995--2015

by Jude Cowell

Did you see Alex Manson's article of April 20, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal about Modernizing the WTO?

Mr. Manson writes that the trade organization has to "adapt if it wants to stay relevant" which seems a notable topic for a newspaper article considering the current tussle over the President Obama's insistence on Fast Track Authority so that the Trans-Atlantic Partnership (#TPP) can be shoved through Congress with the public kept in the dark over its provisions and threats to US workers, environmental protections, national sovereignty, and who-knows-what other serious changes to our world.

Just ask Senator Elizabeth Warren about Fast Track and the TPP. She says You Can't Read This because the American public wouldn't like the TPP at all if we knew what's in it and I must agree. If the TPP is so great why can't we know about it before it becomes law, replaces US laws, and gives international corporations an even stronger hand of disenfranchisement against workers?

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill can read the TPP--in private but then they cannot discuss its details and that alone should make anyone suspicious. And some say that the majority of the TPP's text has nothing to do with trade!

Well, on a similar topic I took look today at a founding horoscope for the World Trade Organization (WTO) since it supposedly has oversight over international trade deals, a duty which is possibly now abandoned. WTO's founding date is January 1, 1995 and since I have no specific hour, one of the charts I'm reading is symbolically set for the New Moon @10Cap33 that morning at 11:55:38 am CET Geneva, Switzerland, location of WTO headquarters. Naturally the 2-3 days leading up to the New Moon was a dark time when shady things go bump in the night!

Note that the WTO's 10Cap solar-lunar degree naturally conjoins the United Kingdom's natal Sun of Jan 1, 1801 (UK natal Moon 19Can26 in 10th house 12:00 am London, UK--Campion).

And since the WSJ article (linked above) about modernizing the WTO was published on April 20, 2015 at 12:44 pm ET, I set up that horoscope in order to view current transits to the WTO chart of 1995. Here are the primary transits now in progress with a focus on conjunctions to the New Moon chart of 1995 which has Cardinal Points of Prominence angular: 1Ari21 rising and 00Cap37 at Midheaven (MC):

2015 Neptune conjunct WTO Saturn @8Pis01 (in 12th house of Politics and Back Room Deals), a time when traditions and structures may disintegrate and circumstances (TPP = a new sheriff in town?) require a new approach to the handling of authority). Another transit is that of Saturn Rx to natal Jupiter @4Sag49 (in natal 8th house of Corporatism, Big Business, and Transformation) which times a period with the retrograde of Saturn when prosperity and growth may be restricted; a slower return for the WTO's efforts may be expected and some wealth, knowledge, and/or power may have to be shared and spread around.

The last conjunctions in this brief consideration of the WTO natal chart involves transformative Pluto, the saboteur and spy, now at 15Cap32 Rx. Powerful Pluto, planet of hidden wealth in secret places, is poised among the WTO's natal Sun, Moon, Mercury (21Cap10), Neptune (22:35), and Uranus (25:29) and will be there for the next few years. I am assuming that the WTO will continue to exist, of course.

Pluto to natal Sun and Moon, then Mercury, marks an extended period of turmoil and transformation of power and goals with ego being the driving motivation for most actions. Knowledge will make a difference in retaining one's power with ideas and plans becoming more intensely focused and previous concepts altered to allow for more relevance. Calls for modernization echo this requirement in order to increase the organization's influence.

When transit Pluto reaches natal Neptune (fresh off its Great Conjunction/s with Uranus three times in 1993 = new world order, or, Global Government which is what I believe the WTO and the TPP are all about), the WTO may expect an erosion of power via undermining forces which are difficult to detect. Sabotage, perhaps cyber, and/or newer systems may replace or greatly change the WTO's structure, methods, and traditions (all this planetary stimulation by Pluto is occurring in the structural status quo sign of Capricorn).

Pluto is within orb (5 Degrees) of natal Neptune in January 2017 and first conjoins the nebulous planet of fraud, deception, and corruption in early 2019. With WTO's natal Uranus @25Cap29, transit Pluto enters its electrical vicinity for the first time ever in February 2018 and perfects its first conjunction in 2020:

Pluto to natal Uranus will mark a period of technological advances which will deeply affect the WTO agenda and its business concerns and jobs related, or part of, federal or national programs. Popular protests may erupt in response to government actions with freedom and independence as topics of concern--as they are now with the secretive TPP deal being swept along no matter how We the People express concern and suspicion.

As a panacea for TPP critics once Fast Track Authority is gained, a 60-day period of public comment is promised and may be timed by political and financial planet Jupiter in Leo reaching its shadow degree (where investing Jupiter turned Rx on December 8, 2014) and passing it (early July 2015) and, barring political or planetary obstructions, this change of direction denotes forward movement on several financial and political levels, all of which will affect the lives of people in the United States and in other nations as well.

Yes, we're mired in a new-world-order swamp, folks, and no one in Washington DC is telling the complete truth of what the corporate globe-knitting embedded within the TPP really intends.

#WTO #TPP #ElizabethWarren #WSJ #Jupiter

Mar 10, 2015

TPP Sale Echoes Broken NAFTA Promises

#TPP #NAFTA #globalism

TPP, another not-so-well disguised tactic to undermine America's soveignty on "the march" toward global government.

Feb 21, 2015

March 3, 2015 Full Moon in Virgo: "Faith and Reason Shake Hands"

The Full Moon @14Vir50 on March 5, 2015

by Jude Cowell

The Earth-Water combination of March 3, 2015's Full Moon @14Vir50 indicates supportive, practical, and nourishing energies with the Sun in Watery Pisces. Exact at 1:05 pm EDT, the Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend is shared natally by such personalities as Luther Burbank, Alexander Graham Bell, Jack Kerouac, Glenn Miller, Roberto Assagioli (see quote, below), and Senator Edward Kennedy.

This is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation) prior to Spring Equinox on March 20, 2015 (6:45 pm EDT, a New Moon) and the Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 which manifests on that date at 5:36 am. Of course, Spring Equinox is also called the Aries Ingress (Sun to Mars-ruled Aries Point, 00Ari00:00) which spotlights major changes and peaks of activity on the world stage and stands as a predictive horoscope for an entire year. Other information is gained by consulting the horoscopes of Summer Solstice in June (00Can00), Autumn Equinox in September (00Lib00), and Winter Solstice in December (00Cap00) along with America's Solar Return of July, plus, other national Return horoscopes, and event charts.

Information found in President Obama's Solar Return in August 2015 is also relevant to the course of our nation along with transits and progressions to all related horoscopes; these must be studied for a fuller picture (although not suitable for today's brief post.)

Full Moon (awareness, opposition, culmination, relationships) March 3, 2015: Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo, the "Faith and Reason Shake Hands" *blend, denotes energies that give broad intelligence, analytical talent, and great perception which will bolster the Full Moon awareness factor. But in what departments of life? On a personal level, perception will be most notable for those who are aware of their natal planetary placements---in which house do you find 14/15 Virgo and 14/15 Pisces for there is where illumination will occur. On a mundane level, we may expect the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces to be highlighted by the light of the March 3 Full Moon and the polarity emphasizes the tragedy of more brutality and revenge, as you know.

*Small events bring enormous consequences

Additionally, sign rulers Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (Pisces--with sub-ruler Neptune now strong in its own sign) and the Mercury-Jupiter and Mercury-Neptune pairings of energies are worth considering. In the realms of politics and business, we find Mercury-Jupiter denoting such potentials as expanding communications and transport systems, and discussions on legal, business, religious, and/or philosophical matters and theories. Such discussions and plans indicate possibilities for strained budgets, inflation concerns, religious leaders vying for political power, and scholarship censored by religious beliefs. Well-considered communications bring benefits with Mercury-Jupiter but with a caution against promoting overblown ideas or ideals.

With Mercury-Neptune we find a legislature controlling the excessive dreams and plans of government and business leaders while futuristic visualizations are promoted by leaders sharing their dreams of growth, development, and progress. Of course, the presence of nebulous Neptune, planet of veils, masks, fog, smoke, inspiration, and deception adds its typical undermining influence which leads to instability; weak or artificial plans need rethinking.

Use of delusion to mesmerize the public (propaganda) is evident for communications promise more than can be delivered and serve to divert the people's attention from important matters which may be carried out surreptitiously by fraudsters and spendthrifts with the Neptunian media playing the usual supporting role of keeping the corporate ball in the air.

And since a Full Moon is often a time of relationship fulfillment and brings a culmination of some kind, the Moon's ability to grant us fuller awareness across the Virgo-Pisces axis may clarify that others are not what we thought them to be---or, that they have purposefully deceived or even secretly harmed us. A wise course is to beware of illusion and deception under the silver moonbeams of March!

Now in spite of the fact that a "Faith and Reason" influence adds Illuminati-New World Order-globalism vibes to the March 3 Full Moon via Neptune (Faith, Spirituality) and Uranus (Reason, Science), let's close with some very good advice for all world leaders and wanna-bes, and for the war-wagers who profit from the deaths of others. The quote concerns the victim-savior axis even though as a group the power elite class seems to be too craven and self-serving to learn from it (which to me makes them seem rather ignorant):

"Without forgiveness life is governed endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." Roberto Assagioli.

Tragically for humanity, that's the sort of natural law their plans for global governance depend on.


Recommended reading: *Sun Sign, Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey.

Feb 17, 2015

Italy warned Libyan jihadists are ‘just south of Rome’ (plus, Eclipses)

Media reports tell us that the city of Rome is now under threat by jihadists looking to settle a very old score as the next world war brews. Wonder if the pope is feeling anxious?

From The Independent: Italy warned Libyan jihadists are 'just south of Rome'.

Fears in Italy of an imminent Islamic terror attack mounted after Libya-based Isis affiliates warned the jihadist group was now "just south of Rome".

The old East vs West conflict replays in the New Millennium as the East uses extreme violence to establish its own version of 'global governance'...just as Western 'new world order' promoters knew they would. To me it seems the influence of the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse is starkly revealed by such brutality and power struggles. As you know, this is the eclipse Nostradamus emphasized, the one with its *Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel Points featured as noted in the Book of Revelation---when the angels 'let go the winds of war'. And war is precisely what has been unleashed thanks to power elite politicians, their enablers and financial backers, and "insurgents" as Washington prefers to call them.

Of course, we in the West use our own blend of brutality, violence, torture, snipers, assassinations, and bombs, don't we? And it's usually veiled by propaganda such as "spreading democracy". Even western sanctions against other nations via the UN may starve and kill; meanwhile millions of refugees are created and many are knocking on western doors.

Currently Jupiter now traverses Rx and Direct through the sign of Leo so the planet of increase and expansion now affects the degree (18Leo) of the 1999 "King of Terror" Eclipse (or, 'King of Alarm' Eclipse including financial crises) which is also called the 'Mother of All Eclipses' in the 1 North Saros Series which began on January 4, 1639 @13Cap48. At the least, we now have two sensitized degrees from the 1N Series: 18Leo and 13Cap long with their opposite degrees (18AQ and 13Cancer--the degree of America's natal Sun on July 4, 1776.) Yes, there are rules for the duration of influence for eclipses but to me, this eclipse's powerful affects are ongoing for all of humanity.

As you know, assassin Pluto, powerful and wealthy representative of The Underworld and of the Pope, now creeps through Capricorn and has opposed US natal Venus, Jupiter, and most recently, US natal Sun (the president). You do not need Astrology to tell you about the major conflicts and government topplings the transformative Pluto transit describes in an As Above, So Below fashion for the news media tells plutonian tales 24/7.

1N themes include a caution against making hasty decisions because information is 'distorted and possibly false' and 'unexpected events' along with fatigue and health problems (Brady.) Sometimes it seems the US government has lost any ability it ever had to tell the truth to the public. Not that Washington is the only one using falsehood as a tactic to get its way.

Adding to the intensity is the ongoing Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto, the revolutionary pair. Their 7th and last exact square occurs on March 16, 2015 though sighs of relief on that date would be premature.

Events and people born under the 1N Series include: the UN, the first atomic bomb attack, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and Washington Irving, author of Sleepy Hollow, a novel that now inspires a FOX TV show of the same name which uses such themes as prophecy, horsemen and the Apocalypse, demonic possession, a 'new world order', life vs death, reincarnation, satanism and witchcraft, and Witnesses. Needless to say, the atmosphere of and the events occurring on Sleepy Hollow ring out with vibes of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, with Mars, god of war, nearby.

And I might even say that the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 influences the show's themes, too. Someone is certainly placing these dark themes within the Collective Unconscious with the satanic 'entertainment' fare we're constantly fed.

Here listed are the Solar Eclipses of 2015, 2016, and 2017 with a few details; #6 is the next manifestation in the 1 North Series.

*Mid-degrees of Taurus (oxen), Leo (Lion), Scorpio (eagle), and Aquarius (angel).

Jan 24, 2015

"The President Who Told the Truth!!!" video (plus, 1993)

Americans are alerted more each day concerning our nation's founding Saturn-Neptune pair of energies with its secret/invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn) and the long term plan to set up a worldly kingdom in Jerusalem promoted through the centuries by such 'Enlightenment' operatives of rationality as Adam Weishaupt, 'Sir' Francis Bacon (Tudor, son of Elizabeth I), Albert Pike (still sleeping in a tomb underneath Washington DC's Scottish Rite Temple and immortalized in statue in our nation's capital--a Confederate General!, and...satan.

Here's more info and photos concerning Pike and his Statue in Judiciary Square. Now some believe that Pike's letter to Mazzini fomenting World War III and touting a conflict between Islamists and Zionists is a hoax though world events have certainly followed its recommendations so far. Yes, it could be a forgery by the Illuminati or others to provide some sort of historical legitimacy to the global take-over plan. Please note that I provide such topics here for those who want to make up their own minds concerning such things and as a lone blogger I cannot vouch for the content of all article/site links or the videos appearing on SO'W.

Of course, many of America's Founding Fathers were of the Enlightenment persuasion as well for its *Uranus-Neptune vibes inspired many of their day (and ours) to pretend that man is in no need of the laws of God our Creator. So now with the East vs West conflagration brewing on behalf of the so-called 'new world order' that they've determined to implement these many years, we see the ultimate results as America militarily straddles the globe: the totalitarian, heartless, draconian global governance signified on one level by its 'total awareness' eye-over-pyramid symbol.

*In our modern era, the current cycle of Uranus (science) conjunct Neptune (faith)--which also relates to the Pisces-Virgo polarity ("faith and reason shake hands")--began in 1993 on February 2 @19Cap34, August 20 @18Cap48, and October 24 @18Cap33. On this blog and elsewhere I have used the October 24, 1993 date to set up a modern natal horoscope for the 'New World Order' as you see here. As you know, this 171-year Uranus-Neptune cycle began under the first presidential term of Bill Clinton; his second term brought America's natal Saturn turning retrograde by progression in 1996 (authority turned inward, lawmakers such as Congress turned in a different direction) as it remains to this day--from our exalted-in-Libra condition of 1776 into US Saturn Rx in early Scorpio which includes the Big Business sign's occult and transformative qualities.

It seems to me that a most telling Sabian Symbol degree relating to the 'new world order' as timed by the Uranus-Neptune conjunction/s of 1993 is '18 Capricorn'. In An Astrological Mandala Dane Rudhyar describes '18Cap' as "The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship" as its word picture (suggesting imperial empire) and its Keynote as: "The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order". He states that "power is required" yet this power "can easily be misused under pretext of preserving 'law and order'. Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. When this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage."

(This symbol) "brings to us a realization of the ambivalence of POLITICAL POWER, its value and its dangers." And in The Sabian Symbols in Astrology Marc Edmund Jones adds the negative manifestation of, "smug or strong-armed paternalism"..."Keyword: SUPERVISION" and perhaps we may all agree that this is what is being used against us more every day as the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are undermined by vicious forces.

And now, let us not forget Luciferian Venus and America's past and current bunch of goddess-worshiping crooks and weirdos in government (the Rose Garden, the Oval Office, the Statue of Liberty--all shout-outs to goddess Venus-Isis-Sirius).

'The Venus Project' is headquartered in Venus, Florida and states that it "advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before"--and the project calls for "a redesign of culture"--all code words for enforcing an over-policed, take-control system sometimes referred to as a 'new world order'--here, attractively packaged under the guise of a mild Venusian mask.

Jan 23, 2015

Congress Seeks Netanyahu’s Direction: ICH

Speaker John Boehner and other sold-out politicians on Capitol Hill are up to something which for me spotlights their deep ambition to create a global kingdom--an earthly kingdom--to be set up in Jerusalem once Christians and Muslims destroy one another like stupid dumble-headed robots.

That's my personal view of how Washington and our Death Star Pentagon continue to stir up World War III. Here's another more informed view: Congress seeks Netanyahu's direction.

Article alert thanks go to the independent news source Information Clearing House.

Concerning Washington DC, esoterism, symbols, and Venus I hereby re-post the following fascinating video 'Secrets in Plain Sight' in case you have a chance to watch:


Jan 21, 2015

Greatest Speech Ever: Charlie Chaplin as The Great Dictator

Of Dictators and Their Wanna-Bes

Original post: Speaking of any and all Politics, political speeches, and of men who fancy themselves dictators who have the right to rule the world, here's a link to Charlie Chaplin's famous dictator speech. If you've never heard the oration, it's a don't-miss.

Update April 23, 2024:

Here you see the B-rated natal horoscope of Charles Chaplin - born a mere four days prior to dictator Herr Adolf which adds a considerable amount of oomph to Chaplin's Great Dictator speech; a few study notes are penned on:

Jan 13, 2015

Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace ( Full Interview)

Aldous Huxley, prophet of the future. Or was Brave New World a blueprint?

Update July 27, 2022: adding a link to a previous post concerning Aldous Huxley's Letter to George Orwell.

Jan 11, 2015

1/11/15 Paris Unity Rally as world leaders line up for photo op

Today in Paris France thousands of people from across the globe rallied against the recent terrorist attacks and murders that began in a big way with the mayhem perpetrated upon the offices of a radical French publication and its political cartoons. Placards with Je Suis Charlie and Liberte were held up in the streets of Paris today in solidarity with the concept of freedom of expression which the victims were exercising via publication of satiric cartoons spoofing Islam. This morning American news broadcasts and other sources focused upon the Rally in Paris and the "historic" gathering of world leaders, hypocrites though they be.

Venus-Loving Paris, 'City of Light' Where the Term 'Terror' Was Coined

How opportunistic that world, I mean, leaders...positioned themselves at the head of the massive crowd of marchers while posing for the cameras in their black garb! Especially since many if not all of these same leaders and others before them have thrown journalists in prison for exercising their right to free speech. Mais oui, it's all happening today in Grand Orient Paris, City of Light--and underground City of Skulls (see link to creepiness at end of this post).

Back in the days of the French Revolution, Robespierre and his cohorts thought they would establish a 'new order' with France at its head--a 'Rational' State based on the Enlightenment principles of Uranus-Neptune (sans God) with the bloody guillotine at its ready disposal and aimed at the heads of all who disagreed. Has France's Reign of Terror ended or has a new phase now begun?

Astro-Notes: January 11, 2015 and February 18, 2015

Well, today's Rally in Paris, the attacks that inspired it, and other recent events fall under the auspices of the last lunation, the January 4/5, 2015 Full Moon @14Can3---conjunct Egypt's favorite star, Isis goddess Sirius. The January Full Moon also triggered US natal Sun (the president) and it's of interest that during this morning's broadcast concerning the Paris Unity Rally, it was announced that President Obama (who is not in Paris today but Abbas, Netanyahu, Cameron, Merkel, and several other leading chuckleheads of the monarchical bloodline persuasion are) has called for a "Security" Summit of global leaders to be held at the White House on February 18, 2015--the day of a Pisces New Moon and what the Vatican calls an 'Ash Wednesday'.

Yes, global leaders (signified by Jupiter Rx leading a Locomotive pattern) placed themselves at the head of thousands of marchers today yet Jupiter is unaspected, suggesting their complete detachment from the public and our concerns as they gathered for this weirdly stage-managed photo op--as if Merkel and her crew are really part of the event rather than mere opportunists.

And we must mention the 6th exact Cardinal Square between Uranus and Pluto on December 15, 2014 and the generational clashes and power struggles it's brought to the world as the ancient regime of Pluto attempts to block upstart Uranus, planet of a New Age. Their last exact square is on March 16, 2015 and we must hope that social stalemates can simmer down a bit as 2015 proceeds though the serious effects upon everyone's Civil Rights lie in the balance.

February 18, 2015: Some Shady Doings Under Cover of Lunar Darkness

The Summit will already have begun in Washington DC when, in the midst of lunar darkness, the Feb 18th New Moon perfects at 6:47:13 pm EST during a Solar Hour with 12Vir34 rising, a 6th house Neptune @6Pis59 as the chart's final dispositor (says SolarFire v9), a 6th house New Moon @29AQ59 (anxious to reach the depths of murky Pisces--squared by Saturn and reaching for Neptune's veil), and Jupiter Rx @16Leo02 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing.

Financial planet Jupiter Rx is the handle of a Bucket pattern and as such, links the hemispheres of the chart together with cautious preparedness his aim. Leo is, as you know, the royal sign of the 'natural ruler' though until April 8, 2015, Jupiter will regress toward President Obama's natal Sun once again so perhaps we should consider this Bucket handle Jupiter to represent Mr. Obama since the Security Summit will be held at the White House. He will be using the physical assets of the White house to appear more attractive to the Summit's attendees (Mercury-Venus = Sun) with an increased sensitivity to the desires of others (Mercury-Venus = Moon) though one wonders with asteroids Sappho and intoxicated Bacchus conjoining quirky Uranus in the 8th house of Sexual Relations! Will some of the Summit's shady doings under cover of a darkened Moon involve drunken drugged-out orgies? If so, then...peep-eye! Of course, this trio in 8th house could just as easily be seen as practicing a delirious pagan ritual in honor of an ancient goddess, couldn't it?

A Bucket pattern of planets indicates an uncompromising direction of effort with little if any concern for conservation of resources or for the end results. Jupiter here is the executive, yes, but in a reviewing of resources role since he's retrograde--not weaker, but more inward facing. Allegiances tend to be adapted with a Bucket pattern so that 'efforts can count for the most'; Jupiter here is the motivator and inspirer of the Summit and provides us with clues to his 'unremitting zeal'. Historical figures born under the influence of a Bucket pattern include: Napoleon Bonaparte (handle: 'new order' planet Uranus), Dante (handle: Pluto, god of Hades), William Jennings Bryan (handle: Mars), and Evangeline Adams (handle: Saturn, traditional ruler of Astrology). (The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Another chart factor in relation to Jupiter is trickster Pan and wealthy Midas both Rx and conjunct Midheaven (The Goal Point) which falls at 10Gem01 so the Virgo Ascendant elects Mercury, planet of meetings, discussions, communications, crossroads, trade, and speeches, as chart-ruler (and MC-ruler) so we may expect the financial aspects of circumstances to involve the usual fraud and trickery (fraudulent Neptune as Final Dispositor, instigator Mars--at a critical-crisis 29th degree and about to join his own Aries Point--ruling the New Moon's corporate 8th house of Transformation with disruptive, zealous, new-agey anarchist Uranus in Aries therein.

Speedy traveler Mercury @4AQ05 (in 5th house of Risk-Taking and Speculation) closely sextiles Saturn @4Sag27 (in 3rd house of Communications), the Manager and Task-Bringer, and their near-exact sextile, the only applying aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury (0A22), offers clues about the underlying purpose/s of the White House "Security" Summit of global leaders, plus, with both planets at 4 degrees of their signs, we may say there are fated undertones to this "home grown terrorists" discussion during the February 18th "Summit on Countering Violent Extremism" (translation: suppressing all opposition to Global Government implementation by Global Police and Military Forces).

Certainly on at least one level there are fated undertones afoot of the reap-what-was-sown variety since 'blow back' due to the expansion of a controlling Global Government (forcing a 'new world order' upon the masses) has created many enemies for the West with innocent people the victims and Easterners attempting to enforce a global Caliphate of their own, Sharia law and all. The ancient East v West conflict continues to be about who will 'win' global control over the planet as World War III is triggered (you saw the Illuminatists out in force today in the streets of Paris if your eyes were alert! The true instigators remained behind the scenes, of course, but the nwo's political mouthpieces had their 'historic' photo op in full view of the public.)

A Talented Mercury-Saturn Sextile Tells a Tale

So what might Mercury sextile (60 degrees) Saturn intend to say and do during Security Summit 2015? Here is a list of potentials: issue warnings which may or may not be listened to, set priorities, manage resources, explain guidelines and rules, and organize expressions of discontent (of the group and/or of the masses). This sextile also indicates that conflicts and bickering may erupt among the chuckleheads in attendance.

Let me add that my above remark about attendees of a 'monarchical bloodline persuasion' is based in part on Mercury's rounded-up Sabian Symbol for '5AQ": "A Council of Ancestors" which aptly describes the February 18th Summit, imho, especially since even modern world leaders' descendancy from a certain bloodline has been recorded and includes despots like Alfred and Alexander the Greats, Charlemagne, William the Conqueror, pharoahs such as Cleopatra (natal chart shown), French, German, British and other monarchical families including Queen Elizabeth II, PM David Cameron--in America, George Washington (a Star family descendant), Thomas Jefferson, John Adams (a Dragon family descendant), the Roosevelts, the Bushs, Bill 'Clinton', the Rockefellers, Barack Obama, and others you may think to name.

Oh and btw: New Moon Mercury conjoins America's natal South Node which denotes the karma of past behavior the US government so often depends upon to deal with current problems while expecting different results--though I suspect that all governments prefer expectable results from their actions and don't really want 'different' outcomes at all.

Now if you're interested in the family ties of US presidents, here's a 7-minute video presentation posted October 4, 2013 concerning the topic:

Related articles include: Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson's remarks to the CFR concerning domestic terrorism and "suspicious individuals" and such on September 10, 2014; 3 quotes from Thomas Jefferson on newspapers and despots ; and, a previous posting of the Republic of France horoscope of 1792 in the midst of the country's Reign of Terror days and just after the discovery of revolutionary Uranus.

Being adventurous, you may also wish to see 9 Creepy Things you Should Know about Paris.

Dec 16, 2014

An Updated Horoscope of a New World Order (1993)

Horoscope: a Modern 'New World Order' October 24, 1993 Washington DC

by Jude Cowell

Now that my SolarFire Astrology software is updated to v9, I'm in process of reviewing some of the older horoscopes I've worked with through the years and finding that many of them are now easier to calculate for a more precise 'birth' hour. One such is the 'Modern NWO' horoscope set for the third of three Great Conjunctions of outer planets Uranus and Neptune, the Enlightenment/Age of Reason duo, which occurred on October 24, 1993 @18Cap32.

1. February 2, 1993; 2. August 20, 1993; 3. October 24, 1993 (from 18Cap33 to 19Cap34).

Now if you've read this blog of my dissenting fusses before you may know that the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' seems to me most applicable for the so-called 'new world order' or, 'new economic order' or, Global Government, or, Zionist Earthly Kingdom at Jerusalem--whatever you want to name the luciferian global syndicate and its centuries-long 'great Plan' to take control of the entire globe. Smoosh the 'Illuminati' in there somewhere with its Total Awareness program, and you have a picture of most, if not all, of the Plan's anti-societal, depopulating, genocidal, psychopathic illness which becomes more visible in public every day. The false reality of 1999's The Matrix was pretty close to the beast and is a good example of how they use the entertainment industry to place ideas into consciousness thus making drastic changes seem more palatable later on when it's time to implement them or something very like them.

Go back further than 1999 and you find Robocop hinting at Transhumanism and the current robotic, militarized Police State.

So here you see a horoscope of what may be considered (if you wish!) a natal horoscope of the Modern New World Order for the power game is really older than the hills--back to Heaven, if you think that way. For astrological purposes, its genesis can be dated at various times in history with events such as: the beheading of King Louis XVI, the founding of America (and the Bavarian Illuminati, also set up in 1776--it's like we're twins), the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush Sr's invasion of Kuwait (he actually stated publicly that 'Desert Storm' "heralded" the new world order, plus, other historical dates and events you care to name. Such events are signposts along the way and to them may be added previous Great Conjunctions of scientific genius, Uranus, and elusive Neptune, planet of spirituality and mysticism--but also of deception of the masses.

'Fanaticism' is the title I have given the horoscope (and the Syndicate of zealots and criminals it signifies), not the least because of the toxic Pluto-NN duo of violence, brutality, infiltrators, security breakdowns, secret treaties, pacts, deals, and the use of clandestine information and data-gathering. It's the "tiger by the tail' duo with karmic Pluto, god of Hades, sporting his invisible mantle of power and hidden wealth, and using the Jupiterian point of encounters and meetings, NN, as his contact with the public and with his minions and infiltrating agents and assassins. Machiavelli is twerking in his grave.

2014 into 2015 Planets Affecting the Chart: Destiny of the Masses?

Of note in current transits is karmic Saturn soon to leave intense Scorpio and enter Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker and The Foreigner. Consolidating Saturn now travels between 9th house Pluto @24Sco29 and the North Node @3Sag32 Rx, a point of future direction, or, destiny. Now I won't take up your time analyzing all the transits and what they indicate since you can do so yourself, but I will add the midpoint picture it creates, plus, a bit more.

When transit Saturn catalyzes the Pluto-NN midpoint we may expect some people to realize that relationships must be built over time and based on trust--meanwhile, the crooks and malcontents among us are more likely to express the trio's rebelliousness and rigidity which usually result in violent terminations of relationships and alliances.

Another midpoint picture of importance involves the Uranus-Neptune conjunction itself: transit Pluto is within 5-degree orb of 18Cap now and for me, the timing includes the current take-over of the US Congress (as of the first week of January 2015--Jan 3rd?) by the Republican Party of radicals and anti-government plutocrats and their cousins, the monarchists. Not that Democrats aren't enablers and complicit culprits in the Great Plan--most if not all of them are--and are also descendants of the original culprits. Now that's long-range planning.

And so we will do no better here than to quote expert astrologer Noel Tyl concerning the trio's midpoint picture, Uranus-Neptune = transit Pluto: "The big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise."

Why, this 'big picture' evens describes how political candidates are 'vetted': can you make decisions based on no facts but what we tell you? In other words, will you follow orders without refusing our tap on the shoulder and disregard the fate of the unwashed masses below you? It also denotes the tiresome political script we hear from all players in Washington DC and elsewhere--never answering questions directly--and hints at the planned program of militarizing police departments across the country, among many other things now in plain sight.

In addition, a 29th-degree Moon (in critical or crisis condition--the people) at the end of Aquarius rises along with its preceding planet, Saturn Rx--a depressive pair as you know. Venus, one of the names of the ancient goddess these modern-day psychopaths worship (as did America's Founding Fathers--ex: Columbia), is the lead planet in the chart's Bowl formation which reveals their tendency to follow the feminine archetype against the mainstream of current thought and belief. The star, the diamond, the 8-petaled flower, a 'V' hand signal (not for 'victory' when a departing Richard Nixon flashed it, but for Venus)...all and more symbols signify the Founders' goddess-based religion of mysticism.

So! I'll hush for now and hope that you can enlarge the horoscope to read a few notes such as the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which this abomination falls (13 South). Its degree (00Gem31) in 3rd house conjoins Alcyone of the Pleiades and if you're familiar with that area of the Zodiac you know it's a fated or karmic region of Middle Eastern stars of bullish rage that inspire revenge, beheadings, and other calamities and when activated gives all of humanity 'something to cry about'.


Blog Note: you may wish to type 'Eclipses' or 'New World Order' in the sidebar Search field and you'll find lists of related topics including the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse, also @00Gemini; so by degree sensitivity, there's a resonance between 2012 events and those of 1993. You'll also note that the IC of the above horoscope, its Foundation Point, was recently illuminated by the December 6th Full Moon @14Gem18 of fulfillment and awareness. The IC is also where America's natal Mars-Uranus midpoint is placed in mid-Gemini with its explosive, dangerous, and warring implications. But please remember: I only study the charts and write this stuff which grumpily issues from my child-of-the-revolution dissatisfaction with how our nation is being run into the ground but I've never intended to tell you what to think.

All on-topic comments and shares are appreciated! jc

Oct 7, 2014

"Hong Kong Protests Carefully Crafted, Not Spontaneous" video

An Interview from Hong Kong

Here is interesting information from journalist Peter Lee concerning the Hong Kong protests which delves much deeper into events than what Western journalism has presented to the American public.

A certain irony has not been lost around Stars Over Washington that Hong Kong's massive "student" protest against their election candidates being selected by China's power elite (as we're told) is exactly how elections have been rigged in America for years and accounts in part for the US voting public's depressing 'lesser of two evils' feeling we often get as we enter voting booths to consider corporate-backed candidates who are only cogs in an anti-democratic Global Government wheel of oppression, pretending otherwise as they may:

My thanks to The Real News Network and to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up on this informative 13-minute video.